deviantartdramanow · 1 year
Caling this place vile when it has called many people who stole art or scammed. Are these claiming this pro-art theft and pro-scamming? Do they defend Nads or N8lightflightversal? Also many anti LGBTQ and terfs get called out here. Half the stuff being called out here contains warning journal linked from other dA members(if we look at the Dukey post for example) or are those victims who got harassed the bad ones in these people minds as well while the harasser is innocent
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decideroffate · 5 months
I know a lot of artists on DeviantArt left because of their stance on AI, but I think they also should have left because of how flippant the site is about reposting stolen artwork.
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suicidalgamergirl · 3 months
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WIP. Doodle of Haarlep via tracing a screenshot from a Google search.
My art sucks. I feel like I feel like I’m no better than Nads6969.
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sleeppaw · 11 months
We’ve won
Club’s second account is purged. The date, 5th July 2023, will never be forgotten, for on that day, a notorious fetish miner is kicked off DeviantART. Club’s second account only managed 45 Watchers, a small fraction of the 7,000+ Watchers he had on the original Club-Dreamiverse account before it was banned. AltLife is in shambles, while Club’s fan base is collapsing. Everyone who have been unaware of Club is now made more aware of him. As many said, he acts like he’s the next Chris-Chan. I won’t be surprised if in ten years time he ends up getting arrested for sexually abusing a child. Until then, he is destined to be forgotten like Nads6969, TallTheIrfy29, Ra1nb0wK1tty101 and many other notorious dA users of the past.
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tgtncomic · 9 months
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Doodle today. Reference was a naughty pic. I was gonna trace it via apps on my iPad.
But I felt like I’m no better than Nads6969, a professional tracer who got in a lot of shit duplicating artwork.
So here’s my hand drawn inspiration drawing said pic.
I suck.
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Starseed: I can trace everything I want to under "fair use!"
Me: Japan remembers Marco Albiero, Riccardo Bacci, Nads6969, Kaosu Studios... and uh now you. 
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caffeinated-rants · 1 year
Hot take on digital art and art theft.
Take someone like nads6969 who was the WORST tracer and sailor moon art thief around.
Would you say that teaching HER bullshit "original art" as payback is okay?
Just curious. Cuz the logic seems sound? I guess? Like... she traced others stuff, so if she has no regard for others qork then why should we give her the same respect?
The only downside is that you'd be tracing soemthing that was already a trace of soemthing else. Would you therefore be thieving from the original or from nads? 🤔
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gossipgrapevine · 2 years
Makes me sad that Kat is doing my boy Akira Fudo a massive injustice tracing him. Hell its even rude to Saitama! Akira has enough to be tearful over, don't smear his name with your tracefests too.
It's sad, period, that she traces at all. (Not to take away from your point, anon) thirty years old and she still traces. She's going to end up like Nads6969.
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silvermoon424 · 4 years
A well-known Youtuber named CreepShow Art just uploaded a video on a notorious Sailor Moon art thief on Deviantart named Nads6969. Nads6969 is infamous for her tracing of other people’s fanart (which she would profit off of), her inability to take criticism, and her tendency to send her fans to attack the artists who called her out.
A must-watch if you love fandom drama like me! 
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deviantartdramanow · 1 year
Nads I will say had ONE thing going for her unlike Menslady125; she found someone and popped out a kid (IN wedlock btw before men screeches) Mens is praying to sky daddy that her headless horseman chan will come to life one day and give her babies. Pfffffft. Yea Nads was a god awful horrible tracing pile of poo, but SHE found and married someone. Mens is gonna die single and miserable. xD
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nangbaby · 8 months
Dude, you need to calm down. I'm like 98% sure cotaco-witch is trolling you. But, uh, you really should not be throwing around TND if you're white/white adjacent. You're so obsessive with people that it's scary.
So you reply to trolling with more trolling, anon.
People are obsessed with me being an art thief, a writer, an actress, a loudmouth harassing artists at booths, or whatever identity I'm supposed to be today. They're the ones who say I'm that Nadia/Nads6969. They're the ones who continue with rumors from years past, spread them, and laugh at me for being a "stupid shemale who has sex with dogs" then claim that I made this hate up. If you want me to stop bringing the stuff up? Then they need to stop bringing up this stuff unprompted.
A prime example is this commentary on me.
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Like, if you're more concerned about why an accusation or a phrase is problematic than whether or not it is true, then it's clear you're more obsessed with hurting people than doing what is right. And in your ask, you continue to further the drama instead of confronting the people spreading malicious gossip like in the screenshot above.
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nads6969istrash · 4 years
A Eulogy to the Nads6969 Deviantart Account
Dearly beloved, 
We are gathered here today on this most joyous occasion to celebrate the shamefully drawn out but nonetheless welcome banning of Deviantart’s resident fungus, Nads6969.
Despite describing herself as an artist with aspirations of becoming better and producing professional work, she instead nestled herself into the community like a tick and helped herself to other people’s artwork while her court of blind, mewling sycophants cheered her on.
If we should list Nads6969’s achievements, I assure you that they are few, and creativity will never be one of them.
Staunchly set in her status as a jobless slouch who stayed at home on the internet all day, she decided that learning to draw required too much learning.  It also required too much time, something we all know that unemployed shut-ins supported by the government and the tired efforts of begrudged family members don’t have enough of.
Effort, to Nads6969, wasn’t worth the effort.  Not when there was precious internet praise to reap during endless, uneventful days of doing nothing productive.
So began her 12 year career in tracing, which was nothing more than her make-believing that she was an artist by tracing off of other people’s hard work and passing it off as her own.  Her existence on Deviantart was a poor, amateurish stage play that dragged on for far too many acts after the pity applause had long since ceased.
Her enablers enthusiastically celebrated her unoriginality and mediocrity, praising obvious, childish traces as works of art and feeding her engorged ego while ignoring the plight of her steadily growing list of victims.
And despite the slew of medication she claimed to be taking for various maladies, there is no doctor on earth that can fix a conscience.  
This sentient void of unfeeling indifference spent her days seeking out the work of those more talented and creative than her and, like vampires who instinctively seek out beautiful things in order to own and destroy them, so too did she.  And the overused sphincter she called her “imagination” produced unnecessary, disgusting amalgamations of the true talent of her victims and her own desperate, pathetic attempts for some aspect of her life to warrant praise.
Any attempts to correct her behavior were met with something even more engorged than her ego – her victim complex.  
If you were not enthusiastically fellating her with undeserved praise of her nonexistent creativity and atrophied skill, you were a cruel, jealous bully and your words totally didn’t faze her and she would write an entire Status update or Journal post explaining how unfazed she was.
This drug-addled mess of a human being believed that her depression excused her from basic human tenets of courtesy (asking permission, giving credit, saying thank you) because her life struggles were apparently the worst in the world.  So terrible, in fact, that she considered handing her own child over to her elderly parents so that she could focus on the most important thing in the world – herself.
Here is a quote from her:
“Right now, I am just interested in drawing random Sailor Moon related art.  I have no inspiration for my fanmanga as of now with my depression that has come back to haunt my life.  So much that I’ve considered letting my son be with my parents while I take care of myself.”
These were the four priorities in the life of this alleged stay at home mother…  Self first, Sailor Moon second, child third, parents fourth.
The only other love in Nads6969’s life, besides Sailor Moon and tracing, was lying.  She was amazing at lying.  She lied to her friends, she lied to her watchers, and she lied to anyone who took even a moment to mention that her work looked suspiciously like someone else’s work, just uglier.  
She lied about having/asking permission to use people’s works, she lied about creating/using sockpuppet accounts to support herself and attack others, and when the confrontations increased, she lied about tracing.
But in the end, it didn’t matter what she did or where she went.  She was not wanted on any art site or image hosting platform.  Artstation didn’t want her, Pinterest didn’t want her, Redbubble didn’t want her, and Deviantart didn’t want her.  This poor, desperate creature longed for acceptance, but never once considered that, to be accepted, she had to play by the rules and treat others with the same respect she demanded for herself.
No matter what “art” she produced, it was always second-hand trash.  Pieces that were built from scratch, from understanding anatomy and color and composition, became unskilled, regurgitated slop in her hands. And, after 12 years of being a slovenly Xerox machine, no improvement has manifested.
That is 12 years spent stagnating in mediocrity.  12 years spent focusing on a work of fiction, while the work of her own loins took second place.  12 years spent dreaming of producing something of value but never getting out of bed.
She wanted so desperately to look like an artist, but she never was one to begin with.  At her core, Nads6969 was a dark, empty, ugly creature who choked on her own lies and drove people away just by being herself.
Everything she has lost - friendships, relationships, accounts, respect - are all the result of the radioactive Elephant’s Foot she calls a personality.
Failure was her destiny, no matter how many times she tried to outrun or outsmart it.  Truth was her enemy, no matter how often she tried to suffocate or silence it.  Justice was her executioner, no matter how often she tried to deceive and seduce it.
In the end, Nads6969 was a pitiful joke that no one laughed at, and soon, she will pass like a dead man’s last pungent breath in a world that never knew he existed.
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Vent Art:Pissed at DeviantArt
I drew based off my anger towards DA Admins cause DA Admins cause they Support Tracer and Art thieves cause There a Tracer named Nads6969 who been tracer over 11 years now and Traced over 100+ artist and DA Admins didn't take down her account down even though some People Filed a DMCA Claim on her... But they Didn't do shit! So Yeah and Reference a Face of Rainbow Dash.
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sailoraquila · 5 years
Deviantart Rant - nads6969 (10 Year Legacy SUPER TRACER!)
Finally some good video about this POS that exposes her to the masses
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Neo Queen Lady Serenity by nads6969
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Fenecprops’ line work is so bad that it looks like a cerebral palsy patient did it. It’s Nads6969 quality traces for real. Need help locating some originals she’s stolen from. She’s removed her stolen traces of castlevania like a little bitch after getting called out by numerous people. Mass report her Etsy too.
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