nahfahlaar · 2 years
Do you ever hear a voice line and just know that the actor wasn’t given the proper context and instructions
Yes I’ve played The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
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nahfahlaar · 3 years
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nahfahlaar · 3 years
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She's a big boy now She's a big boy She's got her hair and her shoes  all tied up in a noose
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nahfahlaar · 4 years
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nahfahlaar · 4 years
Stop fucking tagging random content as Cicero Skyrim ppl follow the tag and I don’t care abt seeing your random oc or mid-2010 memes if Cicero isn’t in them please god
I’m gonna start blocking you motherfuckers you’re annoying
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nahfahlaar · 4 years
the way some of yall infantilize and characterize Cicero is really telling abt how you view mentally ill people
this goes double for yall who hate Astrid but claim Cicero did nothing wrong.
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nahfahlaar · 4 years
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I’m not vibing w/ Nahfahlaar’s ESO design bro :/ Want my shitty hedgehog bowling pin ass bitch back 💔
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nahfahlaar · 4 years
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seeing ppls headcanons on Cicero’s body shape awoken me from my slumber and  reminded me of my own which I like to call ‘He’s in shape bc he’s an assassin and he’s got the perfect amount of pudge too’
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nahfahlaar · 4 years
Can you do some pining/crush headcanons for the jester boi pweaseee? Thank u and I love ur other hcs btw :3
Woooo I’m back sorry! I’ve been super busy w/ my OC blog over at @dysfunctional-tenants
Well let’s see... (cracks open my old OC fic)
1.) He doesn’t know how to handle his emotions once he’s come to terms with how he’s feeling
2.) DENIAL. At first, at least, he’s torn up and trying to convince himself its an infatuation wrought from respect (and possible envy if you’re the Listener).
3.) He’s wrong. Lmao. And he knows that, and it makes him wanna tear his hair out and throw a fit. Quietly. Where nobody can see him plagued by the woes of pining. Dumbass.
4.) He watches from afar, trying to do his own thing but he keeps slipping off into daydreams— it’s scenarios at first, how conversations might pan out and what he’d say, situations where he confesses in a rush and surprise! It’s reciprocated! But the longer it goes on the more and more he starts to think about just... more situations where he’s just plain affectionate, even with small gestures.
5.) Gods, you’re an eye catcher. He’s not a particularly picky person— he never was, actually, even before all of the mess he’s been through. Scars, blemishes, permanent injuries, natural bodily features, anything maybe labeled as a ‘flaw’ to the narrow minded is just another perk to your appearance to him. He pays attention to every detail because it’s important to him.
6.) Not possessive, protective. I really hate y/and/ere headcanons with a burning passion because that shits really unhealthy 😒... He’s concerned for your wellbeing and social status and gets pretty fucking heated if he sees someone talking down to you like you’re a baby or an idiot. You’re an adult, you can manage and hold your own just fine, but it’s not gonna stop him from wanting to give someone who makes you upset a good punch. Or stab.
That’s all I can think of off the top of my head!!
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nahfahlaar · 4 years
Ok so uh romantic headcanons for Cicero?
Here we GO ok (breaks my knuckles)
- As previously mentioned he’s really not in touch with his emotions until well after the Listener being chosen
- If he has feelings for you, he’s not gonna fuckin realize it. This boy is dense as hell. He can read another person’s social cues and body language but hell. He’s a mystery to himself
- So he gets weirdly jealous/protective of you if someone treats you in a way he deems inappropriate. Gods have mercy if someone talks down to you or treats you like you’re incompetent. He doesn’t fly off the handle but he gets extremely passive aggressive and huffy at the perpetrator. Murder is a last resort or pleasure if he can get away with it though because he understands restraint and keeping a non threatening public appearance. Yet he doesn’t know why he gets this way. Total mystery to himself.
- Blames any feelings on loyalty to the brotherhood and utmost respect for his rightful superiors. Nothing more. Please buddy, get a clue.
- However he absolutey picks up on your feelings/behavior towards him. At first maybe he assumes you’re scared of him or there’s something wrong but it clicks pretty quickly. He’s a mischievous brat though, so he’s gonna sit back and watch the show because he prefers you be upfront with him unless he’s absolutey sure he’s gonna have to pry it out of you.
- Touch starved. He’s already touchy with you on platonic terms with stuff like shoulder touches and excuses to adjust armor or even a hug, but the moment you enter a relationship with him he’s very adamant on coming up to grab you from behind, squeezing your hands, messing with your hair, peppering you with kisses. Sometimes forgets boundaries because he’s so eager to share the company of another.
- Has a kind of childish disposition to his behavior (in a non weird way lmao.) He just likes to tease you and act like a goofball to get you to laugh. It’s almost innocent sometimes if it weren’t for the fact that he’s a grown ass man and skilled assassin.
- Likes to come up with cheesy nicknames and likes to use them as much as he can, especially in the context of him using it to feed his echolalia. He loves to roll names over his tongue whether it’s out loud to you or under his breath.
- Self-assigned moral guidance and decision maker. He’s gonna be at your side trying to excitedly persuade you into impulse buying something or resorting to violence or getting up to general mischief when he knows the two of you can get away with it. However at the same time he prides himself in trying to make sure your professional appearance as Listener is as contextually appropriate and pristine as possible. It’s a weird balance.
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nahfahlaar · 4 years
✨✨ Anti-antis stop interacting with my Cicero posts or die challenge ✨✨
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nahfahlaar · 4 years
Do you have any unusual headcanons for Cicero? Like ones that contradict other people’s headcanons?
Oh this is an interesting question oohooo 👀 makin me think a little, I love it
- As for physical headcanons I think post-Arnbjorn attack has given him a clawmark scar across the right side of his lips. To pair with that would be the gash Arn left on his right side+abdomen which is implied in the game w/ the way he’s laying
- I’ve seen people HC that he’s well built and that never clicked with me? I think Cicero is well toned and definitely firm/strong from trying to maintain his old killing figure but he’s no chad. The guy definitely has some pudge in the midsection.
- It’s obvious that his favorite snacks are sweetrolls+carrots but I think other than that his diet is... very junky. He enjoys fatty meats and cheeses and sweets, and while he’s not picky for survival purposes, there’s a bias.
- This boy will bitch and MOAN about whatever’s inconveniencing him. He WILL NOT stop until the issue’s been resolved or someone snaps at him to shut his trap. Then he’ll get sniveling and sarcastic under his breath. If the issue’s resolved though he gets all cheery like it never happened.
- Doesn’t abuse alcohol or drugs. In fact he abstained for a long time until the new Listener was appointed because he wanted to keep himself in good mind and body for his Mother for both his appearance and also so he could properly care for her.
- That being said he will experiment if he’s doing it with someone else/a group. If the listener drinks? He’ll drink with them. Safety in numbers. Or something like that.
- Not a love at first sight guy. He’s so absorbed in his own duties that he isn’t in touch with his own emotions until well past the time the Listener gets named and gives him some slack. Then he has a mess on his hands to sort out and fret over.
That’s a few off the top of my head but please feel free to ask for more/specifics!!
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nahfahlaar · 4 years
is he a coffee or tea guy?
With Cicero’s respect for intricacy and ritual I’d say he’s definitely a tea kind of person, the process of patience and blending the right herbs is something he’s not unfamiliar with and has come to appreciate the art for far more than just using his skills in herbs for body preservation.
...Of course the first few times he tried he probably damn near poisoned himself. Trial and error!
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nahfahlaar · 4 years
There is almost 1,000 of you following me and yet not a single ask smh cowards 😔
I’m bored so I’ll talk about my own Cicero headcanons ooooo 🤠 Just shoot me a question and I’ll reply w/ my thots on The Boy
(Also send asks abt my listener if u wanna I don’t mind)
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nahfahlaar · 4 years
I’m bored so I’ll talk about my own Cicero headcanons ooooo 🤠 Just shoot me a question and I’ll reply w/ my thots on The Boy
(Also send asks abt my listener if u wanna I don’t mind)
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nahfahlaar · 4 years
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My girl Finn + her favorite idiot in all of Tamriel, Cicero
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nahfahlaar · 4 years
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YEEHAW finally a fullbody ref for my girl Fynneth!! She’s my Dark Brotherhood Listener and a cutie pie Satyr 
Just in time too, since I’m in the process of overhauling her story+continuing it over on AO3! I luv my babygirl
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