naialisathedove · 2 months
Does she think a serious relationship is something she would ever want again?
"Yes. It's been nearly 10 years since my husbands passing. He would want me to be happy, to find love again. I don't rush into relationships. It's something I believe takes time to grow, allowing the relationship to develop. I have a daughter, and she is my life, so they must understand this."
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Thank you for the ask @turning-through-the-never
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naialisathedove · 7 months
What's your favorite sweet snack?
"OH, candy! I love the old fashion hard candy! I actual just started making some of my own and putting them on my menu for the shop. I'm shocked that I'm able to stay as slim as I do with all the sweets I eat. There has always been a good and bad side of opening a shop that sells any type of sweets. You always want to enjoy your own work."
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@saltsparkle Thank you!
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naialisathedove · 8 months
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The Dove -
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naialisathedove · 8 months
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naialisathedove · 8 months
Sinful Sunday: What kind of escort work did she specialize in?
She specialized in one main area of escort work. The one she got paid the most to do was offering her company, a shoulder to cry on, listening to their stories, and attending functions with them as their date. But she has done all types of escort work. It's something she enjoyed, knowing she could bring some kind of joy to a person's life. Rather it is just talking to them, or from time to time, something a bit more sexual. @saltsparkle Thank you for the ask!
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naialisathedove · 8 months
SoSS: What is her type? What does she look for in a partner or lover, both physical and non?
"Respect for privacy and space, because we all know that sometimes we just need a little me time. Someone who encourages my passions in life. They must love children because my daughter is everything to me. Communication, trust. Those are the non-physical things I look for in a partner or lover. As far as physical things?
Goodness, where to start. Their touch. I know that might be an odd one, but touch is something that is important to me. Their smile. The way someone looks at you as a person. That goes for both a partner and a lover. I'm not going to be with someone that I don't feel some kind of physical attraction too."
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@turning-through-the-never Thank you for the ask!
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naialisathedove · 8 months
SoSS - Do they believe in love at first sight? Have they ever developed a crush or romantic (or erotic) fixation upon a stranger based on their appearance alone?
"I do because it happened when I first meet my late husband. It was supposed to be just another job that I was being paid to do. But when he picked me up that night, my heart skipped and I stopped breathing when I first laid eyes upon him.
He was so handsome in his suit. He made me feel like a true lady. The way he smiled, his touch sent heat through my whole body. That night was the first of many. I do miss him."
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@theconstructsworld Thank you for the ask!
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naialisathedove · 8 months
Sweet/Sinful Sunday: Does she bake alone in her business or does her husband join her? What is a food they both enjoy, and is there a romance behind it?
*There is a sadness that graces her features.*
"Sadly my husband passed away during the Legion invasion. I had just found out that I was pregnant with our daughter. He use to love watching me bake and sometimes he would help. Though his way of helping was getting flour all over me, him, and the kitchen."
*She smiles at the memory.*
"Now I bake with my daughter. And we still somehow manage to get flour all over the place. She reminds me of him so much."
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@safrona-shadowsun Thank you for the ask!
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naialisathedove · 8 months
TT - Does she have a healthy sense of their own worth and value? Or does she see herself as failing to live up to her original potential?
She is like any other person. She has made mistakes in the past, and because of them, she has learned to better herself as a person. And not to repeat those mistakes again, or try not to. She accepts her flaws, no matter what they may be. Her strengths have allowed her to be a better mother to her daughter.
Once in her life, she felt that she had failed to live up to what her mother felt her potential could be. Her mother use to tell her that she would never make it as a singer. She would be a disappointment.
Her low self-esteem affected a huge part of her younger life, but slowly over time, she started to realize her true potential.
Now she has a very healthy sense of her worth and value.
@saltsparkle Thank you for the ask! I really had to think about it!
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naialisathedove · 8 months
TT: How does she feel about one night stands? Is this something they are quite keen on recreationally, or only something they might engage in under specific circumstances?
Because of her past as an escort, she is not opposed to one-night stands. Though after the passing of her husband, it took her nearly five years before she allowed herself to enjoy the pleasures of the body again with others.
Right now, she is fine with them happening. After all, she is a woman with needs. But it's not something she actively seeks out all the time. If she finds someone that she enjoys their company enough, then there is a chance that a one-night stand can or could happen.
But she can be a bit picky.
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@theconstructsworld Thank you for the ask!
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naialisathedove · 8 months
Teatime: Where does her nickname The Dove come from?
It was given to her by an old friend of hers who she use to see when she worked as an Escort. He enjoyed her singing, and most of the time that is what he paid for her to do. To sing for him in private.
He would always say she was as graceful as a dove when she sings, her voice soft and soothing. So, she was soon known as *The Dove* by those who knew her and others would use that same nickname when they requested her service.
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@turning-through-the-never Thank you for the ask.
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naialisathedove · 8 months
Teatime: If she had to choose between cooking or singing as her main career, what would she choose? Would there be sacrifices to make to achieve one or the other solely?
"That is an easy answer as I would not really need to choose between the two of them. Baking is something I've done on the side, just to make a bit extra coin when I'm not working on other things. Singing has always been a passion of mine, and it's something I enjoy doing. And I would sing until I pass on from this life." "Plus, my daughter loves to bake with me. There is no way she would allow me to stop doing that!"
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@safrona-shadowsun Thank you for the ask!
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naialisathedove · 8 months
Time - A Chance
Naia stood just within reach of the time rifts that lay open before her. One hand reached up to touch the golden wedding band that hung from a golden chain. All she had to do is step through one of the rifts and maybe just maybe she could find him.  A chance lay just within her reach to find joy and happiness within the warmth of his arms once more.
If she closed her eyes and go deep into those hidden memories, she could see his face. Touch the roughness of his skin, see those green orbs full of life. To feel the warmth of his lips once more. She could make those memories reality, all she had to do was step through the rift.
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Her daughter would know her father. And Aerion would have that chance to meet his daughter, a daughter he had not even known he had. She steps closer to the rift but stopped right before going through it. Each night since his death she had dreamed of having a chance like this.
But deep down in her heart, she knew that it would not be fair to any of them. Even selfish. To go and find this perfect timeline, when he was alive. She grips the ring even tighter as she steps back. She had been blessed with so many years with him, all the joys, pain, and heartaches they had shared together.
She watched as the rift slowly closed. Lashes lowered as tears stream down her cheeks, and she turned to walk back. He would always live on in her heart and in their daughter.
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naialisathedove · 8 months
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"Vulnerability is the essence of romance. It's the art of being uncalculated, the willingness to look foolish, the courage to say, 'This is me, and I'm interested in you enough to show you my flaws with the hope that you may embrace me for all that I am but, more important, all that I am not."
~Ashton Kutcher
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naialisathedove · 8 months
Teatime Tues - I heard she may go work for the Red Moon! Any truth to that?
"I am thinking about returning to the escort work. If I choose to, I won't be returning full-time, as I will also be working for the Tarts and taking care of my daughter. " "As I make enough to keep both myself and my daughter in stable housing, and a simple lifestyle. I don't need to make as much coin as I once needed to. But I did enjoy some perks of working as an escort, and I'm able to control just what types of jobs I can take on." "So yes, there is truth to this. But as I said, I'm still thinking on the matter."
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@saltsparkle Thank you for the ask!
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naialisathedove · 8 months
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Naialisa's Wonderlight Ball look!
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naialisathedove · 8 months
Daily Writing Challenge - Day 1 - 8/20/23
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Naia ran her fingers through her daughter's hair as she read to her as both curled up in the chair next to the window. The sound of rain was just within their hearing as a fire danced in the hearth. Al'esena held on tight to the stuffed dragon she had gotten at the ToA. It had become the little girl's companion, she never left their apartment without it.
Both of their lives were changing, Al'esena had been in schooling for a few months now and Naia worked alongside the Tarts and her own bakery. Naia was getting ready to do her audition to become a full-time singer for the Tarts.
Once Al'e had fallen asleep, Naia closed the book after marking their spot and put it on the table next to the chair. Careful not to wake her daughter, she slowly stood up with her held safely in Naia's arms. Slowly making her way down the hall to Al'e's bedroom, she tucked the little girl into her bed and kissed her forehead.
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Making sure that the nightlight was on, she walked out of the room and closed the door enough to leave a small crack after watching her daughter sleep peacefully. Walking into the kitchen she fixes a cup of tea, before walking back into the living room and sitting down in the chair while watching the rain outside.
For the first time since the passing of her husband, Naia felt that it was time to move on, for both her daughter and herself. Taking a sip of her tea she could not help but smile. Her heart was finally at peace. She was at peace. It was time for all new beginnings.
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