naikismanipulatedimage · 11 months
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Week 12
I attempted to set up my final PDF in google slides, however the orientation of each page could not be altered.
I took my work into In-design and set up pages to alternate with my imagery.
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naikismanipulatedimage · 11 months
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Week 12
(references are on the PDF)
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naikismanipulatedimage · 11 months
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Week 12
This is some research I found when I was creating my composite images. The use of blue is prominent in my series as it is a colour which evokes a sense of comfort and tranquillity.
This also links to why I have the sky at dusk in some images, as navy blue is known to be the most calming colour.
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Week 12
Placing them side by side to create my 'photo series'.
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Week 12
Final image composite #3
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Week 12
Producing a work that derives from my initial idea of using a stop sign, but using an emergency exit sign instead as a motif linking to Escapism.
Keeping the sunset colours consistent, as well as imagery such as the clouds and moon.
I was constantly placing this composite image beside the first two composite images to match the colours and create fluency between them.
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Week 11
(in-class activity + extra )
From the in-class activity where we talked about what should be in our statements, I made a plan for my 500-word statement.
This will help me start writing it and also make sure I know what key ideas I have for each paragraph.
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Week 12
'Equivalents' Alfred Stieglitz
This series by Stieglitz captures images of solely clouds, exploring how this abstractive look becomes a visual representation of his emotional responses to nature throughout his life.
This exploration of clouds becoming equivalent to emotions re-iterates the influential relationship between one's feelings and the act of cloud gazing. This could imply the other way around, where clouds influence the way the viewer feels.
This makes me think about how clouds could be connotative of feeling lighter and being dream-like, because of their ephemeral and translucent quality.
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Week 11
Final image Composite #2
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Week 11
Creating composite image #2 for the summative
When I got feedback from my tutor, I changed my direction on what my other composite image was going to be, after finishing my first one. In the discussion, we talked about how my second composite image should have a similar aesthetic to the first one.
I used the traffic light as the main imagery and used it as a motif of escapism, symbolizing to take a stop/break from everything going on in the real world.
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Week 11
With the in class feedback I received, I made some changes to my final image.
This included cleaning up some areas of clouds that went behind the power poles and adding in a moon in the distance
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Week 11
Creating Composite #1 for the summative.
I took test image # 2 to develop for one of the finals. (This is continued from the testing)
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Concept idea at this point:
Week 11
Photography as a form of art that evokes a sense of relief and tranquility.
Position on manipulation: Photography once replaced Art, forcing Art to become a medium that wasn't purely for 'documental' purposes. With cameras being built into phones, what can my camera and photographs become? what is AI and phone cameras making my work become when 'documenting' something has become the social norm. For photography to be relevant, It must become a medium that pushes the boundaries and be crafted with intention (Post-photography or are we past photography-Oliveira). Manipulation is a tool that helps us convey our intention and how we want the viewer to feel viewing it.
"[photography] released painting from the need to be realistic" (in article below)
The relationship between the viewer and the image, and how it brings feelings of healing, temporary coping, and tends to mental health in a constantly moving world.
Escapism and digital photography go hand in hand in the context of social media and not being able to escape the overwhelming amount of information that is constantly subconsciously being fed to us.
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Week 10
Shooting more images of the sky and clouds while thinking about how it could be clear cut and integrated into a developed version of my test composite images.
From the last assignment, I found that images of birds flying, added to the sense of relief and tranquility. Therefore I took photos of my own birds, as it can also be used as a symbol of freedom and can help develop my concept of escapism into my composite image.
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Week 10
Making a rough test composite image of an idea I had.
This allowed me to test out how my idea would visually look and also explore how I could create the image utilizing various photoshop techniques.
This idea is simple, but for further development I think I need to take more photos at different times of the day to create more tonal/colour range in the image to enhance it. I think that perhaps adding in a couple more elements would also help the image to become more visually interesting.
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Week 10
This composite image allowed me to test an idea that I had in my head and created an opportunity to see how I could fix some faults.
Through this test, I realized that I perhaps needed more photos of the clouds and sky as I found it slightly difficult to cut them out and add them into the background without having a crop line (seem).
I do need to photograph a sunset (plan a photo shoot for this), as I intend to edit the sky out and change the scenery.
I think I like this idea overall and with changes and refinements with colour, I could develop this into an image that conveys my concept well.
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Week 10
I wanted to attempt to create an image by the works of Kanghee Kim, as I wanted to test out too see how technically close I could have the images look. I wanted to do this because Kim's works look manipulated, however still has a smooth-ness to them, which contributes to the escapist essence of the image.
This test image helped me get an idea of how I could technically create other images with a similar concept.
For further development, I could take this idea and alter the imagery into something with deeper meaning and also researching into what they could convey. At the moment, this idea is derived from another photographer and I need to think about how I could change it to convey my intentions for the manipulated image.
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