nakashimaminoru · 4 days
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Starlink is compromised. A Mossad asset.
Source: Ahmed Faozi
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nakashimaminoru · 5 days
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A 10 year old child was killed in the terrorist attack in Lebanon perpetrated by Israel. Many children were among the injured.
Zionists are psychopaths. That’s who we’re dealing with. Absolutely depraved individuals who bask in the deaths of the innocents. They proudly embody Nazis.
Zionism IS Nazism.
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nakashimaminoru · 5 days
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Israel is not a state.
Israel is a terrorist organisation. Always has been.
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nakashimaminoru · 13 days
Israel continues to blow up homes in Eastern neighbourhoods of Rafah.
Video was obtained via one of Israeli terrorists' social media account.
Death to all IDF terrorists.
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nakashimaminoru · 19 days
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His name was Muhannad Jouda, killed so ruthlessly by the Nazis of Israel.
Israel is a baby killer regime. Israel has no fucking right to exist.
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nakashimaminoru · 20 days
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Now that I have your attention:
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nakashimaminoru · 29 days
IDF terrorists destroyed the historic Grand Mosque in Khan Younis, Gaza.
This mosque is 2 decades older than the fake state of Israel, and Zionists know this.
Israel wants to erase Palestine completely. That's the goal.
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nakashimaminoru · 29 days
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Never forget when IDF soldiers tied and incapacitated a Palestinian man by his hands and legs, and unleashed trained dogs to have sex with him, essentially raping him.
Israel must be abolished.
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nakashimaminoru · 1 month
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I've been messaging back and forth with @mohammedalanqer after he shared his fundraiser with me, and very quickly into our conversation I offered to draw a comic about him to help boost his gofundme. he was incredibly excited about the idea and shared so many lovely pictures of his family for reference. the text is based off his story of him and his family living under constant bombardment, which you can read here.
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he has been able to raise €50,403 out of €58,000, meaning he only has €7,592 left to be able to evacuate. please share this comic as much as possible so that he can reach his goal!
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nakashimaminoru · 7 months
Pieces of media to watch to educate yourself on Palestine’s long history of suffering from the zionist Israeli occupation :
“Jenin, Jenin” a documentary by Mohammad Bakri (available on Youtube)
“200 meters” a movie by Ameen Nayfeh (available on Netflix)
“Born in Gaza” a documentary by Hernán Zin (available on Netflix)
“Samouni Road” a documentary & animation by Stefano Savona (available on Netflix and Palestine Film Institute’s website)
“Edward Said on Palestine (1988)” a TV documentary style film by Christoper Skyes (available on Youtube)
“To My Father (2008)” a documentary style film by Abdel Salam Shehada (available on Palestine Film Institute’s website)
“Salt of this sea” a movie by Annemarie Jacir (available on Netflix)
“Children of Shatila” a documentary by Mai Masri (available on Netflix & Youtube)
“The Present” a short movie by Farah Nabulsi (available on Netflix)
“Frontiers of Dreams and Fears” a documentary by Mai Masri (available on Netflix & Youtube)
“The Crossing” a short film by Ameen Nayfeh (available on Netflix)
“Tantura” a documentary by Alon Schwartz (available on Youtube)
“3000 nights” a movie by Mai Masri (available on Netflix)
“Farha” a movie by Darin J. Sallam (available on Netflix)
“Arna’s Children” a documentary by Juliano Mer-Khamis (available on Youtube)
“Ma’loul celebrates it’s destruction” a documentary by Michel Khleifi (available on Youtube)
“A World Not Ours” a documentary style movie by Mahdi Fleifel (available on Netflix)
“Like Twenty Impossibles” a movie by Annemarie Jacir (available on Netflix)
“Omar” - a movie by Hany Abu Assad (available on Netflix)
[this list will constantly be updated with more movies & documentaries that i’m reminded of, or with new pieces that i find and watch… if you have any suggestions please send them my way so that i can add them to this list]
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nakashimaminoru · 10 months
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nakashimaminoru · 2 years
I just want to read a fanfic about yiling patriarch! Wei Ying but instead of time travel, its like wei ying body existing with real wei ying inside mo xuanyu body, but not only for delish scene *that one is a bonus*. Let me just give a setup;
" There been an increase of resentment energy that even Wei Ying has been having hard time detecting, as if the sources able to know what he will be searching for and trying to hide from him.
Due to the increase activity, not only Wei Ying was busy but Lan Zhan has become swapmed with all the reports and complaints filed by both minor and major sect as it seems the rise in activity is affecting the whole cultivation world. He almost hardly evert get to see Lan Zhan without papers in his hands regarding this issue.....
Lan Zhan felt he was being watched but everytime he tries to find the source, he unable to detect or sense anything was nearby. The feelings even follow when he was in Jingshi, only leaving him when he was with other people or his beautiful husband.
Have also been having constant headache as well. He was just about to walk out of the library pavilion when suddenly a presence was made known behind him, partially hiding under the shadow of the book racks, the evening light coming from the window.
As if his body was frozen by some unknown forces, he couldn't look away from the presence. From the dark grey robes with dark red fire pattern on the sleeves to the eerie red eyes glowing menacingly behind the shadow.
Even after 13 years, he can never forget his lover's appearance before his inevitably first death.
"Wei Ying?"
" What do you mean Lan Zhan is MISSING!?" Yelled the former Yiling Patriach to Lan Xichen, who was just as miserable with the news. Wei Ying has just came back from his travel to Lotus Travel which Jiang Wanyin has specifically sent a missive regarding the resentment issue.
Last time he seen Lan Zhan was a week ago before he embarks to Lotus Pier, with lots of chaste (and not so chaste) kisses at the gates of Cloud Recess before travelling to Lotus Pier with A-Yuan and Lan Jingyi.
Even with the teamworks of the former Yilling Patriach and Jiang Wanyin, with the help of the Lan and Jiang disciples plus Jin Ling, who came to talk about the same issue, was not able to uncover any tracks for the increase of resentment energy.
They only encountered alarmingly high amount of living corpses but most of the corpses were not aggressive, just walking freely without hurting anybody.
After a few days and nights searching the sources only to come back empty-handed, Wei Ying decided to come back to Gusu with his findings, planning to reconvene with Lan Zhan. Only to find his husband was missing for two days before his arrival to Cloud Recesses. The last person who saw him was Lan Xichen himself who was searching for additional information from the forbidden section while Lan Wangji was working his Chief Cultivator works in the library, while exchanging opinions with Lan Xichen.
"I, too was surprise when I couldn't find Wanjyi in the jingshi. Even the servants did not saw Wangji after his walk to the library that day." Even the perfect expression of the First Jade was filled with his worry for his bother disappearance.
Where could have Lan Zhan gone to?
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nakashimaminoru · 2 years
How do I tell people that sometimes if you turn your shipping brain off you can interact with media better
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nakashimaminoru · 3 years
Hello there all, I have something I wanna say
Just because some of the minors of the dream smp are turning 18 in 2021 (or in 2022) does not make it okay to draw or write nsfw content with them in it, or sexualize them in any way. Yes, they will be "legal" and it will be okay by law to do it, but that still doesn't make it okay to do! All content creators have their own individual limits about the content they are okay with people making and people need to learn to respect those limits. More often than I would like I've seen posts saying thing like "omg I can't wait for [insert minor from the smp] to turn 18!! Then I can draw/write whatever I want and not be a creep!!" NO!! This kind of stuff makes me sick to my stomach, because while yes it will be legal it might go against what the cc's want. I know that personally if I were in their situation I wouldn't be comfortable with it, and I'm sure a lot of people out there wouldn't be either. Them now being adults does not matter, what matters here is the cc's limits and what they are comfortable with people making.
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nakashimaminoru · 3 years
gonna forcibly remove this from my mind after i post this but
tommyinnit is literally the least problematic teenager ever to grace the internet with his presence and people who are getting mad at mistakes he makes (he is so obviously not against anyone or anything and very supportive of several of the communities people claim he's 'opressing' wtf) are literal gatekeeping sjws who crave attention and try and get it through performative activism. he is literally 17. he is a kid who happens to be a public figure, meaning everything he does is watched closely. do you know half the dumb shit most teenagers do? cut him some slack.
also, don't expect a british kid who isn't very active on social media to understand aave, which is american. americans tend to think the world revolves around them and their problems but it doesn't. i've never heard anyone mention aave outside of twitter, which i barely go on, and the only reason i know what it actually is at all is because i googled it at one point. it's not that much of a stretch to assume tommy wouldn't know about it.
go outside, twitter sjws. smell a flower. go to an actual protest if you care about shit that much. there's still ones with two meter distances but let's be real: even if covid wasn't a thing you wouldn't be going. most of you only care about getting brownie points online and not about any actual problems and it shows.
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nakashimaminoru · 4 years
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nakashimaminoru · 4 years
Things You Shouldn’t Say on Twitch - Dono Addition
[Because apparently some people still can’t behave and follow basic Twitch etiquette. Feel free to reblog this as much as you want and add on to this list.]
1. Sexual Comments: Comments calling the streamer daddy, sexy, asking them to rail you, saying you’d want them to kidnap you or do things to you, sexual comments regarding them, their friends, or whoever they are streaming with. Especially if they are a minor or you are a minor. These are real people who are at the end of the day a complete stranger to you so don’t send them weird sexual shit. If you wouldn’t say it to a stranger at the mall- don’t say it in chat or donate it to the streamer.
2. Venting/Trauma: Streamers are not therapists! They are simply young adults (and sometimes minors) trying to entertain. If you need to vent please seek proper help but do not go venting in a dono to a streamer. They are not qualified and it makes them and others watching uncomfortable. Avoid topics such as drug use, intense alcohol use, real life death, self harm, EDs, and especially suicide.
3. Donos Asking Other Streamers Things: If you are watching a stream where the streamer is with a friend do not send in donos asking said streamer to say something or ask something of their friend. I understand if Sapnap is streaming with Quackity you may wanna tell Quackity hello but it is very rude to demand that of Sapnap who is the streamer you are actively watching.
4. Questions Involving Deeply Personal Things: Donos asking a streamer about their sexuality - assuming said streamer has said they are straight or generally not discussed it - questions about their family, love life, or other questions that you would not ask someone you met on the street. Especially avoid questions involving their love life unless the streamer has made it clear they allow it.
5. Disclosing Personal Info: Please do not put your discord info, your Instagram, Snapchat, or other major personal information in a dono to a creator in hopes they will contact you. They are streaming live for thousands or tens of thousands of people and you don’t know who may see this information. Please keep yourself safe.
General Pro Tip
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