nakoudoko-blog · 7 years
While definitely outside of his age range (and the age range of literally everyone else present) there was something about the irresistible pull of the toy room that drew Jun’ya to be right there, right then. Maybe it was fate, maybe it was destiny, maybe it was subconscious mind programming done by Cydai on all of them when they were all sprawled out unconscious on that first day, or maybe, just maybe, it was something else altogether. Something more powerful and more plausible. Something like… plot progression. Hey, I don’t make the rules around here. I’m just as much a puppet of time bound by the strings that are the aforementioned rules as everyone else. The big difference is that I can see the strings, and choose to go off on a tangent about them in the narrative. Which brings us back to the best part - introspection! Someone was busying herself with the toy kitchen which couldn’t even remotely hold a candle to something that faintly resembled an environment more akin to something he’d actually appreciate.
So naturally, the expression of “what the FUCK are you doing” dissipated before it had a chance to be noticed, replaced with something considerably more friendly and vaguely supportive of AIKO’s entire nonsense. She was just having fun, and frankly just as well - anything was preferable to focusing on the whole ‘two people are super dead now’ thing. An affront to everything he held dear and a slap in the face with his desire to access an actual kitchen aside, it wasn’t like he HAD to touch it or anything. Even if the arrangement of the fake (but convincing from a distance to someone who didn’t know food fairly well) food was all wrong, it was just for fun. Fruits and an entire One steak (diet goals, tbh.not for jun’ya but like, for me) was definitely an arrangement one could make, and definitely was the one AIKO had made. And then. Oh no, she wanted him to look at it. All fine and good. Just having fun. While the concept of pretending to make food with no payoff being “fun” was somewhat lost on him… well, some people were easier to entertain. He’d watched this girl “play” a title screen. Easily entertained wasn’t even close to an adequate descriptor.
Strolling over to take a closer look at the inedible arrangement out of courtesy and some sense of vaguely friendship-like obligation (you don’t watch someone be bad at video games for an hour and then pet her cat for 20 minutes without at least calling yourselves good acquaintances!) it. Yep, huh, it sure was something. That existed. Nodding as if he wasn’t completely and thoroughly upset by the lack of an actual proper kitchen and the pitiful display before him, there were definitely words about to be said, except then, the whole ‘you should make something!’ thing happened and all his focus immediately was redirected to not visibly recoiling. Juny’a would have loved to make something - for AIKO, for any of them, for himself, of course! But this- well, this was a pathetic mockery of the one thing he could pride himself on above all else. For children, sure, but god damn it he was eighteen years old and had been working in a proper kitchen for a good many of those years. Something like this was almost foreign to him, really, just because of what he was so accustomed to. It was an innocent enough offer, and subsequently one he’d have to find a polite way to deny.
Picking up the wooden steak between two fingers more like it was something vaguely biohazardous, he spoke with a tone that sounded only the faintest bit forcedly pleasant. “Wooden steaks are for killing vampires.” Laughing at his own ‘joke’ he returned it slightly to the left of where it had originally sat (it’s arranged better now, okay?) and realized how fun this wasn’t going to be if he indulged it any further. “My experience lies more within the actual preparation and serving, though I certainly, can set a table.” Fuckin’ NICE. That’s great. “Unfortunately, it seems to be all pre-made and inedible which is a little outside of my area of expertise with regards to making. I’m always happy to be of assistance however I can otherwise, though. It’s always more satisfying to work as a team, no?” And by that I mean he’s started nudging the utensils and shit around to be in immaculate and proper order, because once again while he might know these things I sure as all SHIT don’t. And just. Leaving the fruit, and wooden steak, and whatever other abominable disgraces to edible food she might want to set out to AIKO.
Easily entertained. Jun’ya, please understand this entire thing starting at the handbooks and the cat-in-the-room has been one big wild entertainment fest for Aiko, punctuated with occasional bouts of brutal murder. “Easily Entertained” doesn’t even cover it when your entire childhood is farmwork and community planning (here, a roundabout way of saying “telling people who should get married to each other”) and you’re suddenly exposed to like, a solid fifty years of technology in game and activity form. 
And, hey, what else but a nice joke to add onto the entertainment pile? Even Aiko gets that pop culture reference, and she giggles along with it. “It’s okay! I have no idea what I’m doing with this. Any of it! It’s not even a computer or anything, and I still don’t know.” She took a wooden apple and orange and placed them near the top corners of the steak, then took a bunch of wooden grapes and moved them... somewhere near the bottom. Yeah, that looked. Balanced, she guessed? Either way, the silverware looked good, and Aiko said as such. 
“Oh, is that how you’re supposed to arrange them during fancy dinners, and such? With more than one fork like that, and the knife there?” Aiko and I don’t know how it’s supposed to look either, but man, Jun’ya sure does. “You’re right! Everything works better when you’re doing it as a team.” She takes a moment to sit back and view her fruit-meat creation--that sure is food, and it sure is arranged, all right--in conjunction with the legitimately nice silverware.  “Mmmm... it looks like it’d be pretty good, if it were real, doesn’t it?” She thought for a moment. “You know, I am getting pretty hungry, though. But! That’s okay, because you’re here, Kamata-chan. Everyone here probably wants to be around you when they’re hungry, right? Of course they do, because...” 
She whips out her handbook, by now a seasoned pro at navigating through all the lights and buttons. “Because you probably know just what to order! I kind of want steak, since that’s what I’ve been messing around with for a bit now, but... what do you think? 
Miss Magenta, Redux | Chapter 2 | Closed for Jun’ya
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nakoudoko-blog · 7 years
Lóng was, bored to say the least. His room mate was rather scarce, and there was only so much to do in a nauseatingly colourful room. The ladder was a nice touch though, he could use that for exercise.
Lóng had heard her approach much sooner than her knock, the dragging of heavy objects was quite apparent and familiar to him. He took the time to straighten his posture and fix his hair. Then straight after her first knock, he swung the door open, perhaps too enthusiastically. Visitors were a rarity in this establishment. They all seemed to live in fear of something happening. Honestly, he still didn’t quite understand why people were so afraid. Why, it’s just a few murders and murderers here and there no? Quite common back in his town in Hong Kong. In comparison this place was ridiculously peaceful, awfully vengeful people his fellow citizens were. 
He raised an eyebrow while he looked the girl up and down. His gaze quickly shifted to the item she held. It was quite comical to see his instrument against a shorter figure. Hmm, but… ‘Lóng-chan’… that left quite a bad taste in his mouth. So his facial expression remained neutral, bordering on disgust though.
However he was, quite interested in the guzheng. It was fascinating that the machine could produce an exact replica of his personal guzheng. It was impossible to discern whether any of the one’s he’d seen dispensed were the one he’d used for a lifetime or simply a very accurate clone. 
“My, your observations are absolutely, mind-blowing” he crossed an arm over his waist and another to rest lightly on his chin. “Why, I would never have been able to discern its size or smell on my own,” His voice was positively dripping with sarcasm. Though he did seem quite amused at this point. 
“I wouldn’t be able to discern how you’re exactly 7.5 centimetres shorter than the guzheng, let alone how you’re..” He gave her a quick once over, “45.3 kilograms heavier than it,” Lóng gave her a rather unsettling smile, 
He waved his hand as if to clear the air, “That is besides the point though,”
“You can play it, though, can’t you?”
His face fell “Of course I can play it, I’m not forced to use this silly title because I’m incapable of playing it, now am I?”
Lóng reached out and grabbed it with one hand, it was quite impressive really. He retreated into the room with the guzheng in both hands and looked to her. “Don’t just stand there, come in.” 
What is he going to do?
Weird, weird, weeeird. Not the enthusiastically opening the door and speaking with a flourish; that was probably typical Lóng behavior, if the trial was anything to go by. The mildly entertained sarcasm was, too, though it didn’t make her any less creeped out. She didn’t have the proper knowledge of media to fit this guy’s behavior into anything along the lines of a “supervillain” trope, so Aiko was just stuck feeling a little... well, weird about his mannerisms.
 Her ‘tiny bit uncomfortable’ feelings shot up to ‘mildly uncomfortable’ when he pulled out the exact measurements, though. “What? How do you know... oh, wait, I guess my weight’s in the handbook.” She frowned, but it was there, weird as it was. “Wait. How do you know how much this weighs, then?!” 
The guzheng player dropped the subject with ease, though Aiko had a bit of trouble doing the same. Unsettling was a good word for the grin he flashed, though--was getting rid of the pretty, weird-smelling instrument worth all this? Gosh, she hoped so. 
Besides, he did seem willing to take it! Really willing, actually... “Whoa, hey! Careful, it’s... heavy?” He’d just taken the fifty-something pound instrument with one hand! Aiko took a quick step back to avoid the potentially ensuing chaos when Lóng dropped the instrument, but... Nope, looked like he had it. 
Well, mission accomplished! She waited patiently for him to close the door behind him so she could forget that weird smile and go back to the cats, or eat lunch, or something, and. Apparently, that wasn’t what Lóng had planned. Something about the tone of his voice told her this wasn’t just one of those invitations-out-of-politeness someone offered when they were trying to end a conversation gracefully (was that the kind of thing he’d do? Aiko was still kind of on the fence about his behaviors at this point), so she followed him into his room and shut the door behind her. 
But, hey, it was the Miku Mansion! Bright and happy as could be without any natural sunlight, and already Aiko felt a bit more at ease with the excessively cheerful decor. She turned to  Lóng, who, at this point, was still holding the guzheng. “Oh, this is a nice room!” Solid, compliment there, Aiko. “It must be nice to live here, right, Lóng-chan?” 
...What is he going to do?” 
Reduce, Reuse, Regift | Chapter 2 | Closed for Lóng
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nakoudoko-blog · 8 years
Miss Magenta, Redux | Chapter 2 | Closed for Jun’ya
You could only sink so many mind-numbing hours into video games you couldn’t really play before eye strain set in, and pet an admittedly adorable kitty so many times before it decided affection time was over for now. Thus, the smartest decision Aiko had made in the past few days was deciding to stop moping around in her room and the surrounding halls and start moping around in the relatively new and scenic second area of their strangely-themed prison. Exploring was always a fun time, wasn’t it? It had been fun before the first costumes had been forced upon them, and it would be fun now, too. Or... better than what she’d been doing for the past bit before, anyways. 
The train was... okay, yeah, Aiko wasn’t really feeling it, given literally everything that had happened, but it got her over to area 2 just fine. And that’s where the real fun began. Mostly, she just peeked into the new rooms, trying to make a general sweep of the area before she decided where to spend more time. There was the artificial war room (not feeling it), the power room (not feeling it), the planetarium (...potentially feeling it, but it would be a crime to go in here without Tsukiko). And then, there was the toy room. She didn’t know whether it was the generally cute atmosphere, or the fact that she actually recognized some of the more traditional toys in there--wonderment and fascination was well and good, but the familiarity it afforded was a small shred of comfort in the justifiably stressful past weeks. This would be a good place to spend some time! 
Despite missing the suggested age range of most of these toys by a decade or so, probably, Aiko was having a pretty great time. A mini merry-go-round in the middle of the room entertained her for a slightly embarrassing amount of time, and when she was done with that, she built an impressively tall and totally unstable tower out of building blocks before knocking it down. And then putting the blocks away, of course--she wasn’t totally childish! By the time someone joined her in the room, Aiko had moved on to the small toy kitchen in the corner of the room, complete with miniature utensils and unnaturally appetizing-looking wooden food. She’d just “arranged” a fully-set meal of fruits and a single wooden slab of steak when she looked up at the room’s other occupant. 
“Ah, Kamata-chan, did you see this?” She asked, gesturing down at her accomplishment. She looked sincerely pleased--this distraction had been a good idea. “There’s a whole kitchen-full of toys over there... it’s for kids, but it’s still kind of fun! Takes your mind off of... um, everything else.” 
No, nonono. The toy room is for fun. “You should make something, too!” Aiko raised her small, toy spoon in an inviting sort of way. “You know lots about food, and... table-setting right? So it’ll be fun!” 
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nakoudoko-blog · 8 years
Reduce, Reuse, Regift | Chapter 2 | Closed for Lóng
If there was one complaint Aiko didn’t have, it was about the Miku Machine. Weird, yeah, with the quantity and the strangeness of the… orbs it dispensed, but even those made good toys for Neko-chan--and now that she was down one caretaker, the cat was gonna need all the entertainment she could get. (Not to mention, Zun’s made a loud, squeaky Otomatone-y noise when the kitty squeezed down on it--a little bit annoying, yes, but at least Neko-chan seemed to enjoy it). The rest of the items, Aiko could generally find some kind of use for--like the incense, which smelled nice, or the potato, which would certainly work as an effective doorstop before it rotted--or just toss out.
One, though, was too large to store and too pretty to throw away, but too… totally foreign to Aiko for her to actually use. Oh, she tried, but the thin strings of the guzheng cut her fingers and it wasn’t like she knew how to play any songs on it, anyways. Also, it smelled faintly of blood, something Aiko was pretty used to, but also a little bit suspicious of. Especially since the only person she knew here who played the guzheng was, well…
Yeah, she wasn’t super excited about approaching him, but maybe Lóng would appreciate it a little more than Aiko could. At least, that’s what she hoped, since she was struggling to drag/carry the literally-taller-than-her instrument over to the Miku Mansion. It took longer than it would have taken a person with actual arm strength, but eventually, she reached the guzheng musician’s door and knocked.
“Um, hi, Lóng-chan!” She paused for a moment, having to catch her breath a bit longer than she would have wanted. She hoisted the guzheng in front of her, showing off its lovely flower pattern and also the fact that it was, indeed, a guzheng. “This is kinda big, and it smells weird, but it looks nice, right?” Way to sell it, Aiko, you born saleswoman. It’s her job to talk up other people, after all, not objects. “You can play it, though, can’t you? Do you want an extra one?”
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nakoudoko-blog · 8 years
Tsukiko was just one to not emote a lot, and she wasn’t overly aware of her own lack of reaction but hey ho, she thought she was good. Now anyone reasonable wouldn’t spend time here to make the reply longer but Aiko saying a bed would be comfier is highly debatable when Tsukiko’s assigned room was the hell void.
But Alas, Tsukiko sat and waited for Aiko’s verdict once she sat down and when she agreed that it was warm, Tsukiko flashed a small closed eyed smile. 
“See, I toooolllllllld you,” Tsukiko yawned through her sentence, reaching up for the ceiling. 
Once she snapped out of her yawn, she tilted her head at the matchmaker. 
“It was the first place I found… It was warm, vaguely horizontal… perfect for a quick nap~” Wow, some sort of intonation went on in her explanation that might have portrayed some positivity and a matter-of-factly tone.
 “Also. Would it be weird for you to hold your head like this or does your hair style not make it peculiar?” She pondered, her head still tilting. “Don’t take this as an insult, your hair fascinates me, that’s all.” 
Having been assigned herself to a peaceful room with a nice cat, Aiko didn’t quite grasp that the Hell Room or similarly ominous Cursed Cottage might not be quite as accommodating.
Oh, geez, and speaking of non-accommodating spaces, they were still on top of the incinerator and Tsukiko still seemed about ready to fall asleep again She half-listened to the astronomer and half-kept an eye in the casino, a bit tensed in case someone reached too close to the button and she’d have to drag both herself and Tsukiko off the incinerator. It wasn’t until she mentioned her hair that she turned her head towards the other girl. 
“Hm? Oh, I... guess I’ve never really tried it!” Aiko, short as she was, mostly just found herself looking up at other people. “Let me... huh.” She tilted her head the same way as Tsukiko, mirroring her. The bangs on either side of Aiko’s face acted as unstyled hair would, and her hair ornament drooped a bit to the side, but the majority of her hair remained exactly the same. 
Huh, that did feel weird--like it was weighing her dowm, almost. She straightened up quickly, readjusting the front bit of her hair and her bow. “How do you do that so often? It feels strange! But, I guess it’s because of my hair...” She patted her updo--a terrifying display of the horrors one could create with a nigh-endless supply of bobby pins and hairspray--in a way that invited Tsukiko to do the same, if she wanted. 
“I don’t know if I’d call it fascinating, more...” Aiko thought for a moment. “Fitting. I feel like it matches who I am!” Or how she dressed, at least, with the obnoxious number of hearts on the pattern of her dress. “But, thanks! I... think?” 
When things get heated... | Tsukiko | Chapter 1 | Open
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nakoudoko-blog · 8 years
Tsukiko adjusted her glasses while listening to Aiko ramble, but didn’t move still. She was focusing and it was not as bad as people thought it would be. Or Tsukiko just found comfort on any surface. It’s probably the latter.
“Thank you for not pushing the button, Aiko-san. I appreciate your skills in spacial awareness and basic human decancy to not incinerate another when you were given a very clear chance to.” She says simply, an emotionless expression painting her face. Tsukiko nodded subtly after, showing her only sign of genuine thank for not being burnt to a crisp. She was thankful I swear. 
“As for why well… It’s warm,” she shuffles to the side a little, so she’s only half sat on it now before she lightly indicates for Aiko to sit. “Come and see for yourself.” 
To be fair, Aiko wasn’t sure if other people could tell whether Tsukiko’s words were or were not sarcasm, but she was certainly having trouble. Though, the astronomer wasn’t wrong that Aiko could have, hypothetically, theoretically, if she hadn’t been careful enough to look... 
Yikes, yikes, yikes. Aiko smiled and nodded at Tsukiko in a decidedly less subtle way, but she was gonna write this one off as a solid “doesn’t strongly emote.” That was okay, she had matched plenty of people like this before!
“I... feel like a bed would be warmer,” Aiko said, not really satisfied with the astronomer’s answer. Still, she certainly wasn’t too good for the ground, and certainly not too good to receive an invitation of any kind, so she smoothed her obnoxiously fluffy dress and sat down next to Tsukiko, half-paying attention to the casino in case someone had the same idea she did.
 “I still... think... okay,” Aiko conceded, “This is pretty warm.” Especially now that she was sitting on it and not standing on it. It wasn’t on another plane of existence from ‘comfortable,’ but... it was still The Ground. “Come on, though. Don’t you think there are any better spots to sleep, here? Like, that room’s really soft!” Aiko said, pointing towards the cake room. “Probably too...icing-y for a nap, but it’s a start. I’m sure there has to be a better nap spot than right here.” 
When things get heated... | Tsukiko | Chapter 1 | Open
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nakoudoko-blog · 8 years
Tsukiko wasn’t in a deep sleep at all, and slowly began to stir awake at the yells and… panic in the others voice. Whoever was near her must have been quite shaken by something. 
Although she was groggily twitching and stretching, Tsukiko listened to the now obvious matchmaker above her. To seem more assertive, and to look towards where Aiko was pointing, Tsukiko bushed herself to sit up, but didn’t actually move off the hatch. 
“Ohhhhhh–” Tsukiko yawned, “That’s why it’s so warm…” She hums, rubbing her eyes and haphazardly knocking her glasses on her face. “By theory, it’s only dangerous if someone opened it, right?” Tsukiko cranes her neck up at Aiko (getting her first real look at the matchmaker) and looks at her with half-lidded eyes which glistened with anticipation. Tsukiko no. 
Well, she was awake, at least! That was a start. “I mean, I guess that’s true, but, what if someone did open it?” Why was she making this hypothetical? She was someone! “I mean, what if I opened it?” Aiko showed Tsukiko the coffin-shaped device she received from the Miku Machine, careful to keep it out of the reach of any sleepy, potentially flailing arms. “This thing is dangerous, so I wanted to throw it in the incinerator. I was gonna press the button, but then I saw you out here! And it’s a good thing I did, right... um, give me one second!”
Her handbook was out in a flash, onto the student roster page. No amount of stress over incinerators or... literally everything else from going on was going to keep her from using her new favorite thing. “Alcmene, right? Alcmene-chan, that would’ve been really bad! You would’ve been incinerated!” Yes, that was what happened with incinerators, wasn’t it? “If you’re going to sleep on the ground, maybe you should sleep a little bit to the left of the incinerator, so nothing bad happens.” 
Wait. Wait, wait. Even Aiko could only go so far down the common sense hole before she realized something was up. “Um, actually, why are you on the ground in the first place? Didn’t you see the paper in the hall? You have a bed here somewhere, I think.” And how could you sleep in the first place, with all this excitement, but Aiko had a feeling that question would be next to pointless. 
When things get heated... | Tsukiko | Chapter 1 | Open
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nakoudoko-blog · 8 years
“Ow!” Aiko doubted the cry was widely audible over the din of the casino, but the mild distress and irritation on her face was evident and she almost dropped the thing on the ground after it pricked her finger. She’d gotten a few nice things from the Miku Machine with the rest of her tokens, so why did this little device it had just dispensed thrust out a needle when she pressed the button on it? 
Ugh. Well, no reason to keep anything this dangerous and painful around, right? She should probably get rid of it, but how? There weren’t any wastebins in the immediate vicinity, but--ah! Aiko spotted the red button she’d tested out earlier, and realized what she’d be able to do with this so-called “Tetanus Machine.” She strode over with every intention of opening the hatch in the hall outside the casino, and--oh, how could she have forgotten? She should check before she pressed the incinerator button! 
She peeked outside the casino, and, lo and behold, a person was indeed right near the opening to the incinerator. Right... on top of it, actually. Huh. Well, there was only one one way to see what that was all about. She walked out of the casino, dangerous “toy” clutched carefully in a way that it wouldn’t dispense another needle, to see what was up with this person. 
A... A... Well, something beginning with an “A,” if Aiko remembered her quick scan over the student roster of her handbook section correctly-- was fast asleep. On the ground. On top of the incinerator. 
“Oh, my!” It was about the same volume as her initial cry of pain, though much easier to hear now that it wasn’t fighting with the sounds of the casino. Sure are glad you didn’t push that button now, aren’t you, Aiko? “Excuse me... Excuse me!” She couldn’t imagine how heavily the girl must have been sleeping if she’d managed to just take a nap on the ground, like this. “Sorry to wake you--” If she could, that was-- “But don’t you realize where you’re sleeping?” She gestured vaguely in the direction of the button in the casino, then down at where the incinerator hatch was. “There’s fire under there! Isn’t that a little dangerous?” 
When things get heated... | Tsukiko | Chapter 1 | Open
Tsukiko watched and absorbed the information with a stone cold expression while Cyber Daidoru spoke, but then everything started getting, loud and shouty, which was about when Tsukiko tuned out. She caught onto the murder part but then someone was punched, people were yelling and quite frankly she didn’t want to be in that room for much longer. 
So she left swiftly, dipping in and out of doors trying to orientate herself around the new area. 
After a quick scouting around and finding very few things of interest, she found herself perplexed by the heated plates in the floor for longer than necessary. If anyone caught her looking down at the floor and tentatively padding around in the same small area, she probably looked a lot like a cat kneeding its blanket to find ultimate comfort. And the astronomer stood there for a few minutes, turning on the spot until she sat down on the heated patch. 
And that’s how, moments later, she was to be found soundly napping in the middle of the floor, on top of the incinerator. Oh. 
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nakoudoko-blog · 8 years
Another person with the surname Honda would certainly lead to some sort of confusion at some point. But what concerned Nicole the most was that the little phones seemed to have information on all the other students. It would make sense if this were HPA, and everyone got one, but Nicole was still feeling uncertain about this whole situation. Time to check herself. Without saying a word, she held up her hand at Aiko, as if to tell her to stay there.
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Nicole herself walked over to the box that Cyber Daidoru had left behind and picked out a dark green phone. She turned it over in her hand, then pressed the power button, walking back to Aiko as she did so. She quickly located the list of students and found Aiko. By now she had returned Aiko, and began reading out her information. “You are Aiko. No surname is provided. You are the SHSL matchmaker. Your birthday is June 28th. You are 5″1′, and weigh 150 pounds.” Nicole looked up from the screen at Aiko. “Correct?”
Aiko wasn’t quite expecting Nicole to leave so suddenly, but she waited obediently, getting excited when she realized the weapons expert was walking over to the box to get a handbook of her own. The little devices were amazing, weren’t they? Aiko would be surprised if anyone didn’t want to have one!
Oooh, that was her! “Oooh, that’s me!” Already, Nicole had found the student roster--much faster than Aiko had, but that didn’t really surprise her. “I am Aiko! I am a matchmaker! My birthday is June 28th! And--” Oh, wow, she hadn’t read past the names and titles of any of the other students. Just how much information did these handbooks have? “I... think that’s right, for how tall I am. And I... have noooo idea how much I weigh. Sounds believable, though!” Did people know exactly how much they weighed at any given time? Aiko sure didn’t.  
It really was incredible--the handbooks knew more about herself than she did! She quickly looked over all of Nicole’s information--yeah, that seemed about right for her too. The excitement on Aiko’s face was entirely blatant. “Honda-chan, isn’t this cool? Oh, or--um, Nicole-chan? Hmm...” That was going to be confusing--at least one of the Hondas would probably have to be moved to first-name-basis right away, if only so she could easily tell the difference. Normally, Aiko wouldn’t condone a relationship moving so quickly, but this was a necessity! “Anyways, Nicole-chan,” alright, that didn’t sound so bad, “These things know so much about us! How do you think that is?” 
Nicole | Unusual Circumstances | Prologue | OPEN
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nakoudoko-blog · 8 years
Aiko was still working off the high of a real, working cell phone (well, not quite, but the closest equivalent to one that she’d ever held and used) that she would get to keep. Well, that she was going to try to keep. There looked like enough to go around, and this one was her favorite color--that was a sign, wasn’t it? She was so engrossed in trying out some of the new features she almost didn’t realize someone had come up to talk to her. 
Almost. One always had to be mindful of potential new relationships, after all!
She smiled brightly at the other person. “Nope! I don’t have any idea what’s going on here! I know they--Cyber-Daidoru?-- said something about ‘technical difficulties,’ but I don’t really know what they’re talking about.” 
Aiko studied the girl’s face for a moment, and then brightened further as she seemed to realize something. “Ooh, but I do know...” she tapped the icon on the handbook labeled “students” with unnecessary force of someone who had clearly never used a touchscreen, pulling up a crudely-illustrated but functional visual roster of sorts. Even from her initial look-over, she could tell the names and pictures of the people on the application matched most, if not all, of the people in the room with her. Aiko looked for the girl’s name among the pictures of the students on the roster, and... 
“Matsubara, Gratis, Honda... oh! There are two Hondas! But you’re one of them!” Aiko displayed her handbook to Nicole proudly, tilting it upwards a bit towards the face of the girl who was a solid foot taller than her. “I don’t know about what’s going on here, but we can know everyone’s names with this!” 
Nicole | Unusual Circumstances | Prologue | OPEN
Nicole was one one of the first people to get up. The moment she was coming around, she was up on her feet, ready to respond to anything. After all, she’d suddenly found herself somewhere completely unfamiliar with no recollection of how she’d gotten there. The circumstances were unusual to say the least. 
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It became apparent that there wasn’t any immediate threat, and Nicole relaxed, and started paying more attention to her environment. All around her were others, around her age, starting to stir and slowly get up. They all looked just as confused as she was. Perhaps they were in the same situation as her…
Before she could think about it more deeply, a voice cut through the air. She turned to the source of the strangely smooth sounding voice, as it identified itself as Cyber Daidoru, a vocaloid. 
Their words, rather than making things clearer, only raised more questions. What did they mean by “trip”? Nicole couldn’t piece anything together. She decided to try get any information she could from the others. Perhaps one of them had an inkling as to what the hell was going on, though she wasn’t too hopeful. She approached the student nearest to herself. 
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“Hey, do you have any idea what’s going on?” She asked. 
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nakoudoko-blog · 8 years
Technology is Incredible! | Aiko | Prologue | Open
Sure, she didn’t know where she was, and sure, she didn’t really remember getting there in the first place, and sure, she didn’t really know any of the people here, and sure, everything around her was Happening So Much. And Aiko would have been a lot more concerned about all of that if she hadn’t stolen a quick peek into the box Cyber Daidoru left behind when they exited the room. 
One of the--phones? PDAs? Pagers? One of the items was a lovely shade of coral (which was, in turn, a satisfying mixture of red, pink, and orange), and though it was wedged in the box among the others, Aiko felt that one calling to her in particular--that was her color, after all, and it wasn’t like there weren’t a bunch of them in the box already. She grabbed it and retreated to a corner of the room with slightly less activity, then began pressing buttons and touching the screen with no particular clue as to what she was doing. She’d seen cellphones before, yes, but... she’d actually never had one of her own. 
Fortunately for the technologically-ignorant, the screen blinked to life a moment later, displaying a few icons Aiko was actually pretty familiar with--in fact, this looked pretty similar to the decades-old computer she used at home! She pressed the “students” and “rules” buttons first, scanning over both pages briefly--they looked important, but she had so much to explore now, she could look at everything in depth a bit later. Next was the button at the bottom-left of the display--ooooh, she could change the settings? 
One-hundred percent brightness, one-hundred percent vibration strength, notifications enabled for every option possible. Go hard or go home, Aiko. 
With that very important bit of business done, she went to the bottom-right icon next. And that is when the morning went from “confusing” to “confusing, but fun!” Even though she’d never used one, even she could recognize a cell-phone camera. She turned her device around awkwardly and managed to snap a weird, blurry photo where only half of her made the frame. It looked like there was an option to send, and to--edit? To overlay text, and cute little pictures, and sparkles... yes. Heck yes. 
Thoroughly satisfied with her introduction to this wonderful new piece of technology she was now entirely claiming as her own, she sidled back into the center of the room, right up to the first person who looked even vaguely okay with the idea of interaction. 
“Hey, have you seen what these can do?” She displayed her own low-res, low-quality selfie with the pride of a five-year-old whose drawing had made it onto the proverbial refrigerator. “You should take one with me, too--you can edit them and everything--see?” 
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nakoudoko-blog · 8 years
oh boy it’s intro time
Hello! I’m Miriam, I use she/her, and I’m in EST (GMT-5). I was in Musical Despair and I’m currently in Fallen Peak (though dead), and I was in Trials of Desperation, like, three years ago--and that’s my entire DR RP history basically. I can’t wait to have a fun time with everyone! 
Aiko (stylized AIKO online) runs and is the face of a well-known dating website, so your character would be as familiar with her as they would be with, say, OkCupid. That said, Aiko looks over every submitted profile individually, so if your OC is the kind of person who’d submit a joke profile to a dating site (or a real one, but the service is 18+ only and these kids are in high school!), Aiko might know who they are. 
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nakoudoko-blog · 8 years
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Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd here we have it guys!! The Final Roster is here, thank you all so much for applying, it was hella difficult picking but,, well it had to be done! 
We’ll get in contact with all you who got in via skype and we hope to get this show on the road!
Many Thanks again and our condolences to those who didn’t get in ;-; 
(further text version and a link to the larger image under the cut ^_^) 
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