naly1109 · 4 years
Your Lovely Wicked Soul
Witch au, Reader X Bang Chan feat. Stray Kids (Narrator's POV)
Summary: Y/N is well known and beloved amongst the people of her home village. Being a powerful Witch, she helps the people using her Gifts to increase crops, heal the sick, and protect the townsfolk and other favors. When her Grandfather sends her away to save her from the misfortune of becoming the awful King’s bride, he sends her across worlds into the hands of a man bearing an uncanny resemblance to the tyrant King.
~Chapter 4~
As Y/N and Chan stand in place watching the boys leave, an awkward silence fills the air surrounding them. Y/N is feeling apologetic for having hurt Chan and is not sure how to express it, and Chan is still focused on trying to remember how to breathe through the after-pain of his battle wound. They begin to pick up the newspapers that were scattered on the floor, minutes passing before either speak.
“I really am sorry about hurting you again, Chan.” Y/N says, looking Chan in the eyes for the first time today. Chan laughs and shakes his head at her. “What’s so funny? I’m trying to sincerely apologize, and you’re laughing it off?”
Chan chuckles at Y/N exasperated expression, “I forgave you for purposely trying to remove my heart.” he points out. “This was an accident, so it’ll be easily forgiven.” he shrugs. “I do have one request though.” he says in hopes of an agreement.
Y/N quickly nods in agreement, “Anything. If it’s within my capabilities, I will grant it.” she says, her eyes wide in hernest, looking at him as she approaches him.
Chan smiles. He looks down at his feet before looking back up at her, and notices she’s looking at his mouth, and his smile grows. “I’ll forgive you, on the condition that you promise to look me in the face more often.” he finishes his condition with a hopeful look. 
Y/N blushes, her eyes going wide at his request, and she begins to turn her face away. Before he could stop himself, Chan reaches out with one hand and places it on her cheek, he gently faces her towards him once again. Her cheeks heats up at his gesture and she knows he can feel it rising beneath his hand.
“There. Much better.” he says and removes his hands, attempting to play off the caress as a casual gesture. They remain standing in the center of their mess, looking into each other’s eyes, seemingly attempting to engrave each other’s faces in their minds. For more than just a moment, they were the only ones in the room, everything around them as nothing more than just a backdrop.
Y/N starts to feel weightless being under Chan’s intense stare. She inhales sharply to break the deafening silence that surrounds them. “We should finish picking up the newspapers if we want to eat at a decent hour.” she says and turns away from Chan to start stacking what had managed to remain on the table.
“Right.” Chan agrees, feeling lightheaded from holding his breath, almost like being in a trance. Looking at Y/N, he felt as though the whole cosmos was pulling them together, and he takes that as a sign that she is meant to be his.
“What was your life like before you came here? What did you do for a living?” Chan asks, trying to make conversation.
“I did many things. I was a farmer when it was time to get the crops planted, then harvested. A storekeeper when Mr. and Mrs. Stolts went to merchant meetings that would last weeks. A carpenter when we needed to expand our village or do repairs to the buildings after a storm or strong winds. But primarily, I was the doctor. I loved mixing herbs for different remedies and learning what each plant is capable of doing.” Y/N says, smiling while thinking about the villagers and how much they relied on her. “I really thought my life was so mundane. Now I’d give anything for it to go back to what it was before.” A sad smile spreads itself across Y/N’s soft features, and Chan can’t help but want to replace it with a happy one.
“I didn’t mean to make you sad, I was just curious.” Chan says, scratching the side of his neck. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
“It’s fine. I actually like talking about it. It makes me feel better.” Y/N says, giving Chan a grin. 
The next 20 minutes go by while Chan and Y/N pick up the mess of papers and books and organize them, and talk about each other. Chan learns about Y/N’s hobbies, she loves horseback riding, reading, gardening, and trying new dishes to cook. Her favorite Spells include being able to speak to animals, making gems from regular rocks, and listening to people’s minds. The last one is a guilty pleasure she does rarely, but finds to be quite entertaining and enlightening. Y/N learns that Chan makes music, both as a hobby and a profession. He also likes to go and try new dishes, as well as travel. He feels extremely lucky to have the profession he has. He also tells her about his family and a bit about where he grew up. Chan is even able to get Y/N to laugh when he tells her about a mishap he had on the beach as a kid. He was right about it being rewarding to make her laugh.
“There. All done.” Chan says, wiping his brow with his forearm and turning to look at Y/N. She nodded at him and gave him a smile. “Let’s go home and eat. The boys have our orders and I don’t trust Changbin, Felix, and Jisung to not eat it.” Chan leads Y/N out of the library in time for them to lock the doors. They decide to head back to the apartment on foot, since it is a nice night, and continue the conversation of getting to know each other. This time talking about pets, school life, and embarrassing childhood phases.
As they approach the apartment, Chan hears the boys laughing with each other before he even opens the door to the apartment and he gets curious to know what they found so funny. He looks at Y/N and puts his finger to his lips telling her to be quiet, “We’re gonna listen in on the boys and see what they are up to.” He slowly opens the door. They hear the boys talking about the library incident and they stop to listen in.
“That was funny how that all went down. I just hope they’re not mad at us for leaving them to clean up by themselves.” Hyunjin says, feeling slightly guilty.
“They’ll be fine. They could use the time to get to know each other.” Minho tells the younger man. “And maybe Chan will stop feeling sad that she won’t look at him.” Chan’s ears heat up at being called out like that by his friends.
“I still have to say that my favorite part was when Y/N kneed Chan. I feel bad for him, but that was beyond comedic!” Jisung laughs and the other boys join. Chan wants to kick Jisung in his head and see if he laughs at that.
“Y/N face when she realized she was leaning into Chan, THAT was priceless.” Felix adds. Y/N feels herself flush at the reminder of how flustered she got when she felt his warm hand on her back.
“I, honestly, was surprised when Minho actually did it.” Jeongin says, mouth full of food. Y/N and Chan exchange looks of confusion, then lean in closer to the door.
“I said I had a plan and I delivered. I didn’t think it would play out so well, though.” Minho muses, “I must say, I outdid myself this round.”
Y/N and Chan have heard enough. As Chan is about to open the door to the living room, Y/N pulls his arm to stop him. “I have an idea.” she informs him. She quickly casts a couple Spells to levitate and darken her appearance, then uses a Spell to make a gust to blow the door to the living room open.
She storms in, followed by Chan, who quickly catches on to her act, and begins to scold the guys, using another Spell to darken her voice, “You think your little joke was funny?” She looks at each of their shocked faces.
“I-it was all Minho-Hyung’s idea! We swear!” Jisung is quick to throw his elder to the wolves, or in this case, the terrifyingly pissed off Witch.
“Thanks, Asshole.” Minho shoots a glare at Jisung.
Y/N fixates her gaze on Minho, who meets her eyes, and about soils his pants, face draining of color. She uses her Levitation Spell to bring the panicked man to her, his toes dragging. She brings him higher so he is face to face with her. Glaring, she asks in a low, intimidating voice, “Did you really think leaving me to clean up all that mess You Caused,” she emphasizes on his involvement, “while you sit here all comfy, was funny?”
“I-I’m so-sorry,” Minho stutters in response. He looks to his elder for assistance, but the look on Chan’s face tells him he won’t even get pity.
“Sorry Mate.” Chan shakes his head, “What you did was pretty low. Y/N has so many paper cuts from hauling all those heavy piles of newspapers.”
“Give me one reason I shouldn’t turn you into a Slither Toad and use you to make a foot fungus removal ointment?” Y/N says, her voice icy and unforgiving. A wicked smile spreads across her face as Minho looks her in the eyes, silently begging for mercy.
Just as Minho goes to verbally beg for forgiveness, Y/N burst out laughing. “The look on your face!” she laughs out loudly. Minho blinks for a moment, then turns red, understanding the situation now. When Y/N looks at him again, she doubles over in a belly laugh and tears begin to stream down her face from lack of oxygen. Chan watches, enthralled by the sound of her happy laughter, and soon begins to laugh with her, as do the rest of the guys. Except Minho, who is still upset about being the butt of the joke for this round.
“I don’t think it was funny.” Minho’s tone laced with annoyance.
“Your face was great, Hyung! I thought you were going to piss yourself!” Jisung says, trying to catch his breath.
Y/N sobers up enough to speak, “It’s not fun being the target of a prank, is it?” She shakes her head at him, “I’m sorry if I scared you. I got the idea from reading about what your world thinks a Witch is, and thought it would be funny.”
“It was funny, Y/N. He’s just salty that he got served with his own dish. That was badass and extremely entertaining to watch. So thank you for that.” Chan says, wiping tears off his cheeks. “Minho, what you did was, totally, not cool, and you deserved what Y/N did. I know you may have had good intentions, but you need to apologize to Y/N. You invaded her space, elbowed her in the eye, and made her clean up a mess that you, admittedly, caused.” Chan turns Minho towards Y/N, gives him a reassuring pat, then shoves him towards her.
Y/N giggles at Minho’s apologetic face, “This is quite an adorable look, Minho. I think it suits you.” she gives him a smile
“I’m sorry about causing a mess and making you clean it.” he says with genuine eyes. “And I would like to point out that, while I may have been the one who put everything into motion, everyone else was on board when I pitched the idea.” he finishes glaring at Jisung.
The boys all groan at Minho’s betrayal. “In our defence, he said it was a good idea.” Seungmin says, trying to lessen the offence.
“Nnoo,” Minho stretches out the word as he shakes his head at Seungmin, “I said it would be a fun idea. I never said ‘good’.”
“Leave it to Minho to point out finer details.” Hyunjin rolls his eyes, done with it all.
“Hey, I think we all just need to see the takeaway of this situation; Y/N is a Superior Prankster. On a God level.” Felix says. “Top-notch acting. I really thought you were upset.”
“Oh, I was. But I saw an opportunity that was too great to miss and took it. I got a good laugh out of it, Minho was set straight, and now all is forgiven.” Y/N says with a smile.
“Set straight.” Minho huffs out, under his breath, to himself. He strokes Nolai’s head as the Cat approaches where Minho now sits. “Is she always like this?” he asks the Cat, only to receive a meow that was neither a confirmation or in interest.
“Well, Y/N and I haven’t eaten so we will have our food now.” Chan looks at the counter space to see if he can find his order amongst the chaos of bags and boxes.
“Oh. I didn’t order you two any food.” Both Y/N and Chan’s heads whipped to Minho’s face. “Kidding! It’s in the microwave to keep warm.” Minho laughs
“Not gonna lie, I was ready to fight you.” Chan admits. “But I have to remind myself that I love you,” he adds putting a hand on Minho’s shoulder, sporting a tight smile.
“Yeah you do.” Minho smirks and winks at the older man, earning him a jab to the ribs,
Y/N wakes for the second morning expecting to be in her room back at home, in her featherwool stuffed mattress. She misses seeing the stuff she had in her cluttered room, the old dresser closet that held more than just her dressing items, with plants overflowing from up top. The writing desk Gaba built for her tenth birthday, she wrote and drew many things at her desk, and it was cluttered with all the little handcrafted knick-knacks the villagers would gift her. Y/N gets up to go to their odd bathroom. She is up before morning breaks, the sky beyond her window is still dark when she walks through the bedroom.
Y/N is leaving the borrowed bedroom and walking through the hall to the bathroom when she hears a soft, yet pleasing, humming. Curious as to where the hummed melody is coming from, Y/N follows it out to the living room.
Chan is sitting sideways on the sofa, his legs extended out in front of him, and with a laptop on his lap and headphones on his head. His back is to Y/N, and she watches as he is bobbing his head to the beat he is playing on the laptop. Chan starts to feel like he is being watched. Feeling spooked, he abruptly turns to find Y/N standing at the end of the hall, looking at him.
Smiling, Chan removes the headphones and asks, “What are you doing up?”
“I am always up before the Sunstar.” Y/N states as she approaches Chan. He moves his legs to allow space for her to sit next to him. Y/N takes the spot he offered. 
“Is Nolai up too?” Chan asks, looking around Y/N’s legs to find the dark Cat.
“Absolutely not.” Y/N chuckles, “He is one lazy Cat.” Chan nods and smiles at her laugh. “What are you doing up so early?” she inquires, eyeing the odd device resting on his lap.
“Oh, I didn’t go to sleep.” he informs her, and she notices the dark bags under his eyes. “I’ve been producing and preparing for when we do our next comeback album. I like to be ahead of the game.” he smiles sheepishly at her.
Y/N blushes at the sight of his exposed dimples and hopes it's dark enough to mask it from Chan’s notice. She recalls that the King only had one dimple, whereas Chan has a few on either side.
“I know a Spell that can energize you for up to 18 hours, but you do feel exhausted at the end of the day.” Y/N tells Chan. “If you’d like, I can use it on you, and maybe tonight you’ll get a good night sleep.”
Chan chuckles, “You sound like my old band mate, Woojin. He would nag me to get more rest.” Chan has a small smile on his face, Y/N cocks her head at him in question. “He left the group for personal reasons I won’t talk about. And I miss him a lot.”
Y/N sighs, feeling her heart get heavy at the reminder of how much she misses her best friend. “I know what you mean about missing your friend. It’s been two days since I’ve seen Ember, and I miss her greatly. She is the very best friend any Witch could have.” She feels herself smile as she talks about her amazing friend, “She’s fierce and loyal, and soft with children and animals. She’s quick to help anyone in need, no second thoughts before she jumps into any situation. She is a great hunter and is talented in singing. She is also the best listener and confidant, and she cares about me greatly, as I do her.” Y/N smiles at Chan, feeling her heart get lighter. “I am glad that I get the chance to know you and the others, you’ve been so helpful. I’m grateful to have you all as friends.”
Chan gives Y/N a toothy smile, feeling honored at her words. He clears his throat, “Well, thank you. I feel blessed hearing you call me a friend. I feel the same.” he smiles at her. “And if the offer still stands for that Spell you mentioned, I could definitely use it. We have a photoshoot to do this afternoon and I won’t have time to sleep.”
Y/N laughs, “Of course.” She gets up and stands in front of Chan, “But only if you take me to your shooting. I’ve been curious about it since Hyunjin tried to explain it yesterday.” Chan nods in acceptance with a smile. Y/N smiles back, then places her hands on either side of his head. The tips of her fingers begin to glow and patterns form around Chan’s head. “Just keep a steady breathing pattern, and let your eyes close when they feel heavy. You’ll sleep for about five to ten minutes, then wake feeling well rested.” Chan nods to indicate he understands.
After a few seconds, Chan falls asleep. Y/N uses the opportunity to use the restroom. When she comes back, Chan is still sleeping. She goes and sits next to him and hears music coming from his headphones, he never paused his track so it kept replaying. She gently removes the headphones from his neck and puts them on.
The melody she hears coming from the odd device is enchanting. Y/N leans back on the sofa and closes her eyes, listening to the pleasing noise, finding the different blend of sounds and tunes that were woven together to make the most beautiful music Y/N has ever heard. She felt the notes take her through a story of happy and intense moments.
As Y/N listens to the music playing from Chan’s computer, he wakes to see her with her eyes closed and gently swaying her head to the music. The sky begins to lighten up as sunrise approaches, casting a blue glow through the room, and on Y/N’s smooth and delicate features, giving her an ethereal appearance that has Chan wondering if she is some sort of Celestial being. Without thinking, Chan reaches out and caresses the smooth surface of her cheek.
Y/N opens her eyes upon feeling Chan’s hand touch her face. This makes the third time he has touched her face, and each time she feels the flutters of her heart get stronger. They lock eyes and, suddenly, they feel like magnets attracted to each other. ‘What is it about him? Why do I feel like his Stars call out to mine?’ Y/N wonders to herself. She notices herself leaning into Chan’s hand, which is still resting on her cheek, and is slightly surprised by her own bold move.
Chan looks her in the eyes and feels as though he is being pulled towards her, like a sailor to a siren’s song. ‘She feels like the melody I can’t get enough of, that I need to know the notes to.’ Chan feels his eyes fix themselves on Y/N lips when she leans into his hand. Chan begins to lean forward and uses the hand on her cheek to guide her towards him. He hesitates for a moment, not sure if she is okay with it. When her eyes flutter close, he takes that as consent to continue.
Lips centimeters apart, they are interrupted by someone clearing their throat at the end of the hall. Chan and Y/N jump apart when they hear the interruption and whip their heads around to find Felix standing there, a shit-eating grin on his face. “So, good morning?” he says, voice deep with sleep, indicating he must have just woken up.
Y/N flushes, shocked at being caught. She is partly thankful for the interruption, for she has never given way to her inhibitions before and she has no business getting attached to anyone of this world when she has her own world she’s trying to return to, and partly resentful, for reasons she chooses to ignore.
Chan gets up from the sofa and approaches the younger man. “Please don’t tell the others.” he pleads under his breath in English. “I don’t want them trying anything to ‘help’ or anything, because I know they’ll just mess it up. Especially Minho.” Chan knows he’ll never hear the end of it if Minho finds out.
“Sure, man. I got you.” Felix says, placing a hand on the older’s shoulder. “And just so you know, everyone ships you two.” Felix smiles when Chan groans, then continues to his original destination, the bathroom.
“I’m sorry, if I made you feel uncomfortable.” Chan says, facing Y/N. “I just kinda got lost in the moment.” he says, searching Y/N’s eyes for any hint of regret or anger.
Y/N shakes her head at him, “It's okay. I was giving into the moment as well, you don’t need to apologize, let’s just move on.” she says dismissively, handing him back his headphones, and Chan is a little hurt. “I was wondering if I could help whoever is making breakfast today.” she says, standing up from her spot on the sofa, and Chan gets up with her.
“That’ll be myself and Jeongin today. I am about to go to pick up what we need. Care to join me?” he puts a hand out towards Y/N, inviting her to go out with him.
“Sure,” she says, taking his hand, “let me just grab those contacts.” She turns and heads to the room and retrieves the contact lenses from the desk in her room.
Chan leads Y/N though the market store, and she is in awe at how the store provides everything they need in one location. All the meats and vegetables and seasonings and grains. At home, she had to go store to store to get what she needed for meals, for not one person has everything. She will need to suggest this to the townspeople when she gets back.
When they get back to the house, the boys are all awake, waiting for Chan to get back and get started on breakfast.
“Ugh. It’s about time you got back. I’m starving.” Jisung says before yawning and rubbing his belly.
“Yea. What took so long, Hyung?” Minho asks, “Were you two on a date?” He wiggles his eyebrows at the pair and Chan scoffs at him.
“A what?” Y/N asks, confused.
“You know, where two people go out to enjoy each other’s company and hold hands and kiss and stuff.” Minho says, a devilish smirk spreading across his face.
“For your information, we were getting the ingredients we need to make your breakfast. So shush up and be grateful.” Y/N says with a stern voice, ignoring the burning of her cheeks caused by Minho’s taunting. She huffs and him and turns to go to the kitchen.
Chan, Jeongin, and Y/N begin to cook breakfast. Or more like Chan and Jeongin cook breakfast and Y/N watches because she doesn’t know anything about the dishes they are creating. Before long, they two men start to put the dishes out for everyone to grab a plate and serve themselves. Everyone sits in the living room with their dishes and begins eating.
“So, what's on the agenda for today?" Changbin asks Chan when he gets situated with his food in his seat.
"Um, our schedule is pretty much open all morning. I was thinking of going to the studio and working on a new track I just started." Chan says and takes a quick bite of his food. "Then, at one this afternoon, we have a photo shoot."
"Okay. Jisung and I can join you if you would like help on that track." Changbin offers and Jisung nods along.
"That would be appreciated." Chan accepts. "Seungmin, Minho, and Jeongin, if you don’t mind cleaning up here, then meeting the stylists to make sure they have the right outfits for the shoot. Hyunjin and Felix, would you be so kind as to take Y/N out shopping for new clothes? She asked to join us for our photoshoot today, and I think it would be best if she doesn't show up in matching outfits with Hyunjin."
"Yeah sure, Hyung. Not a problem." Felix says with a sly smile.
“I have no currency to buy anything, nor anything of value I can trade.” Y/N says, shaking her head at the boys.
Chan gives Y/N a small smile, “I know you don’t. Which is why I am offering to buy it for you.” Before Y/N can protest, Chan adds, “I’m doing this as a thank you for helping me out earlier. I really do appreciate it.”
“What did she do for you, Hyung?” Felix says, still sporting the same sly smile.
Chan eyes him with a warning look while he reaches for his wallet in his back pocket, "Took away some of my tiredness with a Spell.” He says shortly. “Here’s my card. Don't go crazy with it, okay?" He hands the card to Hyunjin. "And please get a new coffee table while you're at it." He adds, looking at the space where the old one used to be.
"Sure thing." Hyunjin replies, taking Chan’s card. Hyunjin and Felix exchange a smile, and Chan wonders if he will regret allowing these boys in particular to make decisions over Y/N's wardrobe.
A/N: OOPS! I’m SOOOO sorry! I completely spaced to update! I hope you all enjoy this latest chapter! Even if it is late...
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naly1109 · 4 years
Your Lovely Wicked Soul
Summary: Witch au, Reader X Bang Chan feat. Stray Kids (Narrator's POV)
Summary: Y/N is well known and beloved amongst the people of her home village. Being a powerful Witch, she helps the people using her Gifts to increase crops, heal the sick, and protect the townsfolk and other favors. When her Grandfather sends her away to save her from the misfortune of becoming the awful King’s bride, he sends her across worlds into the hands of a man bearing an uncanny resemblance to the tyrant King.
~Chapter 3~
To My Beloved Y/N,
I hope you are faring well in the other world I have sent you to. I am writing you this letter knowing that I have sent you away. I had Foreseen the King coming with the Members of the Witch Society and how he would try to take you away by force. I had tried to think up many different ways to keep the events leading up to my death and your departure from happening, but unfortunately there was no way around it. Each scenario I Foresaw would end in my death, with you being taken by Talmas and abused to do his bidding. I would not allow my Granddaughter to live such a horrible fate as the one I Foresaw, even if it meant giving my life so you may be safe. I told you that I would be sending you to someone who could help. I am sending you to the last known location of a Witch that was banished to that world over two decades ago, and it will be a while before they make their presence known to you. They will be able to help you increase your Gift’s power to return home and put a better King upon the throne, and soon. For I have also Foreseen that, in a year’s time, Talmas will wage a massive war using Witches, none like our history has ever seen, and it will leave our world in ruin and with the near annihilation of Witches. I am sorry I cannot give you details, for if I reveal anything too soon, it can alter the fate of our world. This is the fate I have Foreseen for you for many years, even before your father, I just didn’t know it was my own Granddaughter until I held you for the first time. I know you will miss me greatly, for I will miss you too, but know that I am reunited with your Grandmother, to watch you from the Stars with your Father and Mother. I am proud to be your Grandfather and I love you more than words could describe. You brought light into my life and made it enjoyable. Stay blessed my Little Opal Star.
With Love and Adoration,
Your Gaba, Lessio
Y/N reads the letter for what might be the 100th time today, wiping away tears. She is currently waiting for the men to return from their shooting so she could ask if they know anything of the Witch sent here years ago. She gets bored waiting in the living room for the object they called a ‘clock’ to put its arms in the position Felix said it would be in when they arrived, so she goes to the kitchen. Y/N always felt more at ease in the kitchen back at home, making delicious meals for her and Gaba, or mixing herbs for medicine and ointments. She looks around the kitchen and can make out what some of the objects are and what they are used for, but some things seem quite foreign to her.
Y/N heads for the thing Jeongin called a ‘fridge’ to grab some of the delicious banana’s milk. She allows her curiosity to get the better of her and she begins rummaging through the boys’ kitchen to see what other items she could find that are similar to what she used back at home. As she sips on her banana milk and rummages through the kitchen, the boys finally arrive back from their shooting.
“Oh, thank the Stars! I was beginning to get bored.” Y/N says as she approaches the boys. “So what did you bring back from your shooting?” she asks, looking at the boys’ hands expectedly, only to find that they brought no kills. “Did you not fair well with the game? Maybe I can go with you next time. I am an excellent hunter.” she finishes with a small smile.
The boys exchange a look of confusion. “Um. We didn’t go hunting. We went to a Variety Show shoot.” Seungmin tells Y/N. “And you could’ve turned the TV on if you were bored instead of pulling apart our kitchen.” he says, eyeing the mess of cooking utensils and dishes, the rest of the boys’ glance over to see what he is talking about.
“The irritating flat box would not power on for me, so I let it be. Besides, it hurts my head thinking of how you get those people in there. Do they feel cramped in there? Or is it like my Cloak where there is a large space made beyond the fabric?” Y/N asks as she moves towards the kitchen to put away everything she pulled out.
The boys go to help her, but recall she doesn’t need it when the items all levitate and return to their places in the kitchen.
“It's called technology, and it's complicated.” Chan says while dodging a pan that is flying to its place in the cabinet behind him. “We use it for everything from transportation, to communication, to entertainment, to medicine. It's not a ‘Gift’ or ‘Spell’, but something that was invented by someone a long time ago, and improved by many great minds over the years to get us what we have today.”
“That sounds like a Gift to me.” Y/N states after she considers his response for a minute. “It may not manifest the way ours does back home, but it is a power unique to your world that continues to develop and advance, it is used for everyday tasks, and it is provided by a few and accessible to everyone. Sounds like how Gifts work back in my world.” She points out the similarities between Gifts and what they call ‘technology’.
“I mean… She has a point, Hyung.” Felix says, understanding Y/N’s point of view.
Y/N pauses, “What’s a variety show? And why do you shoot it?”
Hyunjin answers her this time, “It's a show that does a variety of activities and challenges and games. And we shoot it using cameras. They are equipment used to capture our images and then send them to everyone’s TV, or what you called ‘irritating flat box’.” He moves to try to power up the TV, discovering that the remote needs new batteries.
Y/N nods, processing the new information Hyunjin provided. She has so many more questions on how so many other things in their world work, but they would have to wait. Right now, she needed to find the Witch that could help her back home. Whoever they are, Y/N really hopes she will find them soon.
“Would you guys happen to know of any other  person who may have appeared in a similar manner as I in recent decades?” Y/N decides to question the boys before going further off the topic she’s been waiting to discuss with them. “I found a letter in Gaba’s Grimoire addressed to me. And in the letter, he tells me that he is sending me to the last known location of a Witch banished here over 20 years ago. It’s really important that I find them.”
“I’ve never heard of another person from another world coming in how you did.” Jisung stated. “And some of us may not have been born yet.” he adds.
“I guess that’s true.” Y/N says, rubbing at her chin in thought. “Would you happen to have access to an archive? Somewhere information is stored? Perhaps, if I can find an inexplicable string of odd events, it can lead me to them.”
The boys all think about it for a moment. Chan is the one who answers. “I think we might be able to go to the library and search through old newspapers and stuff there for any odd, unexplainable events. Our schedule is open for the rest of the day, so we can help her out.” he suggests to the boys, and they all nod in agreement.
“Wait.” Hyunjin stops and gets everyone’s attention. “Don’t you think that all of us walking up into a library with a girl will grab some attention? Add to that, the girl we’re walking in with has freakishly unusual eyes.” Everyone’s eyes shift to the outworlder.
“You can change them using a Spell, can’t you?” Jeongin asks Y/N with wide eyes.
“I could, but a Spell like that will require a lot of focus on my part. So if my focus shifts to anything but the Spell, it will stop working.” She answers the youngest boy.
“Um, how about contacts?” Jisung suggests. “I have a spare blue colored pair in the bathroom?”
“I think that’ll be our best bet.” Chan agrees, and Jisung turns to run to the bathroom to retrieve the contacts.
“What are ‘contacts’?” Y/N asks, her voice hinting a bit of concern. Just then Jisung returns with the case containing the contacts. He hands them to Y/N and she looks at it questioningly, not sure what the boy expects her to do with the foreign object. Jisung looks at her and gives her an encouraging smile and nod. 
“Oh!” he says, realizing she doesn’t know what to do. “They are contacts to change the color of your eyes. You just put them in your eyes and blink.” He makes it sound easy. He takes the case from Y/N, opens it, and hands it back.
Y/N takes out the contact and examines it. She finds the curved, blue tinted piece of film odd on her finger, and she accidentally drops it. She picks it back up and she can see the specks of dirt on it. “Sorry.” she tells Jisung.
“That’s okay. I’ll go grab the solution to rinse it.” Jisung states before turning and heading back into the bathroom. “Here.” he says, coming back and grabbing the contact to rinse it with the solution. “Do you need help?” he questions and receives a nod from her.
“I’ll help you.” Chan offers before anyone else can, surprising himself. “That is, if you're okay with it.” he adds, not wanting to sound too forward with her. He felt a pang of unexplainable jealousy when he thought of any of the other boys being so close with her.
Y/N looks at Chan. “Yes.” she says. She blinks, surprised at her answer, for she had intended to decline.
Chan fights a smile as he approaches Y/N to assist her. His heart in a frenzy at the thought of her being close to him. He grabs the contact case and puts it down, then he grabs the contact from her and takes a step closer to her.
Y/N feels herself stiffen as the distance between them lessens, her heart making little erratic jumps. She swallows and hopes it goes unnoticed by the man in front of her, and by the ones still currently in the room watching as though they were watching a theater play.
“I’m gonna hold your eye open while I put in the contact. I don’t want to hurt you, so try not to flinch away, okay?” Chan states with a reassuring hand on her shoulder, holding the contact on his index finger of the other hand.
Y/N nods and allows him to touch her face. Only two people have ever touched her face in her life, aside from her parents she would assume, and they are Gaba and Ember. So the sensation of Chan’s warm hand resting on her cheek while his fingers held her eyelids open was odd. He gently put the contact into place on her eye and she fought the urge to flinch or blink. Then repeats the action with the other eye.
“There. Now blink a few times to help them align with your irises. How does it feel?” he asks after she blinks vigorously for a few seconds.
“It feels weird, like there is access film on my eyeball.” she responses, going to rub her eye.
Chan grabs her hand to stop her. “Don’t do that. You might irritate it.” he gently puts her hand back down to her side. She looks at the boys and they remain silent while they look at her. 
“It’s the lightest shade of blue eyes I have ever seen,” Hyungin speaks up. “But who is to say that there aren’t people out there who have that eye color.” he reasons and the boys nod in agreement.
“Okay then. Let’s go to the library.” Chan says, clapping his hands to get the boys moving. They all grab hats, masks, and sunglasses to hide their identity for when they want to go on outings undisturbed.
“Why are you all covering your faces?” Y/N asks as she watches the boys put on their disguises.
“We’re celebrities here, we’re part of a music group called ‘Stray Kids’, so a lot of people know our names and faces. So to protect ourselves and our friends that we go out with, we wear masks and sunglasses with hats.” Minho answers her question, and she can make out a smile behind his mask.
“Oh.” Y/N nods her head. She understood what it was like wanting to hide one’s identity to protect oneself. When she accomplished the 50 Gift combination Spells, it gathered the attention of nearly every village within a two days travel, and everyone wanted to get a look at the young Witch who accomplished what most Witches may never achieve. Even if it meant waiting outside her house for days just waiting to have her bless whatever the outsiders wanted, from vegetable seeds to cattle to babies. After about six weeks of people coming through the village and staying for days, the villagers of Old Stone Village had had enough, and chased every non-resident out.
Everyone grabs their coats to wear for the slightly chilly weather. Y/N grabs her Cloak and goes to put it on. “Wait.” Hyunjin stops her, again,  “You don’t really plan on wearing a whole ass Cloak in public, do you?” he says with a raised brow, tone laced with disapproval.
Y/N looks at the man and then around at the rest of the boys. She sees the throw over hoodie Jisung is wearing and decides to copy that. With a wave of her hands and a Spell, she changes the appearance of her Cloak to be a teal colored version of Jisung’s hoodie. “There. Now let's go.” Y/N says, throwing on the hoodie.
Y/N is in absolute awe when they walk into the library. She has never in her life seen so many books in one place. The largest collection of books she has seen was in Gaba’s study, and this library made it look like a sorry collection in comparison. Everywhere she looked there were books. Her eyes lit up at the thought of spending endless hours of reading and having it not be the same content over and over.
“You must really like books.” Chan says, smiling at Y/N’s awestruck face, taking note of her reaction.
“Oh yes!” Y/N states with enthusiasm. “I love reading. Ever since I was a little girl and Gaba bought me the first book of ‘The Adventurous Life of Mildie Posh’. She was my favorite fictional Witch. My best friend, Ember, and I would take turns acting out some of the stories in her books.” Y/N shares with a warm smile, and Chan can’t help but smile as well.
“Where should we go to start looking.” Changbin asks, bringing Chan’s attention to him.
“Oh. Right. Um, let me ask.” Chan says looking around for a librarian. When he spots one a little ways away, walking away from where they are, he quickly jogs to catch up.
The boys take this opportunity to question Y/N.
“So.” Minho starts, “What’s going on between you and Chan?” he asks when Y/N turns to look at him.
Y/N's eyes go wide, “What do you mean?” she asks innocently, genuinely confused by his question.
“Oh, come on. We see the way you guys look at each other. And we can practically feel the tension in the air when you are in close proximity to each other.” Minho says. The boys all have their eyes on Y/N, waiting for her answer.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. There is no tension or looking at each other going on between Chan and I.” face feeling slightly heated at the prospect of being in that kind of relationship with Chan.
“Chan totally got jealous when I offered to help you put in the contacts. And he was practically mentally stabbing Hyunjin yesterday when he was trying to help you with your chopsticks. He’s never acted that way towards a girl, even the ones who have confessed to him.” Jisung says, watching Y/N’s face turn pink at his words.
Just then, Chan comes jogging back up. “Okay, the librarian said we can find all the old newspapers on the second floor.” He looks around the group and notices awkward faces and a slightly flushed Y/N. “What were you guys talking about?” he asks with an eyebrow quirked up.
“Nothing.” all the boys say in unison before they all walk towards the stairs, leaving Chan and Y/N behind. Chan looks at Y/N and she just shakes her head at him then scurries off to join the rest of the boys, leaving Chan feeling like he just missed something important.
Several hours pass while looking for any information that may help Y/N find the Witch she is looking for. The boys helped with the search while also showing each other different stories they would find about murders, celebrity gossip, or a scandal that a politician may or may not have been involved in. Eventually, the librarian came to inform them that the library would close in an hour.
“Ugh! All this information we’ve sifted through, and not a single clue as to where this Witch might be!” Jisung exclaims, earning several shushes from the few people still in the library. “Sorry.” he whispers.
“I don’t think we will find anything here.” Changbin says, groaning into his hands, his eyes feeling the strain of reading through so many articles for the past several hours.
“Changbin’s right.” Minho agrees, rolling his head back on his shoulders. “My eyes, shoulders, and back are starting to hurt.” He rolls his head to either side, neck popping. “Ah, yeah.”
“Okay. Let’s put this all away and go. I’m starving anyway.” Chan says, realizing they hadn’t eaten since before filming the variety show, and his stomach is protesting.
“Me too.” Y/N states from beside him. It made Chan happy when Y/N sat down next to him. She may have had no other choice since the other guys took all the other seats around the table by the time Y/N and Chan caught up. But nonetheless, he felt jolts of excitement each time she would ask him to clarify a word or phrase she was unfamiliar with. She didn’t look at his face once, but still, he swears he felt her eyeing his arms and hands.
Minho yawns from the other side of Y/N. He stretches his arms out, hands towards his head, to the sides. To avoid being hit by his elbow, Y/N leans away. Into Chan. He puts a hand on her back to brace her before she’s completely leaning on him. She feels his large hand splay out between her shoulders and panics.
What happens next is too great to miss:
Once Y/N goes into panic mode, she jolts upward to stand, but before she completes a full stance, her left eye comes into contact with Minho’s elbow that is still outward. They both jump away from the painful contact, Minho into Jeongin on his other side, causing their heads to collide in what sounded like the painful clash of blocks of wood (POOR JEONGIN!), and Y/N back into Chan. Before Chan can brace himself to catch Y/N, she lands on top of him, causing both of them to tumble back with the chair. Chan’s legs hit the table, causing it to tilt and toss the newspapers and books to the floor. Changbin, Hyunjin, and Jisung catch the table before it completely tilts over. Y/N lands on top of Chan, his arms around her as though to protect her small frame from being injured. Y/N realizes she is on top of Chan, hands on his chest, legs tangled together, and faces only centimeters away from each other. Y/N, once again, panics and goes to get up, kneeing Chan in the tenderparts, as Gaba called them. Chan lets out a loud groan and clutches his groin in pain.
“Oh my Stars! I’m so sorry!” Y/N says, quite loudly, when she sees Chan’s face become a crimson red, his veins in his neck becoming quite prominent as his face is twisted in pain.
“Holy shit.” Jisung says, leaning over from the other side of the table.
At this point, the librarian comes to see what the heck was going on with all the commotion, being quite annoyed. “What is going on over here?” he asks, giving the boys a sharp glare.
“I’m sorry, Mister,” Y/N says, giving the man her best innocent look, “It was an accident. We’ll clean it all up, I promise.”
The librarian looks at Y/N and practically melts, all the boys do, including Chan, who is still on the ground. “Okay. If you clean it all up, all is forgiven, but please keep it down.” he finishes with a stern look. He turns to take his leave, but not before receiving a nod of understanding from a few of the group, and the few other people remaining in the library go back to studying.
“What the heck?” Felix asks, “What was that feeling? Like I was just putty in your hands?”
“Sorry. The Spell affects the overall atmosphere and not the individual.” Y/N states sheepishly.
“You used a Spell just now? But I didn’t even see you wave your hands or anything.” Felix says.
“Not all Spells require hand motions. I just chanted in my head as I spoke.” Y/N clarifies. “Let’s hurry and get this picked up so we can eat.”
“I don’t think all of us staying is a good idea.” Minho states, “We tend to be rather loud together.” The other guys eye him with suspicion, knowing he has an ulterior motive. He’s Lee Know for Christ’s sake.
“I agree.” Seungmin says, “Those responsible for making the mess will stay and clean up. While those of us not responsible will go and get something to eat. And maybe take it to the house. Where it's okay if we make a mess.”
“Who’s responsible then, Hyung?” Jeongin asks, rubbing the lump on the side of his head, courtesy of Lee Minho.
“This is how it all played out,” Seungmin recalls the events, having witnessed how everything happened from one end of the table: *Insert Events From Above Here*
“So obviously Chan-Hyung, Minho-Hyung, and Y/N-Noona are responsible for the mess, and should stay to clean it up.” Seungmin finishes the story with a smug grin.
Everyone takes a moment to process the events described to them by Seungmin.
“I’ll pay for everyone’s meal if I don’t have to stay and clean up.” Minho raises his hand while he pitches the offer he knows none of them can refuse.
“Deal!” the ‘00 Line says in unison. Minho sports a triumphant smirk.
“Wha-!” Y/N and Chan say in unison, Y/N supporting Chan, keeping him from falling to the floor again in pain. She got him good.
“How is that fair, Man?” Chan asks in disbelief at his friend. Minho simply shrugs at his older member.
“Okay then, let’s go.” Changbin starts to lead the members out, leaving Y/N and Chan alone. For the second time today. Chan looks at Felix and Jeongin, and they both awkwardly avoid his gaze and leave to follow Changbin with Seungmin and Jisung.
“It’s okay,” Y/N tells Chan, “I’ll have this cleaned really quick.” She goes to raise her arms, and Chan grabs them to stop her.
“No, you can’t do that here. Remember?” Chan says quietly to her. Wide eyed, she nodded, heart flipping at his touch, causing her to step back before he noticed.
“We’ll text you when we decide on where to get food so you can let us know what you want.” Hyunjin informs Chan. “Minho-Hyung’s paying so we’ll eat well tonight.” he says with a sly grin to Minho that makes the older man regret his offer. Hyunjin turns to walk away with a wave, followed by Minho, and catch up with the others.
Once all the boys are well enough away from the pair, Jeongin turns to Minho, “Did you have to be so extravagant with it? My head hurts now, thanks to you.”
“Sorry. I didn’t expect her to jump away from him how she did. She must not have had many men interact with her where she’s from.” Minho smiles, slightly proud of his work.
“And I’m sure Lee Minho is proud of his accomplishment.” Minho beams at Hyunjin’s comment, and the younger rolls his eyes. “Still, was it necessary to leave them alone to clean? It was all your fault, after all.”
Minho’s smile broadens, “Of course! They’ll thank me later if they ever find out it was intentional.” he states, self-accomplishment written all over his face. Then he suddenly goes serious, "And if any of you intentionally try to throw me under the bus for this, I'll tell them you all gave me the idea." He says, eyes narrowed at the younger men.
“Whatever. Let’s go eat. I’m feeling chicken.” Jisung says, and the boys agree as they exit the library.
A/N: Hello! And thank you so much for reading another chapter of my story! I greatly appreciate all who are reading and enjoying my work! ILYASM! Stay for the next one
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naly1109 · 4 years
Your Lovely Wicked Soul
ASummary: Witch au, Reader X Bang Chan feat. Stray Kids (Narrator's POV)
Summary: Y/N is well known and beloved amongst the people of her home village. Being a powerful Witch, she helps the people using her Gifts to increase crops, heal the sick, and protect the townsfolk and other favors. When her Grandfather sends her away to save her from the misfortune of becoming the awful King’s bride, he sends her across worlds into the hands of a man bearing an uncanny resemblance to the tyrant King.
~Chapter 2~
After what felt like hours of the guys trying to choose a place to order from and then picking what each member wanted to eat, then deciding who was going to go get it, Chan, Changbin, and Minho had finally come back with the greatly anticipated food. Y/N has never, in her whole life, seen or smelled food like this. She always wanted to travel to try the different foods around the world, but she always took on more responsibilities in the village that kept her there.
“Looks delicious, right Noona?” Felix says when he sees how Y/N is eyeing the grilled barbeque pork. Y/N gives him a sheepish smile as he puts some on a small plate and hands it to her, along with a set of metal chopsticks.
Y/N looks at the two sticks that were handed to her with confusion and looks up at the guys, all of them using the odd metal sticks to eat the food displayed in front of them. She attempts to copy the movement of the boys to eat the food Felix served to her. When the pork slips from between the chopstick for a third time, Y/N grunts in frustration and gives up.
“It's easy once you get the hang of it. Here. Let me show you.” Hyunjin says as he reaches for Y/N’s chopsticks to show her how to hold them. Y/N attempts again and fails. She grips the chopsticks with both hands in frustration. Hyunjin laughs and offers to try showing her again.
“No. I got it.” Y/N says as she runs her hands over the sticks, casting a Spell to turn the metal chopsticks into utensils she knows how to use. The metal begins to morph and bend, lightly groaning from being bent out of their original shape. Once she finishes, she has what resembles a three pronged fork. Y/N smiles at herself and then begins eating, ignoring the looks of the men looking at her in amazement.
“That will never get old.” Jisung says with rice shoved into his cheeks. He quickly swallows and asks, “So can everyone where you’re from do magic?”
There’s that word again. “Magic?” Y/N asks the boy.
“You know. What you do. With the hand waving and the lights and stuff?” Jisung explains, waving his arms around in an attempt to mimic Y/N’s movements from earlier.
“I don’t know what ‘magic’ is, but I don’t do it. We have Gifts that allow us to cast Spells.” Y/N clarifies. “And no. Only a small population of the people from my home has a Gift.”
Changbin is next to speak out, “So how does it work? Your Gifts? Can everyone do the same things? Is there a school like in ‘Harry Potter’ you have to attend to learn Spells?”
Y/N inhales, trying to keep up with the questions coming from Changbin. “Not everyone’s gifts are the same. Every Witch is born with a Gift that reveals itself on their first birthday. A Witch’s Gift can fall under many different types. There are four main types of categories, and many subtypes that branch from those four main types.”
“Let me guess. Are those four main types earth, water, fire, and air?” Felix laughs at his own joke.
Y/N raises a delicate eyebrow at him and answers, “No. The four main types of Gifts are Seer, Prosperer, Alchemyst, and Natures. So a Witch’s Gift will always be a subtype of one of these four. So a Witch with a Seer Gift may have Foresight or Mindeye. Prosper Gifted Witches can bring upon prosperity for a many number of things from wealth, to fertility, even with hunting game. Natures Gifted Witches may have the capability to speak to animals or make plants grow or control weather within a specific area. Alchemyst Gifts are not as common as the other three. Alchemyst Gifts can pretty much make an object with another object, much like I did with your odd metal sticks.”
“So you’re an Alchemyst Gifted Witch then?” Jeongin asks.
Y/N shakes her head at his question. “I am a Natures Gifted Witch. All Witches have the capability to use Spells from other Gift types, though they won't be as strong as when casted by a Witch possessing a Gift from that type. Some can also use a combination of Gifts to complete Spells. For example, when I immobilized all of you by levitating you in the air, I was using a combination of Natures Gift and Alchemyst Gift Spells. Not very many Witches can use a combination of Gifts to cast Spells. Only a few amongst our kind can.”
“So then that makes you an impressive Witch.” Felix states, feeling a little pride that his newest friend’s accomplishments.
Y/N nods her head. “Yes it does. I am the youngest Witch to have ever mastered 50 or more Gift combination Spells, having accomplished the feat when I was only 14 years old.” Y/N states feeling renewed pride for herself. “Most Witches who have mastered that many Gift combination Spells don't do so until they are well into their thirties.”
"How did you manage to learn so much so young? Did you not have a life?" Hyunjin asks, then regrets his words when Y/N's face falls.
"My Grandfather made me train really hard my whole life. He always told me I would one day be the greatest Witch, one who will bring upon a massive change to the world.” Y/N explains, tearing up as she recalls things about her Grandfather, like how he smelled, the way he talked, the way his eyes wrinkled when he smiled, and his laugh, she missed the sound of his laugh the most. Stars! Y/N would give anything to have her Gaba here with her now. “Gaba would have loved to have met you all.” a few tears gently falling down her cheeks and ehw quickly wipes them away. “He was killed right before I was pulled through that Spell hole.” Silence fills the room as the atmosphere grows heavy.
“What about your parents?” Chan asks, finally speaking up after watching everyone else participate in the conversation for a while. Y/N looks at him for the length of time it takes him to take a breath.
Y/N wipes away a few more tears that managed to fall. “They died on my first birthday. So I didn’t get the chance to really know them.” Y/N states matter-of-factly, looking down at the barbequed pork on her plate.
“I’m sorry.” Chan says quietly to her.
“Why? You are not the cause of their fate.” She responds, not understanding why he should feel apologetic at all.
Chan shakes his head with a small smile. “It’s another way of saying my condolences. A way to show that I sympathize with you.”
Y/N doesn’t know why, but her heart swells at his words. She still can’t look at him for too long, for he brings back the memories of Gaba’s death, but she feels an odd attachment to him. She feels drawn to him, as though he is not a stranger, but a lost friend that she’s been searching for unknowingly.
“Oh. Well, thank you. I appreciate that.” She says, finally locking eyes with Chan for longer than just a moment. They both feel a force pulling them towards each other, almost like metal to magnet. Then Y/N forces herself to look away. “Gaba told me a lot about them. I’m sure I would have been proud to be their daughter. They were powerful, well known Witches. They worked in the Witch Society under the rule of the previous King, back when it was honorable to be a Member of the Society. Now they’re just a bunch of cowards who do the crooked King’s bidding, hurting the people, the heart, of the Kingdom.”
“You feel really strongly about this Witches Social and their King, don’t you?” Felix asks with rice stuck to his chin, and Changbin reaches over to clean it off, “Thank you, Hyung.”
“Witch Society. And yes. That is my home, my people. I have to get back and do something about the current order of things before Talmas destroys our home.” Y/N states with new found determination. As soon as she is alone, she plans to study the Grimoire Gaba entrusted to her in hopes of finding the Spell to send her back.
“The people sure are lucky to have you to save them.” Jeongin says with a smile.
“So… about your eyes.” Jisung asks with burning curiosity, “Do all Witches have the same eyes?”
“No. Mine are the only eyes to have this odd color. Gaba told me that, when I was born, many Witches came to see me, even the King made it to see me while my mother recovered. The occasion made all the more eventful because both my parents were Witches, which is rare.” She pauses to take a drink of the banana’s milk Jisung served her, she doesn't know how one milks a banana, but she is glad for whoever discovered it. “Witches do have different colored eyes from regular humans. Humans have regular brown or blue eyes, but Witches’ eye colors come in different shades of blues, reds, greens, violets, pinks, and so on. And a Witch’s eye color will almost always be a similar shade of color that the Witch parent has.”
“Why do you say it's rare that both your parents are Witches?” Jisung probes further.
“Male Witches are a rarity, and when they marry a female Witch, they will always have a girl. So many choose to marry a human to increase their chances of a son, and they are oftentimes non-Gifted. My paternal grandmother was human. Gaba bought her a whole farm when she gave birth to my father, then proceeded to buy her several horses when he realized his son was a Witch. My Grandmother made him return all of the horses the next day!” Y/N softly giggles as she remembers Gaba’s face each time he told the story to her. He was upset that she didn’t want to keep the horses.
Chan finds himself mesmerized by the sound of Y/N’s laugh. It sounds like a melody being written just for him and he wants to hear more of it. And the sight of her lit up face makes a smile spread across his face. He thinks it would be extremely rewarding to be the one to make her laugh, and he hopes that, one day soon, he can hear her truly laugh.
“Do all of the people of this world have eyes like Obsidian stone?” Y/N asks, noticing the guys all have very similar dark eyes as Chan. “I have never seen eyes that dark in color.”
“Here in our country, the majority of people do have dark eyes similar to our own.” Seungmin answers. “But we are just a country in this big world. There are many different types of people in the world with different eye colors. None like from your world, but different colors of brown, blue and green are the most common, and sometimes a combination of those colors.”
Y/N ponders that response for a moment while she chews on her pork and rice grains. “That’s very interesting.” she states simply.
After everyone finishes eating, they start moving Seungmin’s and Felix’s things from their room and into the room with the spare beds. Everyone talks and jokes amicably while making games out of moving the stuff from one room to the other to make the task more fun and pass more quickly. Y/N finds herself enjoying passing time with the boys as they play and tease each other, while Chan finds himself staring at Y/N each time she giggles or speaks. Once they finish moving everything, they all sprawl out in the living room.
"There you go, Y/N. Now you have a place to sleep and keep your stuff." Seungmin says.
"Um, Seungmin. Y/N doesn't have anything. Or did you forget that she came to us unexpectedly from another world through a hole in our ceiling?" Hyunjin says in a slight teasing tone to the younger man.
"We can go shopping tomorrow for some of the necessities for her. Or did you forget that she has wants and needs just like any other human?" Seungmin counters. "Or non-human." He adds as an afterthought.
Y/N speaks out before the boys get too into their debate. “I have some items I brought from home here in my Cloak.” Y/N walks over to where she had placed her Cloak and picks it up, noticing the food stains. She gently shakes it out, all the stains on it from the first dinner disappearing off her Cloak the way they had the floor and sofa. Then she lays it down on the floor and waves her hands over it to activate the Storage Spell of the Cloak.
Once again, the boys all gather to watch in astonishment at what the Witch from a foreign world can do as she begins to pull things out of her Cloak, starting with Lessio’s Grimoire. The Cloak looks normal, but when Y/N puts her hand to it, it goes through and she pulls out another item from the unknown space of the Cloak. 
“So, whatcha got there, Y/N?” Felix asks, not recognizing some of the items.
Y/N begins to hold up items and explains, “These are some herbs that I had planned to use to make medicine for Old Man Jowsin’s back. This is an ointment I made to help disinfect and decrease the healing time of any abrasions.” She holds up a small crystal jar full of light blue paste. She continues to pull out a sketch pad, several pencils, a brush, and a hat. “A change of clothes because you never know what may happen.” she says pulling out lady pants and a blouse.
“Can’t you just make new clothes out of thin air if something happens?” Minho asks.
“I could, but using Spells for everything gets exhausting. It's nice to do things like a normal human too.” She defends.
“But normal humans don’t have capes with Spells cast on them to hold their stuff.” he counters.
Y/N is miffed at Minho’s statement. ‘Do humans here really not have any Gifts or other powers?’ she thinks as she looks around. “You must have your own capabilities if you are able to get people into these compact boxes. Or to have your home illuminated so late at night without the use of flame.” she points out.
“Late?” Chan says, looking at the time. His eyes go wide when he sees that it is nearly 2AM. “Guys, we have to be up in a few hours to make it in time for our shoot at nine.” he informs the group. Now that everyone is aware of the time, they start to feel the exhaustion from the last several hours settle into their bodies. “How about we continue our conversation with Y/N after we all get some sleep, yeah?”
Everyone nods in agreement, some yawns coming from a few of the boys. They all start to head to their rooms, and Chan heads to the linen closet to get some fresh blankets for Y/N.
“Here. Some fresh linen so you can change out Seungmin’s used ones.” he hands her the bundle of blankets.
“Why so many bed cloths?” she asks, looking at the blankets in awe. She’s never seen blankets dyed with so many intricate designs in it.
“Bed cloths.” Chan repeats, finding her terminology cute. “Let me help you get it set up.” he grabs the blankets from her and leads her to the room. Once inside, he puts the blankets down on the desk and starts to remove the blankets from the bottom bunk. Y/N watches him as he is removing the blankets, his arms bare and on display, showing his veins and how his muscles move under his fair skin. Y/N doesn’t realize she’s staring until Chan stands and asks her to hand him the blankets.
It takes Y/N a quick moment to register what he was asking for, “Oh.” she blinks and turns to grab the blankets and hand them to Chan. She silently finishes watching him put the fresh blankets on the bed. “Thank you for your help.” she says when he stands, not looking at him.
An audible sigh leaves Chan’s lips. “Why don’t you look at me, Y/N? When you do, you turn away as fast as possible.” he questions her. “Is it because I look like your King?” He takes her silence as confirmation. “You know I’m not him, right?” he asks her.
“Of course I know you are not him.” Y/N softly answers. “But it is hard to look at you because you bear resemblance to the man who is responsible for my Grandfather’s death. And although I don’t blame you, I can’t help but see his face adorned with a smirk as he ordered his guard to shoot Gaba down.” Y/N swallows hard, fighting back the tears that, once again, threatened to fall. “I also blame myself for not being strong enough to break Gaba’s Spell to save him.” Tears are now free falling off her cheeks as she cries in grief for her Grandfather for the first time.
Chan can’t help but embrace her small, trembling form as she sobs into his chest, tears staining his sleeveless tee-shirt. He stands there with Y/N for several minutes while she cries, offering soft, comforting words here and there. When Y/N finally calms down, Chan releases her but keeps his hands on her shoulders.
“I don’t know everything that happened, but according to your Cat, your Grandfather did what he thought was right for you, to protect you. How do you know that awful King wouldn’t have killed your Grandfather anyway? Or kept him locked up to keep you in line? Maybe your Grandfather knew there would be no other option but to send you here. So you shouldn’t blame yourself, because I would like to believe that he doesn’t.”
At his words, Y/N eyes move up from Chan’s chest to his face and stay there. “Thank you.” she says, then huffs at herself. “I sure am thanking you a lot this day, am I?”
“Hey, anytime.” Chan says, giving Y/N a toothy smile. Y/N is taken aback by how attractive his smile is, and warm in comparison to the King. She thinks she would like to see that smile more often. “And I will make it so you can look at me without seeing or comparing me to your King” Chan promises, as though he had just read Y/N’s mind.
“He is not my King.” is all Y/N can say as her heart flutters in her chest at his promise, and Chan gives her another small smile as they say their goodnights.
Chan walks into the room he shares with Minho, who is still awake. “Did you kiss her?” he asks, startling Chan.
“AH! Wha-! No! It’s not like that. I don’t even know her.” Chan answers, feeling flustered under the younger man’s scrutinizing gaze. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Uh-huh.” Minho ignores the older’s question, “I saw the way you were looking at her practically the whole night. At one point, I thought you would devour her right there in front of everyone.”
Chan flushed at Minho’s words. “Hey! I already said it’s not like that!” Throwing himself face down onto his bed. He rolls over to face Minho, “I mean, yeah, she’s beautiful, beyond stunning actually, but I don’t know her like that. Besides, she can’t even look at me fully.” Chan says. He thinks about how he had embraced her back in the other room. It wasn’t romantic, but it made Chan feel like he was complete, like she was the missing piece he didn’t know he needed. He still couldn’t explain it but the strange, magnetic pull he feels towards her when he is around her makes him smile.
“Well, that doesn’t stop you from thinking your lustful thoughts though, does it?” Minho says as he situates himself into bed for the night. “What were you doing in there with her that took so long if you weren’t locking lips?”
The older man throws a pillow at the younger man. “I was comforting her, pervert. She’s upset about losing her Grandfather and home all in one day, and she finally allowed it all out while I was in there.”
Minho is silent for a moment. “But you do like her. Right?”
Chan sighs, he knows Minho won’t let it go until he gets an answer. “I could definitely see why anyone would like her, but it's too soon to tell if I like her like that or not. I’m tired so goodnight.” Chan says, shutting down the conversation for the night.
Y/N is finishing setting up the personal items she had in her Cloak, taking a moment to look into the embroidered, crystal mirror her Grandfather gave her Grandmother as a marriage proposal gift. The mirror is her most prized possession, being the only heirloom she carried with her in the Cloak.
Y/N is feeling tired, but fights sleep. She wants to start looking into how to get home as soon as possible. She opens Lessio’s Grimoire and an envelope slips out from under the cover and glides to the floor without her notice.
After almost an hour of looking through the seemingly never ending pages and not finding anything, Y/N starts to feel her eyes heavy from sleep. Nolai meows at her, an indication that he thinks she should go to bed.
“So now you want to stop using your voice to reprimand me.” She says to Nolai, recalling how he shouted at her and told her she was being ridiculous. “I know I have to go to bed, Nolai, but I need to figure out how to get us home. I don’t feel comfortable here in this world.”
“Are you sure it’s the world you’re uncomfortable with?” Nolai asks, his voice laced with implications. “Or is it the handsome stranger with the familiar face?”
Y/N turns abruptly in her seat to look at the Cat Dhornna with an astonished look. “Can you go back to not talking?” she says, feeling herself grow uneasy at the truth of the Cat’s words. “You go to bed if you’re tired.”
“I can feel what you feel, Y/N. I know you hate the King, but you also feel yourself drawn to Chan.” Y/N tries to ignore him as he continues to speak. “I also noticed how he looked at you. Like he would move mountain rock for you.”
Y/N sighs and looks at her annoying Cat, trying to ignore the light jumps her heart was doing at the thought. ‘What’s wrong with me? I don’t even know him.’ she thinks to herself. She recalls the embrace she shared with him while he comforted her. It was by no means romantic, but it made her feel complete, like he was the missing constellation to her Star filled night.
“If I go to bed, will you stop talking?” Y/N asks Nolai.
“Maybe. Or maybe I might continue because I’m right.” he says, his usual gleam in his eyes.
Rolls her eyes at the Cat and gets up to go to bed. As she walks towards the bed, her foot slips on the carpet. She looks down to see she’s stepping on the envelope that wasn’t there before, and lifts her foot to pick it up.
Seeing that her name is written in her Grandfather’s handwriting on the envelope, she takes it to the bed with her to read it, tears already brimming her eyes for the fourth time today.
A/N: Hello everyone! I’m so sorry I am posting a day late, with 4th of July and my brother’s birthday, it has been a hectic weekend. I am having so much fun writing this, and I hope you are all having fun reading! I promise to keep posting every Saturday! LYASM! And thank you!
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naly1109 · 4 years
Your Lovely Wicked Soul
~Chapter One~
Chan has just gotten everyone situated in front of the TV, each with a plate for today’s special dinner, ready to pick a movie to watch. The ‘00 line seems like they have it out for each other, or Chan. One would complain about the suggestion of another, then the latter would complain that the former is complaining, rinse and repeat.
“Alright, alright! If you can’t choose a movie, then I’ll pick for us.” Chan states as he takes the remote in hand. Most of the boys groan and Chan gives them a quizzical look.
“You always choose those sappy RomComs and they are not even good.” Jisung says in a groan. The other boys simply nod in agreement.
Just as Chan opens his mouth to come back with a rebuttal, an odd whooshing noise fills the room and the air becomes thick. Then, suddenly, the space above their heads morphs into what looks like a hole in their ceiling. They all stand and look up at the hole to see the back of someone wearing a long, teal cloak with white trimming and long hair flowing down her back. It seems as though she is standing upright where she is, while from the perspective of the boys, her back is facing down while hovering 7 feet above the ground. And she is shouting in a language they do not recognize
“NIE! GABA!” the girl screams right as she falls, rather suddenly and forcefully, onto the coffee table that is holding their dinner, and the boys attempt to escape the food splatter. The table collapses beneath her, causing her to grunt as she hits the ground with almost as much force, the food flying to the ground and at the boys sitting on the sofa. The hole in the ceiling closes and the ceiling looks back to normal. The boys could only stare in disbelief at what they had just witnessed. If they had not all been there to witness it themselves, they wouldn’t have believed it coming from even their own members.
The girl groans as she sits up, rubbing her backside in an attempt to soothe the ache that was only going to be worse tomorrow, and opens her eyes to meet glances with the eight boys. All the boys gasp in unison upon seeing her eyes. They're the most striking pair of white Opal colored eyes. “Whoa.” a few of the boys say under their breath.
“Yeah, this is definitely WAY better than a movie.” Jisung says aloud
Y/N’s eyes narrow when they land on Chan. “You! What are you doing here? You killed Gaba!” She speaks in her native tongue, Trysian, not realising that no one can understand her. Frustrated with the only response being silence, she casts a Spell, patterns of light dispersing from the tips of her fingers, to render the men immobile by levitating them in the air a few feet. The boys all shout in surprise. 
Y/N once again focuses her gaze on Chan and again demands in her native tongue, “Why are you here? How did you manage to find me so quickly?!” Y/N shouts, quickly growing impatient. When he shakes his head in confusion, she sees it as a refusal to answer and changes tactics. Y/N begins to cast another wordless Spell to slowly pull his heart out. Y/N came upon the Spell while studying in her Grandfather’s study. She knew she wasn’t supposed to read it, but she couldn’t help herself. She still recalls the spell even after seven years. She normally wouldn't use a Spell like this, for it is a Dark Spell, but her emotions are getting the best of her, and she is not going to allow the man that killed Gaba to live. Even at the cost of her own life.
 Chan begins to feel an odd sensation in his chest, as though there are fingers clasping at his heart. He looks at the girl in front of him, her eyes bright and watery from the tears that threaten to spill over, as she looks at him with all the loathing of the world. He briefly wonders to himself as to why she looks at him like that, but stops caring when he begins to feel the fingers around his heart tighten with the promise to crush it. Chan can only groan at the sensation, the pain being too great to even manage to take a breath to shout out.
Just as Y/N is completing the Dark Spell, her Dhornna speaks out, “Y/N, STOP! You'll kill yourself. Your Gaba wouldn't want you to die for this." Nolai looks around at the confused faces. "Also, I don’t think they know what you are saying, Y/N. Look around. Does any of this look familiar to you? These men look scared and confused.”
“Don't let them fool you! This is that bastard King, Talmas! Look at him! The resemblance is too similar to be coincidence. And the others could have changed their appearances.” Y/N attempts to reason, more with herself, her Spell halts around the man’s heart. The thing about Dhornnas is that, being that they are manifest from a Witch’s Gifts, they are honed in on any weakness they have. That includes any doubts or fears their masters may have during times of distress.
“Really, Y/N? Does that make sense to you? Don't you think he would have them change his appearance as well? You know it's not him. How could he have found you already? Look at him Y/N! Does he even seem malicious to you? And if the Members were here, they would have already intervened, even being detained by your Levitation Spell.” Y/N hates when Nolai is right, he always gloats. Y/N exhales sharply and releases her Spells, collapsing to her knees, slightly weak after only just starting the Dark Spell and using the Levitation Spell at the same time. The men all gently come down from their positions in the air, shock still written across their faces. Not one of them seems to notice the other voice coming from the Cat Dhornna “Good. Now allow me to see if I can smooth this over.” Nolai says in an arrogant tone. Y/N throws a dirty look his way and she swears he is smirking.
Nolai is great at reading people, and he knows a cat lover when he sees one. He approaches one of the men and gently meows to get his attention. The man looks down, eyes going wide when he sees a black cat with eyes the same Opal color as the girl’s. He kneels down and picks Nolai up. As soon as he is within reach, Nolai rubs his face against the man’s forehead casting the Spell to receive knowledge of their language. It is a common Spell used by merchants back home when they need to complete a transaction with someone speaking in an unfamiliar tongue. Nolai learns that the man’s name is Minho and they are in a land called Seoul, South Korea.
“Hello Minho.” Nolai states in the men’s native tongue. Minho gasps and drops Nolai when he hears him speak. All the men step back in shock.
“D-did that cat just gr-greet me?” Minho asks, pointing a shaky finger at Nolai, dizzy from the Spell casted unbeknownst to him. He puts an unsteady hand on his head, “Ugh, I’m so dizzy all of a sudden.”
“Sorry, that is because of the Spell I cast to learn your language. You’ll feel better in a few moments.” Nolai answers before anyone could say anything more. “And of course I just greeted you. And I’m not an ordinary cat. I am Nolai, a Cat Dhornna, familiar to a Witch. More specifically, that Witch.” Nolai tilts his head towards Y/N, “She is my master, and her name is Y/N. We come from a small village called Old Stone Village, in the Kingdom of Trysolia. She was sent here by her Grandfather to save her from a horrible fate. So she is very weary of strangers at the moment.”
A moment of silence passes before anyone speaks up. “Okay, but that doesn’t explain why she attacked us. More specifically, me. It felt like my heart was being pulled out my chest.” Chan states, hand still clutching his chest. He can still feel it, the sensation of a hand wrapping itself around his heart. It scared him, and he will need a damn good reason as to why he should look the other way.
“My apologies. It is just that you resemble the tyrant King of our homeland, and we were being attacked by him and his men in the moments leading up to us landing here in your home. She was scared and had thought you were him and she acted on impulse. It's no excuse, I know, but her emotions are frail. I do offer my greatest apologies and hope you grace us with forgiveness.” Nolai finishes his speech with a bow to Chan. He decides to leave out how her Grandfather was killed, not sure how something like that would be received in this instance.
Chan stands where he is for a moment in amazement at the cat, and oddly impressed at his speech. “I’m not one to hold grudges. And it sounds like you and Y/N(?),” he states her name with slight uncertainty, “have been through enough for one day. And so has my living room. So how about, now, we all sit and discuss this like civilized people, yeah?”
Nolai looks at Y/N and then back to Chan. “May I request that someone allow Y/N to perform a Knowledge Transfer Spell so she may also speak amongst us?” The men look at each other, then at Y/N, scared, then seven of the eight pairs of eyes shift to look at Chan.
“What?” Chan asks the other men, and Hyunjin gives him a look telling him exactly what. Chan opens and closes his mouth like he is going to say something, then hangs his head and sighs in defeat, lifting his hand, “I guess that’ll be me.” Minho gives him a reassuring pat on the shoulder before shoving him towards Y/N.
Chan approaches Y/N and kneels in front of her already kneeling position on the floor next to what used to be their coffee table. Her eyes go wide as she looks at Nolai and he simply gives her a nod of encouragement. Y/N shifts her eyes back to Chan’s, and she sees how soft they look in comparison to the King's. That’s one plus for him. She notices that his eyes are much darker than Talmas’, almost like onyx or obsidian, ‘Odd. I’ve never seen eyes this dark before.’ She thinks to herself, but doesn’t ponder on it for too long. She doesn’t allow herself to visually explore his features any further.
Chan gulps as his gaze meets with the Witches, his nerves going haywire as she scoots closer to him. Kneeling in front of her at such a close proximity, he could see the details of her face. He thinks to himself that she is quite beautiful. Even without the unusual eyes, she would still be stunning. Her light Opal colored eyes fringed with long, thick eyelashes put her on a level beyond human beauty.
“I’m Chan by the way.” he blurts out, then recalls that she can’t understand him and quickly smacks his forehead. “Sorry, you can’t understand me yet, duh.” He states awkwardly to her, despite her still not understanding. Chan decides to shut up when she gives him a look of confusion mixed with a hint of judgement, and sees his bandmates shaking their heads at him. He looks into her eyes and realises that, up close, he can make out specks of pastel pink and purple and blue and green and yellow. It looks like someone really replaced her eyes with actual Opals.
Chan continues to stare into the hypnotizing eyes as Y/N places the palm of her right hand on his forehead and begins casting her wordless Spell. Their eyes stay on each other until Chan starts to feel himself become lost in her eyes and slightly dizzy, so he closes his eyes. He quickly learns that closing his eyes was a mistake, because it only makes him feel dizzier and he begins to feel detached from himself. Opening his eyes again, he meets the mesmerizing gaze of the Witch, and instantly feels back at ease, so he opts to remain with his eyes open for the duration of the Spell.
Just as Chan starts to feel like his brain is swimming in his head, Y/N pulls away from him. Having completed the Spell, Y/N stands up to properly introduce herself, “Hello. My name is Y/N. I do wish to apologize for my behavior a few moments ago. I was not in a proper state of mind.” She states flawlessly in their native tongue, much to the boys’ surprise.
“It's nice to meet you, Y/N. My name is Seungmin.” the boy gives Y/N an adorably warm smile after a few moments pass. He reminds Y/N of a puppy.
“Hi! I’m Jeongin!” the one with fox-like features says.
The man Nolai used the Spell on sends a small wave and smiles, “I’m Minho.” he states, simply.
“I’m Changbin, but you can call me Binnie.” the stocky, attractive one says with a lopsided smirk.
“I’m Hwang Hyunjin. Pleasure to meet you, even under such odd circumstances.” This man would be a hot commodity back in Y/N’s world with a face like that.
“I’m Jisung, or you can call me Baby.” The man who resembles an adorable chipmunk says, presenting Y/N a beautifully crafted smile, accompanied with a wink.
“You’ll scare her away, Hyung!” A man with freckles says to Jisung. Then he turns to Y/N with a welcoming smile, “Hi, I’m Felix.” Y/N feels her heart prick a little, Felix’s freckles reminding her of her best friend's.
She gives him a sad half smile and turns to face the full group of men. “Thank you all for being so kind and understanding.” She turns towards Chan but doesn’t look him in the face, and it doesn't escape his notice, “Thank you, Chan, for allowing me to use that Spell on you. You should feel back to normal in just a few moments. Also, I offer my sincerest apologies for attacking you and nearly taking your heart out. And, also, about your low table.” She hangs her head then adds, “Now if you’ll please excuse me, I need to find a way back home.” Y/N turns around and starts looking for a way out. As she stands there, eyes circling the room as she tries to locate the exit, she begins to feel awkward under the watchful gazes of the men.
She is about to turn and exit through the window just to escape the odd looks coming from the group of men when Nolai speaks out, “Y/N, we have no idea about how that Spell Gaba used works or how to reverse it to get you back safely. Also, we don’t have anywhere to go. Or any currency to rent a room or buy food.”
Y/N straightens her back, noticing her Dhornna spoke using the language of this world. Y/N has never been too keen on strangers knowing of her struggles, it makes her feel too vulnerable. Especially now, surrounded by foreign people in a foreign world.
Speaking in Trysian, Y/N responds, "Gaba gave me his Grimoire, if you recall. I can figure out how to get there using this." She pulls out the book still wrapped in elk skin. "And please speak in our tongue. I don't feel comfortable with them knowing too much. Talmas could use them to find me."
Nolai rolls his eyes, "But Y/N, it's late and we have nowhere to go. You're really going to ask me to wander the roads of a completely foreign world in the dark hours of the night?" He whines.
Y/N narrows her eyes at the Cat to warn him to stop talking, and states through gritted teeth, "I don't know what you want me to do, Nolai. We don't have very many options here." Y/N is aware of the other eight persons looking at them in slight confusion at the conversation between her and her Cat, and puts the Grimoire back away in her Cloak.
Nolai is also aware of them. "Well, I refuse to sleep anywhere but in a warm bed." He states with the stubbornness of his Master. He gets a little gleam in his eye before saying, "I know! How about you ask these nice men to let us stay here? At least until we figure out what to do next?"
Y/N's eyes go wide at the suggestion of her Dhornna and she reaches out to him to shut him up. "I'm sorry about him." She says to the guys in their language, "He's usually not this talkative, so I have no idea where this is coming from." She smiles awkwardly, then throws a glare down at her Dhornna.
"Well I don't know of all that was being said between you two, but I'm sure we caught the gist of it, and your cat is right. Now there’s a sentence I never thought I’d say." Chan speaks out, "You can't go and wander the streets of Seoul at night. There are many dangerous people out there. So you should stay here."
"Plus, your outfit will put you in danger of receiving more than just a few judgemental looks." Hyunjin adds, unhelpfully, face deadpan.
Y/N looks at Hyunjin and eyes his outfit, then looks down at hers, realizing for the first time how different they are dressed. Her clothing is made of finest materials from her homeland, her pants and blouse were of the softest cloudcotton, her boots of sturdy softwood and warm moose fur, and her cloak was of the finest sea velvet and dyed her favorite shade of teal. Y/N takes off her cloak and begins to wave her hands over herself in what looks like a dance using just the arms, casting a wordless Spell. Light begins to leave the tips of her fingers and leaves patterns in the air around her, and her outfit suddenly changes to resemble what Hyunjin is wearing. "There. Now I won't stand out. And have you forgotten that I'm not some helpless Witch? I can take care of myself."
Some of the boys raise their brows in slight surprise at Y/N's full form. She is short, barely coming to eye level with Changbin's chin, so the boys all thought that she was a child in her mid teens. Looking at her now, in ripped, black skinnies and a light blue button up that snugs her chest a little and hangs loosely down the rest of her torso, they can clearly see just how womanly she is.
Changbin clears his throat, "Um. Y/N? How old are you?" He asks the question swimming in all the other men's minds as well.
Y/N raises an eyebrow at his question, "I age a year on the eve the Earth completes its cycle around the Sunstar. This one approaching will make my 22nd complete cycle. So I'm almost 22 years old."
"That makes you only a couple months younger than me." Minho states with a smile after completing the math in his head.
"Well, I guess that means the rest of us call her Noona." Jisung states, then asks, “Excuse me Noona? Do you have a boyfriend?” earning him a quick jab in the ribs from Changbin’s elbow.
"But my name is Y/N." She gives Jisung a confused look, making the other boys laugh. Despite her attempt to kill him only minutes ago, Chan thinks to himself that this girl is extremely adorable.
"Back on the subject of where to stay?" The Cat says, allowing his voice to be laced with annoyance, trying to get everyone back on track.
"Right!" Chan says looking at Nolai, then back to the group. "I still don't think it's a good idea for you to wander around by yourself, even if you are a powerful Witch. Magic is not something people can do here, and you may attract too much unwanted attention to yourself if you go around flinging people in the air."
"Magic?" Y/N asks softly to herself, then aloud to Chan without looking at him, "Okay. Then what do you suggest?"
"Well, like your Doorman said, it would be safer to stay here. I'm sure all of us feel the same?" Chan asks the other men of the house, all giving Chan mumbled agreements.
Y/N rolls her eyes. "It's Dhornna." she states. "And Nolai is delusional. There is absolutely no way Gaba would send me into a house full of men with intentions that I stay. I can't stay." She finishes with firm resolve.
"You're being ridiculous, Y/N!" Nolai says, voice slightly raised in annoyance at his Master's stubbornness. 'Oh now he uses Trysian!' Y/N thinks to herself  "Gaba sent us here, and if you recall, he told you he was sending you to someone who can help you. I believe he knew that these men would be here to help you or could lead you to someone who can. If you would stop being so damn pigheaded, you would see that. Just accept Chan's offer." Y/N eyes go wide at the tone he uses with her.
"I liked it better when you said nothing." Y/N states to her Cat Dhornna, pouting. "Fine. We can stay here. That is if the offer is still open." She says, switching languages, looking at the boys.
"Of course!" Some of the guys say in unison, while others responded with “Absolutely!” and “As long as you need”. Y/N nods at the boys, quietly thanking them.
“So, two things.” Jeongin speaks out, “First, I’m still hungry and now our food is all over the floor.” Everyone takes a look around at the food splayed out on the living room carpet, sofa, and some of them. The guys all shift their gazes to Y/N and she gives them an apologetic look. “And second, where is Y/N going to sleep?” All eyes shift from Y/N to Jeongin, then back to Y/N.
“Well I can offer up a partial solution to the first issue.” Y/N says before stepping to the center of the living room. She closes her eyes and begins waving her hands around, making patterns in the air with light from her fingertips. Then, she begins to levitate and the room begins to put itself back into order. The soiled food and chunks of broken wood from the demolished coffee table going into the trash. The stains in the carpet, sofas, and the boy's clothes from the turned over kimchi, bulgogi, japchae, and various other foods, begin to disappear, almost like its dissolving away any evidence of the fallen dishes.
The guys all watch in astonishment at what is happening before their eyes. What would’ve taken hours and a whole lot of paper towels and stain remover to clean up, is now being done in only minutes by one person with no use of paper towels or stain remover. Felix looks at Chan, “Can we keep her?” he asks. ‘I sure would love to.’ Chan thinks to himself. He’s not willing to say the statement aloud, so he just shrugs at the younger boy.
Y/N finishes up the Spells and opens her eyes. Her gaze briefly falls on Chan before she looks away, and Chan feels a slight pang of hurt at the gesture. He tried pushing it away, but from the moment he first saw her falling from his ceiling, he’s been feeling a pull towards the stunning stranger. Almost like he is meant to know her, meant to have her beside him, and he unconsciously makes it his mission to have her at his side, looking at him.
“I guess I’ll go get the take out menus. Unless someone is willing to cook?” Seungmin asks hopefully. When he is answered with silence, he turns to get the menus from their place in the kitchen drawer. When he comes back, he places the menus on one of the arms of the sofa and speaks again. “I was also thinking about sleeping arrangements. Felix and I can just use the spare beds in the other room with Jeongin, Jisung, Hyunjin, and Changbin-hyung, and move our stuff out and into the other room with us. That way Y/N can take our room and have some privacy. It’s only temporary right?” Seungmin looks at Y/N, and she nods her head. “There, resolved.”
“Not quite.” Jeongin interjects, “I’m still starving and I refuse to help move anything on an empty stomach. So let's order some food. Chan’s paying.”
Chan gawfs at the younger boy, “Why me? Why can’t you or Minho or anyone else?”
Jeongin thinks on his response for a moment, then replies, “Cause I like food better when you buy it, Hyung.” He gives the older boy a brilliant smile, and Chan can only laugh. “And it's your birthday so it only makes sense that you pay.” he adds.
“Well Happy Birthday to me.” Chan mumbles under his breath. “Okay, but nothing too expensive. Since I’m going to have to buy a new coffee table too.”
A/N: Hello! I hope you all enjoyed Chapter One of YLWS! I know I had fun writing it. I did want to address that in the Prologue, the name of the village is different than what I put in here, I had decided to change the name of the village after I posted the Prologue and forgot that it had been mentioned. Sorry! I promise to be more diligent to give you guys the best experience
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naly1109 · 4 years
Your Lovely Wicked Soul
Witch au, Reader X Bang Chan feat. Stray Kids (Narrator's POV)
Summary: Y/N is well known and beloved amongst the people of her home village. Being a powerful Witch, she helps the people using her Gifts to increase crops, heal the sick, and protect the townsfolk and other favors. When her Grandfather sends her away to save her from the misfortune of becoming the awful King’s bride, he sends her across worlds into the hands of a man bearing an uncanny resemblance to the tyrant King.
Dhornna= Familiar of a Witch that manifests from the Witches powers in the form of an animal. They speak only when they deem necessary.
“Take this twice daily to increase your vitamin intake. You’re with a child, so it's important that you stay healthy for the baby as well. I know it does not taste to your liking, but you cannot keep ‘forgetting’ to take it just because you don’t like it.” Y/N hands the mother-to-be the herbal mix with a stern look as she walks her to the exit of the small clinic that has doubled as her’s and her Grandfather’s home for the last nearly 21 years. On Y/N’s first birthday, her parents were killed by bandits while traveling to visit a neighboring village. Her Grandfather then took her in to raise her in her parents stead, training her to become the amazing Witch she is today.
“Thank you so much, Y/N! I feel so much more at ease knowing that you’re here to help me through these trying times.” The woman, named Gailee, responds with absolute relief. She is only two years older than Y/N, but she is already married and expecting her third child. She turns to put down Y/N’s Cat Dhornna, Nolai, and grabs the medicine pouch from her hands.
“I’m glad that you find comfort in my care this time around as well,” Y/N smiles, “I can’t wait to meet this little one! Something tells me you’ll be getting that little girl you’ve wanted.” Y/N giggles at the older woman’s reaction, her eyes going wide with glee and excitement. Being a Witch ment Y/N’s gender predictions were always correct, so the woman knows there is truth to the statement.
“REALLY!” Gailee exclaims. “Oh thank the stars! My little Ramson and Lornick are so rambunctious! I was worried I would be stuck with another boy just like them! Now I’ll have a little girl who will be soft with me!” Gaile embraces Y/N with appreciation, then turns to stroke Nolai’s head, and leaves.
Y/N sighs as she closes the door behind the pregnant woman. She turns and looks at her Cat Dhornna with a small smile and asks him, “Do you think I’ll be married soon, Nolai?” The Dhornna simply blinks at his master and gives a small, uninterested meow. Y/N shakes her head at the Cat, not surprised by his response, and heads to the kitchen to begin preparing for dinner. 
Y/N is grinding up some herbs for the chicken when she hears her Grandfather coming in from the back garden. “I’m here in the kitchen, Gaba!” she calls out.
“How was the appointment?” he asks with a conversational tone, walking into the kitchen sink to clean the dirt off his arms.
“Gailee is doing great, and her baby is healthy also, you can feel her kick in there!” Y/N says with a small smile on her face. Her Grandfather watches her happily as she goes on about how soon the village will see the joy of yet another baby this year. He absolutely adores his Granddaughter, for she is all he has left. He watches the light of the setting Sunstar from the window play with her eyes, her unusually colored eyes, the only visible indication of how powerful a Witch she really is.
“You do such a great job, Y/N. I’m sure your parents are beaming with pride amongst the stars at how wonderfully you’ve grown.” He steps forward to embrace her. Y/N never knew her parents, but according to her Grandfather, they were very powerful Witches as well, and held great standing amongst the Witch community. Witches are not common but are well known, and villages often rely on the help of a Witch’s Gifts for crops, medicine, protection, and other favors they may be inclined to request, although some Witches powers can go above and beyond those capabilities. “I have received a letter from the Royal Circle to inform us that someone from the Circle will be visiting us tomorrow at evetime. I think they are coming here to seek you out to be part of the Witch Society.” he finishes before stepping back and placing his hands on Y/N’s shoulders with a distraught look on his face.
The Witch Society is a group of the seven most influential and powerful Witches in the Kingdom, assigned by the King when he is crowned. The current King, unfortunately, is a tyrant who finds enjoyment in taking lands for himself and killing anyone who denies him anything he wants. Despite knowing this, many Witches still covet the positions of the Witch Society. Y/N is not one who is willing to follow the malicious King, for she knows that the King is demanding that the Witches of the Society use their Gifts to practice in the Dark Spells. The Dark Spells are a dangerous thing to practice, and each Spell casted from the Dark Spells shortens a Witch's lifespan, if it doesn’t kill them right then. Which is why King Talmas is looking for his fourth replacement since the start of his reign eight years ago.
Y/N shakes her head in denial, defiance in her features, “No! I will never work for that nasty tyrant who is unworthy of being called King!” Y/N’s Grandfather knows she hates the idea of working for a man willing to hurt his own subjects for his own personal gain, but he still convinces her to be cordial with their guest for tomorrow evening. Even so, he already has an idea for if things go as bad as he had foreseen for tomorrow.
The next morning, Y/N and her Grandfather wake with the rising Sunstar, and begin to prepare for the expected guest to arrive. While Y/N leaves to get what will be needed for dinner, her Grandfather stays behind to “tidy up the clutter of their home”. What he is really doing is preparing for what he knows is to come. Y/N’s 22nd birthday is in only 89 days, and on that day, a truth will be revealed to her that will put into motion a grand change to their world. He knows that she will be mad at him for a while, but she will come to forgive him when she understands the necessity of his actions. 
Y/N’s Grandfather, Lessio, is a rarity amongst his kind, a male Witch. Of the small population in the Kingdom of Trysolia, only six percent are Witch, and of that six percent, less than about one percent is male. And Lessio’s son, Alstar, was also a Witch. Alstar fell in love with Y/N’s mother, Ailynn, another Witch, who possessed vast power and knowledge of Spells. The pairing was rare due to the sheer number of female Witches to the small number of male Witches, and most, like Lessio, married regular human women in hopes to increase the chances of a son, even a non-Gifted one. Lessio was one of the lucky few. As a result of the pairing, Y/N was born to become one of the most powerful Witches in history, although she has yet to fully come into her powers, Lessio knows it’s only a matter of time. So he knew this day was coming. The day when members of the Royal Circle would seek her out. Lessio tried his best to postpone this inevitable event by moving Y/N to the small village called Old Stone Village, on the outskirts of the Kingdom, and raising her incognito. Being a Foreseer Witch, he knew what was to come, just like with his son and daughter-in-law. But this time he wasn’t going to be too late.
Y/N arrives back from town with what she needs for dinner, and a light lunch for her and her Grandfather, a little before noontime. She calls her Grandfather to come in from the back entrance to eat. After eating, they finish up the house work and Y/N goes out to meet her best friend since they were toddlers. Ember is a Witch as well, her mother is Witch and her father a human.
“Y/N!” Ember calls out when she sees her approaching the makeshift shelter they made using the trees when they were eight. Truthfully, Y/N did most of the hard work, much to Ember’s disdain.
“Ember!” Y/N runs up to her friend, Nolai running ahead to greet Ember’s Rabbit Dhornna, Makil. Y/N always loves spending time with her only friend growing up. Being the only Witch children in the village, they could understand each other how no one else could. So many memories made here in the trees they grew together. They had used their Gifts to intertwine the branches together well above their heads and around them, to shield from the Sun and harsh weather. Y/N hugs her friend and stands back with a smile. “I brought some of the herbal fruit tea blend your mother loves. I know your parents anniversary is in a few days, so your mother can make this for your father.” Y/N finishes with a bright look in her eyes, handing her the large jar of ground up, dried herbs and fruits she pulled from her Storage Cloak. The Autumn weather is cold so both girls have on cloaks and fur boots over their lady pants.
“Oh, Y/N,” she giggles, “you’re always so thoughtful! I’m so thankful to have you as my friend!” Ember pulls Y/N in for another hug. The girls then walk into the shelter to sit and converse comfortably, while their Dhornnas play together.
“How are you enjoying working with children?” Y/N asks her friend. Ember began working in the school to help nurture the minds of the children by making learning more entertaining for them using Spells. It was an idea presented by Ember at the community meet earlier this year to improve the learning rate of the children who seemed to be having trouble focusing. Many of the community members agreed instantly, but a plan needed to be established on how to use Spells to aid in the learning process for the children.
“It's going great! Now that we finally got our plan into motion, we are seeing great results!” She beams.
“Our plan?” Y/N’s brow raises questionably at her friend.
“Oh. Um... Erinnek and myself. He’s a brilliant man with revolutionary ideas. We’ve been working hard to get this idea in motion and we’re both really proud!” Ember finishes quickly with a slight blush on her cheeks.
“Uh-huh. And could the reason my best friend is getting flustered over mentioning this ‘Erinnek’ man be because she has developed somewhat of a liking for said man?” Y/N asks, her voice going up in octaves at the end to taunt her friend. Ember’s violet eyes go wide, and her face and neck flush scarlet at the mention of her possible feelings towards the older man she has been working closely with these last several weeks. Ember blushing was always Y/N's favorite Ember face, because it always highlighted the freckles on her face, lighter in color now due to the Autumn season. Y/N always envied Ember her freckles.
“I’ve told you! It's not like that! I simply have a deep respect for his intellectual outlook on matters!” Y/N can’t help but laugh out at her friend's reaction, making her friend chant a quick Spell to send a brief gust of wind just strong enough to ruffle up Y/N’s long, silky tresses.
“Hey!” Y/N laughs, wordlessly returning the gesture in kind. Y/N’s Gifts advanced beyond needing to use a chant to cast Spells a few years back. An astonishing feat which few Witches accomplish, and it gathered the attention of some of the Witches from the neighboring villages.
Ember laughs, and asks, “Is there anyone you like, Y/N?”
Y/N stops to consider her friend’s question. As she thinks about it, she realises that she has never really developed that sort of relationship with anyone of the opposite sex. She was always so busy helping with the sick and tending to the lands with the villagers and helping her Grandfather with any crazy, new Spells he wanted to try. And of course training. Y/N was already very powerful by any standards, but her Grandfather always told her that she has so much more potential than even he could imagine. She went along with it, even though she thought he lost his mind while trying to count the stars.
“No.” Y/N finally answers after a few moments of silence had passed while she pondered her answer. “I haven’t really interacted with anyone in that manner so I can’t say that I see myself with anyone in that sort of setting.”
Ember watches her friend and feels sad for her that her life has not been her own. “Well, I’m sure there is some handsome man out there waiting to capture your heart, Y/N. Look at you! You’re Stunning!” Ember arms gesture towards her friend in a wordless attempt to help her see her beauty. Y/N is tall for their kind, but still small by normal human standards. Her curvy body is slim and toned in all the right places from the multiple jobs she takes on, working her body in different ways. She has long, thick, flowy hair that reaches her hips and frames her form wonderfully. She has beautifully shaped lips, and delicately arched brows set above striking and unusually colored eyes. Ember sometimes envied Y/N for her eyes.
Y/N lets out a snort. She was always told that she is beautiful, that she looks exactly like her mother but with different eyes. “We’ll see how your theory plays out after tonight.” Y/N then turns to her friend with a serious face, “Gaba received a letter yesterday informing him that we are to be welcoming members of the Royal Circle. It does not state specifically who we are to be expecting or for what reason they come, simply that they will be here this eve.” Y/N finishes when she sees the questioning look on her friend's face.
Ember inhales and exhales audibly. She knows her best friend’s views on how the Royal Circle is currently operating. And Y/N would rather take her own life than to be forced to work for the awful and selfish King. “What are you going to do?” she asks, “You can’t decline him. Everyone knows what happens when he is denied what he wants.”
Y/N hangs her head, her heart feeling heavy. “I don’t know.” she states, sounding slightly defeated. “I know of all the things he has done, but I fear what will happen to Gaba if I run away. He is too old to go on the run and go into hiding.”
Ember hugs her friend in an attempt to comfort her, her heart reaching out to her best friend. She cannot imagine the turmoil Y/N is feeling at this moment, nor did she envy her in this instant, for she shares Y/N’s views on the corrupt Members and their King.
Ember finally releases Y/N and looks her in the eye, “I’m absolutely positive that your Gaba has something planned so you don’t have to live that awful fate.” she states reassuringly, stroking back some of Y/N’s hair. “Your Grandfather cherishes you too much to allow you to burden yourself with the weight of someone else’s malicious will.” Y/N looks up and smiles at her friend. Before she has the chance to respond to her encouraging words, the sound of a horn pierces the early evening air, indicating that the members of the Royal Circle have arrived in the village.
“Well that’s my sign telling me to head home before the Members arrive at my door.” Y/N stands and readjusts her cloak around her. Ember stands up to embrace her friend, then it dawns on Y/N. “This may be the last time I see you for a while,” She whispers to her friend. Both their hearts clench in pain at the idea and they tighten the embrace.
Ember is the first to reluctantly break the hug. With teary eyes, she looks at the greatest friend in the world and says, “I don’t think so. You’ve been stuck with me for almost 20 years, you’re not getting rid of me that easily.” She attempts to laugh but it comes out as a soft sob.
Y/N strokes her friend’s cheek and smiles warmly. “I’m absolutely sure about that as well. You’re my Star Mate.” With that, the girls say their farewells and head to their respective homes. Y/N runs all the way and makes it in time for the Members to arrive.
Y/N and her Grandfather both wait in their front lawn walkway while the carriage comes to a complete stop and is prepared for the members of the Royal Circle to exit. While it is being prepared, a man on a black stallion rides up to them and dismounts.
“Where shall we store our horses?” the man asks Lessio. Y/N’s Grandfather guides the man and a few others with horses to the small stalls that housed your horse and Grandfather’s Horse Dhornna, Maize, and helps them get their animals situated and returns in just in time for the Announcer to make the introductions.
“Announcing the King of Trysolia, His Royal Highness Talmas!” the man in royal red announces as the King descends the steps of the coach. Y/N eyes widen at the announcer's words.
‘What is the King doing here himself? Just for me?’ Y/N thinks to herself. It was almost never heard of for the King to leave his castle. It's unnerving for Y/N to see the King here himself, and it is her first time meeting him. He is young, only having been 15 when he ascended the throne, and undoubtedly, very handsome, with thick, curly locks of dark hair styled back to reveal a strong brow over piercing, brown eyes. He has a sharp, prominent nose and full lips with a perfect Cupid’s bow. Y/N may have fallen for him based on looks alone if she wasn’t already aware of his horrid personality.
The King steps away from the coach to allow three other persons to exit, three women. The man in red announces that they were Members of the Witches Society, Y/N forgets their names as soon as they are spoken. She is too focused on trying to keep her mind from wondering and thinking up worst-case scenarios.
After the Announcer finishes the introductions of each person in the coach, Y/N’s Grandfather steps forward to speak, “Welcome, Your Highness. This is quite the unexpected visit, to what do we owe the honor?” Y/N’s Grandfather speaks the question circling her head as well.
“Well, I heard that there was an extremely powerful Witch living on the outskirts of my kingdom and decided to have a look myself.” he says in an irritably attractive voice. He turns his head toward Y/N and looks her up and down. “And I’m glad I did. This little Witch is quite stunning.” he finishes with a dimpled smirk that Y/N would’ve found attractive if it were not for the words that accompanied it or the man who wore it. “I see the tales I’ve heard about your eyes are true. Although seeing them for myself, I’m still in disbelief at how strikingly beautiful they are to behold. You must be a very powerful Witch indeed to have eyes this rare in color.” His voice laced with something Y/N could not identify.
Y/N clears her throat to speak, “Thank you. I have dinner prepared for you and your party if you would like to eat. I made duck with potatoes, carrots, and onions with an autumn themed sauce.” She tries her hardest to hide the discomfort the King gives her with his leering eyes.
“I would be more than honored to eat your home cooked meal. We have been on the road now for three days to reach this village. I’m sure our stomachs will be appreciative.” The King states. Y/N nods and ushers the King and his entourage into her small home followed by her Grandfather.
Y/N’s Grandfather allows for the King to take his seat at the head of the table and takes the one on the other end. His party takes seats around the table, a guard on either side of the King, two of the females on one side and the other on the other side. Y/N is thankful that there is enough seating, with eight people to seat, one more person and someone would be stuck standing while eating. Y/N takes the duck and vegetables out to the table and goes back for the bread rolls and chilled tea she made earlier that day, then takes her seat on her Grandfather’s right. After dinner, the King requests that the business they came for be conducted in the sitting room. Everyone follows Y/N’s Grandfather out of the dining hall and into the sitting room. 
Once everyone is seated, one of the members of the Witch Society begins to explain their reasoning for their visit so far out from the comforts of the capitol. “We came here today to recruit Y/N into the Witch Society. We’ve heard many stories about what she has accomplished and, knowing her lineage, we know she would make a great addition to the Society in serving the King to better our Kingdom.”
“How would you know if I would be a great addition if you are not even certain of what Gifts I possess? For all you know, I could simply be able to communicate with animals or make plants grow.” Y/N states with purpose, her stubborn streak showing. “And in what ways, pray tell, are you and the King improving our kingdom? By denying the people the medicine that they need? By demanding they turn over all their crops and animals and leaving them starving through the winter?” Y/N finishes with heavy sarcasm lacing her tone and a fake smile on her face.
The King simply smiles at Y/N’s display at stubbornness, seeing it as a challenge he will gladly accept. “Y/N, I’m simply doing what I see fit to make sure my kingdom profits.” he states nonchalantly, like he is making a comment on the weather, then adds with more interest, “Plus, anyone could tell just by looking at the unusual color of your eyes that you’re no ordinary Witch, but one who possesses tremendous power. And I fully intend on having you as part of the Society,” King Talmas smirks upon seeing Y/N’s glare fully focus on him, “or as my wife.” he adds before she can respond, chuckling when her expression changes to one of complete shock.
“Your Highness, is that an offer?” one of the Members asks, a hint of disappointment in her tone.
“Oh, I never say what I don’t mean and always want what I say, especially on my birthday.” King Talmas says, his eyes never leaving Y/N’s face as she throws mental daggers at him. “The Kingdom doesn’t have a Queen, why shouldn’t it be a powerful Witch like Y/N? With a Witch like you by my side, I could expand my rule beyond the current borders with little resistance. And you could help me further by expanding my life span.” He finishes with a cocky tone.
“I do believe I will have to decline your offer. I have no interest in being a member of your corrupt Witch Society, nor do I desire to be married to a tyrant that plays with the well being of his people for his own personal gain. And lastly, I will not allow you to stay in my home and continue to speak to me as though I am an object to be used at your disposal. So I suggest you leave while I am asking kindly.” Y/N manages to maintain a steady tone despite her inner fury.
Everyone in the room is taken aback at Y/N tone towards the King. There are murmured responses from the other guest like “Is she stupid?” or “The audacity to deny the King in such a manner!”
The King narrows his eyes at Y/N, clenching his jaw and flexing it to show his distaste with her response. “Very well. I have no second thoughts on doing this the hard way. Forcing you should be easy enough. Take her.” the King demands of the guards.
Before they can complete their first step toward Y/N, her Grandfather casts a Spell to bring everyone in the room to a stand still to buy time to get his granddaughter out of there. “Hurry, Y/N! It won't take long for the Members to break the Spell and come after us!” He grabs her arm and leads her out the back door, Nolai following close behind. Lessio is one of the other few Witches of their time that is able to cast Spells without the use of a chant.
“Gaba? Where are we going?” Y/N questions when she sees her Grandfather leading them into the woods. The cold air makes their breaths visible in the waning light of the LunarEarth. Y/N is thankful she remembered to grab her Cloak before being led out the back door.
“Just trust me, Y/N. I’ve planned for this.” is all he responds. Y/N is slightly shocked at his response but doesn’t press further while he leads her through the woods. They walk for several minutes before coming to a clearing. The clearing seems to have an odd pattern at the center of it. “Take this book.” Lessio hands her a large book wrapped in elk skin. Y/N’s eyes widen when she realizes that it is his Grimoire. “Please stand in the center of the clearing, and grab your Dhornna.” Y/N places the Grimoire in her Storage Cloak and does as he asks. Picking up Nolai, she quickly walks to the center of the odd patterns. As she walks through, she attempts to make out the patterns she sees on the ground, but in all her studies, she’s never seen this combination.
Once at the center, she turns to face her Grandfather. As soon as she makes eye contact with his steel grey eyes, he puts up a barrier around her to keep her there. 
“What?!” Y/N exclaims, reaching her hand out towards the barrier, only to have it push her hand back. “What are you doing, Gaba? I’m scared!”
“I’m sorry, Y/N!” her Grandfather calls from the edge of the circular pattern, “I have to do this. This is the only way I can protect you and put you on the right path. I’ve always known you were destined for great and amazing things, but not here while that tyrant is after you. I hope you know I’ll always love you.”
Y/N eyes begin tearing up as realization dawns on her. He is sending her away. Away from her home, from her friends, from her life, and, worst of all, from him. Her only living kin. The one person she could always rely on. She fights back her tears and asks, “Where are you sending me to?”
Her Grandfather shakes his head, “I cannot say, only two people have travelled there before but didn’t live to tell of what was there. But I know I'm sending you to someone I know can help you.” Before Y/N could ask more questions, they heard the voices of the guards and Members approaching them. “We’re out of time! I’m going to begin the Spell!” Her Grandfather begins the Spell and light starts to come out of the patterns, which, unfortunately, helps lead the King and his entourage to find them.
“HERE THEY ARE!” One of the guards shouts. Soon the whole squad is surrounding them, followed by the Members and, lastly, the King.
“Thought you could get away did you, little Witch?” the King says with disdain in his voice. “You’re not being as obedient as I had originally hoped you’d be, but that's fine, I like a challenge.” King Talmas then instructs the head of the guard to command them to shoot down Y/N’s Grandfather.
Y/N sees the guards all raise their bows with arrows and aim them towards her Grandfather. “NO!” she exclaims, then wordlessly casts a protection barrier around her Grandfather, just in time to deflect the arrows already flying at him. “Gaba, let down the barrier! I’ll go with him!” Lessio ignores her and continues the Spell, even as arrows hit the barrier Y/N has up. “GABA! DON’T! HE’LL KILL YOU! I WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN!” Y/N shouts out, tears beginning to overflow freely. The pattern begins to glow brighter, indicating that the Spell has been initiated.
Lessio turns to his beloved Granddaughter to look at her one last time, giving her a smile filled with all the love and warmth he holds for her, “I will always love you, Y/N. I’m proud of who you have become. And I know you’ll change the world.” Y/N feels her barrier falter as the Spell begins to pull her away, giving out just before it can stop an arrow from hitting her Grandfather in the chest. The Spell finally pulls her through with great force, but not before she witnesses two more arrows hit her beloved Grandfather.
“NO! GABA!” Y/N yells just as everything goes black.
Only a brief moment passes before Y/N feels her body thrown down onto a hard surface, it gives out and collapses beneath her, causing her body to hit another surface just as hard. Y/N groans and sits up, rubbing her backside. She opens her eyes to be met with eight curious faces staring at her.
A/N: Hi! I really hope you all enjoyed this Prologue to my first fanfic! There is so much more to look forward to, so I hope you all stay until the end!
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naly1109 · 4 years
About Me
My name is Jonnaly
This page is gonna be the page where I post kpop fanfics
The groups i stan are:
BTS, SHINee, GOT7, Stray Kids, and Itzy.
I will not be taking requests rn, but i might later
I will be releasing my first fanfic here shortly
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