name9258 · 17 days
почему ты перестала снимать видео на ютуб?
I have not. Just- busy I’m
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name9258 · 2 months
Would you sell or maybe just send them your dirty panties pretty please
Chad69691 I’m a child, you’re getting arrested babe. Kys.
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name9258 · 4 months
i forgot to mention, theres also this photo, its blurry enough to call it a shadow blob but it seems to me like a group of l'abattoir's members heading somewhere.
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I kinda see it.
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name9258 · 4 months
the "people in cloaks" are a cult by the way. or atleast act as one.
during violets disappearance, strange photos ware taken. they all have someone in the background "wearing a cloak", no body said anything, or really noticed they ware there, and the images ware later taken down.
theres also photos with a tall figure, once again no one said anything, and photos ware taken down. but there all in the same erea as you, and in new jersey, but mostly near you.
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from what ive seen, the locations are, the park opersite the forrest that you went into to "find tori", the roads operite both(?) sides, Bicknor forrest, and the other im not sure, but there has been incedents of few people talking up about these, they get told "its not real your seeing things" or "probably a goth kid", then theyd be silenced or sent into a hospital.
some have said theyve seen both at the same time, like some sort of gathering or ritual.
these things have been going on for hundreds upon thousands of years, but alot more since 2001 atleast, but everyone who speaks up gets shunned and made fun of.
through the past 4 years ive been doing my own research on this subject, its very hard to find any information, but i have found some things, i hope they help you out in any way.
the cult refer to themselves as "l'abattoir" witch is french but my phone bugs out when i search the translation, and the figure they refer to as "homme svelte" and ""grand homme" witch is also fench.
the homme svelte is a creature of some kind, like i said theres not alot of information, but there is some that youl find if you have enough patience and determination.
- it's tenticles have leach like mouths along with seperate mind from the slender body
-over time it can teach itself human communication along with other animals allowing it to master manipulation methods to lure in victims
-the tenticles are wet and can leave tails and markings of black slime and sometimes blood
-if it wants you alive, there's no possible way you can die, even by force or natural causes it's impossible
- occasionally it will use a human mask to attempt to blend it, made out of flesh along with skin suits of the same make
- if nessasary it will adjust its size for a limited time
i also did my best to do research on the book you found, and that they warn you to hide.
they refer to it as "le livre" witch is also french for "the book"
but thats all i can find, im dearly sorry that i dont have alot, but i hope this helps at all.
Wtf is wrong with these people
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name9258 · 4 months
about the photo.
you said you found it in the woods right?
it looks like the photo "slaughterhouse" posted on there comunity section
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the cose translates to "violet", so im guessing the photo is violet or related to her in any way.
Thank you for showing me
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name9258 · 4 months
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I found this photo on the floor when I was on a walk yesterday for fresh air, it’s blurry and weird becourse once I got onto the path I felt dizzy and sick, I collapsed and passed out after a few seconds of kneeling down, I woke up this morning in the same place around 5 am, and it was gone, some could have taken it or an animal or just the wind, I dunno
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name9258 · 4 months
about the symbol,
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the heart is to represent/means love, affection, and emotion, so to do with family, friends, and ones cared for dearly.
the x and cross.
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im unsure witch it means for the cross as theres meny meanings of an upside down cross, but an x means something not allowed, or not wanted, and also disapproval about something and someone.
in this case.
you and your loved ones, in the perspective of the people in cloaks.
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name9258 · 4 months
about the "people in cloaks"...
this might get a bit graphic sorry.
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theyve been seen around before, for quite a while, i know you might say "could just be a random cult" even tho it seems right its not, this spacific one is in your erea, and the uk in general but mostly your erea, others have gone missing too, one i remember the most is "violet".
it was 2019 and she was 9-10 years old she had seemingly ran away through a window in her bathroom after locking herself in for hours, it was already midnight before her perants noticed she was even gone, since it was snowing heavily her footsteps ware already gone and the police couldnt know witch direction she went.
the only thing in the bathroom other than blood and torn up tissue, was a blood stained peice of paper, with this symbol on it, witch is the exact same as the profile image for "slaughterhouse"
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other than that, on the walls, there ware drawings of a tall figure, made with her own blood, after a few years, the police couldnt find anything else, apart from a blood stained knife in a box, with a "thank you" note underneith, so they announced her dead, sadly her perants mysteriously passed a few months after, they had bullet wounds 1 on the farther, going to his brain, and on the mother had 2, one to the leg witch didnt peice the skin it missed slightly and wounded her barely, and a second to the brain also, so they ware announced as a double su!cide.
but something doesnt feel right about that, becouse they never announced anything else, never found anything else, just found two corpses and said its a su!cide.
this also happened in the same erea, hence why i brought it up, some other incedents lile yours ware posted online on sites such as youtube too, like emerisvission, and the caddel show, and meny meny others.
i have no intention of harming or scaring you, i just want to help.
That photo of the house in the snow, those are the homes opposite mine before they got rebuilt. My farther took that photo.
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name9258 · 4 months
HELLO!!!! Can you tell us more about TJ???
Tj far as I know as an average kid like me until dain or whatever there name was went missing, they ware one of the first people I found out about while researching about recent and often disserpearences like what happened with tori and now also envy, I reached out to them on spacehey and we spoke for a while, after a few months tho they ware awfully quiet, then all of the sudden last week everything was gone like they never existed, apart from the channel itself everything was deleted, just before envy’s entry finally uploaded after months of lag something said “tj is dead” in posts that weren’t even my doing, it showed the channel while saying that too, so I just assumed they ware dead, then I got a call after I found the posts along with finding paper and envy’s shirt, aparently I was being recorded while that call went on becouse that was aparently uploaded against my will too, but the call was cut off before they could tell me everything, there last words before it cut off ware
Envy and tori.
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name9258 · 5 months
Quiet live, I don’t have a lot of time left
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name9258 · 5 months
any updates on tori? and whats up with those weird videos being posted on your account?
i hope you and your friend are well.
Sorry for the overdue reply, I’ve only just gotten my account back after being let out of the hospital, I’ve been in there since late march, so I’m not sure what your talking about,I was let out on the 4th so.
Sorry if this doesn’t make sense, nothing makes sense. Not even in the book, not even in New Jersey
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name9258 · 7 months
Entry 10 (TAKEN DOWN)
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name9258 · 7 months
Entry 9 (TAKEN DOWN)
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name9258 · 9 months
Your hair looks awesome!! hope you find Tori
Thank you, sorry for the late reply but thank you
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name9258 · 9 months
you said you struggle with hallucinations? been having any strange dreams by any chance?
Sorry if this is late. But yes I have. I usually feel everything in them, one I can remember is me getting mauled by dogs- and weird tall men and stuff. None of its real tho-
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name9258 · 10 months
I ❤️ envy Addams
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name9258 · 10 months
Is there any clue that your friend may have left? Anything that could be useful for tracking?
I’m not sure, she was in my room one second then the next she was gone-
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