names-zane · 24 days
OMG YOURE A GENIUS!!! Maybe her hair is dyed or something and their natural hair is closer to what we saw earlier. Like Tiger saw pictures of her or some shit and did her hair like that too, idk. It's not like they made a direct parallel, but if Ehoko changing her hair is why Tiger is the way she is, thats for real cool. Up until now, it's felt like Sevens has affected Go Rush one way, like the Go Rush character are like the Sevens characters and make reference to Sevens, but if some of the stuff we see in Go Rush explains shit in Sevens, I really like that (sorry if that doesn't make sense lol). I feel like that's the point of a prequel, like it should be like "oh shit, that's why X thing is like that". Also, yea I watched the dub, so if there's things in Sevens I get completely wrong, sorry.
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Look at her! Stare at her with your eyes!! Burn her into your memory!!! She is so cute!! I hate how cute she is!! Fuck!! I'm crying!!
Ok, not so happy bout how they changed her hair and stuff to be more like Tiger (finally watched Sevens, so 🫥), and the outfit is kinda ick, like girl you'll catch a cold. But otherwise got nothing to say.
Also love her new cards, and Manabu was great, as always.
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names-zane · 24 days
THIS!!! OMG THIS!!! Like even if they don't give the ages, she acts like an eight year old, is the height of an eight year old, talks like an eight year old, like, tf?? But yea, love it!! She's different enough from Tiger without feeling like a gimmick (I aint naming names) that I for real love it.
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Look at her! Stare at her with your eyes!! Burn her into your memory!!! She is so cute!! I hate how cute she is!! Fuck!! I'm crying!!
Ok, not so happy bout how they changed her hair and stuff to be more like Tiger (finally watched Sevens, so 🫥), and the outfit is kinda ick, like girl you'll catch a cold. But otherwise got nothing to say.
Also love her new cards, and Manabu was great, as always.
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names-zane · 24 days
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Look at her! Stare at her with your eyes!! Burn her into your memory!!! She is so cute!! I hate how cute she is!! Fuck!! I'm crying!!
Ok, not so happy bout how they changed her hair and stuff to be more like Tiger (finally watched Sevens, so 🫥), and the outfit is kinda ick, like girl you'll catch a cold. But otherwise got nothing to say.
Also love her new cards, and Manabu was great, as always.
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names-zane · 1 month
I love the opening being a slide show so they can hide information from us! YAY!!!
Let me see the shit so I can spout cringe.
New fav character unlocked
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C*ck and pall t*rture
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names-zane · 2 months
Watched the episodes and they were good or whatever but...
Seems the hot topic is who is that Otes guy. Now that Yuamus all like "I'll do it bb", now theres lotsa speculation. YugaOtes or YuamuOtes?? Or maybe even YuhiOtes? Is it possible that it could be DamamuOtes??! Who could it be???!!!
But not me. Ya'll, that's childs play. Fuck the "future of children" or whatever tf Yugas on about, idgaf about this fucking duel, I just had the worst theory I've ever had and it is actively ruining my watching experience. What if...
Those stupid fucking drones in Sevens are the end result for the Velgarians? I know this is stupid and makes no sense. So if I gotta think it, so do you mfker! I'm like 888% sure the poster bitches are the revived dudes, could be wrong, but if they are, there ain't no way their staying like that. But if they go back to how they were, they'll probably die again. And none of Yugas plan is explicitly anti-Velgarian, so best thing to do, for the ones that wanna live, is give em a body that won't disappear. Now, does this create a bunch of ethical questions? Yes. Is that in character for Yuga to do? Idk I've never watched Sevens, but an eternal life of servitude seems pretty wack so, probably not. However, is it funny? Also no, except to me.
But this is the real theory. Kaizo is whichever Velgarian would make you specifically the most confused/uncomfortable/disgusted at the concept of being Kaizo. That's the real theory!! Ya think Kaizo is real upbeat and silly and shit?? That mfker is Zwijo!! Ya think that mfker is a stupid dumb fuck thats like a super good dude?? That bitch ass is Kwaidual!! Whatever makes the least amount of sense, that one. Because fuck you.
Love you bb
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names-zane · 3 months
Alrighty. I've slept on it and girrrrrrrrl!!!
Oh bb this was the SHIT!! I have never liked Light Galaxy™ til today. FUCK! I'm actually motivated to do shit fr. RIP a real one.
Still sad though lol.
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names-zane · 3 months
I would like to formally apologize for underestimating Zwijo like I did. He is great he is good he is love he is life. I'm sorry. He did not go "Kinjo Mode" as I so rudely said, he is perfect, please forgive me. Fuck this episode fuck these people. This is the first Yugioh show to actually make me cry and that's stupid.
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names-zane · 3 months
So I ain't the type to give more than a thought but this episode was a bit much lol.
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I mean y'all saw the episode man, I'm legit surprised how sad it was.
Imma start negative cause I dont got much to say, but the duel, just the cards themselves, ignoring all of the emotional weight, was ass. Idk if it's my inherit dislike for all these decks (besides Dinowa's) but I was not vibin. The Twins turns felt so lack luster idk, maybe I'm just bias.
Alright, everything else was so fantastic, legitimately omg. I didn't think it was possible for the show to make me care for what I initially thought were just gag characters, but I think the way they characterized them was perfect. "Humanized" them just enough to pull at my heart. What Myuda did for Dinowa made me feel so bad for both of them. Like regardless of whether or not he was ok with dying he planned to sacrifice himself for her to give her more time. And having Dinowa show she didn't want to die yet, despite Zwijo's words was so heartbreaking. Like if they were all on the same page, it be different, but she clearly wasn't ready yet. And in the end, she was still thinking of her mission like, omg no! At least she went out fighting. Basically I care about these characters alot more now, though I always liked them, and now I'm kinda sad they're gone. I may have been laughing at Myuda's death scene cause, this fuckin guy man, but I still felt bad once the duel was over.
Now, I don't know what to say about the next episode. 1 ep duel or 2, doesnt matter, imma be upset. Cause unless there's info we weren't told yet (won't be surprised), there really is only 2 options for this duel; Zwijo is going in thinking he can take out Yudias, or he thinks Yudias will survive this, and idk which is worse. Cause if he thinks Yudias is surviving then like, wtf, you really about to just "disappear by choice" in his arms like "youre the last one left lol, fuck you". Like there ain't no way he thinks the 2 of em ain't it, and his selfish ass bout to self-bag like, tf??! And you know he ain't gon tell like "btw if we duel, imma straight dead like frfr", nah he keeping that til mid duel AT LEAST. Legit gon leave this man alone in the universe like, girl what!?!
Then there's the other option, which is a whole other thing. This mfker fr be like "I'm the last shit you finna see"! If he's planning to smoke him and then himself, that is some seriously concerning behavior to give a character in anything, period. He probably wants to make sure then go out fighting like warriors or whatever, but like, this is still kinda fucked. Yudias doesn't know, and he would probably say yes if you told he would die but in exchange, he gets to go out dueling, but idk if this is it. Like Zwijo 100% plans to die, right?? Or am I missing something. Shit like this is why I love him so much, someone please check on him he is not ok lol.
Last thing, I like how Myuda and Dinowa's themes were used here; nearly played in full. I like them and it's a shame we didn't get the here them more.
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names-zane · 3 months
So, the summaries dropped and im tryn my best to be civil. I don't know what to do with myself.
WTF!?!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!??! I can't!! I fuckin REFUSE to sit through this shit! No! I am coping so hard, SO GOD DAMNED HARD that there is some twist to this, or they're hiding shit, or smth because I cannot deal! This is the worst time for this, I am freaking out!
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THESE BASTARDS NEED TO STOPPPP!! OMG NO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! Stop trying to die I can't have y'all dying fuck me sideways fuck!! I AM SHITTING AND PISSING AND SUFFERING I HATE THIS 😫😫😫😫
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Anyway, I kinda thought this would happen, seeing as they took out the less important ones pretty early. I'm bad at theory stuff but I'll drop something unsubstantiated: 90% sure the silhouetted characters on the S3 poster are what happens when a Velgearian dies lol. I feel like if this was correcting the timeline so no aliens appeared in Sevens™ thing, they would have done it in season 3. Regardless, killing off the "rival" is pretty ballsy, so pretty sure he was never ment to be the rival, it was Yuhi. Or Yudias, depends on who you think the protag is lol. Doesn't matter to me, as long as the story is interesting.
Having them all be hyped to die is so fucked I love it. The Myuda-Dinowa tag duel better be filled with Myudas theme; it's probably the best in the show tbh. Also Zwijo givin one last hurrah to his bf is some sad shit. Mans goin fast and hard lol. Idk what theyre gonna do with the last 4 eps, cause if they kill Yudias then all the Velgearians are coming back, and that seems too predictable. Surprise me mfkers! Make me cry!
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names-zane · 3 months
This show dude.
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Damn. This shit was too much man. We're 5 episodes in and they killed the catboys. And Nishaw too. They somehow made me feel something about a character with one duel and 50 total minutes of screen time, and what is effectively a hivemind of cat boys. We got 7 eps left wtf? We got 4 people left. I can't.
Also, I'm assuming that they're not telling the main trio cause it'll be like, 10th ep drama or smth idk. But, hot take, if they're saving it I want the reaction to be drastic. Not cause I hate these characters or whatever, but cause i feel like they had the time to tell them in this ep and turn it into a Motivator™. But if it's being saved for character reasons or whatever, they gotta find out eventually. Idk, I feel like we're deserved it or smth.
Also, also; unrelated: are we getting these characters back?? Cause if this was Gallop I'd think nothing of it but there ain't a precedent of Bridge. If Zwijo dies, I think I will too lol.
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names-zane · 4 months
So I'll admit, I've seen about 10 episodes of Sevens. All of the character callbacks or references or whatever I don't really nor have ever gotten, most of these characters are completely new to me. However, I loved this episode so much. Zaion and The☆Luge might legit be some of my favorite ancestor characters now. Though I've seen enough of Sevens to know I don't like Luke (sorry), so the☆Luge is a step up for me, but is this what Nail is like?? If he is then I might need to watch Sevens. I love Zaion so much.
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names-zane · 6 months
It just keeps going baby!
So turns out the dubs not safe either. I just can't win here! I don't actually care that much but damn, these people be working for that paycheck girl. I've been punished for my hubris. This is what I get for being on Twitter. Kuaidul really do be making me feel that despair. At least I didn't get whooped by the shittiest deck ever played seriously in Yu-Gi-Oh since the tribute rule was added to the anime. I would've burn my deck after that.
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Y'all, this man did not just lose, dude got beat! By like a jank ass rank-by-highest-attack-and-fill-until-you-hit-the-minimum-card-limit-on-dueling-network deck. That's actually embarrassing. Like I know it was plot and shit and more important stuff happened in the episode but I can not stop thinking about how I would just quit. Like nah, this man did not summon a single monster below level 7 the entire duel, and he still kicked my ass, with that shitty ass 2500 atk beatstick. I couldn't. Yudias got heart lol.
Also to the wonderful person that keeps comparing Kuaidul to Junko, pls. My soul can't take this. I keep imagining that shithead in pigtails I can't. It's ruining my night, I love it! I'm screaming!
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names-zane · 6 months
I can't even!!
So it seems the lovely person that keeps comparing the two is also on here. I'm sorry, I'm a lurker so I don't know how comments work, but thank you. This has led me down an irreversible rabbit hole of unrelated shit that has consumed my night. I had gone through some old episodes and I noticed Zwijo actually sounded familiar. And yea, Eguchi Takuya is in alotta shit. What I didn't know is he voices fuckin this guy:
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FUCKING IZAYOI!! NO!! I can't do this, I can't watch this show anymore. Yes, Mitsuko and Koizumi share a va too, but DR2 is actually good. Hot take (not really lol): DR3 is one of the most generic death game animes I've ever had the displeasure of laying my eyes on. Every time Zwijo speaks I'll be thinking about the fucking deliciousness guy! My life is ruined. The random chance these two share a va, this is truly the worst timeline.
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Y'all, this man did not just lose, dude got beat! By like a jank ass rank-by-highest-attack-and-fill-until-you-hit-the-minimum-card-limit-on-dueling-network deck. That's actually embarrassing. Like I know it was plot and shit and more important stuff happened in the episode but I can not stop thinking about how I would just quit. Like nah, this man did not summon a single monster below level 7 the entire duel, and he still kicked my ass, with that shitty ass 2500 atk beatstick. I couldn't. Yudias got heart lol.
Also to the wonderful person that keeps comparing Kuaidul to Junko, pls. My soul can't take this. I keep imagining that shithead in pigtails I can't. It's ruining my night, I love it! I'm screaming!
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names-zane · 6 months
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Y'all, this man did not just lose, dude got beat! By like a jank ass rank-by-highest-attack-and-fill-until-you-hit-the-minimum-card-limit-on-dueling-network deck. That's actually embarrassing. Like I know it was plot and shit and more important stuff happened in the episode but I can not stop thinking about how I would just quit. Like nah, this man did not summon a single monster below level 7 the entire duel, and he still kicked my ass, with that shitty ass 2500 atk beatstick. I couldn't. Yudias got heart lol.
Also to the wonderful person that keeps comparing Kuaidul to Junko, pls. My soul can't take this. I keep imagining that shithead in pigtails I can't. It's ruining my night, I love it! I'm screaming!
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names-zane · 9 months
Nah, what is this 😏😏
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Uh... who is this guy, and why does he look like Yudias?! 😳
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names-zane · 9 months
I know I said I was done but..
Yeah, I was super wrong lol. Realized it the moment I remembered Tremolo's deck. But yeah, saw a theory that it's the carded people +Yudias which is like, damn. But more importantly,
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Who is this bitch? I swear I see her everywhere like, tf?? Anyway, back to lurking again.
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names-zane · 9 months
Hey. Been lurking for a few weeks and I honestly love it. Made the show more fun. Finally caught up so I'd thought I'd drop in.
Little theory:
90% sure those cards attack not people, but decks. So far, all the people with random cards in theyre decks use LIGHT™ attribute decks. 2 outta the 3 duels next week got people with LIGHT™ decks (Yuna and Yuamu). We'll see.
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