#damn you kodaka
I have so much beef with Haiji right now. I haven't even played UDG yet but I'm already writing an entire college essay as to why he sucks and why the way he was written is just no. I wanna kill him so badly.
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yasukematsudadefender · 10 months
"Telling Junko backstory would be cheating" don't shit yourself
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youuuimeanmee · 8 months
RWTGI 34 Thoughts
😆🥰🤗 I've been waiting for Kirishima's past to be translated since forever 😭😭Now I can FINALLY talk about this chapter wkdbjsnsjsjk
Out of all the mysteries presented in this series (the hell's up with Suo Azami, Renji, Yoshino's parents, the brewing yakuza civil war), Kirishima's past is one thing that hyped me up the most; mostly because I've been dying to know the background this insane yet lovable(?) ML lololol.
⚠️ Though the title is Ch 34's Thoughts, I actually started it from ch 33. If you haven't read it then what are you doing here, go to MangaDex if you don't wanna get spoiled here.
⚠️⚠️TW; Bullying, Abuse, Self H4rm, yk how Kirishima is.
👏 Okay! So!
We FINALLY get to see Kirishima's rich ass mommy and daddy 🥳🥳🥳
(tho they don't have a face, I'll take it)
Looks like the parents are busy people, they missed the fact that their son is not normal since birth. That, or Kirishima is just damn good at hiding it. Maybe both.
"My 2 classmates are fighting over irrelevant things. Solution? Erase the thing without anyone knowing. No more things to fight, problem solved 🙂"
He has a shrewd moral compass, I have a feeling he was being genuine when he "helped" his classmates. Aww my cute baby gremlin.
Or if he wasn't being 100% genuine, maybe he tore up the cards to surpress his urges for violence, to ease the boredom he felt because he couldn't feel anything while living in a normal, peaceful life.
The parents slowly realize the abnormal blood that's been there since Gaku era has never disappear from their family.
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Since Gaku is the black sheep of the family, Kirishima's dad prob thought: 'Oh fuck this is uncle all over again. No wait I can do this. He already released his energy using a good outlet (karate), he just needs to surround himself with good people. Friends, yeah. The school we picked is the best; surely there's no bad influence that's gonna taint my son. No more psycho #2.' Umm, I hate to break it to you, but daddy-
Ironically, the dad might be the first person who gave him insight about the feeling of having fun by being with a friend. Up until that point, he probably didn't know the feeling he felt when he did the karate. He did it many times, and the dad claimed he liked it, but he never registered it as 'liking something' until it was pointed out to him.
(just like when kirishima threw daggers at yoshino's back until she pointed out he might be jealous of Shoma and he got a little 'ahh that explains it' moment.)
Aww look at that probing eyes, trying to search the answer of his boredom from his dad 🥺
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Let's be real Kirishima could really use a proper diagnosis and therapy back then, even right now.
The smile of a child who has found the spark of his life:
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LMAO seriously, he smiles because Kodaka can kick hard. The more pleasure (read: pain) he gets from other people, the more he's gonna seek it.
But Kodaka is still weaker than him, so the pleasure ends quickly.
Enter Otogawa.
She's cute. Sweet. More importantly, she's important enough to trigger Kodaka.
She told him all he needed to know about Kodaka. Great in academics, gyms, and karate. Secretly violent too. Just like himself.
"He's just like me, so we matched right? We can be friends! 😃"
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Remember in ch 25.2 when Kirishima told Yoshino he once formed a "friendship plan" that went down the drain?
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Whelp, looks like Kodaka is that "friend." We all know how that ends, tho.
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Thus, began Kirishima's scheme to ✨️nurture✨️ Kodaka into a person who could kick him harder & also strong enough to not break easily. He befriended (read: flirted) with his crush, lured him into a desolate place, provoked him, stayed docile & easy to kick, yadda yadda.
Really an elaborate plan for someone his age, it's almost cute.
This moment of Kirishima and concealer really highlights his cleverness since he was a kid. If he buys a concealer for his bruise, it's too pricey for his budget. Parents will question unnecessarily if he were caught buying it. Solution? Pretend to return the high schooler's money (even though it's his own) so they'd do the makeup for him. Bruise covered, money covered, no one's gonna know ☺️ Little manipulative shit.
I was gonna feel sorry for him for getting beaten up, but then his innocent, excited smile turned me off so quick. Ugh.
(This is prob the beginning of his exploration to find new "fun" stuff to try. Like choking himself, for example.)
Kirishima is a pathological liar huh. Saying his birthday is in September even though it's in November. This really adds weight to his words earlier that he only revealed his true birthday to Yoshino 🥺🥲
Kirishima's plan to nurture Kodaka is going smoothly in this chapter. Maintaining good relationship with Otogawa, making him jealous and all that.
I bet bringing a 10,000 yen bill is part of the plan too, because kids need the motivation to keep coming back to him. Extorting a broke student is boring afterall.
It's been 300 days since Kodaka had beaten him up? Um. Excuse me what the fuck. With that many injuries, Where are his parents??? Did he ever get questioned at all?? Is Kirishima just that good at lying?? I'm sorry, but I also smell neglection. Intentionally or not.
Moving on, Kirishima is damn good huh. His fights like an adult, prob even better than some yakuza. He's 12. Let that sink in.
(should've seen it coming tbh, but it still surprises me.)
I wanna say he's so disgusting when he ripped the poor dude's ear (where on earth did he learn that?), but he's also my son, so...
Also, the art is so clean. My eyes is blessed, thank you Konishi.
I'm running out of gas. Yeah that's all for today! See you next time 👋
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despair-nagito · 7 months
Reading that post gave me flashbacks to this ongoing RP blog that characterized Nagito as a memey caricature and had Hajime act as a self-insert for the writer to vent their contempt for the character. It did eventually tone down the Nagito bashing, since the aim of the story was healing for everybody. And I guess the writer had enough self-awareness to realize they'd look like massive fucking hypocrite to keep endorsing that shit. But man it was exhausting. I distinctly recall they lambasted the OVA for Nagito being a "karma houdini".
It was always makes me laugh when Nagito and the OVA gets cited as one of the most unforgivable things about the anime. His characterization in Despair Arc is arguably one of the LEAST butchered of Class 77-B. People just singled him out because they couldn't wrap their heads around the idea that he's multifaceted and generally doesn't go around trying to start murders outside of a killing game. And the OVA is one of the few parts of the anime besides stuff like Natsumi's expansion that actually added some more character depth. The implication that deep down Nagito has always subconsciously hated what talent has done to the world of Danganronpa and to his life adds a whole extra layer of tragedy to the character.
Maybe I'm reaching a bit. But I feel like there's a strong overlap between Hinanami shippers and people who downplay loads of canon evidence that Hajime cares about Nagito, and vice versa. Like you said in your post, it's not even a matter of being pro-Komahina. I still like to play around with other ships (Hinatsumi, Komaegi, Komazumi, etc.) from time to time. It's simply a matter of acknowledging that they give a damn about each other, regardless if that's romantic, platonic, or whatever.
Thanks for adding something to the conversation.
I genuinely make no idea what blog are you talking about. You don't need to mention which one it is, I'm not participating in the fandom outside of making KomaHina/KamuKoma content.
In my opinion, Danganronpa 3 is actually the worst part of the Danganronpa franchise. It turned AI into a human and ignored entirely the strong bond Hinata and Komaeda formed in the game (do they know that you can have bonds outside of romance?) They turned Komaeda into some criminal and created some plot holes like in the case of Twilight Syndrome Murder Case (who played SDR2 should notice the errors that anime created). OVA is closer to the games than DR3 because, unlike the anime, it was written by Kodaka himself.
I noticed it, too, that people who ship it have tendencies to ignore a good part of canon for the sake of their ship and "ha ha, KomaHina isn't canon". Excuse me, their ship isn't canon either because there are no canon ships in Danganronpa (+ Nanami is dead so it can't become canon).
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Have here something cute (you probably know it but why not to add something sweet to the conversation)
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hopeymchope · 2 years
Master Detective Archives: Rain Code coming Spring 2023 to Dangan your friggin’ Ronpas
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So today’s (9/13/22) edition of “Nintendo Direct: Now with 400% More Farming Games” included a new trailer for Enigma Archives: Rain Code — now titled “Master Detective Archives: Rain Code.”
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Full trailer is here! (This is just a link to where it is in the overall Nintendo Direct. They haven’t posted a broken-out version yet. I’ll update this to embed that when it hits.)
Here’s some of the information we saw and learned today:
— This takes place in a corporate-controlled metropolis where long-unsolved cases are investigated by so-called “master detectives” from around the world.
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— You play as Yuma Kokohead, an amnesiac detective. (Naturally. We love those.) He’s just a trainee at his agency, though.
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— Shinigami is a spirit who haunts Yuma because of a pact between them. She’ll be your partner, evidently.
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— So you investigate crime scenes and talk to people in 3D. That’s cool.
— “When you’re ready,” Shinigami conjures you a mystery labyrinth. This is where you’ll work through the evidence and logic of the case via physical manifestations of the mystery, such as...
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...this crazy mine cart ride that seems to clearly be a “Logic Dive/Psyche Taxi” type-event. “MIND MINE”? :) 
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— Oh, but apparently “mystery phantoms” will attempt to hinder your progress. So you’ll have to “cut through their contradictions.” This segment shows you dodging attacks in an arena that’s very “Tokyo Mirage Sessions”-esque, then literally slashing through words blasted at you.
It’s “coming first to Switch in Spring 2023.” So there’ll obviously be other platforms later on. (The new trailer also makes it clear that there’s gonna be a full English voiceover, in case you were curious.)
Previous info we have: 
— According to DR writer/creator Kodaka, he’s spent five years on this game, which he considers his “masterpiece” (DAMN, ok dude).
— Danganronpa character designers/illustrators Rui Komatsuzaki and Shimadoriru plus Danganronpa music gurus Masafumi Takada and Jun Fukuda are all in on this. You can definitely see/hear that in the trailer.
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seth-burroughs · 4 months
🔥 (No specific subject I can think of so just uh. anything that comes to mind!)
Killing off the chapter 0 train gang wasn't a "waste" or "Kodaka being cruel and unkind once again", it was good I liked it it served it's purpose. We got stakes, we got the classic Kodaka rug pull (though much earlier in the game than usual), didn't expect it then again I did not expect like half the things that happened in this damn game, it established how much of a threat Amaterasu was and how far they could go if they wanted to right away so that's fine it was fiiiiine. You're just mad because you got attached to one of the characters there who were already dead from the moment you met them - I get it Aphex was my first love I internally screamed in anguish when we saw his charred corpse - the game would not be in any way improved had they lived, in fact the cast would be. Too big. You know. It's fun to think of AUs where they live and interact with the other cast and the like, (heyyyy shoutout to @loremaster's boba au i cannot state enough how much everything just fits in there) but, in the official game, it's way better for them to be dead in the prologue than live for like 5 more chapters. also, I raise you, absolute worst case scenario: pucci x yuma x kurumi love triangle
This ask was left on read for idk how long now lol lmao sorry this takes me huge amount of concernatio- concret- concet- contencratio- contentration you see. skill issue on my part😔😔 ok basically the ask game was people send me a fire emoji and (optional) subject like character ship etc and i answer with a hot take i have if i have one on it. so thats context👍👍
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ayoharuko · 1 year
Hello! It's the anon that requested the dominant reader. I loved it!!
I hope I can request another, if so, can I request byakuya with a male s/o who is taller than him and likes smothering him with kisses?
Awe thank u! And of course :)
Also anon-chan can I call you, Cake-anon? Cause your sweet like one! *wink* *wink* ahahaha, sorry-
REMINDER: This character does not belong to me but to Kazutaka Kodaka and please remember that this is all fictional work so please try not to take this too seriously :)
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Byakuya Togami with a Male S/o who is taller than him and likes smothering him with kisses~
- Now we all know that Byakuya isn't used to affection and is an overall, cold person.
- So once you start giving him kisses out of nowhere, he was gonna admit he was a little uncomfortable with that, but over time in your relationship he got used to your kisses.
- He’ll try (keyword: try) and give you kisses from time to time as well, but...babyboy is shy-
- Now, he used to think that his the tallest person he knows (besides Mondo) but damn when he saw you, you were tall af.
- You were as tall as Mondo, and you were a guy too, but despite that once you started showing him kindness and wasn't really bothered by his attitude he started falling for you.
- The teasing and arm placing on head is a big nono for Byakuya, if you do that to him he will ignore you for at least a week lol
- He knew his father would obviously disapprove..so for now, you both decided to keep your relationship down low, buttt it was a little hard since you were too darn affectionate.
- Byakuya might not show and tell it, but trust me, he enjoys the kisses and affection you give him, he doesn't care what other people say about you guys relationship..because he was decided he’ll stay with you :)
‘’Please..I'm busy with these documents, can you stop? Ah..i...tch..I didn't mean it you know..’’
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Thanks for the request anon-chan!
Sorry for taking a little long to answer your request, but I hope you like this~
Reblogs and Feedback/Comments are always appreciated! :3
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wackpedion · 10 months
I finished Raincode chapter 5.
IM GOING TO STRANGLE KODAKA (for legal reasons this is a joke)
uerhfhgh. no. literally one of the things i said to my friends as i first started the chapter was that I hope the game wouldnt end with shinigamis and yumas pact ending. guh. AND THE GOODBYE KISS. NOOOOOOO
I didn't expect like to be genuinely invested in Shinigamis and Yumas partnership, but they we're just so cooperative and soft this chapter I can't take it
I called the "everyone was killed and replaced by a humonculi" and the meatbun twist pretty early into the chapter, I felt so smart even though it was likely easy to deduce seeing as its one of the first things you figure out in the mystery labyrinth
I ALSO predicted that Makoto was the humonculi of Number One, what i DIDNT expect was that YUMA WAS NUMBER ONE. WOW. I felt so much for Yuma like what an identity crisis
also the ending...
Yakous still dead, Yuma has his memories back and isn't the same Yuma I've grown to love, Shinigamis pact is over, the Nocturnal Detective Agency is now abandoned and empty
I can't be mad at the ending, it makes sense, it delivers on what it wants to deliver, its a decent conclusion, but GOD DAMN IT I just want everybody to be okay and being good ol detectives together and Yumas an amnesiac with his little ghost partner... I kinda wanna write a self indulgent fic but idk if I have the willpower for that.
I will say playing as Kurumi in the epilogue surprised me, and the after credits cutscene was interesting. I also checked the eshop to look at the DLC and the first one releases tomorrow I'm pretty sure?? so that's interesting timing on my part
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pebbledragon78 · 6 months
RANT: My Actual Opinion on Melami Goldmine (As well as a character study)
Ignore if not interested
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This is not a Rain Code meme-post, but rather a small vent about Melami Goldmine. More details will be below the cut.
I’m not sure if it’s too soon for me to say this, but I assume to have built a reputation here based on how much I talk about Melami. I make sure to talk about and feature her in every Rain Code post of mine, as many of you have probably noticed. But is the affinity that I have for her actually genuine? I want to talk about that today.
First, I want to start off my speech by mentioning what we see from Melami when we first meet her. Back then, we saw Melami as a cheerful, outgoing girl who heavily liked clothing and reading people based on what they wear. Of course, she also had her Spiritism Forte, which would have most likely been one of the most effective Fortes in the game had it not been for its numerous restrictions. But we always saw that as nothing but an added quirk to her character, and nothing more.
However, this is where I want to begin my insight on her actual character. Now, this could just be my way of seeing things, but I wonder if I’m the only one here who sees her as a sort of cryptid.
Like think about it for a minute; A good portion of her actions don’t make sense at first, she doesn’t perceive life, death or clothing the same way that everyone else does, and she always knew more than she let on, beyond the outgoing girl that we initially perceived her as.
Of course, while Melami is not nearly as creepy or as foreboding as Vivia, she still had some degree of oddity to her that set her apart from the other Master Detectives, just enough for the player to think, “Yeah she’s definitely hiding something” in a doubtful manner. She had something off about her compared to everyone else in the game, and that’s saying something considering the colorful cast of characters we were given.
Like, not even the Gumshoe Gabs revealed much about her upbringing or how her Forte influenced her as a child; Much of it was left to the player to figure out for themselves. In retrospect, there was a delicate mixture to her between benevolence, glamour, extroversion, relevance, and mystery. It was a beautiful sight to see.
I don’t know, I just found it really cool how Kodaka explored on such a unique personality throughout the course of the game, especially in the more vital events that happen in the later chapters. Of course, I’m not gonna spoil anything, but damn; She was just, really really cool. That’s the only way I can summarize her, honestly.
Am I looking too deeply into this? Probably. But I suppose that’s what happens when you really like a fictional character. In any case, I’ll post another collection of Rain Code memes sometime in the future; I’m actually close to gathering 10 memes. So uhh yeah, look forward to that and thank you for listening to my little rant.
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
Time to hit the bricks. We've checked out the crime scene (though not as thoroughly as I would have liked, Yuma) and I have a vague impression of a thing what might have happened but that doesn't seem to bring us that much closer to solving this case.
I still want to go check out the forest behind the church. If that's where they arrested Jiei, then I want to know what he was doing out there.
Ironically, it's actually possible that creeping about the Nail Man woods might provide an alibi. Jiei was supposed to be up in the clocktower working on the clock, right? If our victim snuck in and climbed a rope, then Jiei being in the clocktower while she was being murdered puts a lot of suspicion on him.
But if he was farting about in the Nail Man woods instead then he could be in the clear.
Of course, that logic stands on shaky grounds. He could have killed the victim and then gone to the woods. It would depend on when he went to the woods and why, as well as when the victim was killed (which the Monokuma File doesn't list, so you know it's probably relevant to the case).
That's what I think our next stop should be.
Yuma, on the other hand, has his own idea for where we should go from here.
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I mean, I thought my idea was pretty good but whatever, we can go crawling on our hands and knees to the Google Buyout version of Chiaki Nanami, now with in-app purchases and a season pass.
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Sure. Yeah, we can put that on my tab. I'll pay up just a week after you mysteriously die in the overarching plot, probably. Sounds great.
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Oh, I'm sure you do. I'm being pissy because I hate your greedy, money-grubbing attitude but I have no doubt you're worth every penny.
"X is a shitty human being" and "X is damn fucking good at their job" are two statements that can both be true.
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No, I figured. I'm working for him. You're working for me. You are grotesquely professional so I wouldn't expect any different.
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Joke's on them, I had no money before either! I have absolutely no idea how they expect me to eventually pay them.
Of course, that joke might be on me in the end when they break my kneecaps. They toss fascists like basketballs. They could punt me over the horizon without breaking a sweat.
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It's a distinct possibility. Yuma doesn't want to believe it but Halara's right, we have to keep an open mind about this. The cops' reasoning for arresting Jiei was trash, but that doesn't necessarily mean they got the wrong guy.
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None of the above, thanks.
To be honest, their face keeps tripping me up because they look exactly like Chiaki Nanami save for the bright pink spectacles and Nintendo Switch blue-and-red earrings.
However, helping to capture that non-binary aesthetic and offset literally having the head of a well-known and extremely popular female character, there is also one inescapably masculine feature to their character design as well.
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Kodaka doesn't let women wear pants.
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monokumafightclub · 2 months
For the DR ask game: 1, 3, 17, 20?
What was your first exposure to Danganronpa?
i think it was late 2012 i first started seeing danganronpa fanart floating around on tumblr, but i didn't start reading DR1 until early 2013. i had a VERY rough experience with school during that time, so DR felt kinda cathartic to me in some weird sense, especially nowadays when i have a better understanding of the series (and yes i am wholly aware that the american school system is radically different from the japanese school system, but y'know what i mean)
was going through a a depressive stint during 2013, so i interacted with the wider danganronpa fandom during that time, for better or worse. definitely an interesting era of my life, and there's a few memories from that time that i still treasure. but maybe i'm getting a bit too sidetracked!
3. Did you have a character you hated at first, and then fell in love with? Who and why?
tbh i never really "hate" a character at first glance, but i wasn't the biggest fan of hajime when i first read DR2 all those years ago. i'm a softie who liked makoto in DR1 all the way back then, but hajime i initially thought was "boring" and a bit mean. did come around on him some time into reading further, and he's honestly a pretty damn great protag. without going too heavy into spoiler territory, guy goes through So Much and has to deal with the rest of DR2's wild cast, the comedy potential is nearly endless and it's great seeing his other dynamics with the rest of the cast.
17. List five headcanons for your favorite characters!
-nagisa doesn't really enjoy candy as much as the other warriors of hope, but he does like mints. of course, the other kids have made fun of him for this ("Wow, you like the taste of toothpaste?") -toko HATES romcoms. syo's the opposite, but not so much in a "genuinely likes romcoms" way and more the "has a lot of run riffing on them" way. -one of the very, VERY, and i mean COSMICALLY few things that izuru genuinely likes is cats. -i know the thing with jataro is that his face is actually immaculate under the mask but i feel like his teeth would be a lil crooked. pretty-faced kid with a bit of a creepy grin, c'mon it's great -great gozu knows how to tiger drop. he will not sugarcoat it.
20. What is your favorite aspect of Danganronpa?
for all the years i've been on and off with this franchise, my favorite aspect will forever be the characters themselves.
for all of kodaka's faults with his writing (and hoo BOY are there many of those!), it's no denying he has a love of creating incredibly faceted characters out of such basic frameworks, and seeing how these radically different characters interact with each other is fascinating to watch. doesn't always stick the landing of course (coughteruterucough), but when it hits, he REALLY hits.
i think the strongest example of kodaka's writing with character dynamics is toko and komaru in UDG. as much as UDG suffers from a lot of problems and wasted potential in equal measure, the duo of toko and komaru is one of the most well-written character dynamics in the series, and it's great seeing their relationship grow over the course of the game.
but yeah, it's these kinds of things kodaka does with character concepts and dynamics that inspires me with writing my own characters!
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human-monokuma · 4 months
A Cruel Truth
*A video feed shows the main office of Danganronpa. We see Kazutaka Kodaka, the CEO of the company, doing his business when someone enters his office. It was a man in a black raincoat.*
Kodaka: "Yes? May I help you?"
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"....I want him gone......"
Kodaka: "Hm? Could you make that clearer for me?"
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???: "I want to get rid of Monokuma. His existence is a plague on my life. I can't stand looking at him for even 5 seconds. It's like a blight on my life. I hate it just as much as I hate him."
Kodaka: "Damn. SO much hate for one guy. Hehehe. Interesting. Ok. You've peaked my interest. But before I do anything rash, what's in it for me?"
???: "Views. Your audience loves Monokuma and I know that you've been facing some backlash after firing him, yeah? So let's give them more of him. More of his suffering."
Kodaka: "Watching Monokuma suffer? Interesting. This may take our company in a whole new direction. I like it. However, there are so many ways to ruin his life. What do you have in mind to go about this, mysterious fellow?"
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???: "Alienate him from his folks and slowly break his spirit beyond the point of repair. I want to push him past the point of suicide. I want him to fall so deep into despair, nothing and no one can save him."
Kodaka "Hehehehe. May word. You truly hate Monokuma, don't you? I can understand why someone such as you would think this way, and I'm more than willing to help you. Ratings have been dropping since V3's.....mess of an ending. Buuut this might be the very thing we need to get back viewership. I have one idea. Buuuuut, I'm going to need to know who I'm working with first. Business confidentiality and all that, you know?"
???: "........" *The person removes his hood.*
Kodaka: "Heh. Heheheheh. I should've figured that you'd be the one who'd want this above all else. Make sense considering all the awful things he's put you through. Ok then. I may know a good starting point for you." *He takes out a piece of paper and hands it to ???.* "Use this code to get into her head. Do whatever you need to, but be careful not to get caught. Will this be of help?" *The person takes the paper and smiles.*
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"Very much so....Puhuhuhuhu......Get ready, Monokuma. Your world is going to come crashing down hard around you...!" *The footage glitches and jumps ahead, where we are now seeing everything from Monodam's perspective. He's typing on a computer in a room that looks like the Mono-Manor. When he finishes, he takes a cord out of his sleeping mother.*
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"Reprogramming complete. One domestic argument, coming up. Hehehe. Time to sever the 'bond' Motherkuma keeps rambling about." *He takes the laptop and walks out of the room. We jump ahead to the aftermath of the event, where Monodam is looking at Monokuma through the window, watching him having an emotional break down and near suicide attempt. Monodam chuckles.*
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"Not killing yourself now, aren't ya? That's fine. I would be bored if you died now. Especially if I can't break you first, you sack of shit. Puhuhuhuhu~......" *The footage jumps ahead again, showing Monodam watching Monokuma drinking himself stupid from a window of the Monobar. Monodam hears footsteps and hides. He peaks out to find....Sayaka Maizono. It was the day Monokuma met Sayaka again after so long. Monodam watches the events take place in the bar, surprised that Sayaka would ever see any good in Monokuma in any way, annoying and angering him greatly.*
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"What.....the fuck is she doing...!? He's the enemy! Kill him! Attack him! N-No! Don't fucking hug him! No way I'm allowing this to happen!" *Monodam calls Future Foundation, masking his voice and warning them of Monokuma trying to drug an innocent girl. Monodam disguises himself as a random bystander so no one would suspect a thing. He looked thrilled when the agents tried to arrest Monokuma, but got more annoyed with Sayaka the more she protested. When everything was eventually said and done, Monodam leaves the scene unnoticed.* "Bastards......I won't stand for this.....!!!" *The footage changes again to a cozy looking room in an apartment, where Hiroko Hagakure and Kyosuke Munakata lives.*
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"I see......Makoto, that fool....How cna he be so trusting of that monster?"
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"My thoughts exactly. Monokuma's a demon that shouldn't be shown sympathy for. He deserves to suffer and die fro all his sins."
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"Yes....He does.....If Makoto will not do what is needed to protect the world and it's hope, then I will."
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"Hiroko, I understand if you don't want to help me. I won't force you."
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"And leave you by your lonesome? Hehehe. Yeah, not happening. Without me, you'd just land in all sorts of trouble." *She places a hand on Kyosuke's shoulder.* "And don't worry about me. i can look after myself. ok?"
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"....Ok. In that case, let's get going, Hiroko." *The two starts to prepare for their mission while Dam leaves the apartment.*
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"Know this, Monodam. Once I'm done with Monokuma, I'll be coming after you and the rest of your kind. I swear it." *Monodam doesn't respond. He just leave, hoping that Kyosuke succeeds where everyone else failed. The footage glitches out and we hear audio recordings. You hear the voices of Monodam and Kodaka.*
Kodaka: "Hey Monodam. What can I help you with?"
Monodam: "I need you to get rid of Monokuma."
Kodaka: "I'm guessing things with Munakata didn't workout the way you wanted?"
Monodam: "Far from it....All those dipshits keeps getting in the way and ruining everything, saying stupid shit like 'he's kind and wonderful and blah blah blah'. Those idiots are delusional. Morons. They actually allowed themselves to create this dumbass narrative that Monokuma deserves shit. He's better off dead."
Kodaka: "Alright then. Here's what I'm going to do: I'll ambush him and try to see if my new upgrades can do the trick. Even if it doesn't kill him, it should knock him into a coma. Maybe you can kill him afterwards, yeah?"
Monodam: "I'll give it some thought. But I will see the end of that dumbass bear by the end of this year one way or another." *A hang up sound is heard. You heard the audio fast forward to another call between Dam and Kodaka.*
Kodaka: "Hi, Monodam."
Monodam: "What the fuck was that about, you son of a bitch!? Who told Rule to go after Kokichi!?"
Kodaka: "Riiight. Sorry about him. He wanted to test the 'other' functions of his body. My apologies that he got out of hand."
Monodam: "Got out of hand!? He raped Kokichi, my best friend!!! How can you lose control over him!?"
Kodaka: "To be fair, you never said that Kokichi was ever off limits. How were we supposed to know that? Last I checked, you didn't think highly of the V3 cast."
Monodam: "KOKICHI'S DIFFERENT! He's soft, cute, funny, smart, and amazing! He's....He's like me! Someone who did nothing wrong and deserves absolute happiness!"
Kodaka: "Sounds to me that someone has a crush~."
Monodam: "GRRRRRRRR!!!!!"
Kodaka: "Ok ok. It won't happen again. Although, I will need a favor in return."
Monodam: "What kind of favor?"
Kodaka: "I'm getting the feeling that if you're not careful, our little collab might be discovered. If that happens, things might end badly for you. We need to do something to lead them off the trail."
Monodam: "What do you have in mind?"
Kodaka: "Let's say......a hostage situation regarding your Mother and youngest sibling?"
Monodam: "Do it."
Kodaka: "Just like that? Don't you at least care for the two?"
Monodam: "Why should I? My mother is only putting up the act because she wants to be an actual mother. And Nano, they're just s stupid kid. They know not of the evil that man has committed. I'll put up with the plan so that no one suspects a thing. Just make sure that when the chance arises, end Monokuma and never touch Kokichi ever again."
Kodaka: "Ok ok. I'll see to it this time."
Monodam: "You fucking better." *A hang up sound is heard, along with angered breathing from Dam. The recording skips ahead one more time as footage shows Monodam sitting in a chair in Kodaka's office.*
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"A killing game between mascots? Really?"
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"Of course! It's an amazing new year's gift to the fans, yeah? And I would like you to become our company's newest mascot!"
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"And why should I? What has Danganronpa ever done for me outside of giving me life?"
Kodaka: "Look at it this way: Monokuma dies, and you get to be the star of our company. You'll obtain riches beyond riches, become more famous than Monokuma or Junko ever was, be able to meet far more Kokichis and make more friends than ever before."
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"I do like Kokichi.....And I do like making friends.....One condition: You must give Kokichi 100% 24/7 around the clock protection. I don't want anyone hurting nor touching Kokichi in anyway that'll make him uncomfortable. And I'm extending that to every Kokichi I've met up to now."
Kodaka: "Of course. Although, we will need to make the abduction of you and Monokuma seem legit. So we will catch Monokuma and Kok-"
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"You're not touching Kokichi. I don't give a damn about that fuck stain Monokuma, but lay off Kokichi. We have a deal, remember?"
Kodaka: "We need to make this look authentic and legit. That way, they won't suspect anything. But if you don't want to do it, then that's fine. I could just tell everyone about our...little agreement."
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"Don't you fucking dare......!"
Kodaka: "Oh I would never, Dammy. But I could do it any time I want. I do wonder how your folks will react to this news. Especially the Kokichis, some of which have already taken quite a big liking to Monokuma. Maybe they'd see him as the new form of comfort and their actual bestie while you just rot away cold and alone like before. Hehehehe. Now do you see what I'm getting at?"
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".............................Fine......But if Kokichi gets hurt during this 'stunt' of yours, you're dead."
Kodaka: "Splended. Looking forward to working with you, Monodam. I see great things in our future. Great things." *They shake hands as the footage glitches out. That was the last part of the footage. The footage and audio of a cruel never before known truth.*
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
Well as a person who is into psychology in a degree, I can see Tenko as a abuse victim.
Her masters teachings is commonly used technic by abusers, isolating and giving false informations to the person who they groom and it is very tragic..
And I love how she actually... caring despite the misguided logic she had, I love her and feel very bad for her you know?
And according to me love hotels are despite being dubious, actually really shows some characters needs or.. some darker aspects in their psychology.
P.s: Ryoma one, Korekiyo one and Tenko one specifically.
And the brother line is really suspicious.. All of the characters have some freudian aspect in their relationships and this is deeply fucked up (My mind went for ishimondo for minute)
And yes, lesbian Tenko is a valid headcanon but I hate how they treat bisexual Tenko headcanon like this is being a lesbophobe, lots of my life experiences were related to me being into girls and I still can say it is not being a lesbophobia it is deciphering or analysing the freudian slip she had.
Anyways for the bi tenko hc sake, do you ship her with any men and one question again do you have any controversial sexuality or gender hc? They are quite fun ngl
I'm studying to be a comp-sci major, but its a lot harder than I thought it would be. ;-;
For the ships, that depends on who you ask. I ship her with Gonta, but I also hc Gonta as NB or Genderqueer like myself. (his relation to gender norms is interesting to me, and I feel like letting go of the ideal of masculinity he holds dear would be healthy for him.)
Of course, people just see the canon Gonta and think me lesbophobic because they don't understand my vision.
Like, if someone headcanons Bi Tenko and is lebophobic, that's on the person and not the headcanon. (though like, wouldn't that hypothetical lesbophobe not want her to be queer at all? Damn strawmen)
The Gay Kokichi headcanon purists are honestly even more annoying though. Yes, he confessed to Shuichi. That makes him into men. But he also did quite a lot of flirting with Himiko and Miu. Honestly, if you want to stick as close to canon as possible (and be boring) Bi Kokichi makes the most sense.
Speaking of Kokichi, how do some people pretend that Saiouma love hotel is canon and the rest are bullshit. I'm sorry, at that point just call it a headcanon.
For controversial headcanons... uh how about the big mommy of headcanons discoursed about through the end of time. I am a fan of the trans Chihiro hc. That being said, I really dislike how most fans that share the hc with me act, and how ignorant they are about Japanese gender norms. It isn't problematic to analyze the text on a surface level.
Also I forgot to mention in my last post, but I also hc almost everyone as autistic, mainly as projection but also because the current system seems geared to people with special interests. Everyone, but Taka and Tenko especially.
Tell me about your problematic hcs! Honestly, this fandom hasn't seen an actually problematic hc in years, it needs it.
(Honestly, I prefer the Sapphic label to the Lesbian label simply because of how my genderqueer ass doesn't neatly fit into the box vaguely defined as female. I am exclusively attracted to ladies, which makes this whole erasure thing an extra layer of stupid.)
As for freud, I don't want to accuse anyone of anything here, but it is very possible Kodaka has an incest kink. You do not include it to such a degree on accident. That isn't a whoopsie! Of course, he could be writing to work out his trauma, so its none of my business.
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//This is a bit of a random mod speaks post, but I need to get this off my chest.
//If anyone in our audience tonight thinks Danganronpa is homophobic, and/or doesn’t have good lgbtq+ representation, I want to remind you of the following…
Mondo and Taka’s relationship, has been implied to be more than just a friendship/bromance on more than one occasion.
Chihiro’s backstory and character arc in DR1 isn’t exactly a trans/coming out story per se, but it’s damn near close and has a lot of the same elements.
Ibuki is confirmed canon Asexual by Kodaka
Mikan’s “beloved” as mentioned in Chapter 3 of DR2 is heavily implied to be Junko, who is a girl, making her a lesbian or at least bi.
Nagito’s whole character is barely even worth mentioning, but there’s a reason why so many people in the fandom ship him with Hajime. (His dialogue is very suggestive to sum it up.)
Teruteru is pansexual and they don’t try to hide it even slightly.
SEVERAL characters from DRV3 are confirmed or implied to roll both ways, with Kaede, Shuichi, Kokichi and Tenko being the main ones.
Juzo Sakakura being a gay guy who is unable to come out, is LITERALLY part of the reason why the WORLD ENDED in this universe.
Sato (Mahiru’s friend in DR3 and the victim of Twilight Syndrome) seems to have romantic feelings for her.
//If Danganronpa is homophobic and isn’t open to LGBTQ+ audience, then god tell me, why do SO many of its characters fit perfectly on that spectrum!?
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the-queenoftrash · 11 months
Alright I’m gonna try something
Milly’s Raincode Playthrough Post
New to Tumblr so idk this will work but I’m gonna try to keep editing/updating this post as I play through Raincode with my thoughts and stuff. Full spoilers for the game but I’ll mark stuff as I go along. If this works out I’ll do it for other media i experience too! Feel free to check back occasionally as I update this post.
So I think that barrier means now you have to actively click through to read so I should be able to start typing spoils now.
Chapter 0 -
This one’ll be a bit different since I already completed it by the time of typing this but I enjoyed this chapter! It’s been a while since I’ve played danganronpa or watched akudama drive so I forgot how,, unhinged Kodaka was. I also didn’t really follow the marketing material so I thought we were legitimately being introduced to the main cast LOL. Melami’s design was really cute… Yuma and Shinigami’s relationship reminds me of Ryuki and Tama’s from AINI, so that’s to say I enjoyed them.
When first broke into the infirmary I felt like there was some fuckery going on cause the body burned too quickly but I thought that was just a suspense of disbelief moment… I was expecting a simple first case so I was actually tricked. The cart switch was kinda a weird plot point but I didn’t feel cheated tbh.
I enjoyed the gameplay of the labyrinth but it felt a little lonely compared to the class trials. Not gonna hold this against the game yet though cause I know later on other character’s will join you.
Game’ll be fun if it keeps this up!
Prologue -
Now I’m gonna be kinda writing down my thoughts as I go along.
Escaping Kaiji Tang is impossible holy shit
Why do they make him play all the hot characters
I remember Kodaka saying somewhere once he liked writing delinquents/outcasts because they were more interesting, so it’s interesting to see even in a detective game he tried to make that the case
Hm, so there’s gotta be something about the rain. They’re bringing it up so it’s not just an aesthetic thing. Probably some mind control virus or some shit..
Love the city’s aesthetic
Non-binary,,,,, so real
I recognize this girls VA… I know what you are……. But who… OH ITS HARU THATS WHY
Luke from Streets??? Damn how did the dub department have this much budget LOL
Yakou,, babygirl,, don’t give up all hope, I am here…
Fubuki is so real tbh I don’t remember anything
Yuma’s gonna unlock an insane forte in the final act isn’t he
Also this music is going crazy btw super chill
The ultimate secret… the 16th detective… lying hidden somewhere in this rain..
Interesting that this game seems to directly follow up Damganronpa V3’s themes of truth vs lies
The end of this game is gonna dumb as hell I can’t wait. Great global mystery? Fuck that’s gonna be so stupid I can’t wait.
Alright that’s the prologue done. Like the characters so far but I’m interested in how the chapters are gonna be set up since this set up doesn’t feel like it fits a ton of individual murders? Idk. We’ll see I guess.
Chapter 1 -
Hm so something to do with voodoo dolls… off the bat I’m guessing whoever the killer is, is associated with Amaterasu and will try to pin the killings on some religious fate or something
Weird that they’re just staying in a hotel when what is basically the government obviously wants them dead LOL
Yakou just let him cook you don’t see the vision of his dish
What if number one is dead and that’s what shinigami knows about him!!!
Cloaked figure that’s the same height as Yuma (short baby man) hm not suspicious at all definitely no time travel twin weirdness happening
Vivia is such an odd little man I like him
Hm the book he’s reading feels like it’s gonna parallel either one of the chapters or the whole game hm… someone who was already dead, making someone come back day by day to do the same thing… number one is dead theory is going WILD
Nail man sounds like a really stupid super hero/villain that flopped after a single issue. Couldn’t stack up to Big Wheel from spider man
These load times are ROUGH man
I love that they made the gremlin mascot character that Monokuma was into our ally this time
The peace keepers definitely planted the hammer on the guy they arrested or something
Oh the save icon is halara I wonder who our partner is gonna be
Damn Halara you can’t just extort a kid like that
Shinigami even if you can’t create money just go like!! Steal it idk girl!!
Surprised the peacekeepers even keep track of the cases
Only the info in the report can be sent to the media so they aren’t just playing dumb, they do know more. Does the nail man work for them?
Danganronpa ⁉️
This killer is extra. You strangle them and then do a big mystery box with nails? Ok bro.
Yuma the culprit literally had a rope how do you think he got down
Alright that’s the first investigation I guess. Is there gonna be more victims or something or is this all we have to work with?
They weren’t walking through the wall they had a fucking rope!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was !! A fucking rope!!!
Seth bring do quiet he needs a megaphone is just like me fr
We’re gonna enter the mystery labyrinth right as the execution starts aren’t we? Is that gonna be a running theme of only using it at the last minute?
Kodaka please make Halara an enby like I heard pre launch instead of a gender reveal plot twist please I wanna like this game I’m begging you kodaka please please I do not trust you
Ah so are these priests our culprit list? Well before taking to them I’m gonna call out the big one.
The nun is way too sus to be the culprit. Saying you’re with the peace keepers? Nuh uh.
Alright so it’s definitely the Servernt or Worshipper I think. I’m leaning towards Servant.
Does Halara’s forte have to do with the intel they gathered and hope they were waiting?
Oh nvm they just told us LOL
That’s a convenient forte lmao
Hm specifying that only a thin person could get through the vent ok so that leaves out the servant since the game was literally making jokes about him being fat
Yknow, respect to the killer for valuing aesthetics lol
Glad they kept the pink blood
Hm so our partner just forgets about the case when they come into the labyrinth? I guess that makes sense since the others are more skilled than us
Halara is so nonchalant lmao
BUSH SETH!!! No wonder he shows up at a tower
Yuma not understanding the concept of ropes is stupid bro!!! I get it but!!!
That nun looking super sussy idk they wouldn’t make it that obvious but
This mansion got me stumped
Nah that throw definitely took the killer a few times 💀💀💀
Hm maybe the third locked room was a copycat cause Halara calls it amateurish and it doesn’t bring us any closers…
Bluffing? That’s how you get false confessions too Halara
Hm phantom Seth is still alive though, there’s more here
It’s obviously not the kid but I’m trying anyway
Hm maybe it was the servant since we were most clearly thrown off his trail before. If that doesn’t work than I guess the nun.
Oh by having info it meant the worshipper oopsie
Shinigami you can just possess bodies LOL at least make the confession convincing
Hellsmile is a hell of a last name. Heh. Hell.
I wonder what the point of saving us from Seth is, not like that helps them in any way
Awwwww that’s so cute
Well I guess that’s Chapter 1! I’m liking the game so far but I hope cases get a bit more personal. Danganronpa made things super personal by making the cases about characters you’ve spent hours learning about and ace attorney lets you meet the chapters cast for a while before any dramatics. Raincode hasn’t really offered that in this chapter (it kinda did in ch0 by introducing a fake cast).
Anyway onto ch2!
Chapter 2 -
This Desuhiko dude is kinda annoying ngl
Oh he’s gonna be a murderer in a future chapter isnt he? There’s no way they don’t use his power for the mystery and just have it during investigation
Yakou you are never getting that food
Secret research? Oh god this is gonna get wacky at the end
Shinigami when she sees a teen who doesn’t have boobs touching the floor (ugly)
“The peacekeepers were eager to take the body” and “secret research” oh fuck no Nuh uh no way
I am going to kill desuhiko i think
Stab burn murder kill stabby stab explode rip tear
I’m not prepared to have 50% of this chapter’s cast be completely annoying
Yuma just like me no way
First impressions is the honor student is the killer
Oh I just realized we’re gonna have to kill a high schooler oh
Yuma so skilled his fem voice doesn’t even have to exist‼️
I’m gonna be real I’m not absorbing any of this play
Oh girl’s fucking dead ok
Could Kurumi be the killer somehow????
Well I was excited to have a connection to the chapter’s mystery as a partner but if she’s being arrested there goes that idea
Everyone thinks Yoshiko did it so it can’t be her
Martina?? Imposter????? Like??? Among!??? Us???
That’s a lot of mystery phantoms goddamn
I have genuinely no clue who the culprit may be
atp I think all these girls are just haters and did it together
Ok yeah
Oh so they did it as revenge…
Shinigami you don’t *have* to do them like that yknow
The homunculus is gonna be made of the corpses isn’t it fuck off Nuh uh no way girl I am not sleeping if I see that thing
Oh is Kurumi gonna be a reoccurring character now?
Vivia sus as hell he’s definitely got his own death god or something
So Yomi believes in his justice it’s just his justice is fucked up that makes more sense
Martina get the FUCK out of there
And that’s chapter 2! The game is just getting better and better so far, really enjoying it.
Chapter 3 -
Masked man?? Mother 3?? Real?.
So, Makoto is definitely clone Yuma or something crazy like that
I hope he’s not evil I like this fucked up little rat
Yeahhhhh Yuma and Makoto are related I’m just that good a detective
Local kid(?) gets kidnapped twice in a row, wins record
Given the posters I’m assuming these are some sort of rebels
Oh please tell me they didn’t actually kill the agency before a Fubuki chapter……
Whatever this chapter’s case is, one of these people is the killer. I’m saying the old man.
Idk why we have to run this guy seems fine even if his comrades are way too trigger happy
Making the enemies of a game about murders and a death god supposedly “immortal” is interesting
Ohh what if a culprit is immortal and we can’t destroy their labyrinth because of it
FUBUKI!!!!!!!!!! <3 she’s,,,, just like me,,, fr,,
I love kindhearted dummys. Galo, Milly, Fubuki, Kronk. My beloveds.
blow up ameterasu buildings not schools!!! Or make sure no civilians are around!!!!
What is the point of this being a game this serves no one
Girl can TIME TRAVEL???? Huhhhh????
Shachi’s gonna be dead when we get to roof won’t he
My guess is this was a coordinated effort by everyone else since they thought he was holding them back
I did not understand that 2nd bomb puzzle but I got it so ok
The resistance wasn’t blowing up random civilians instead of peacekeepers we won (unless this old guy’s completely bullshitting)
I wish you could use forte’s in the labyrinth I feel like it’d make for a lot of unique scenarios
Girl who jumped on a moving vehicle earlier: “I’m bad at jumping”
If this was a suicide who would die at the end of the dungeon? Would he come back to life?
I’m not even gonna lie all of this for a bank robbery is kinda fucking stupid very solid case of chapter 3 syndrome let’s fucking goo
At least Fubuki carried
Sooooo we did all of that for nothing this truly is a case 3 syndrome moment
Shinigami recognizes Vivia he definitely used to be her master…. But isn’t she with us until death…. Wait is he a homunculus?
What was he cooking
Nah I do NOT trust this submarine
I’m gonna let Vivia cook here
Alright that’s chapter 3. I was so with this chapter right up until the end where it kinda fell apart. Oh well. Gotta have case 3 syndrome or it wouldn’t be a true danganronpa successor. Anyway, I’m assuming we learn about Vivia next… hope I’m right about him being a homunculus
Chapter 4-
Kurumi wouldn’t an area Amaterasu not want you to go to be an opportune place for secrets
Corpse disposal… to be made into experiments…
Makoto is so funny he’s just here he’s just a smelly little rat man
I feel like Makoto is gonna be the murder victim here with him hyping up how Yuma is gonna die in the lab but obviously that won’t happen
The intruder is probably Vivia isn’t it
Is Vivia one of the hitmen hired to stop the WDO?
That short peacekeeper is desuhiko isn’t it
I’m about to hire a hitman for the hitman fuck you Fink
Shinigami is having us remember all these forte’s and the chapter is about an “insider” god it’s one of the detectives isn’t it
Rip vivia is a homunculus theory
This mystery labyrinth is fucking with my head I got no idea what’s going on
Oh wait if the doctor was escaping then he just faked his death, got caught by Yakou, killed him, and then fucked off. That’s why the hooded man had a lab coat. I think I solved it on the “motive” side route I’m just that good.
He would need a body double though I guess….
I like how twisty this mystery labyrinth is getting
So if the culprit is dead.. then yakou…
Hey why is the blood on Yakou’s design red when it’s supposed to be pink? At least I think? That’s supposed to be blood??
Oh shit there’s more?
I hate how solving the mystery labyrinth basically does nothing for us and we’re always just bailed out anyway. I guess that’s the point? Knowing the truth is enough? But in the past we’ve lied about why they died.
Is my memory failing or Martina more pale…. Homunculus……….
Why would they hide a man that important in an HQ
Well that’s chapter 4! Really really good chapter. Kept me wondering and I was kinda thrown off by Fink looking like the Dr lol. This was for sure the best mystery labyrinth as well, super twisty and confusing and the death matches were way more intense. Cant wait to solve this mystery in…
Chapter 5 -
Alright now we get into the monster corpse homunculus stuff
I knew we’d probably get a homunculus of dead characters but I didn’t expect straight up zombies of them
What the FUCK
I’m trying to figure out who this announcer is. It doesn’t sound like number one but…
Man this is fucked up
The void century? Nah the blank century mystery.
What is the “Unified Government” needing military force for, they’re unified 💀
Oh it’s makoto… maybe he can see shinigami cause hes us
Is the escaped homunculus Makoto/us
Yup the meatbuns are…
Wow it’s weird seeing the city in full sunlight lol
I fully expect makoto to fake being frozen in time
Damn this is a pretty labyrinth
Oh my fucking god
So was the old number one just a figurehead?
This ending is kinda peak
Gonna keep going through the epilogue like this
I like seeing the kanai culture after this
What how are they alive??? Are they homunculus?
Makoto what the fuck what was the point of that
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caekhoi · 9 months
Hey guys i finished rain code last night and need to scream into the void
Spoilers of the entire game under cut!
Vivia was honestly an unexpected favorite in terms of the master detectives
Literally did not care about the man under chap 4 but damn if he didnt slay
And chapter 5,,, it felt so uneasy to walk through because of the slight tonal shift the game took and that was great!
Also Shinigami my beloved,,, she was so silly,,, when she hugged yakou i was that surprised Pikachu meme
And the ending is so unusually happy for a kodaka game i love it, the blorbos made it out guys (except yakou)
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