naomichandere · 2 years
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Art by Ami Thompson
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naomichandere · 3 years
Better to distance myself everytime she forgot to message me and I don't understand why she forgot?
I feel unimportant
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naomichandere · 3 years
I met a girl three years ago from a randomly adding strange people in my dummy account.
Is it destiny? If I didn't reactivate my dummy account, maybe we didn't meet each other. Then after I reactivated, I saw her chat. Of course, she initiated first (*smug face*). She asked me, who am I? Hmm fishy, is that her moves? Haha, I dunno and Im kidding. Then I mistakenly replied her 'Ph' (dumb) because I thought she's asking me of where I am from. Dumb, I didn't clearly understand her question, that's why.
Days had passed by, we got to know each other. I tell her everything and why not? It is my first time meeting someone online. She tell everything too except some are lies? How did I know some information are lies? She told me first that his father was an Engineer. Then lately I found out that he was a good teacher at their place. Hmm I think maybe she wanted to protect her privacy that's why she did that but I didn't take it too serious though.
We both have same traits: during childhood, mannerisms, both middle child and actually we do have same second name but different in spelling. It's cool, really cool. I met someone having same qualities is kinda attracting.
I still want to know more of her. During my Sagada trip in October 2018, I felt something. I missed her. I blamed the twelve-hours long travel and I missed her the night we are travelling. Its crazy, I dunno, I have this urge feeling that I want to know more of her, I want to talk with her more but at the same time, I need to enjoy this once-in-a lifetime trip experience. Is it weird? We just met September 2018, it is one month ago from this trip and I think I already developed an attachment that I didn't felt to some people I met before. This is something worth to remember, a good memories.
The Sagada trip continues. It was 6pm. I just recently took a hot shower and finally I can rest and message her. I felt happy and excited to talk with her. It was memorable. She made me laugh with her jokes and tease that made me feel that I want to squeeze her cheeks because she's so cute. I want to say I missed you but I Im glad I didn't. Then 9pm at our Inn, I wanna lay in my bed but I went ouside and sat on chair. I was alone at that time and I asked her if we can call. That was the day I got to heard her voice for the first time. Such a beautiful voice. Attraction feeling got intensed and I can't control it. I think I'm falling inlove.
I thought Im the only one who felt the feeling of missed. She also missed me when I had my trip because she kept me awake up to 3am just to entertained me. Hehe. How cute is that? Really cute. But I fell asleep that night because Im really tired (a short nap it is) and was awaked after a short nap and glad she still responded, our talk continued. In our talk, she mentioned 'Gravity.' She explained the concept of it: when the two objects have mass and got attracted, they will collide that's why there's zero gravity in space because that would happen, blah blah blah. I thought it was a serious talk and I asked her many questions because the topic is really interesting. The night was fun despite of my tired body.
Days had gone by and we are still messaging each other. Until November came, I am now confused to my feelings: Am I falling inlove to her? Why is the attraction intensifies as time goes by? Sometimes I felt jealous to some of people she was talking too, weird. Because we just started to get to know each other so my mind tells me that I need to control my feelings? But I don't want to. I let my feelings freely. I didn't controlled nor stopped it from developing.
She got cuter and cuter day by day in November and atttaction is getting high. Then I started to request calls every night just to hear her beautiful voice again. It is so feminine and sweet that's why I love listening to it (welp until now). I love listening to her when she talks in Bisaya (Visayan Language). Yeah, I started to love everything about her.
Still in November and I cannot control my mind to say my thoughts at that call. I just said that Im falling inlove to her and I don't know the reasons why I fell in love. It just came out to my mouth and the feelings are too overwhelming. I am also shocked to myself that I directly confessed, that was unplanned and I never think of hesitation to confess though whether she will refuse / accept me and if my feelings are not reciprocated, I am okay with that. At least, I will never regret to say and shared my feelings to her.
The confession? Hmm I want to say her the 3-letters that night. Hehe. But Im hesistant and I didn't. And I know, Im really sure that I love her. I love her so much. I can't contain my feelings, my attractions, and she filled my heart full. That night when I confessed, she just replied a 'visayan phrase' and I didn't understand it. I just laughed at it because she's so cute and tell her that she will make me guess again. Now its time to search what does that mean. But she's too witty. To all those people who can speak Bisaya cannot really translate the phrase into Filipino. They have different translations. Now my curiousity got higher to know what does that mean.
Until November 21, we had a call. I heard her beautiful voice again then asked if what does she mean to her phrase. Then that's the time my feelings got reciprocated. I can't contain how happy I am that time. Also she said to me someyhing about her gravity she talked about. It was her indirect confession of her attractions to me. Gawd, double kill! I mean, she got me twiced already without knowing. I got blushed. Sobrang kilig. Sobrang saya yung naramdaman ko. I do. I am inlove with her. The time that we met is doesn't matter. This is my first time to feel this. To feel happy. To feel the love I am curious in a long time. To feel that you own someone who can tell it's yours. Im glad I met her.
Note: we had our first video call before I confessed to her. Hehe :3
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