napoldeinlair · 7 years
I had a nightmare last night where FR changed the official artwork for Pearlcatchers where they no longer had front legs, and everyone was getting rid of their Pearlcatchers because they were terrifying and hideous and couldn’t wear like a good chunk of the apparel? Everyone was complaining about FR not thinking things through, how they’d completely depreciated the PC market, when the general market as it stands was horrid. “Pearlcatchers used to be worth something!” they said. “Who’d be stupid enough to make such a massive change to the artwork this far into the site’s life?”
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napoldeinlair · 7 years
We can finally preview outfits to make sure they’re cute!! I would have loved to have this when I was dressing my Nocturne siblings; I went through several different outfits for Morel before I found the one I liked.
And now they’ve released something cute that GUI can wear without clashing with her cat <3
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napoldeinlair · 8 years
napoldeinlove #52485, thank you~!
Flash Giveaway
                 That I am too lazy to make a graphic for.
+ 50 Strange Chests + One of every item you can get from a Strange Chest ( All the familiars, apparel, a noc egg, a noc scroll., the two vistas ) except for the bears. + Unless you really want the bears in which case I guess you can have those too.
The end of rollover tonight ( the 12/21 - 12/22 rollover )
+ Reblog with your username & ID # ( in the post or the tags is fine ) + You do not have to be following me + One entry per person
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napoldeinlair · 8 years
I’m never gonna get into the depth that some people have gone into for other Beastclans but let me tell you, I am incredibly invested in the Maren!!
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napoldeinlair · 8 years
NapoldeInLove #52485
Anomaly as a Maren seems most suited to her lore.
This is the only gijinka of her that I’ve drawn and want to share.
This is a really cool contest! Exciting!
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Flash Giveaway! I’m going to turn two winners into beastkin!
To enter Reblog with:
Flight Rising Username and ID
Link to your dragon and then state which beast clan they will be morphed in to
1 dragon entry per person
(Any reference links are welcome but completely optional)
This ends at midnight FR time (10/17/2016), so in like 3 ish hours. Lol I wasn’t joking about the flash part.
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napoldeinlair · 8 years
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napoldeinlair · 8 years
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inktober 2016 #1
a pretty space witch who’s actually a twenty-five meter long dragon 
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napoldeinlair · 8 years
Starfall Celebration 2016
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This month, all of dragonkind come together to celebrate the Starfall Celebration. This festival celebrates the arcane flight. Our most prized possessions, Magical Shards, can be found by using any gathering profession in the arcane territories this week. Neutral and arcane-aligned monsters also have a chance to rarely yield these items as drops in the Coliseum. They may be crafted at Baldwin’s Bubbling Brew using alchemy reagents. Click here to read more about this update.
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napoldeinlair · 8 years
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The over-all winners from egg hatching! The Tundra gal has some nice colors going for her, so I may keep her work towards the genes I show. Is the market as good for Red-White-and-Blue Dragons as it once was?
Tundra F (Earth) - Jungle/Cinammon/Shadow Nocturne M (Wind) - Crimson/Moon/Periwinkle
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napoldeinlair · 8 years
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anyone know why there’s an empty space next to forest?
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napoldeinlair · 9 years
napoldeinlove #52485! Thank you! The Jamboree looks pretty good this year!
Happy Mistral Jamboree everyone! Hope everyone’s having a good start to this lively windy festival week! For the first time in forever, we’re managing to get our traditional kick off giveaway up on the first day!
So, if you’d like to win 180 of these:
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Just reblog with your username and ID (not in the tags). Likes don’t count, you don’t have to be following me, etc., etc. This ends today (3/27/16) at 20:00 site time! Good luck, and have fun!
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napoldeinlair · 9 years
All about Naomi: For those who have no idea what’s going on.
Naomi is a user who has taken over the Couriers of Flight Rising in what appears to be a glitch.
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 But that’s not all she is. If you search for her in user search (she’s in Shadow flight to narrow it down) you’ll see she has over 15 million dragons, and the number is growing fast. 
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Also, search for exalted dragons in dragon search, every single one of them will say they are a part of Naomi’s clan. 
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Naomi is user 0. Her account doesn’t exist and neither does her profile dragon. Clicking on it will bring you to a 404 page. But Naomi isn’t just an account created to hold exalted dragons. She can’t be. Because of Willow. 
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Willow is one of Naomi’s children with Coal, another exalted dragon. You can view Coal’s exalted page, but clicking on Naomi will bring you back to the 404. Willow is the only child of Naomi that is not exalted. Coal is dragon 25343. If you bring that back a number, to dragon 25342, you get a 404. Run that number in the scrying workshop and you’ll see Naomi. 
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Willow is our proof that Naomi isn’t a storage account. She was someone, and Naomi and Coal are probably her progens. She bred her dragons and sold one of them. She even changed flights at some point, seeing as Naomi and Coal are Arcane and she is currently listed as Shadow. Which means 1 of 3 things. 1: Staff stole an inactive account and used it to store all exalted dragons and it’s somehow become unhidden, simultaneously taking over the account that handle the couriers. 2. This is the work of a hacker. 3. Someone is very upset at being exalted.
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napoldeinlair · 9 years
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tag yourself
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napoldeinlair · 9 years
Uh I looked up white/azure/x basic/basic female faes in hopes of tracking the mysterious Naomi, and check this out
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Here’s the plot twist: All of the Naomi faes are actually exalted, all under different deities. Too spooky. 
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napoldeinlair · 9 years
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New courier?
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napoldeinlair · 9 years
I’m basically tossing all my garbage and materials into the Cauldron for this year’s Gala. I really want both of the Cauldron skins, and I know I’m going to need at least two of the festival apparel, so that’s going to translate into a lot of ingredients. Even after I get those, I’ll be wanting two more of the skins...
On another note, I did get another birthday dragon this year with Paradox. I’m a huge sucker for purple-ranges, and since last year I got a very dark dragon I wanted to go for a much lighter one.
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napoldeinlair · 9 years
napoldeinlove 52485! Very generous of you! :)
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The winner receives:
Moonglow Thorns (retired 2015 Shadow festival apparel), Secondary Gene: Butterfly, Nocturne Egg x3, Enchanter’s Tatters gem bundle, Strange Chest x4
To enter, reblog this post once with your username and number. Likes are appreciated but don’t count, and you do not need to be following me to qualify. The giveaway will end on Tuesday, December 22 at 8 PM EST.
Asteria watched Hieronymus carefully collect a shaving from the nearest nocturne egg and place it into a vial. 
Keep reading
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