narcissaism-blog · 9 years
That is not the point, you insufferable worm.
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Just jump in the shower and it will be fine
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narcissaism-blog · 9 years
I agree, to be honest. I’m never going to need to know any of this information, so what’s the point of forcing me to memorize it all.
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I am so sick of these exams. There’s a war going on here, why are we bothering with the History of Magic?
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narcissaism-blog · 9 years
You are beyond infuriating.
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Cissy, I warned you not to do your hair!
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narcissaism-blog · 9 years
Yes, yes, just give me a minute to get my wand out, goodness. How long ago was this? I just rounded this corner the other way a few minutes ago.
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Peeves. He thought it was funny to lob a flaming gurdyroot at the drapes. I disagree. Are you going to help me put this out or not?
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narcissaism-blog · 9 years
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“I don’t know, but I intend to bloody well find out,” she hissed, voice threatening to break out into a yell. Her proper stature and manners were out the window, and her wand was in her dorm room. She was livid.
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“Cissy?” Andromeda was appalled at the sight of her sister soaked through to the bone. Within mere moments she had strode to her side, a steady flame of rage flickering in her eyes. “Alright, who did it then?”
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narcissaism-blog · 9 years
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You really think this is funny? Get your arse over here and I’ll show you how funny it is.
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narcissaism-blog · 9 years
Lupin. Our job during patrols is to make sure things like this don’t happen. What in Merlin’s name is this?
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narcissaism-blog · 9 years
“Evans. I didn’t ask what you’d rather be doing. I asked if you knew where the book on patroni went.”
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“… I’d rather be reading right now. But, a certain someone stole my favorite book.”
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narcissaism-blog · 9 years
“As if you’d let him. I can’t even imagine him changing your mind.”
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“He thinks he’ll win. Typical boy,” Alecto scoffed.
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narcissaism-blog · 9 years
It’s nothing, just this awful Charms essay. I can’t find the answer to this question anywhere in the book.
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Cissy, my dear, I am so sorry to trouble you! What are you studying? Maybe I could help.
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narcissaism-blog · 9 years
Gilderoy. Some of us are trying to study in here. That’s what the library is for. Could you please stop your incessant blabbering?
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Well, what a weekend! My fans have been so kind, bringing me so many gifts from Hogsmeade..!
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Thank you all!
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narcissaism-blog · 9 years
Narcissa laughed at that, grinning as they made their way back to the common room. “Well how could he? Isn’t the whole point to change his mind? If he could change your mind, you wouldn’t really be changing his, would you?” she asked with a teasing grin.
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“Sirius has asked me to not call them mudbloods so all in all, the only service I’m doing is not calling them mudbloods in his presence,” Alecto corrected. “I’m saying it now and I still say it with Amycus. I really don’t feel as though Sirius will change my mind.”
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narcissaism-blog · 9 years
“I know you wouldn’t! I was just saying that, I mean, I know you would never ever start doing something like that. Obviously,” she added quickly, not wanting to upset her worse that she had been before Narcissa had gotten her attention.
Narcissa chose not to argue, but rolled her eyes a bit anyways. “I really don’t think that’s a good idea, but whatever. You’re so right about Pomfrey though. She’d pat you on the back and send you on your merry way with a homework pass for the rest of the semester or something. I mean, not like you’re becoming a mudblood supporter or anything, but you know.”
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“I doubt this will end that badly. If I find that there’s no hope, I’ll drop the whole thing. It’s not like I have feelings for him or anything,” she lied before chucking about Pomfrey. “I’m definitely not!” Alecto yelled in retaliation. “I would never,” she added with a scoff.
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narcissaism-blog · 9 years
“I’d still be a Carrow. In the end, all our side cares about are our numbers. Not if the person’s been disowned for trying to help,” Alecto explained before rolling her eyes. “Pomfrey would reward me with ice cream or something. She’s a mudblood supporter.”
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Narcissa chose not to argue, but rolled her eyes a bit anyways. “I really don’t think that’s a good idea, but whatever. You’re so right about Pomfrey though. She’d pat you on the back and send you on your merry way with a homework pass for the rest of the semester or something. I mean, not like you’re becoming a mudblood supporter or anything, but you know.”
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narcissaism-blog · 9 years
Fine, fine, I’ll go with you to Hogsmeade on another date.
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Good. I’ll even let you pick the day we go, if that makes it any better. It’ll be fun, I swear.
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narcissaism-blog · 9 years
“I doubt he’ll calm down. He thinks our mother will disown me,” she answered, waving her hands around to pretend that she was so scared. “Maybe that won’t be so bad. Then I won’t have to be forced into marriage.”
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“You’re joking right? You mean to tell me that if your mother disowned you, you wouldn’t be upset because you wouldn’t have t be forced into marriage? I’ve a right mind to take you down to Pomfrey to see what is wrong with you,” she said, obviously concerned.
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narcissaism-blog · 9 years
I’d still rather focus on my studies when the castle is quiet for once. Besides, half of the fun in Hogsmeade comes from socializing, which is something I don’t like doing at all.
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And there’s also a higher chance of running into people I do not want to see in the village.
Alright fine, you’re off the hook, but you have to come with me at least once this year! I refuse to let you constantly hang around the castle every single Hogsmeade trip. 
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I feel like we don’t hang out as much as we used to, Reg, so like it or not, you’re coming at least once.
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