swearwolfremuslupin · 2 years
Remus jostled his way through the crowd, too tired, and admittedly inebriated, to care much about being polite. As he found his way back to the now familiar drinks bar, he repressed the voice in his head that had been telling him to slow down for hours. So what if he had one too many? Wasn’t he allowed a break? Wasn’t he allowed to switch off for an evening? He was used to Sirius being the reckless one, the one who knew his limits but pushed past them because he could, because he wanted to see what would happen. The part of his brain consistently trying to rationalise told him he wasn’t doing that. told him he was fine. He could handle his drink when he needed to, and if the event organisers didn’t want people to drink the champagne, then they wouldn’t have provided it. Swiping another glass from the table, he replaced it with his empty one, tugging at the collar of the ridiculous shirt he had allowed Sirius to pick out for him. Ever since his realisation, since noticing the obvious shift in the pattern of his illness, he hadn’t been able to relax. Surrendering himself to his surroundings, to whatever his other half decided would look best on him, he didn’t have the energy to choose an outfit. He was mentally as exhausted as he should be physically feeling. 
As the full moon grew closer, he found himself less comforted by the potions that were easing his symptoms. Restless instead. Like his body was aching to feel the pain, and the lethargy he was used to. He stayed awake at night wondering what his life might look like without his bad days. Without his nausea, and muscle pain, insomnia, and fatigue. Hope caught in his throat, lodged there as a constant reminder of how much he stood to lose if he started to believe there might actually be some kind of future for him. One where he was healthier, one where he didn’t dread twelve nights out of the year. Turning to make his way back to Sirius, he was startled to find he had been followed. Nearly walking into his boyfriend, he stumbled over his feet, coming to an abrupt halt, a hand reaching out to steady himself against his chest. He could see the concern in his boyfriend’s eyes but he pointedly chose to ignore it. “...’m sorry. I forgot to ask if you wanted one.”
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callmemrprongs · 2 years
What time to be alive! Lily Evans disse que se preocupou comigo nos últimos meses. 
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Onde você estava falando nisso?  E o Remus?
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gidprewett · 10 months
Gideon had been walking back to his flat with his various bags of potions ingredients when he heard a ruckus coming from the house next to his own flat. He lived next some of his mates from school but they were a bit much at times. Dropping off his things inside of his door he turned to go to the flat next door and knock waiting for them to answer.
As the door opened he spotted Sirius on the other side of it. "Sirius. We need to talk. Now listen. I am going to brew a potion tonight and it must have absolute quiet and a peaceful environment. So you guys can't be coming over with any shenanigans. I am willing to allow you to come over now for some tea and a snack to get it out of your system. Also Molly probably wants me to find out if you're eating enough and to mention that you're too skinny so there. Now come on."
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swearwolfx-archive · 1 year
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Where: Remus & Sirius' flat Who: @afracturedstar
Remus was currently staring at some strange piece of furniture that had appeared in their flat as happened sometimes with pursed lips. It looked like Sirius had picked up another stray and brought it back with him. He understood the need to make things homey but wasn’t sure how adding garbage off the street achieved that as you never knew what it might be infested with. And with so many rescue missions things tended to pile up and bring their home into the range of cluttered which tended to set him off a bit. By all means, he wasn’t the most organized or the neatest his room more organized chaos than anything as if reflecting his mind but he made more of an effort with the common area. Wait, did something just crawl out onto the top of it? He shuddered resisting the urge to itch with the way it made his skin crawl. “Sirius….Sirius! We need to talk about this,” he called sure he had heard Sirius in his room earlier, not sure when he had snuck this thing inside. He heard shuffling inside so he went to meet him at his door. “What did I tell you about picking things up off the street? That was on the street,” he emphasized not sure what he didn’t understand about that. “No idea how long or what merlin forsaken thing happened to it. Could be a rat convention in there, did you look?” he questioned turning back to look at the item in question as if expecting said rats to come spilling out. He fidgeted with his shirt feeling itchy again. “I really don’t want to have fleas on top of everything else.”
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thebrokenbones · 4 years
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Amelia was calm during the game after Sirius’s pep-talk, she was bummed they lost, but her soul wasn’t crushed so she handed him a beer and wrapped her good arm around his side, leaning her head on his shoulder. “Sorry we didn’t get you the win. I can’t believe I’d been good avoiding bludger’s to the body all year and in the last five minutes of our game I got on right in the shoulder, think someone was aiming for me?” She asked her tone light and teasing as she sipped her own drink.
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carmelvegas · 4 years
why-so-siriuss replied to your post: Você e Timothy: namoro ou amizade?
C'mon, De la Vega. C'mon. Who do you think you are fooling?
Não sei exatamente o quê você e o Timmy andam conversando, mas eu não tô sabendo de nada.
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dakholove · 5 years
“I’m not too late, am I? I was trying to meditate, but I ended up falling asleep.” (Six) -
Apesar dos constantes discursos que alguns professores insistiam em fazer; dizendo que esse tipo de coisa ajudava a interação e habilidade de se comunicar Dakho simplesmente detestava trabalhos em dupla. Havia combinado de se encontrar com Sirius na biblioteca fazia quatro horas. Estava se perguntando a muito tempo porque ele simplesmente não desistia, mas até que estava se entretendo um pouco com a discussão silenciosa de um casal ali do lado. Com a quantidade de tempo que a espera durou estava a par de tudo o que havia acontecido até então quando escutou a aproximação do grifano desviando em fim sua atenção. — Qual seu problema ? — perguntou diante da resposta alheia para o que de tanta demora. Esperava que fosse apenas uma brincadeira, ele não gostava muito de ficar esperando. — Falando sério, o que aconteceu ?
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weightjackson · 5 years
Dinner party | Flashback| Wei  & Sirius
Apesar das opiniões mais do que divididas a cerca dos famosos jantares que um certo professor de poções costumava dar para o seu conhecido grupo seleto de alunos; Wei não tinha muitas coisas contra o mesmo. Provavelmente teria caso percebesse algum fascínio particular por alunos com descendência pura ou se ele destratasse descaradamente os demais estudantes; como não era o caso não entendia o porque de tamanha discórdia. Era certo que encontrar cenas nas quais dois estudantes estavam competindo entre si para a atenção do professor não eram escassas. No mesmo tanto que tinham alguns que pareciam não se importar muito e o mais velho pareceria que corria ainda mais atrás dessas pessoas. 
Ela sentia muito esse segundo caso acontecer com Sirius Black. O unico de sua família a não cair na casa sonserina, que por algum acaso era a casa na qual o professor Slughorn era diretor. Ela lembrava isso com a quantidade de vezes que o escutara dizendo que havia conseguido quase toda a família, como se tratasse de uma especie de posse; menos o Sirius. E aparentemente não era o único incomodado com esse fato; Wei particularmente apenas desaprovava algumas coisas que ele utilizava para se entreter. Mas como não conhecia nada que tivesse chegado ao extremo para que ela repudiasse, apenas suspirava e seguia com seus afazeres que não eram poucos.
Estava próxima a uma conversa que ele estava tentando manter com Sirius, que aparentemente não estava muito interessado no assunto. Mas ela sentia sempre isso vindo dele, o problema em questão poderia ser outro. Quando o mais velho a chamou para se juntar a conversa dos dois. Curiosa a cerca do que poderia opinar Wei se aproximou de ambos com uma leve mesura. — Boa noite. — os cumprimentou observando a conversa curiosa. "Estavamos dicutindo sobre quadribol, e como ele mesmo não parece muito crente em minha imparcialidade resolvi chamar alguém completamente neutra no assunto. Ela não participou de nenhuma das casas." explicou, provavelmente para que ela se inteirasse do assunto. "Qual time acredita que esteja mais forte nessa temporada? Não é a sonserina? " Wei olhou de um para o outro suspirando discretamente. — Não entendo a relevancia de assunto no momento. O campeonato mal começou.. — foi o que pode responder.
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ava-avery · 6 years
The golden age I Sirius & Ava
While getting ready for the event, Ava had made a vague mental list over things to do that night. It ranged from talking to some old professors to maybe greeting some big names, so she could mention it the next time she was home, but most importantly; catching up with old friends. Letters were well enough but it didn’t hold up compared to actually seeing the faces she had missed so dearly. With Hogsmeade more or less out of the question, arranging something was a difficult task so she leapt at the opportunity. 
She fluttered through the groups of people, sometimes with aquinances she had found and sometimes alone, the glass she had snatched up at the beginning of the night remaining full in her hand. While she had someone specific in mind, Ava kept getting sidetracked- there was always someone who she knew from school, or she’d seen around the Ministry or someone who knew her parents. She was half listening to some lady she wasn’t able to place, nodding politely at the right intervals, when she caught a glimpse of dark hair moving away. “I’m terribly sorry, I just got to-” Ava let the apology fall apart as she stepped away, speeding the best she could in heels. She reached out to grab his wrist, ending up with the cuff of his shirt instead. “Sirius, hey! Not gonna say hello?”
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imnotjamespotter · 6 years
“ trying to sneak into the forbidden section three times in a row is either the most badass or the most nerdy thing you’ve ever done. ” -- @blackenedsirivs
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“Okay, well, I have a very reasonable explainable to this!” James started, sitting up in his seat and quickly glancing from side to side to assure that the coast was clear. “Lily had mentioned she wanted to read this one mind numbingly boring book from there the other afternoon, so I thought to myself? Why not make all her dreams comes true and present it to her, yeah? And guess who fucking catches me trying to sneak in?” he asked, letting out a long sigh. “If you guessed Lily, by the way, you were right... I didn’t even get to steal the book, I wanted,” he paused momentarily before reaching for his phone. “Though, I reckon I could just order the Kamasutra on Amazon...”
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ivytravers · 3 years
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“I don’t think that really looks structurally sound, mate...”
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swearwolfremuslupin · 2 years
Remus couldn’t remember falling asleep, couldn’t remember Sirius joining him in their tangle of blankets, their limbs crossing over, the steady sound of his boyfriend’s breath. In fact, he could barely remember waking up. For a while he drifted in a daze, images from his dreams presenting themselves between flashes of reality. He was walking through the Forbidden Forest. He was naked. The sun was rising, casting a golden hue over everything it touched. Then he was shifting, moving closer to Sirius, pulling a comforter more firmly around himself, and thinking he should probably get up. There was coffee to be brewed, wasn’t there ? And the Daily Prophet was about to arrive. Then there was a wolf, and he was walking towards it. A shaking hand outstretched as it watched him. He was simultaneously terrified, and in awe. The creature had his eyes, wore his own awkward hesitance like a second fur, but it took him far too long to recognise Moony. And then he was close enough to touch this twisted version of himself, this alien thing he became but never got to see. The wolf wasn’t scared of him, not in the same way he was scared. It butted his hand, its fur warm, and soft to the touch. For a second, he felt a sharp sense of relief, and then his entire world seemed to shift on its axis. He was forced into consciousness with the abrupt sensation of being doused in cold water, and sat upright, gasping for breath. Even as he worked to compose himself, he struggled to place what had startled him. “Merlin...” He breathed, reaching out with one hand to search for Sirius. To hold his boyfriend, and ground himself. “Merlin, that was weird.” 
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fallenprongs · 7 years
Another stone was thrown in the direction of his best friend, who didn’t seem to want to acknowledge any of them. Many of the tiny stones thrown his way just didn’t manage to collide with them. Chaser or no, when his hands were tied his aim was not as great -- even though Sirius was only about four feet away from him. Nevermind the fact these were a lot smaller than a quaffle. Still, this one managed to hit him. “Pads.” He called in a hushed tone before throwing another tone towards his friend. “Padfoot.” This time he sung his friend’s nickname.
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itsmefrank-blog · 7 years
What does a siriusly Christmas look like? I just had to ask. Do you get lots of socks??
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swearwolfx-archive · 1 year
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Where: Ministry Holding Cells Who: @afracturedstar
The mission was a success but it hadn’t gone off without a hitch, as he had known it wouldn’t. They weren’t that lucky. Sirius was at the centre of the whole thing and fear had been his constant companion ever since he found out. If something were to happen he was the most at risk, the most likely target. It had made his stomach churn. Lily had gifted them necklaces to help deflect some of the curses which had mollified him somewhat, gave them a better chance of at least not being mortally wounded. The chaos had broken out and it had been hard to place Sirius as he was not himself, and there was just so much going on. He himself had taken a few hits, when there was confirmation the cup was out and the aurors arrived he had met James in the alley looking for Sirius, only to see him being dragged out the front by the aurors. He was alive at least and all he could hope was that they tended to his wounds. He had wanted to follow but knew he couldn’t and James had taken them home to tend to his own wounds. Adrenaline truly was an amazing drug, not able to feel them until he had stopped and then the pain came crashing down on him, but it wasn’t worse than the wounds he had sustained during the full moon.
Remus shook away the thoughts needing to keep himself focused as he followed behind the auror as they brought him to the holding cells. It hurt him to think of Sirius being here for days, alone and afraid. All he wanted to do was to get him out as soon as possible, nearly getting himself thrown in beside his friend days earlier for fighting with the aurors to release him.  The auror stopped and he peered into the cell seeing Sirius and his heart clenched hating every moment of it as the door was finally opened and Sirius was allowed to walk out. The cell door closed and the auror took their leave telling them to show themselves out. He waited for a heartbeat for the sound of footsteps to disappear before throwing himself at Sirius locking his arms around him, his face leaning against his neck, hugging him tightly, hoping he would allow this touch. “I was so worried about you, are you okay, did they heal you?” he questioned, pulling back slightly hoping he hadn’t just hurt him further with his embrace.
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thebrokenbones · 4 years
@aciiers || before the quidditch match
Amelia was getting excited about the game, a little nervous but ready to play. She’d been flying like crazy recently and practicing her beater swing and knew she would crush it, but she was a little nervous because it was her last game of the season and she wanted to win. it was always a little bitter sweet playing with the seventh years for the last time. She was walking out of the change room by herself when she was pulled aside into a hidden alcove. She almost swung her bat at the person until she realized it was just Sirius. “You couldn’t just get my attention like a normal person? You’ve always got to make an impression.” She teased, her nerves about the clear on her face as she looked at his face curious.
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