narcissaxblack-blog · 6 years
&&. @crimson-lucius
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narcissaxblack-blog · 6 years
&&. @crimson-lucius
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narcissaxblack-blog · 6 years
The letter from Narcissa Malfoy had come as a surprise. It wasn’t every day that Hestia received letters from people like the Malfoy. Since she published her article in the Prophet, since her firing, she was certain that she would never receive correspondence from anyone in that family – or anyone that supported them – ever again. The article had been both her pathway to freedom and her doom at the very same time. On one hand, it offered her the opportunity to be candid and honest and tell stories that otherwise weren’t getting told. On the other hand… Hestia Jones no longer had a job, still had bills to pay, and potentially had made some very dangerous enemies. Dressed in one of her nicer, business casual dresses, Hestia made her way to her agreed meeting place with Narcissa. It was a bit too… on the nose… for the woman, who found the surrounding pink decorations and floral design of the interior far more feminine and cutesy for her own tastes. But if this was where Narcissa wanted to meet, Hestia would comply. There was no way that she would be under attack in a public place, too, which helped in the decision making to go see the youngest of the Black siblings. Upon entering the tea shoppe, she saw Narcissa waving her over. Hestia joined the woman at the table, a polite smile on her face. “Narcissa, thank you so much for reaching out to me. I am terribly sorry about your loss,” she noted. Even if the man she was mourning was a despicable person, Hestia understood the power of grief. “How have you been? All things considered.”
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Narcissa nodded at Hestia’s words, “thank you, I knew him since I was a little girl” she added almost as an after thought. It had hit her hard, to lose someone so close to her, while not exactly friends, given their age difference, Narcissa had interacted with him since childhood. She had always believed that in a world where she had not been matched with Lucius, she would’ve wanted to marry Antonin. He was kind to her, showed interest in her interests. And he had been collateral damage. Antonin Dolohov was not a death eater, but he had died at the hands of Aversio as if he was one. That Narcissa had realized as they were lowering his coffin, had hurt more than having lost him in battle.
“I’ve been-” it had been ages since someone had asked Narcissa that question, well not exactly, but the way Hestia was asking, “better than most, better that I should’ve been” it was hard to admit, specially to a stranger, or maybe because she was a stranger Narcissa found herself talking, “my father survived. I still don’t know what he was doing there” it was partially true, but she was still selling Hestia the idea that she was unaware of what her family might be a part of, “and Lucius away on a work trip, I could not even imagine if he had been caught in the middle” she shook her head. 
“Enough of me” words she had never pictured herself saying, “what about you? How have you been? I- I had thought after we worked together” worked was one opinion, Narcissa had brought Hestia along to witness the restoration of St. Mungos’ and write an article about it, “why did you write that article? About the current administration, and those terrible things” she sounded distraught, as if she had not known about those things all along. 
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narcissaxblack-blog · 6 years
Victory had been rushing through Bellatrix like a high for months. It was the sort she never wanted to come down from, the exhilaration of knowing that the Death Eaters were winning something she would be fine. Not entirely content - the feeling one Bella wasn’t familiar with - but satisfied nonetheless. Anything to keep the self-righteous Order from their disillusions of being heroes. Pushing Bagnold from office and Rodolphus taking her place had been a win Bellatrix was euphoric from. The Dark Lord had been thrilled, and when he was happy there was little room for concern, as long as she was concerned.
But their victory, however well deserved, had been far too short lived as Aversio tipped the scales. Aversio. A pathetic excuse of a ‘rebel stance’ who seemed so determined they were in the right. And yet their violent nature was a watered down, sorry mimic of what the Death Eaters were achieving. Bellatrix knew without even having to see the proof that they were behind the infuriating actions that had been taken against them. The Prophet being burnt down was an annoyance more than anything, particularly so when Bella had come to learn her father was inside and not responsible for the flames. Bitter as she had become from that, the rage that always seemed to be festering just beneath the surface had nearly exploded when Antonin’s dismembered body was discovered. She had never had much opinion on him, other than that he was more or less a pussy who was easily manipulated, but seeing one of their own so publicly disrespected was infuriating. Bella was furious– until Emma Vanity had been stolen. Then she had gone from being solely pissed off to insatiable for revenge. Until the Dark Lord gave her direct orders, Bella had very little to do. Of course, stealing Edgar in return had been an eye for an eye, something she and Cygnus both saw to. Now, however, there was nothing.
The sound of someone entering the fireplace was enough to draw Bellatrix’s attention from the chambers she was in. She was nowhere near the visitor, but knew they were there. “Kreacher!” She called, waiting until the elf appeared. He wasn’t hers, rather her aunt’s, but he had always been more loyal to Bellatrix than any of the others. When he arrived, she watched with a raised eyebrow as he inspected, returning with the news of her sister’s arrival. Bella was quick after that, her heels clicking against the marbled floors of Lestrange Manor as she made her way to the living quarters. “Cissy?” She called as she entered, taking in her sister. It was no secret, Narcissa was the one thing Bellatrix truly loved, had always loved. There had been two, once, but Andromeda’s betrayal had blown her from that right long ago. Seeing the expression on her sister’s face caused Bella’s own to falter as she crossed the space between them, grasping her sister’s arms in her hands, giving her a once over to check for damage. “What’s wrong? Are you alright?”
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Bellatrix’s voice reached Narcissa and she felt herself relax. Not in the way she would’ve liked, forgetting all that was wrong out there in the world, in the middle of the war, but in the way it always had, even as children. Everything was going to be okay as long as Bellatrix was around to help  Narcissa, to hold her. Narcissa knew what people said about her sister, it wasn’t just rumours, it was people actually daring to talk about Bella. Narcissa just listened to them, she knew the truth. Whatever might happen in the world, Narcissa needed not to worry as long as Bellatrix was still on her side. Loyalty ran deep within them. While it had been for Andromeda and Sirius to walk away from the family, there was loyalty left between those that had been left behind. And love too.
Narcissa ran towards her sister, the one person who had known her since she had first come into the world. The one Narcissa would trust with her life, the one who knew her better than she knew herself. It was like being five years old again, and she had scrapped her knee while playing where mother said she shouldn’t be playing, it was Narcissa’s first and only heartbreak -not by a boy but by the one other person who was supposed to love her forever-, it was Narcissa’s wedding day, the many times she had come to Bella crying because nothing worked and when would she become a mother? All the moments in Narcissa’s life, where she had felt scared, lost, where she had felt anything. Bellatrix had always being there. And now, as fear and desperation, despair and hopelessness filled her soul, she had ran to her sister. Narcissa reached for a hug, wanting to be held like all those times before, not caring if her tears spilled into her sister’s chest. 
“Bella...” she whispered, “they have Emma” Narcissa said barely managing to get the words out, “I know it’s them, Aversio” who else could it be? “I’m so scared. Why would they take Emma? She” it had not left her mind, the why, sure Emma was well loved, but wouldn’t that make it a foolish move? Emma was Quidditch darling, the public rallied behind here, there was no way they would’ve take her if they didn’t suspect of her involvement with the cause. “Why her? If they” the words coming slurred, tears flowing freely, “they couldn’t have known. This is.” Narcissa shook her head, “how are we going to get her back?” she desperately asked her oldest her only sister. 
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narcissaxblack-blog · 6 years
&&. @crimson-lucius 
August 23rd, 1979 Malfoy Manor
Narcissa wondered when the screams would start. The boy had looked so peaceful when her sister and her father dropped him off. Maybe he would scream as soon as he woke up, in a strange place, a cold place, maybe it would take him a while to figure out where he is, or at least where he’s not. The dungeons of Malfoy Manor were as extensive as the manor itself, the boy had been dropped on the second cell to the right, Narcissa had felt like a little girl again, watching her father and Bella do something only for the two of them, Narcissa only being allowed to watch from afar. When she joined the war she never imagined that a boy would be sitting on the cold floor of a dark cell, meant to be kept under her watchful eye. A month ago she would’ve said something, argue about it even, they were kidnapping people now? Was the attack on St. Mungo’s not enough? But then Emma had been taken. And the Dark Lord wanted them to do nothing. It was scary yo learn her family had acted out of their own accord, and perhaps that’s why Narcissa had been left in charge, a punishment perhaps? But for who exactly?
Still Narcissa was the epitome of perfection, and she would do what was asked of her. She would charm her hair and wear a mask, and take the long way down to the dungeons to keep an eye on the boy her sister and father had plucked away from life. All she had wanted was a better future for her children, what children? a voice taunted her, this war was supposed to build something better not have them become criminals. The only thing legitimizing their movement was that Rodolphus was in power, under any other administration they would be hunted down. If only people would see things the way she sees them, if only people would agree that magic must be protected. 
Leaning against the door that would lead her to the stone staircase of the dungeons Narcissa took a deep breath, just as she was about to bring her wand to her head, her hair ought to be charmed in case her hood fell down, she had a duty to protect her family, Malfoy and Black, when a pop caught her attention. Before she could yell at the elf for interrupting the creature managed to get out the words ‘Master Lucius is back’. That sentence was enough to get Narcissa rushing towards the foyer, Malfoy Manor was an impressive structure, the kind of place Narcissa dreamed of living in while growing up, in this moment it felt massive, as if no matter how many steps she took it she still found herself far away from Lucius, unable to reach him. Every time he went away Narcissa felt like a part of her went with him, she wasn’t whole until he came back, but this time, this time had been particularly hard. With all the loses they had suffered, the constant worry that something might happen to him while he was away, or something happened to her. The fear of never seeing him again. 
“Lucius” Narcissa said the second she caught sight of him, there was so much she had to tell him, Antonin is dead, Emma is gone, a boy is being held captive in our basement, but in that moment all she could do was reach out for him.
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narcissaxblack-blog · 6 years
&&. @mvlciber
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narcissaxblack-blog · 6 years
&&. @heis-waldenmacnair
August 21st, 1979 Macnair Manor
Not even a day had passed since it had been agreed that releasing Cassandra Burke into the world was the smartest course of action, not even a day since the task of keeping an eye on both Walden and Cassandra had fallen to Narcissa and Alecto. And while Walden was family to Narcissa, she knew better than to even question the Dark Lord’s command. Besides Narcissa had long believed that Burke was a poison that would end up consuming everyone around her. That’s how Narcissa had convinced herself that keeping an eye on the one uncle who had always seen past her perfectly learned niceties and gave her books because while beauty and good looks is something you are born with, intelligence you need cultivate, tend to, make it flourish.
When the news of the disappearance of Emma Vanity reached Narcissa, she knew that while many people loved Emma, there would be only a handful willing to do whatever it took to get her back. Narcissa decided to head for Walden’s place, he would know what to do, and besides she was supposed to be close to him, keeping an eye on him. Narcissa was desperate to get a plan going, there was no way they wouldn’t move heaven and earth to get Emma. Emma who was like a sister to her, Emma who in any ways reminded Narcissa of herself, and yet was far braver than Narcissa ever would be.
“Uncle Walden” Narcissa called upon arrival, “Emma” she said, the name a desperate whisper, “we have to get her back” pushing back the tears, the unsaid words no matter what it takes.
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narcissaxblack-blog · 6 years
&&. @xalectoxcarrowx
August 20th, 1979 Black Manor
The meeting had ended a few minutes ago, it was still strange for Narcissa to be back in her childhood home, surrounded by people she had known while growing up, discussing the future of the organization she had joined to bring about a better future for her family. This fight was for her children, and their children, to protect magic, to keep magic where it belonged. That had been the sole reason Narcissa had joined. People on the outside would have their opinions if they ever were to find out about her involvement, that she did it because -just like everything else in her life- it was her duty, because it was what was expected of her, because her family was in the fight. They would believe anything, except that she wanted a better future. 
Narcissa had gotten to where she stood in the ranks of the Dark Lord all on her own. While she might not have some of the skills of others, she was not just a good dueler, but also a great strategist. She spent a lifetime being paraded around, some times during important meetings, because she was after all just a girl, why did it matter what the grown ups talked about. Overlooked, like a pretty doll expected to sit at a corner, Narcissa learned from the best. And now her opinions were not just heard but valued. She had earned the trust of those around her, and the one leading them. She didn’t just bring loyalty to the table.
Now there was a plan to executed, and she was glad to be working alongside Alecto. While they could not be more different, Narcissa who trusted very few people, felt like if there was someone outside her family she could trust with her life it was Alecto. There was strength where their differences overlap. As people began to trickle out of the room (honestly she could not believe her mother had not even offered tea, at Malfoy Manor diner was always offered to those who wished to stay) Narcissa approached Alecto. They had to plan a strategy if they wanted to succeed. The stakes higher than ever.
“Alecto” Narcissa had always loved calling people by nicknames, Aly was one of her favorites, but time had passed between the two and Narcissa had yet to fully reconnect with the female Carrow. “While I’m sure my parents won’t mind if we use the study” she said picturing the room, full of memories, good and bad, “I feel like this is a topic better discussed in a more private environment...”
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narcissaxblack-blog · 6 years
… she slipped her anger into something silky and attractive, like she was putting on a lacy nightgown.
Martha Schabas, Various Positions (via hailthequeens)
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narcissaxblack-blog · 6 years
wanted plots && connections
&&. Friends in high places.  This could go both ways, Narcissa makes it her mission to make powerful lasting connections with people in positions of power. And people see how convenient it would be to make Narcissa’s acquaintance so they approach her in hopes of getting the support of the Blacks/Malfoys
&&. To love is to lose. Someone Narcissa loved in her youth. Could be mutual or one-sided.
&&. We were friends once. Someone Narcissa used to be friends with and now because of the war they find themselves on opposite sides.
&&. Heroes on both sides. Narcissa discovers that those fighting the war are not what she was lead to believe.
&&. Not today. We know that Narcissa becomes an expert duelist, this person is the one that teaches her how to duel.
&&. Family first. Purebloods that Narcissa considers family.
&&. A pretty face. While out of a mission (wearing the DEs’ mask) Narcissa fights someone and proves that she’s more than just a pretty face.
&&. Dirty work. Someone that Narcissa goes to so they do the dirty work for her, she can take of herself, but a lady never fights if there’s someone willing to go to war for her.
//All of these are still works in progress, but it’s a rough idea we can totally polish if you are interested in any of them don’t hesitate to message me.
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narcissaxblack-blog · 6 years
&&. @hcstia-joncs
Madame Puddifoot’s Tea Shop August 17th, 1979
Narcissa was surprised that the girl had even read her owl, much less agreed to meet her here. But she was glad she was meeting face to face with the person who despite witnessing the amazing things the current administration was doing for the citizens, still went out of her way to write such foul things. Where had they gone wrong? Narcissa wondered. They had just buried Antonin, or what was left of him after the atrocious acts of Aversio. In what moment had they become so overly confident that they forgot that Aversio had killed a former Minister of Magic, that even if the Order was made up of righteous knights in shiny armor, Aversio was violence and destruction. 
The rich velvet fabric of her pitch black dress -she was still in mourning- felt soft and delicate against her fingers as she smoothed down her dress while waiting at a table in the painteresque shoppe. If it had been up to her she would’ve chosen a better place for the meeting, but she wanted Hestia Jones to felt at ease, and this was one of the few neutral places left in the mist of this war.
“Miss Jones” Narcissa called out with a small wave when once again the bell on the door chimed, this time it finally was the person she had been waiting for. 
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narcissaxblack-blog · 6 years
&&. @whois-gilderoylockhart
July 15th, 1979 Wizarding London
Victory fit Narcissa like a glove. She had been born to be a winner and nothing else. At least those were of the few lessons her parents had instilled on her. Being a member of one of the most ancient pureblood families, and marrying into another ancient family, only reinforced the notion that Narcissa was destined for greatness. Becoming a death eater had not exactly being a difficult choice, but many around her had been hesitant. Narcissa didn’t blame them, that was after all the facade she had decided to let the world see, fragile, pure, perfect, worthy of the world, meant to be protected, loved, adored. This had always been her fight, she made that clear from the start, and she was going to fight it with whatever tools life had given her. 
The death eaters were on the path to achieving final victory over those who pretended to care about wizarding society, and Narcissa couldn’t be happier. All that was left was to finish convincing those still on the fence about accepting the death eaters as the protectors of the future of wizard kind. Thankfully Narcissa had found the perfect person for that role. Gilderoy Lockhart. He had proven a worthy ally, and Narcissa enjoyed his company. What had started as a business relationship was shaping up to be a friendship. They were after all more alike than what people might think. Narcissa enjoyed their public appearances, and that was why they were having tea at one of the best establishments in Wizarding London. She couldn’t wait for the spread sure to appear on Witch Weekly. This would benefit them both. 
“Gilderoy” Narcissa greeted him with a smile, “I’m glad you could make it.”
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narcissaxblack-blog · 6 years
&&. @toujoursdevoue
The world was changing. It was changing faster than Narcissa would like, but changing none the less. The days of triumph they had enjoyed after the Ministry had been placed in Rodolphus hands, the St. Mungo was on it’s way to becoming what one day it had symbolized, were coming to an end. First the campaign to discredit the Death Eaters, the loss of Antonin, and now the disappearance of Emma. Narcissa hated how if even for a second they had underestimated Aversio. Because everything about these acts screamed Aversio. No one in The Order had it in them to do such things. No, this had been the work of that little group of terrorists who called themselves liberators.
Narcissa had been pacing around the parlor for hours, the emptiness of the vast space of Malfoy Manor reminded her of how alone she was. She shook her head, no, she wasn’t alone. She would never be alone as long as she had one person who loved her. And if Narcissa had learned anything it was that her sister Bellatrix loved her, and while Bella might not show it with conventional methods, there was no doubt in Narcissa’s heart that her sister cared for her.
Grabbing her traveling cloak, Narcissa headed for the chimney. There were only a couple of places connected through the Manor through the Floo Network, family, and only family. “Lestrange Manor” Narcissa said clearly, the green flames engulfing her. “Bella?” Narcissa asked once she recognized the living room, “sister?” this time her voice sounded small, like when she was a child and called for her sister to keep the monsters in her closet away. To keep her safe. But this time the monsters were real and they were Aversio.
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narcissaxblack-blog · 6 years
&&. starter call
Like for a starter from Narcissa. I will most likely contact you unless something general set in the current plot drop works. 
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