#&& walden macnair
infinity-warfare · 11 months
’i knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired and you'd be standin' in my front porch light’
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anti-marauders · 1 year
How do you think Marauders would react if Macnair had a baby sister in Gryffindor. Turns out both she and Walden have perperson blood, with him being exeptionally tall and robust (canon Macnair plans to behead a hyppogryph with a small axe and neck lifted Harry with one hand) , and she has green hair. She's on the cuter side, and have all the habits of someone who's a proud outcast who grew up near Azkaban (likes Knockturn Alley and so on), but hides (rather clumsily) under a friendly and sociable demeanor ?
It's unclear when Macnair attended hogwarts so if he attended at the same time the Marauders did then they'd probably be suspicious of sister should she be younger than them. They would most likely be angry that she got into gryffindor and talk about how the hat made a mistake and tell her she doesn't belong in their house.
If Macnair was a few years older than them and his sister was younger than him and attended at the same time the Marauders did then it would possibly be a situation like Sirius's.
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potionboy3 · 2 years
| August Macnair & Libby Clifford | Marauders era | Their story August and Libby meet at Hogwarts and they became unexpected friends, due to both of them having a difficult relationship with their families. August comes from a Pureblood family with high expectations, while Libby is a Muggleborn whose parents don’t accept magic. The two develop feelings for each other and start a secret relationship because of their different lives. When The First Wizarding War starts and August becomes a Death Eater like the rest of his family, Libby ends the relationship and joins the opposite side. 
They stay in love and after Voldemort’s disappearance, August takes responsibility for his actions and is sent to Azkaban. He gives up details of Voldemort’s plans and supporters (excluding his family, protecting them despite everything) and is freed, and the two decide to run away together. On his way to get his things, August is killed by his brother Walden, who avoided being imprisoned as a Death Eater, and the couple never gets their happy ending. Libby marries a wealthy Muggle man her parents had picked out for her and hides her magic, growing bitter. She is shocked when she finds out her daughter is a witch. @gaygryffindorgal In the video: Libby Clifford August Macnair  Jenny Fairfax Janet Spindle  @magicallymalted  Edmund Fairfax  Barty Crouch  Walden Macnair It’s August’s birthday today (9th of January) and what’s a better way to celebrate this boy than making this sad video of his love life.
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skeletonoli · 2 months
they really looked at Walden Macnair (an accused death eater) and went do you know what we should do? give him the job of executioner for magical animals!🤓☝️
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canimal · 4 months
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Day Fifteen of Deathmione: An Anthology
Title: Splinters in Sensitive Places
Death Eater: Walden Macnair
Summary: Luna promised Hermione fresh air and a relaxing holiday hunting for some mystical creature that may or may not exist.  Stumbling quite literally into the arms of  fugitive Death Eater Walden Macnair in the woods was never the plan.
To be notified of all the stories I post in the next forty days, please subscribe to me on AO3.
To check out all of the stories that have already been revealed, please check out the Collection.
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inlumenhq · 2 years
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Walden Macnair, 29, Slytherin alum, fc UTP, OPEN.
Birthday: up to player Gender & Pronouns: up to player Occupation: up to player Sided with: the DE’s - marked
Positive Traits: up to player Negative Traits: up to player
Life wasn’t easy for Walden. Their mother died during childbirth, and their father kept them at a distance. The coldness from their father was all they knew growing up, and it showed. Walden was a quick study, enjoying learning despite spending most of their time at Hogwarts picking on students that were top of the class. Detention was often where Walden could be found, with professors stressing the young Macnair had talents that could be used for anything that didn’t involve putting other students in the hospital wing.
Walden graduated with high marks and did not immediately take on a job to spite their father. The dark mark was the only thing that accompanied graduating from Hogwarts.
The marriage is something out of a storybook. In truth, Walden hadn’t expected to marry or find someone that could keep up with their interest in the darker side of magic. Alecto is truly their other half, and Walden will do whatever it takes to ensure they make it out of the war in one piece. Walden has proven to be an asset to the death eaters and is not afraid of getting their hands dirty.
Frank Longbottom - Try twice, succeed the third. The mantra has been one that has kept Walden drawn to Frank. Walden keeps encouraging others to enlist the Longbottoms into the cause, hoping to break whatever keeps the two from picking a side.
Amycus Carrow - Walden is trying to get his in-law on his side. He can tell that the other Carrow twin really does not like him, and while he doesn’t blame them, it is rather frustrating. 
Evan Rosier - Irksome is the only word to come to mind when thinking about Evan. There is something about Evan that has Walden feeling extra suspicious. The change in the other death eater was minimal. Barely noticeable or worth noting but still enough to leave Walden keeping an eye on them.
Bios and posts that reference Walden Macnair can be found by clicking this sentence.
suggested fc’s
Cauã Reymond, JD Pardo, Clayton Cardenas
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mortuaryhq · 2 years
could you see jacob anderson as anyone?
Ah , Jacob Anderson . What an attractive man . Here are some suggestions for him !
Caradoc Dearborn .
Walden MacNair .
Yaxley .
Zabini .
Edgar Bones .
Bertram Aubrey .
Kinglsey Shacklebolt .
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE DARK KNIGHT get what he deserves?” He is in THE DEATH EATERS & is CLOSED to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → rabstan lestrange pronouns → he/him identification → cis male year of birth → september 1957 - september 1958 face claim → dylan o’brien blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → socialite amongst high society in wizarding london future information → n/a
— he is best described as ;
BROODING & MYSTERIOUS he is the swirling RAGEFUL WATERS presented as a CALM & QUIET STREAM. He encaptures what’s WRONG with SOCIETY, another PREETY FACE with a TWISTED MOUTH breathing CURSES under their BREATH. He is UNPREDICTABLE & DANGEROUS, a pale SNAKE slithering through the upper-classes, BEAUTIFUL, UNIQUE and ready to strike with their DEADLY venom at whoever dares to TOUCH their skin.
— his story starts with ;
The youngest of two boys, Rabstan and his older brother RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE [sibling], were born in Lestrange Manor in Gloucestershire to their doing parents Marlie and Thiebuat Lestrange. From a long lineage of French and British sorcerers, their family commanded respect from the wizarding community, as key figures in their community. Marie Lestranged adored him and his brother unlike any other and his childhood was nothing less than romantic. Although told to them in indylic setting, Rabstan and his brother knew that their family legacy was incredibly important and that his parents had done a great deal to protect it, a job which would one day pass to him and Rodolphus. Raised as perfect gentlemen, on the arm of his mother, Rabastan attended glittering balls and parties held by his parents and their families, watching as they all vied for attention from his parents and the Black’s. Rabastan’s eyes were always carefully trained on those around him, watching every quirk and quiver. His quiet disposition helped with that. It was clear that even amongst The Twenty-Eight, there was a very clear hierarchy. 
As such, Rabastan made it a priority to befriend the younger Black sisters. ANDROMEDA BLACK [friend] was in his year at school and when he was sorted into Slytherin alongside her. Other names made the list of great importance, including ADRASTEIA GREENGRASS [friend], ROSALIE FLINT [friend], XERXES ZABINI [best friend], CAIUS BURKE [close friend] and KERVENS BORGIN [close friend]. To the surprise of those who had known him in childhood, Rabastan gained a bit of a reputation as a bully whilst at Hogwarts, slyly letting his opinions on Muggle-Borns, Half-Blood and creatures be known, He was intelligent, making sure that when he targeted the likes of EDWARD TONKS [adversary] and his band of blood traitors like AMELIA BONES [victim/former adversary], it was in a way that had no merit for him to be turned in. Amongst the safety of his friendship group he would remark that he had much rather gone to Durmstrang, much to the enthusiasm of some of his friends, including AURELIA ROOKWOOD [close friend/potential romantic laison] and the silent disgust of others like LUCINDA TALKALOT [former friend/acquaintence]. 
Overhearing his opinions whilst at school, Rodolphus was always careful to pull his brother aside and speak with him. Although they were raised purists, his mother and father had worked very hard to maintain a neutral public facing image due to his father’s political career, that he wanted for Rabastan and Rodolphus. The idea of staying silent about their beliefs was a difficult one for Rabastan, who watched his brother’s friends BELLATRIX BLACK [close friend/mentor] and EVAN ROSIER [close friend] speak their minds and publicly humiliate those who dared to speak out of turn. That was when the rage started. Despite their lineage and their influence they were made to attend muggle studies, pretend that people with pure-blood were as brilliant as them, it was almost too much to stomach some days for Rabastan. Bellatrix took notice of this, approaching him with an important task. A wizard known only to her as THE DARK LORD [leader] had tasked her with spreading his message and gathering followers. It was the calling Rabastan had waited for and slowly he began selecting people to spread his message to, starting with his best friend Xerxes and his close friend Walden.
 Rabastan became quite closed off in his later years and friends would remark that he had now become irritable and someone they no longer recognised. Upon graduating, Rabastan declined his father’s offer to help him get a job at the Ministry. Though he couldn’t tell him his plans, he needed to be out in society making connections and told his parents it was under the guise of finding him a partner to marry. Having previusly dated ROSALINE DAVIS [former partner] which ended swiftly after school ended, he was encouraged to court NARCISSA BLACK [close friend] when she had entered society, she was close friend of his. Rabastan wondered if a man of his aspirations would be enough for a woman who longed to be adored. To society, he played the role of a quiet eligible bachelor, always attending the best parties with the most attractive people and knowing he would be photographed. Then through the back he would slip away, down the alley to The White Wyvern where he, Bellatrix and Evan would be deep in conversation about The Dark Lord’s plans. Years of devotion to Bellartrix and the cause had paid off who had risen through the ranks to become Bellatrix’s right hand man.
The Dark Lord’s plan to turn sorcerers and creatures against one another to strengthen their ranks was of great importance, but Rabastan’s temper and enthusiasm for the cause have marked him in the ranks as someone who is a bit of a loose cannon. It was his idea to recruit werewolf SILAS CRUMP [adversary] without doing some stricter background checks that would have found he’d never abandon his partner and child. Him losing his temper at BOOKER BAGNOLD [victim] at Halloween on 1982, was not part of their overarching plan, but even he was impressed at how he and Bellatrix managed to frame Silas for Booker’s murder, playing off to The Dark Lord it had been their plan all along to create mass panic. Rabastan’s issue however, was that as the Booker Bagnold incident was not pre-planned, it left a lot of holes for people to catch him out, with the pressure mounting as people began to suspect Silas’ innocence. Amelia Bones was a constant pain in Rabastan’s side, a nosey little witch he’d hated since school who refused to let the events of Halloween go.
When she finally accused him at The Summer Solstice ball in 1983, Rabastan knew her time had come. JAE MULICBER [friend] turning into CLAUDETTE TREMBLAY [person of interest] to kill her was the best way it could have ended, but even Rabastan was ashamed he had let the anger get the better of him. When Rodolphus cornered him about his involvment in her death, he didn’t have the heart to lie. Despite not liking the pressure it put his brother under, Rabastan was relieved to have him in corner- watching him actively throwing the case of Silas Crump and getting him sent to Azkaban for the killing of Booker and he and REGULUS BLACK [friend] frame MASON TREMBLAY [person of interest] for the death of Amelia. Seemingly having gotten away with his violence, Rabastan has been trying to lie low and has prove to Bellatrix he can keep his anger in check. Ready to be entrusted with the next mission, Rabastan is ready to move on with his life, conscious that his brother might make an excellent addition to their enterprise and a trained eye out for anyone who might begin to suspect Rodolphus has already made a leap to the dark side.
— he is a LEVEL 6 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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heroicintention · 3 days
& .˚      found  family  prompts. @tooxldtorememxer
colin said “ a fight doesn’t change anything between us . ”
there's a low hum from the larger man. no, of course it didn't change anything. walden could easily fix it if it did anyway, but nothing would take the other man out from his grasp. over his dead body would that happen. still, the other was coming to him, trying to fix things. walden didn't count this as his fault (very few things were his fault) but... he could play his pet's game.
"mm... of course not, love," he murmurs, offering a smile that could be called almost warm. almost. "i'll take care of things this time. i promise."
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holytragedycat · 3 months
Since we fans of the Tom Riddle era have little material, I thought I would help. Whenever I read a fanfic about this era, it's pretty messy because we don't have many canon characters and we put in all the blacks there are, so this is a list of students in Tom's years (based on canon).
Tom's year (students born in 1926 and 1927) ↓
- Tom Riddle (1926)
- Rosier (1926)
- Lestrange (1927)
- Avery (1926)
- Abraxas Malfoy (1927)
- Alphard Black ( possibly 1926/1927. As far as we know, Alphard was not in Tom's gang, but he could have been in his year, since he is younger than Walburga and Walburga is older than Tom.)
- Nott (1926/27 Or 1925? I edited this again, it is not known when Nott was born so he could be older than Tom by a year just like Walburga or be in his year)
- Mulciber (The same as Nott, they are the only ones whose date of birth is not mentioned, but they were from that time and were part of the Knights of Walpurgis.)
- Walden Macnair (I put him here because it is revealed that he was one of Voldemort's first Death Eaters and he does not have a date of birth in the search, so there are possibilities that they studied at the same time.)
- Dolohov (I put him here because in THBP Dumbledore mentions him among the Death Eaters who accompanied Tom when he went to ask for the position of defense professor.)
- Druella Rosier (???? His date of birth does not appear, if she had been in Tom's year, it means that she is at least 11 years older than Cygnus)
- Araminta Meliflua (She was a cousin of Walburga and her siblings, her date of birth is not stated but perhaps they were from the same year or a younger year.)
(students born in 1929 / 1928 / 1930) ↓
- Orion Black (1929)
- Myrtle Warren (1929)
- Rubius Hagrid (1928)
- Olive Hornby (1929, I guess it doesn't say her date of birth.)
- Alastor Moody (1930?? It does not say his date of birth, but he graduated in 1948.)
- Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank (It says she was born in 1930 or before.)
- Septimus Weasley (1930 or before)
- Eileen Prince (1929/30)
(students born in 1925) ↓
- Walburga Black
- Ignatius Prewett (possibly 1925; he was Lucrecia's husband, but the search does not say his date of birth, it could have been older or younger.)
- Lucretia Black
I update this every time I discover something new.
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infinity-warfare · 1 year
When is a monster not a monster? Oh, when you love it. Oh, when you used to sing it to sleep.
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ephemerasnape · 9 months
At the Mercy of Macnair (Audio) ☠️🕊 🔞
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💀Poacher Stalker x You (F!Listener)
You've been caught in a bandit camp and Macnair (Poacher Stalker) has been assigned to stand watch over you.
You're bound, gagged, and helpless, but where's the fun in just leaving you be? Rape - DARK & DISTURBING THEMES!
"I'll have you squealin' like a little pig in no time."
Rape / Noncon / Smut / Nonconsensual Bondage / Mild Violence / Cruelty / First Time / Loss of Virginity / Age Difference / Breeding (sort of) / No use of Y/N / No use of MC (but you are MC) / Excessive Talking During Sex 🍇 / Dirty Talk / Can you identify which lines are from the game? / Yes, I headcanon him as an ancestor of Walden Macnair / Now I want to go back and put breathing in all my audios 🙄 / Dead Dove Do Not Eat
Many thanks to @rookwoodswife for her amazing vocal contributions as usual! 🎩💜
Inspired by a fan of my work! I take your suggestions seriously. 😜
Macnair also makes an appearance in Comeuppance and Rookwood's Revenge 2, as well as Battle Royal at Horntail Hall.
More where that came from!
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fugamalefica · 27 days
Harry saw Yaxley slammed to the floor by George and Lee Jordan, saw Dolohov fall with a scream at Flitwick’s hands, saw Walden Macnair thrown across the room by Hagrid, hit the stone wall opposite, and slide unconscious to the ground. He saw Ron and Neville bringing down Fenrir Greyback, Aberforth Stunning Rookwood, Arthur and Percy flooring Thicknesse, and Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy running through the crowd, not even attempting to fight, screaming for their son.
Voldemort was now dueling McGonagall, Slughorn, and Kingsley all at once, and there was cold hatred in his face as they wove and ducked around him, unable to finish him —
Nobody else was even acknowledged. He didn't even spare them a glance. Lucius and Narcissa ran after Draco yet he paid them no mind. He didn't care. Clearly, he didn't think any of them were that important for him to win the battle, so why would the death of Bellatrix, who was exceptionally powerful but just one woman, bother him from a strategic point of view? He had the Elder Wand and he knew he was the most powerful wizard alive. Surely, he thought himself capable of winning the battle by himself, so how could his reaction to her death be strategic?
Besides, there was little strategic value in targeting Molly because Bella was already dead. If it was about strategy, Voldemort would focus on more pressing threats or try to turn the tide of the battle some other way. His reaction to Bella's death was clearly emotional rather than calculated, as proven by how instantaneous it was and by the intensity of it.
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The Slytherin Centered Friend Groups
Snape’s Slytherin Gang:
-Severus Snape
-Sebastian Mulciber
-Louis Avery
-Rupert Wilkes
-Evan Rosier
-Lucinda Talkalot
-Emma Vanity
-Dorcas Meadowes
Yaxley’s Gang:
-Corban Yaxley
-Dominic Travers
-Walden Macnair
-Thorfinn Rowle
-Antonin Dolohov
The Emeralds:
-Regulus Black
-Barty Crouch Jr
-Evan Rosier
-Dorcas Meadowes
-Lorcan D’Eath
-Pandora Rosier (Ravenclaw)
The Quidditch Friends:
-Sebastian Mulciber
-Lucinda Talkalot
-Emma Vanity
-Regulus Black
-Thaddeus Nott
-Dorcas Meadowes
-Rupert Wilkes
-Louis Avery (occasionally)
-Rabastan Lestrange (occasionally)
Vanity’s Gang:
-Emma Vanity
-Charity Burbage (Hufflepuff)
-Amelia and Edgar Bones (Hufflepuff)
-Dirk Cresswell (Hufflepuff)
-Stubby Boardman (Ravenclaw)
-Xenophilius Lovegood (Ravenclaw)
The Main Study Group:
-Louis Avery
-Severus Snape
-Rabastan Lestrange
-Evan Rosier
-Thaddeus Nott
-Barty Crouch Jr
-Regulus Black
-Aurora Sinistra (Ravenclaw)
-Florence and Samuel Selwyn (Ravenclaws)
The troublemakers/pranksters:
-Rabastan Lestrange
-Barty Crouch Jr
-Thorfinn Rowle
-Sebastian Mulciber
-Alecto and Amycus Carrow
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inlumenhq · 2 years
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Alecto Macnair, 27, Slytherin alum, Florence Pugh fc, TAKEN.
Birthday: June 3 Gender & Pronouns: Cis-female, she/her Occupation: Owner of Banshee’s Breath Pub in knockturn alley Sided with: the DE’s, marked
Positive Traits: Adventurous, energetic, loyal, observant, colorful Negative Traits: Boisterous, erratic, fiery, impulsive, pugnacious
Alecto wasn’t a planned or wanted child. They were a surprise addition to the heir that the Carrow’s needed. This would have frustrated Alecto more if Amycus hadn’t technically been the older child, and would have always been the heir. In actual fact, the whole situation enabled Alecto to live a rather chaotic, and enjoyable life. Of course, Alecto’s mother tried to tame them, seeing Alecto as a way of marrying into a respectable family and knowing the qualities that would prove successful. But Alecto was untamable. Their mother had practically given up by the time the twins got to Hogwarts. They had quite an unruly and chaotic reputation, and that was not going to change. 
Alecto didn’t immediately look for a job after graduating, managing to manipulate their father into buying an empty storefront in Kncokturn Alley. Alecto may not have been great with magic but they were able to manipulate people into dedicating their time to them. The storefront has been paid off, just waiting for Alecto to decide what to do with it.
The last thing on Alecto’s mind had been finding a spouse. But Walden Macnair was someone that they had just clicked with. As a pair, they have made a lethal combination within the Dark Lord’s' forces. Whilst Alecto had initially taken the mark just for the chaos it would enable them to have, they quickly found themselves falling in place alongside Walden and Bellatrix in pairings to do the Dark Lord biddings. For a person that had been born unwanted, it feels good to be up there on the top.
Walden Macnair - The marriage was a setup that no one in the pureblood community would have expected to balance out. Walden has proven to be a doting spouse and hides an intensity that can match Alecto’s. They make a great pair and have proven to be one of the stronger forces in the Dark Lord’s cause.
Bellatrix Lestrange - Bellatrix has taken Alecto under their wing, determined to mold the younger death eater into their prodigy. The pair is pretty lethal, balancing out each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
Artemisia Selwyn - Despite not being in the same year or house at Hogwarts, Alecto and Artemisia have been best friends since they were little. They were as inseparable as the Carrow twins were. Of course, that has all changed now. Alecto has pulled away a little, not because they truly want to but because it’s expected that they will. The Dark Lord used Artemisia as a warning and Alecto cannot pity them for that reason.
Bios and posts that reference Alecto Macnair can be found by clicking this sentence.
suggested fc’s
Anya Taylor Joy, Eleanor Tomlinson, Florence Pugh
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alpleo · 1 year
Complete List of Marauder's Era Students
Tell me if I missed anyone! Under the cut because it is a very long list. I'm defining Marauder's Era as the seven years the Marauders were attending Hogwarts. Includes some fanon first names. Organised A-Z by surname. Some liberties taken with uncertain birth dates.
Betram Aubrey Duncan Ashe Avery II Andromeda Black Narcissa Black Regulus Black Sirius Black Edgar Bones Alecto Carrow Amycus Carrow Richard Carter Glenda Chittock Oscar Crabbe Dirk Cresswell Bartemius Crouch Jr. Caradoc Dearborn Dedalus Diggle Lily Evans Lucretia Fawley Benjy Fenwick Mundungus Fletcher Flilus Flitwick Florence Florence BF Florean Fortescue Cornelius Fudge Albert Gibbon Benjamin Goyle Olivia Green Gareth Greengrass Davey Gudgeon Daisy Hooklum Mafalda Hopkirk Jacob Marshall Johnson Hestia Jones Bertha Jorkins Bradley Jugson RJH King Steve Laughalot Rabastan Lestrange Rodolphus Lestrange Gilderoy Lockhart Frank Longbottom Alice Longbottom Pandora Lovegood Xenophilius Lovegood Remus Lupin Mary MacDonald Walden Macnair Lucius Malfoy Marlene Mckinnon Tarquin McTavish Dorcas Meadowes Alastar Moody Quinn Montague Mulciber II Peter Pettigrew Sturgis Podmore James Potter Quirinus Quirrell Patricia Rakepick Augustus Rookwood Evan Rosier Thorfinn Rowle Albert Runcorn Isaac Selwyn Kingsley Shacklebolt Gaspard Shingleton Severus Snape Timothy Snyde Lucinda Talkalot Tilden Toots Rupert Travers Sybill Trelawney Dolores Umbridge Emmeline Vance Emma Vanity Wilkes
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