ZEN: I wouldn't know since I'm an alphamale and all
ZEN: Aw come on we talk about everyone here whether they're here or not
ZEN: Geeze you’re talking about him like he’s some naive, innocent guy
ZEN: I guess he never did get to that point with you know who
MC: I wasn’t talking specifically about V… ;;;;
MC: Just in general
MC: And that’s not something you should talk about when he’s not even here Zen! ;;;;;
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MC: guys can be innocent baby sheep, too! I know that for sure!
MC: Oh that sounded kinda demeaning
MC: I mean they can be seduced?
MC: Yeah that sounds better!
ZEN: Geeze you’re talking about him like he’s some naive, innocent guy
ZEN: I guess he never did get to that point with you know who
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MC: >/////< I’m not an angel! Blushing!!
MC: lololol Zen he’s not like that! shame on you, thinking such bad things! lol
MC: V has great willpower I hope you know!
MC: Maybe I’M the wolf! >:3c awooo!
MC: lololololol
ZEN: No way it’s definitely him!
ZEN: He’s a guy, after all!  You should know not to doubt me!
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MC: Yep! :D
MC: As long as he wants me to still, at least ^^;
MC: But he’ll be on a lot of medication and have to be really careful with his eyes afterward, so I think at least someone should stay there the first few weeks after, too
ZEN: Geeze you’re like an angel, you know that?
ZEN: Just don’t let him pressure you into anything.  With his sight he might not be able to resist you.
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MC: I think he’s happy
MC: This has really been hard on him, I think harder than he lets on
MC: It’s coming up soon so I hope he doesn’t end up nervous
MC: But we’ll be cheering him on!
ZEN: We will!
ZEN: I’ll definitely call him later tonight and see what I can do!
ZEN: In the meantime, you’re staying with him through the surgery, right?
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MC: Awwwwwwww <333
MC: Zen you’re so sweet I’m blushing! >///<
MC: But he should be on later! We’re going to have a barbecue tomorrow if everyone can make it!
ZEN: I’ll bring the beer!
ZEN: How’s he doing other than tired?
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MC: He’s really tired so he’s taking a nap
MC: But he told me to tell everyone ^^;
ZEN: Aw I haven’t gotten to talk to him in a while
ZEN: Not that I’m disappointed with you being here, princess~
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ZEN: Dude, that’s awesome!
ZEN: But where is he now?  I would’ve thought he’d want to tell us himself.
MC has entered the chatroom
MC: Guess what everyone? I’ve got great news!
MC: V’s getting his surgery on September 9th!!!
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How would you feel about taking Jaehee right on stage, after the lights went out and the theater was empty?
“That’s assuming I haven’t already.” He hasn’t.
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Consider having a wild night with Jaehee and MC at the same time
“Considered and filed away for later.” Because he knows THAT’S not happening.
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slip some dirty thoughts about another muse into my askbox and see how my muse reacts.
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Staring at him a moment, her cheeks heated with a slight hint of red. “Let me just… sit these in a vase first.” There was one on the desk that she figured was more abstract art than a vase but it would do.
Then with a small deep breath she moved to the edge of the bed, gently scooting closer. “I’ve missed you.” 
His expression grew softer, and he gently pulled her against him.  She was wearing her glasses, probably because she’d been expecting Jumin to drop in unexpectedly, and he was quick to remove them and put them aside.  “Yeah.  Missed you, too.”
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That got her to laugh, hiding her face in the flowers as she took them. “I doubt he would hardly even notice. Spending money isn’t a worry to him after all.” Normally she would have objected, but since being with Zen she might have gotten a little more willing to rebel. 
He grinned as he found the bed, putting his suitcase down and flopping over on it.  “Wow, this place is swanky.  He’s not sparing a dime on this trip, is he?” And then he tugged a finger towards Jaehee.  “Come on, get over here.  You deserve a break.”
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Up all night looking up maps for the cat cafes, Jaehee was a little more than tired. Sipping her coffee automatically now just for survival. She was zoning out staring at the screen so badly she almost didn’t hear the door. 
“Oh uh, coming. It’ll be just a moment.” She jumped out of her chair and quickly ran to squint in the peep hole. Her single eye immediately blessed with the view of a smiling Zen. Thank goodness, she was half afraid it was Jumin with more ideas…. but of course he would have just texted her.
Trying to smooth back her hair, adjusting the wrinkles in her clothes, then she opened the door with a grateful smile. “I didn’t expect to be seeing you so soon Zen, but I’m glad.”
Zen immediately presented the flowers to her before stepping in and letting the door close behind them.  “Finished up my business elsewhere so thought I’d grace you with my presence~” And to save her from herself, because he knew her work habits quite well by then.
“You look like you could use a massage and some good food.  How ‘bout some room service on Jumin’s tab, huh?”
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The first thing Zen did when he got to Tokyo was find Jaehee.  He knew that she’d be out the next day to look at cat cafes, so he wanted to spend time with her before he’d be allergic to her very being.  MC had been more than happy to let him know the hotel they were staying at, and thankfully, Jumin had gotten Jaehee her own room.
So here he was, humming happily after knocking with a big bouquet of roses behind his back as he waited for her to answer.
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[text] This wedding is gonna be a disaster. I already had to turn down one of the groomsmen who offered me $100 to sleep with him next wknd.
(text) You, too?
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Texts From Last Night #2
[text] This wedding is gonna be a disaster. I already had to turn down one of the groomsmen who offered me $100 to sleep with him next wknd.
[text] It was the cape. I can’t control myself when I wear a cape.
[text] Just be aware that next year I will probably try to seduce you to avoid going to the gym
[text] Random thought: what if being devoured by animals was a death penalty option…and you got to choose the animal?
[text] I found out he doesn’t have a facebook, twitter, or myspace. So, I’m going to actually go to his house to spy on him.
[text] Are you asking me on a date where we get drunk and do some fingerpainting?
[text] apparently domino’s not only has a live feed of pizzas coming out of the oven, but it also has a built in smooth jazz radio station. this pizza’s getting really pornographic really fast.
[text] So your bra was hanging in the Christmas tree last night at some point I think
[text] I drank 13 shots. Which is unlucky. Which is why i threw up.
[text] I found a guy who will take me to the Olive Garden and he is CONVENTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE.
[text] you were saying “i am the vodka queen!” and then in a different voice replying to yourself “all hail the vodka queen! you are so beautiful!”
[text] I can’t figure out how to eat twizzlers and I have to be at a wedding reception in an hour.
[text] Im holding a competition……who saw me last, and who knows how my nose got bruised? you earn points for answering either question. and for bringing me water.
[text] Well Im currently dressed up as batman raiding frat houses for booze
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