narilgc · 4 years
development para:
“ nari, do you have your hat ? ”
it’s her time. she can hear her mom’s phone ringing, as she’s sure she’s the only one who made that cheesy trot song into her actual ringtone. it must mean her parents are nearby, and as expected, have chosen seats at the very front of the theatre. i think i’ll pass out on stage. but maybe they’ll think it’s part of the play ? oh no. then no one will rescue me, and i’ll bee all alone, and they’ll think i forgot my part. forget my part ! i can’t, i’ve been practicing for weeks-
“ nari ! ” an affirmative but kind voice snaps her back into reality. she looks forward. in front of her, her teacher kneels, trying to match the second-grader’s height best as she can. it’s december, and in this time her teacher’s gotten to know her relatively well. she can tell that nari’s faraway eyes mean she’s zoned out, and knows how to reel her in when she needs her most.
“ nari, do you have your snowman hat ? it’s almost your part ! come on, let’s get your costume buttoned up. ” though she’s still small, her enthusiasm has her nearly jump to the sky with joy as she lifts her hands in the air. carefully, the older female snaps the snowman costume into place, the little snowballs coming together one by one over her black sweater. wordlessly, she points to the little mirror by the curtain, and nari grins.
in the mirror ? a little girl with tamed hair but wild eyes, looking at herself with such curiousity and ambition through the mirror. i feel pretty. and it felt ... weird of nari to think that, adorned in a puffy snowman costume after all, but she did. because this is her first true performance of all time. because this time it wasn’t her stuffed animals who had a free show - she had a real, breathing audience. and even if she simply came on to sing  little snowman, it was what she was going to do. because more than anywhere...
the stage is where i belong. the ... the stage is where i belong. a repeated saying of the phrase echoes off nari’s lips the second her teacher cues her entrance, and her little feet waddle into the crowd’s view. the rehearsal of her part is almost lost within the sense of euphoria she feels over the feeling of it all. sure, it’s just her town’s high school theatre, but for the kid with a dream to perform, her first steps onto it feel like leaps into her new life.
“한....한겨울에 밀짚 모자,  꼬마 눈사람 눈썹이 우습구나...”
the nervous, quiet singing of the little snowman nari accompanies the cheery track playing from the speakers. she gulps. as quick as the excitement drew her in, her doubts flood into her head. are they even listening ? am i on key ? was it okay ?
she looks to her parents, who she had believed were alone. but when she looks closer, she spots something even better - all her brothers, sitting behind them, all adorning cheesy grins. despite their constant teasing nature, they all wordlessly mouth “ good luck, ” and raIse a fist for the extra impact.
and in that instant, nari is okay. because despite the chance everyone else in that theatre laughs at her, she will be okay. because there in the front row lies her biggest fandom she could ask for. their blood ties make them family, but their connection is what keeps them close. and if that group, consisting of nearly every personality type in the book has her back ? then nari’s gonna be okay.
because they are the reason for her reason.
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narilgc · 4 years
ok so um hi ( again from nari’s acc lol ) !! this isn’t going to be your typical development para because since i’ve been gone for literally what seems like ages ( do they remember jada exists ?? probably not ) but uhh tldr ; i’m incredibly tired and sad BUT uh i just wanted to clear some things up about where my kids stand rn before i get moving again !! sort of an update ~
how his past is affecting him: ever since visiting her home town a little while ago, she’s been especially reminiscent on her life in the countryside, and it’s made her more appreciative of the life she’s also gained while living in seoul. a lot of her time was sort of spent wallowing in self-pity, thinking about all the downsides to her life as a kid / teen and all the pain it included. but she’s found a newfound appreciation for what those moments taught her, as well as found more enjoyment within her life in seoul.
what’s going on in the present: nari is looking for more opportunities to live life to the fullest ! she’s sort of realizing she tends to play it safe, and wants to experiment and live more boldly, while not compromising her morals or values. so you might experience her being more outgoing or spontaneous than usual !! also she has a little crush crush ... so she definitely has that “ i like somebody ” glow about her right now ! she’s branching out, putting herself out there in all the best ways, and trying to live her best life. she also really wants a pet corgi, and though it’s more of a fun thing, nari’s in need of the company.
what i see for her future: she’s also put more effort into connecting with her entire family, and though she hasn’t yet, i anticipate she’’ll slowly learn to be more emotionally available ! i also hope she’ll connect with people who are emotionally vulnerable so she can realize she doesn’t always have to save the day. i think it’ll also be good for her to take a break from work schedules for a bit and take some time to get to know herself and fall in love with IM NARI and not just IM NARI THE ACTRESS, all in all, she wants to live a life more to her true self and not just her ambitions. and also take a break to focus on relationships, in all forms, that she wants to further develop. and you know what ? i’m so proud of her !
and that’s all for now :))
sorry guys for disappearing I’M BACK I SWEAR but i think this needed to be cleared up !
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narilgc · 4 years
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he pops back up onto his feet and tucks his hands back into his pockets. he raises a hand to dismiss her offer, only to be shot down by her determined gaze. “okay, okay… but just this once,” he agrees with a nod. “or better yet, how about your first pack of dog food’s on me?” he shoots her a small smile before turning back to the menu with furrowed brows. “i guess i’ll have a… melon-collie?” he mutters, pointing to one of the punny tea options. 
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oh my god. how is nari not supposed to laugh ? because right in front of her eyes, she watches as a battle begins between yunho and the tiny puppy below him, who’s taken a liking to his shoe. eyes wide with both shock and amusement, the girl watches, mouth covered, as yunho’s forced to do a little hop just to get the small animal off his shoe. “ well ... that’s a new dance move, ” she jokes, and though she tries keeping her composure, the minute her eyes land on the male she bursts into a fit fo laughter. best outing ever.
“ hey, give him a chance ! i think it fits you, as calm as you are, with a puppy who’s a little chaotic,” she notes, nudging him lightly. even if that’s true, she still understands him, and troublemaking pugs weren’t his thing, she’d help him search elsewhere, his proposition is a perfect compromise for her, and with a smile, she offers her hand to shake. “ deal ! let’s shake on it. that way i’ll just have to get a dog, right ? maybe you can even come to visit ! ” the day had already heightened her happiness, so the idea of more days spent playing with furry babies made for cuddles sounds like a fun time to her.
“ a melon-collie ! wow, i didn’t even see that ! oh my gosh - that is the cutest thing i’ve heard of ! that sounds delicious ... ” nari has to squeeze her own cheeks to emphasize the cuteness of it’s name, and when she’s finished, her eyes turn to meet yunho’s, her own sparkling. “ good call. and ... i’ll order us some chihua-water on the side. ” the last item’s name is ... obviously a pun of nari’s own creation, given her over-amusement and awaiting of yunho’s approval. pridefully, she hands her money over to the cashier, the youngest of her family happy to break out of her tradition to be paid for. while they await her drinks, the other turns to him expectantly. “ alright, so here’s the real question. if you got dog, what would you name it, and what breed what it be ? and please don’t say anything stereotypical, like bingo or rover ! ”
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𝐃𝐎𝐆𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 real window to the soul. well ... at least for nari. she loves animals so much, and for their enhanced sense of loyalty and kindness, the furry companions have become one of her favorite types of pet. so really, what better way to celebrate their cuteness than to bring a friend along with her to snuggle with a few ? she considers calling up some of her more avid dog loving friends, until yunho pops into her head as a more ... entertaining option. it doesn’t seem like something he’d be excited about at first glance, but ... something just tells her he’ll have more fun than he may anticipate.
“ we’re going to the dog cafe, we’re going to the dog cafe ! ” is the repeated battle cry that nari sings all the way down the street, accompanied by bad dance moves and an attempt to bring yunho to join her. she isn’t trying to be a pain - she’s just incredibly excited to see puppies for the first time in a while. when they finally arrive, they’re met with a cozy set up, numerous dog-themed dishes, as well as a herd of enthusiastic puppies.
“ oh my gosh - look down, ” nari encourages yunho, tugging on his arm as she points at his foot. a small puppy was making their way toward him already, wobbling in his direction. “ can’t you see ? we haven’t even sat down yet, and you’re a puppy magnet already ! ”
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narilgc · 4 years
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...”you’re right, you’re right… you know, i’m always like this before filming but then my mind goes blank when i’m saying my lines and this feeling almost… disappears?’’ she half-questions, head tilted to the side. ‘‘i guess i should look for ways to relax or something, maybe we can start doing yoga together,’’ jiae adds with a giggle, a nod being offered to the other. ‘‘i know they’re not as harmful as i think they are but they’re still here keeping me company and maybe that’s actually a good thing too? i guess i should just try to internalize that nerves don’t necessarily mean messing something up…’’
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𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐉𝐈𝐀𝐄 remain incredibly similar, and yet incredibly different with each passing day. though they related in several areas, this was one of the times where their different levels of emotional extroversion showed. “ i think you’re right, i don’t know many other people who’d do this ! though i’m not sure if i should take that as an insult, or a compliment. ” teasing, she feigns anger at the other, though it quickly dissolves with a smile. she knows her own behaviors come from her mother, who went as far as to have her baby photo put on a cake, as well as matching homemade birthday shirts simply for a school party. being ... extra in the name of supporting others simply runs in the family.
jiae’s question prompts a chorus of chuckles from her, as she lifts the banner up to eye level. “ you are a queen, though ! but, when i inevitably lead the jiae merch company one day, i’ll consider revisions. ” nari hadn’t been really thinking of what to do with the banner after the fact, so she’s a little stumped. “ hm ... i’d feel bad taking your gift back home, though i admit it does seem a little egotistic if you keep it ... ” suddenly, an idea comes to mind, and her eyes light up with mischief. “ alright, i got it ! perform well, and i’ll keep it at my place for safekeeping. ” as she lives by herself, she doesn’t mind bearing the burden. “ but if you don’t give it your best, like i know you can ? ” on cue, she brings the banner in front of her, showing it off to jiae. “ you can expect to wake up to jiae 2.0 looking at you on your wall every morning ! ”
“ mm ... i know exactly what you mean ! i think i ... kind of go into autopilot when i’m doing my lines, at least ? hopefully your nerves go away when it’s go time, but if they don’t ? just ... channel them into your performance ! nerves are the closest feeling to excitement, so ... if all else fails, trick yourself into thinking you’re excited ! ” truly, nari feels for her, because though her calm exterior betrays her, she’s nearly always on the brink of a breakdown internally. although she’s not the type to say this, she hopes jiae can feel her own sense of empathy for her situation. “  and yoga ? ” her eyes instantly light up, though she also feels a sense of incoming dread after how bad she did with eunji during yoga. “ sounds great ! although i’m not sure how you’ll handle it, given how scared you were to do the stunt workshop. ” in attempts to brighten jiae’s spirits, she pokes fun at her, bringing up the event from months prior. “ but anyway, what are we doing still moping around ? it’s showtime ! ”
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narilgc · 4 years
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. . .he tossed the jacket and flannel from one forearm to the other. then, he smiled with an idea.     “should we just drop our clothes behind us?” he smiled, “like hansel and gretel? we’ll use them to find our way back!” he looked forward once more. he fell behind nari so she could lead them to the oasis.
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𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈'𝐒 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 herself with how calm she feels. typically, just being in the presence of benji is enough to cause her to mess up her words, and become an entire mess for all the world to see. but today he’s on her turf, and almost like an animal, she feels she can relax within the safety net of her own familiar town. not completely, of course - there are the impulsive makeup touch-ups and hair fixes, but nothing out of the ordinary of nari on a typical day.
without the restraint of her own outerwear, she already feels more free, the padding of her sneakers near floating over the rocks. she hums along with his words, though the proposition of snakes has a grin appear on her face. though they still scared her fairly, she’s seen enough in her day not to be too scared by them anymore ... at least when she’s expecting it. but that doesn’t mean she won’t put up a show just to spook him a little bit.
“ i mean ... probably, ” she notes casually, shrugging her shoulders as she looks back at him. her face is nonchalant, but genuinely, as she’s not really lying. there probably are snakes, but seeing as the pond goes pretty deep down, she’s not concerned as long as they’re far enough from the two of them. plus, most animals in damyang had proved to be like it’s people - peaceful, unless messed with. nari thinks they’ll be fine, hence her persistence to venture through the forest and towards the pond.
when nari inevitably reflects on this day time and time again, she might think that benji’s proposal is near crazy. and yet, she feels ... a spark, removing her of inhibitions and causing gifting her the spontaneity she enjoys. pausing between trees, nari turns back with a grin. “ mm, let’s do it. it’s hot, isn’t it ? it’d be silly of us not to ! ” wait, i ate a light breakfast, right ? i hope so. before she can change her mind, she relieves herself of the tank top, and trusts the other has some logic behind his plan as she blindly throws it behind her. to some, this might have been a weird course of action, but being both from the country and constantly changing in front of others in theatre - this is nothing. “ alright ! so just a few feet and ... ah, it’s here ! ” on cue, she points to the murky water - not nearly as flattering as a pool, but just as fun. “ we’re here ! it’s ... a little different than i remember, but it should still be fun ! what do you think ? ”
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narilgc · 4 years
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nariverse ho ho hoooo .... merry merry christmasss !!! did i fool you with my santa impression ?  no ? oh well, haha ! anywho, i hope you all are having the best christmas possible ! i know i am ... after all, you’re all my favorite presents ! 😉💖 so grateful to all of you and hope i can give you some christmas joy !! ~~ 🤶🎄🦌 [ translated from korean ]
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narilgc · 4 years
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hi guys !! just a reminder that just like max, nari’s blog is currently running on queue only for today and tomorrow ! hope you all have a wonderful holiday. <3
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narilgc · 4 years
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. . . ‘‘you didn’t…’’ jiae murmurs, still quite surprised but mostly embarrassed at the sight of a banner made just for her. oh my god. ‘‘i’m… thankful? but also embarrassed please… did you really do that just for me? why?’’ there is no need for an answer, honestly. jiae knows why but – somehow – she felt the need to ask. ‘‘oh, the famous question…’’ she says playfully, smile softening as she thinks of what and how much to share. ‘‘i would say it is a mix of all that. it’s almost as if i’m in some sort of rollercoaster, fun and excting at first and then i start getting scaredscared and ready to pass out… how did you deal with this during cram school? because i’m almost dying over here’’
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𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈 𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 other with a sense of relief, happy to be in one of her close friends’ company once again. when she emerges from the hug, she meets jiae with a knowing smile. she’d expected more of a flustered than excited reaction, as it was quite the surprise, but her shock doesn’t seem to influence nari’s persistance in the slightest. “ why not you, silly ? you deserve it ! you’ve worked hard from the minute you joined lgc acting, and it’s finally paying off today ! that’s woth a little extra doting on, don’t you think ?
bringing the sign up, she lets the written words allign with the girls face, reading aloud. “ lee jiae, she’s our queen ... sounds cool, huh ? your name just ... has good energy all around it. can’t you see it typed on the screen already ? ” nari, at all times, felt nearly in sync with her friend’s emotions. when they were going through a rough patch, she felt as if her own heart broke. if they were scared ? her heart skipped a beat too. and now today, when her friend was gaining such  a big accomplishment for herself, nari felt her heart racing faster than it’s usual pace, though it also felt as if it were growing in size.
jiae’s question prompts her own confusion, however, her smile softening as she contemplates the question. “ well, you know ... that’s the best way to describe how i was feeling too, ” she admits, giggling as she reflects on her own near-nauseating nerves during the whole thing. despite being a relatively small drama, so much weight felt as if it had been placed upon her shoulders. “ i was scared beyond belief. scared i ... i wouldn’t be able to pull through, and if i did, i’d be critivized, you know ?  but i think ... ” looking up to jiae again, she grins. “ this is your imprint. and you can either let the nerves get to you and turn that to bad energy, or you can have the best time of your life and make it an experience you want it to be. i think it’s your choice. ” before she gets too serious, though, she gives jiae a light pinch on the side, starting to laugh. “ and anyways ... do you really think these temporary nerves will mean anything to you when you’re an a-list celebrity like i know you will be ? ”
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narilgc · 4 years
Weki Meki (위키미키) - 자꾸만 (Again and Again)
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narilgc · 4 years
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. . . “this place is beautiful,” benji spoke as they walked. they had not gone too far into the woods yet, but far enough so that nari’s house was getting blurrier in the distance. “thank you for taking me out here,” he swallowed. he fixed his t-shirt’s collar, “it’s, uh, kind of hot, though. we should have brought water.” he smiled at her.
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𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐄𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐃 so far away since she’s moved to seoul. in fact, she can’t remember the last time she went back - even being within the country, it was always a hassle to find time to visit with the day-long breaks legacy provided. however, with a quiet period emerging and less to do, she’s finally found time to visit home. and this time, she hasn’t come alone. with benji, her nervousness about the whole ordeal went up tenfold - and yet, she’s trying her absolute hardest not to show it. the idea of bringing someone home was usually associated with dating them, and as much as nari would have appreciated that as her reality, it ... wasn’t the case. following spending time with him for the chuseok holidays, their friendship has blossomed, but nothing truly beyond, as she was anticipating. nari guesses she just has to wait.
following closely behind him, nari ventures through the forest with ease, as her years of darting through these exact trees have her filled with a sense of experience and stamina. a spur of the moment decision has left them travelling through her picturesque backyard. she can’t help the chorus of laughs she lets out as she observes him, both his wardrobe and lack of preperation causing her to feel a sense of endearing pity towards him. “ that’s because you dressed up like you were gonna be inside all day, silly ! aren’t you from arizona ? i hear it’s hot there .... yet you underestimated damyang ! ” her voice echoes behind him, until she decides to catch up with him, a teasing grin on her face. nari knows her hometown’s brutal heat all too well, so has equipped herself with a tank top, flannel, and shorts. still, the sun beats down on her face, unkind even to the most prepared of hikers.
“ but really, thank you for coming. feeding animals and feeling like you’re in an oven ... not really everyone’s cup of tea, you know ? ” as her hair begins to feel like it’s own insulator keeping all the heat trapped within her body, she brings her hair up into a ponytail to cool off, before turning to benji with a smile. “ - but it’s my home, so i appreciate you being here with me. it’s the type of place that makes you want to stay here forever, right ? ” well, almost. benji’s right, the sun feels like it’s only beating down on the duo, no mercy given to either of the two. 
without much thought, she removes her flannel, eyeing him curiously.  “ if you’re so hot, why are you still bundled up ? ” with a chuckle, she turns in his direction, offering the flannel she’s abandoned. she didn’t think too much about her words, and while she hadn’t really meant them in a certain way, she’s not too concerned about taking them back, either. “ could you carry this for me ? please ? ” her laziness is kicking in, perhaps by being home and reclaiming her youngest child status. “ don’t be too discouraged, though ! there’s a pond somewhere out here, i remember ... my brothers would always try and push me in. ” nudging him slightly, she gives a teasing grin. “ you think you can make it, benji ? or are you gonna pass out from the exhaustion ? ”
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narilgc · 4 years
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miyeon x k/da more choreography 💙
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narilgc · 4 years
*:・゚✧ you’ll never walk alone
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𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐇𝐄𝐑 first rodeo giving jiae her daily pick-me-up, but it definitely might be the most exciting ! ever since the female had joined her in the acting division of the company, she’s felt she has had a true companion to spend her time with and was eternally grateful for their friendship. in return, she’s thought of a “ little ” surprise, and although it may be completely embarrassing for jiae she’s unwavering in her overbearing support. 
the first day of filming for kim family has come quickly, and although she has a role of her own, her attention is devoted to her friend. because, more importantly than herself, jiae’s snagged a lead role and sent nari into a complete fit. she worries that the girl will feel the same misgiving as she did, however, so comes equipped with a few ... gifts. fruit-infused breakfast pastries to keep the microphones from hearing jiae’s stomach growling, coffee to wake her up to be as energized as possible, and the custom “ lee jiae, she’s our queen ! ” custom fan banner. did it take a dent out of her bank account, and a whole night of creating the thing in hopes her standard 15-day international shipping would allow the banner to be delivered for the first day ? yes .... yes she did.
“ ah, you’re here already ! jiae, my love, i’m so proud of you ! ” without warning, nari tugs the other into a tight embrace, her hands squeezing the gifts to ensure they didn’t fall from her grasp. “ i come bearing gifts ! you didn’t think your number one fan would come empty handed, did you ? ” proudly, she shows off the banner, humming a little tune as she waves what was perhaps her first fan banner in the air. “ aaand - i know, you’ve got to go on, but i came early so you had a little time to destress ! which, reminds me ... ” looking to the other with genuine concnern, nari gives the other a small nudge. “ how are you feeling ? nervous, excited ... like you could literally pass out at any minute ? because if so, i’ve been there. ”
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narilgc · 4 years
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  suddenly his tone turned from silly to more of a disappointed teasing. “you, uh, sure need a lot done, huh?” it did not yet look like what he expected a chuseok feast to look like. “well! i guess that means we get to cook a lot together, right?”    that same smile over and over never once lost it’s charm.
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𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐓𝐎 her house has nari instantly brightening up, beaming with satisfaction as she looks up to him. “ really ? you like it ? i was a little worried it’d be too small, but i don’t invite many people over, so it hasn’t been a problem ... until now. ” a pout settles onto her face at the last phrase, as her worry once again begins to take over. truthfully, she was worried if her tiny home had the capacity to hold as many people as she’d invited, but was hoping on a miracle that it’d all work out okay.
benji’s rather casual acceptance of her own plea for help, however, lifts her spirits once more. when she turns around to thank him, she eyes his cheeks, the indented dimples on them causing her smile to widen unbeknownst to her. i have dimples too - does that mean our kids would have dimples ? no, that’s weird, we’re not even like that - but it doesn’t hurt to be, curious, right ? does he have dimples on both sides ? or just one ? which side would the - no, it’s weird to think this, right ? but maybe -
focus. her inner thoughts have gotten the best of her, once again, and by the time she’s noticed she’s spaced out she can only hope it wasn’t noticeable. “ oh - right ! apron, check ! ” leaning across the counter, she snags the extra apron from it’s hook, and hands it to the male. it’s in her nature to tie it for him, but something’s freezing her hands from being able to even reach near him. what’s with you, nari ? boys rarely triggered much of a reaction from her, and she was comfortable doing nearly anything around them - and yet, benji has her standing in front of him, a complete and utter mess. 
“ hey, i have some of it done, ” she scolds playfully, nudging him with her shoulder as she washes her hands. “ i just ... didn’t plan as well ahead as i thought i would. but that’s why you’re here, right ? ” shooting him a grin, she takes the sweater she’s bunched in her hand, putting it over her shirt and tying the apron around the whole ensemble. “ there, now we’re twins. i feel a lot more in the festive spirit now, don’t you ? ” the promise of cooking together is one that lights up her eyes, cheeks involuntarily becoming a light red as she agrees. “ right. ready to make the best food ever, chef benji ? don’t chicken out on me, now ! ”
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narilgc · 4 years
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i’m gonna post it in the morning because it’s too late rn but !! be on the lookout for a plot call i have ready for miss nari tomm morning !!! pls give her all the love she needs it oijjoiojoi !!
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narilgc · 4 years
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. . . what he wasn’t expecting, however, was there to be…. so many. the minute they step inside the cafe he stiffens, eyes wide as he observes all the activity going on around the room. fur and paws, fur and paws, fur and - he blinks down as the puppy inches towards him, giving his sneaker a sniff. “i don’t know about puppy magnet but… are they always this small? hey little guy…” he leans over a bit, cautiously extending his hand to pet it - then quickly retracting it as the puppy moves away suddenly to inspect nari’s shoes. “oh - i don’t think it likes me very much.”
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𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐘𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐎 𝐀 puppy in his past life, or something ? maybe so, because nari is amazed with the sheer number of puppies that seem to be gravitating toward him upon entrance. a blissful laugh escapes her as she tugs on him, vehemently agreeing with his former statement. “ not true ! you know, puppies are bit like babies - easily scared, you know ? it’s not a you thing, i swear ! plus, i think you’re doing a good job with them. they seem to like you ! ” observing the little things, her heart practically melts with joy as she watches on, curious eyes lingering over each of the fluffy faces.
“ you’re right, they’re so little. sort of like dolls, you know ? i want one so bad ! ” leaning down, she meets a pomeranian with a grin, leaning forward to give it a little pet. standing upright again, she turns to yunho, a slightly sad look on her face. “ it’s a shame i don’t have a puppy ... don’t you want one, too ? i mean, they’re a lot of work, but like anything nice, they’re always worth it ! oh - if you were getting a puppy, what type do you think it’d be ? ” she asks curiously, peering over at him. the idea of yunho with a small puppy is a funny one, but it fits and makes her happy to think about. maybe in the future he’ll own a furry friend of his own.
“ you know, this cafe’s not just known for puppies, though. they have great drinks and pastries ! see ? ” she asks, pointing in the direction of the menu. “ the best part is everything is dog themed. like the ca-paw-ccino ? get it ? like paw - i’m sure you get it. anyways, this ones on me, so get anything you want ! ” she encourages, before sharply turning in your direction. “ and don’t refuse ! i promise, i want to pay, so order to your heart’s content ! ” it was in her nature to pay for her friends, being raised on the idea of exchanged favors and hospitality. plus, she had dragged the poor male to the cafe anyways, so hopefully it would act as a sort of compensation.
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narilgc · 4 years
forget betty crocker. with confidence like this, nari is convinced she’s destined to have her own cooking channel. why ? today, she’s going to make the perfect apple crisp.
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.... okay. so she’s only made an apple crisp for the first time over the weekend. but her viewers don’t need to know that ! as far as they’re concerned, she’s a chef worthy of putting gordon ramsey to shame, based on the grin she gives the camera. in front of her - ingredients, a bowl, as well as a peeler and mixer. it’s go time.
“ brr ! it’s chilly outside, isn’t it, everyone ? well, have no fear ! as we transition into the fall season, you know your favorite chef nari wasn’t going to keep you hanging. right ? that’s why today, we’re going to make an apple crisp sure to warm you up with some festive spirt ! ” a burst of theatrical energy, as usual, starts her video. but it soon subsides, replaced with a more calm instructional tone as she begins her tutorial.
she goes through the more obvious steps such as ingredient preparation and mixing as planned, though when she gets to the apples her eyes fill with childish glee. “ see these ? we have granny smith, fuji, honey crisp, red delicious, golden delicious ... how could you ever pick just one to add ? ” pretending to ponder, she pauses, then looks back to her audience with a chuckle. “ the beauty of apple crisps are ... well, you don’t have to ! so i’ve picked out some of my most favorite apples, and we’re going to cut them up and add them to the bowl ... like so ! ” 
once the mixing is done, she pours it into a pan, next to which she has a jar of oats. “ and now, the hard part’s over ! all we have to do now is sprinkle a generous amount of oats onto the pan, to make our crisp crust ! if you guys are anything like me, you love sugar. so my oats have cinnamon on them ! but cutting back ? no worries, i get it, a plain oat substitute will do just fine ! ” she’s reminded of her mother when she says that, the one who was courteous enough to show her healthier alternatives when nari had her many experimental diets in high school. she still held herself to pretty strict dietary standards, but today could be the exception.
after finishing, she has a few leftover slices, which she shows to the camera. “ and if you’re like me, you’re going to want to eat the extras. don’t be shy ! take a bite. ” following her own words, she grabs hold of a red delicious, immediately grinning upon taste. “ delicious ! ” though her words are muffled from eating, she allows herself to laugh it off, covering her mouth as instinct. it’s a sign she’s getting more comfortable on camera, as she often wouldn’t allow herself to be presented in such a casual atmosphere for the public. perhaps she was improving.
“ and ... voila ! your perfect apple crisp fit for birthdays, family holidays, or ... if you just want to bake some to send to me ! ” she jokes, winking at the camera. “ i had so much fun baking with you all, and hope this recipe does you some good ! and if it does - tag me on instagram, ” she whispers, sure not to forget her subtle promotion. “ until the next time, this has been legacy’s im nari, and i hope to see you all again ! happy holidays ! ” a wave is given, and then promptly, the screen fades to black.
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narilgc · 4 years
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𝐈𝐌 𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈 meets introduce seoul !                                                 ↪  in which she shows off her country to everyone ! [ 👑 ]
the video starts with the actress jumping into view, smiling as expected. behind her, the familiar sight of seoul’s city as her backdrop. nari waves, turning back to look at the tall buildings before bringing her attention back to the camera.
“ hello everyone ! i’m im nari, one of legacy agency’s actresses ! today i’m going to take you beautiful parisians on my beautiful country, south korea ! let’s go explore some of my favorite places - but let’s hurry ! i don’t want to be late to our first stop ... ” 
the video cuts out, and when she returns the female is standing in front of a cafe. “ ... the dog cafe ! these are pretty popular here, though i don’t get to go nearly as much as i want to ! let’s go in ! ” these cafes are filled with pretty good memories, the most recently being the time she went with yunho, definitely an experience worth remembering. “ and this cafe has the cutest dog theme ! see ? ” after grabbing her coffee, she shows the camera the dog latte art that the drink has been decorated with. “ definitely a must-have if you choose to travel here ! but ... you know what i’m in the mood for now ? a little history ! let’s head to our next location, then ! ”
nari’s intentions are to keep this video fun and fast-paced, so she’s only allotting a little time to each location as to make it worthwhile. when she’s on screen next, she’s in front of a large, sprawling palace. “ here we are ! that took ages ... maybe we traveled back in time ? ” she suggests, the unsubtle segway into the next location causing her to laugh. “ here we are, in changdeokgung palace ! her in seoul, it’s a popular location for it’s rich history and wonderful picture locations ! see ? ” striking a pose for the camera in front of the palace for example, she follows up with a coy “ see ? ” before promptly getting embarrassed by herself and leaving the view of the camera.
“ but ! we’ve ate, drank, taken pictures ... aren’t you all a little tired ? i ... ” putting her acting skills to use, she feigns exhaustion, yawning dramatically. “ i think it’s time for me to get some rest ! and i think i know the perfect place ! ”
once again, the video is cut, and the last location is shown to be the sauna. nari’s playing the part whole-heartedly, sporting the sauna’s t-shirt and shorts.  “ and this is one of the many relaxing sauna’s korea has to offer ! and the best part ? you can come with friends, family, or alone ! it’s definitely a great place to unwind after a long day like we had, don’t you think ? ” 
talking to the camera as if they are an old friend, she sends them a big smile. then, rather dramatically, she yawns again, leaning over in exhaustion. “ so ? did you have fun exploring korea with me everyone ? i definitely did ! but now ? ” now, she lays down, closing her eyes to act as if she’s falling asleep. “ sweet dreams ! ” and with that, the video fades to black, marking the end of nari’s tour guide attention. 
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