lgcmedia · 4 years
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lgcsoyoun · 4 years
Hear Me, Jesus
Wherein Soyoun and @lgcbenji try (and hopefully not fail) to cook up something edible 
Soyoun all but groans at both Benji and the production staff. “Really? Switching?” She makes a face at the cameras. “You guys weren’t kidding when you said there was going to be a twist.” She makes a face and turns to Benji, “My dude, what do we do?!” Again, she hasn’t worked with him before today, but this is a competition. Soyoun is determined to win, no matter what happens. 
The problem is, she isn’t a good cook... yet. At least she can prepare a decent meal and follow a recipe. But that’s limited to Korean and Western food. She hasn’t cooked Indian food, so that was a problem. She never cooked Vietnamese food either, so that’s also a problem. Either way, she’s screwed, unless Benji is her secret form of Jesus. “Skrrt Skrrt?” she asks as if trying to speak some ridiculous code. “Any favorite Vietnamese dishes, bruh?” 
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narilgc · 4 years
*:・゚✧ room where it happened
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𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄'𝐒 𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 time in the day. there’s never enough time in the day. gosh, there’s never enough time in the day ! nari’s kitchen counter is forced to bear all her pent-up stress of the day, as a frustrated nari throws a bowl of chocolate batter onto it. she’d sworn she had bought vanilla and strawberry batter. what if someone brought their dog ? they wouldn’t even be able to eat the cake now ! and to make matter worse, there was a line of people depending on her to host the best chuseok dinner ever. one of them being ... benji. god, what if he hates chocolate cake ? she’ll never forgive herself ! she wants to make things special today, and well, for him ... maybe even more so. 
am i even in my right mind ? do i like him, or am i just bored ? the girl asks herself as she paces around the kitchen, trying to get ahold of both this party and her feelings. she’s relatively self aware of her tendency to fall for those around her, so since benji is the special person who’s slipped into her mind recently, she doesn’t know what to make of it. “ hm ... he is cute ! but is there attraction ? or do you just think ... that ? that he’s just cute ? i guess he is really nice ... ” anyone from the outside in might think she’s lost it, having a full conversation in an empty house. but to her, her own company was just as valid as anybody else, and talking her emotions out always seems to give her a sense of clarity. 
but just before she can send herself down yet another spiral of thoughts, the knock on her front door interrupts her thoughts. “ mm ? miss choi ? ” she calls, wondering if it was her neighbor and landlord needing something from her. when she opens the door and sees him, however, the horror nearly causes her to jump out of her skin. “ why !? i mean - benji ! wait - you’re early ! ” ducking behind the safety of her big wooden door, she attempts to shield her “ cooking clothes ”, nothing more than some sweatpants and a shirt. but it’s not her chuseok outfit, and she’s thoroughly disappointed in not thinking this through.  though thoroughly frazzled, she manages to give him a panicked smile, and a small wave. “ i’m - um ... well, it’s no secret now, i’m nowhere near ready. i’m really sorry, did you think the dinner was earlier .. ? ”
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lgcichika · 4 years
Date Lottery @  Lotte World w/ @lgcbenji
When Ichika signed up to potentially be part of this season of Date Lottery, she knew what she was getting into. While some might use the show for a nice outing, or potentially to flirt with another trainee, Ichika had been purely attracted to the idea of the exposure. From a mixture of her childhood acting and her years as a Japanese idol, there was something familiar and comforting about the mask she wore in front of it. As she stood there, the screams and laughter of the amusement park around her, she was no longer the Ichika who preferred quiet and who would rather not most of the time. Instead she was the pretty, sweet Ichika that most people assumed her to be, hands clutched politely in front of her as she bowed her welcome to her date. 
“Nice to meet you,” she said before righting herself, and reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. She knew how to smile easy and shy, and she laughed a little nervously as she glanced between her date and one of the cameras. “My name is Yamashita Ichika-- um, I don’t believe we’ve met before. I’ve only been training with Legacy for a year so I don’t know many people, actually.” 
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lgcara · 4 years
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summer time has officially ended in ara’s books. there’s something about leaving the warmer months that makes her heart grow colder and more restless, dissipating with the sun rays. after practice, she finds herself aimless, wasting away the rest of the day. somehow saturday’s evening disappeared into the night, and ara honestly has wasted it entirely. she bets that people are off on tour enjoying themselves, yet she’s here. stagnant as ever, with no where to go.
okay, she didn’t do absolutely nothing, ara did tend to herself, and had even done a face mask that night. and spent a lot of time on her phone. reading blogs and watching videos about... things such as makeup. wouldn’t it be a beauty vlogger? though that’s not what ara truly wished to do. it looked so fun though. tic, toc, she sat on the sofa, not wanting to go to bed. it’s so late. her roommate’s rooms were all dim, an indication of sleep.
an idea. one that has been unhinged on an offer left not obtained. time to redeem it.
flipping through her contacts, she hopes this doesn’t fail her now. ara clicks on an unfamiliar name and sends a text to benji. would he remember? she never forgets. don’t disappoint her!  though she’s used to being disappointed. that burden doesn’t have to be placed on benji though. ara sends a message with gusto and hope in her stomach.
sns → benji : hope you’re awake ✌️
a minute or two pass, and ara’s hopes crash. it’s probably too late, most people would be sleeping at this hour anyway. if he’s sleeping, his phone would likely be on silent, but ara tries to call anyway. 
ring ring. ring ring. 
“oh! i didn’t think you’d actually pick up.” which is dumb, because then why call, but people  can be complicated when they want to be, a definition of the mess in ara’s mind. “so. what would you say about going out to get some ramen with me? right now?” 
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lgcseojin · 4 years
╰ feel the soul,
At this point in Park Seojin’s life, he began to lose sight of what could be considered normal. Not toward other people but toward himself. Maybe the way he was never needed to be adjusted in any way ㅡ it had to be that everyone else around him simply didn’t know how to have a good time. 
It made itself more prevalent in the way elderly ladies quirked their eyebrows at his distinct style and outwardly stoic expressions. His appearance remained the same even as he proceeded to stuff his face with noodles right there at the bus stop. The child he was in middle school would have made an attempt to startle them in some way to redirect their attention but a child, he was no longer; so he simply decided to ignore them. ( Plus, he had a fairly important matter to attend to. )
He gazed up when his eyes cause familiar tufts of blonde hair strolling toward him. He knew plenty of blondes, but this one was distinct somehow. A bit wavy, fluffy, over a pair of slightly gloomy eyes.
“Over here, Benji!” No shame. Park Seojin had no shame.
Container of food still in his hand and chopsticks in the other, he waved in Benji’s direction. “Yo. Took you long enough to show up.” He choked on the end of his sentence. An impending burp brewed in the back of his throat. Fortunately, Benji was one of the few who paid no mind to his occasionally crass behavior. Seojin was so touched by this tolerance that he suggested they go to his favorite underground rock club for some relaxation time between their rigorous schedules. He knew his wouldn’t be so free for much longer.
“Man. I think you’ll like it. It’s not as hardcore as it used to be so it’s not like it’ll be crazy and wild.” He paused to widen his eyes ever so slightly. “Cept during thrash metal nights. Those are fun.”
He doesn’t bother mentioning the spontaneous meal, not as the bus screeches to a halt in front of them, not even as they board it shortly after. Noodles took precedence over all.
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lgcyoungmin · 4 years
get cool
       with @lgcbenji
being serious was never really youngmin’s thing. of course, he doesn’t act up as often as others would believe during training, but he always had a ‘work hard play harder’ type of attitude regardless of how bad he did. it stemmed from his inability to confront everything he is lacking, he’d rather ignore his problems than work on them. still, that wasn’t an excuse. especially now, when the bootcamp exposed him to trainees from other companies, striving for the same dream but getting much closer to achieving them.
it wasn’t a wake up call per se, it did make him rethink how he should behave during the bootcamp, however.
one, two, step—okay, got it.
everything was going pretty well, so far. if by pretty well, it meant youngmin was just a little off-beat. he let out a sigh, looking around the premises for an example, only to realise he might be the single lone person with a problem in this area at this very moment.
jump, twist, fall—wait don’t fall!
he managed to hold himself up, but not before nearly colliding into someone else. “god, i almost fell flat on you! sorry about that, i’m kind of struggling over here.” luckily, it was a trainee from legacy. if it had been someone from another company, he’d probably feel embarrassed for the first time in a while.
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lgcmax · 4 years
& mission im-popsicle
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𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐅𝐄𝐖 things a hungry max wouldn’t do for food. after a day of long, tiring practice, and a drawn-out walk back home from practice, saying max was just ready to have a nice meal would be an understatement. the problem ? max didn’t have a will or a way.  his parents hadn’t deposited any more money in his bank account, and the only child had been coddled enough that he’s never learned to properly cook. his remedy ? the one person he knew would be willing to make something for him no matter what - benji.
so, after setting his plan, the male walked into their shared dorm, creeping until his head was peeking into the bedroom from the door frame. “ hey, benji, ” he sings, his lifted cheeks and upturned eyes showing he obviously is wanting more than he’s letting on. “ you know ... i’m really hungry ! and you’re the only one around, every one else’s either sleep or busy, ” pouting in fear of getting his request rejected, he looks benji in the eye, hoping to appear as convincing as possible. please don’t ask for aegyo. please don’t ask for aegyo.
nervously, max scratches the back of his neck, hoping it won’t happen. “ well - uh - will you ? c’mon, i’m hungry dude. ” see, benji seemed to think that babying max was a fair trade for his culinary schools, but max was anything but enthusiastic about the exchange. sure, he has the energy level of a child, but max hates to be babied - at least when he’s aware. now, he had to risk benji babying him for the rest of the day should he agree to cook for max. did he want to be treated like a kid ? not at all ! but the idea of sleeping with a full stomach is so appealing ....  it wouldn’t be so bad, would it ? no, no, no.
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lgcalex · 4 years
what was the most dangerous thing that has happened to you in this past 1 year?
“I think there’s been a few things, though one in particular would be me doing the acting workshop for sure during the September bootcamp the company made us do. I had to actually show some emotions I hadn’t used in so long and that alone is dangerous for me.” He shivers a bit at the thought. “I hope I never have to deal with that shit again.”
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lgcmedia · 4 years
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
help meeee!! i think something is growing out of my head!! #savebenji
#lgctrainees #lgcent #leebenji
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lgcmanager · 4 years
yo! like! is the 'if u have 200+ notoriety you get a solo schedule' thing gonna be permanent ?? or is it gonna change and, like, when more people have 200+ the number will be bumped to 300+? just curious if y'all have plans!
we don’t have plans to bump the minimum higher, as we acknowledge that getting to 200 notoriety is already an achievement in itself and something to be celebrated! the only thing that’s likely to happen is that as more people reach an even higher treshold, we will find ways to reward that as well.
- admin c.
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narilgc · 4 years
in the past 1 year, have you entered a romantic relationship?
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“ sigh ..... no i have not and i have no further comments on the matter except for i want a girlfriend to sing soundtracks in the car and eat strawberries with !!! that will be all. ” 
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lgcsubin · 4 years
weirdest wrong number text/call you’ve gotten in the last 1 year?
“ i guess it’s probably normal coming from him, but i’ve gotten one too many booty call texts from daehyung.” the expression on his face is blank  -  though the tone of his voice is amused.  “ most of them were the right number, though.  i don’t answer the numbers i don’t know usually and most of the time i just block them outright.”
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lgcseojin · 4 years
╰ suplex city,
It was a secret to no one that Seojin would be particularly gung ho about the wrestling portion of the sports festival. Similar to the following year, he found himself disappointed there were no special props like chairs or turnbuckles to propel himself off of. ( Though it was better that way. God forbid he get a little too into it. )
Ssireum was a decent substitute. He was rather convinced at this point that if the whole rock star thing didn’t work out, he could easily wiggle himself into sports. Someway, somehow. 
He put his all into practicing and he swore he could still feel the same between his toes from the training area. The confidence from putting his strength on display certainly still lingered with him as well. He knew for a fact he was stronger than some people gave him credit for. However, his upcoming opponent, Benji, should know just as well as he did. When one was friends with Seojin, they often fell victim to his playful wrestling matches.
“So, are you confident you’re gonna beat me?” He stood still as the cloth belt was fastened tightly around his waist and thigh. Fortunately, it happened to be red ㅡ his lucky color.
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lgcteearchived · 4 years
in the past 1 year, how many people have you kissed?
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Thus question threw Tee. He was not expecting a question like this and he couldn’t help his cheeks changing colour from his embarrassment. He stuttered a little out of nerves as he answered. ❛ I-Er.. No one? I’ve never kissed anyone. ❜
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lgcmax · 4 years
since 1 year ago, how much cuter do you think you have gotten????
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“ agh, no cuter !! oh my gosh, i swear you think i’m adorable, and i’ll never get it ? whatever it takes to get free food though, y’know ? gotta work with your brand. but ... i guess i feel a little cuter ? but only because ever since we’ve roomed together you’ve hyped my ego up. so i’d say .... five perfect cuter. no, no, no ! one percent ! ”
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