#interactions ft. maya lee
narixyang · 1 year
closed starter for @mayxlee at nari's house
Since running into Javi at the spring festival, Nari had known she needed to catch up with Maya and see how her friend was handling that bit of news. Planning a dinner at Nari's house, the boys were in the other room on their games, giving her and Maya the living room to finish eating, watch some TV together, and primarily to talk. Nari was kicked back on the couch, plate of food in her lap as she ate some of the pasta dish, eyes shifting from the TV towards Maya. "So...I ran into your ex at the spring festival thing," she commented, not wasting any time with getting to the topic. "Do you need my help running him out of town or are you doing okay?"
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narixyang · 2 years
continued from here for @mayxlee
Head tilting towards Maya as the other woman considered options, Nari gave a soft laugh when she finally decided on pastries. "They'd love that. Hell, at their age they've taken to being endless pits when it comes to eating. They'll pretty much eat anything unless I cook it. In which case they'll just bitch and moan and ask for takeout," she rolled her eyes. Nari was no expert in the kitchen, but she tried to make sure what she made was nutritious and decently flavored. Pushing the last batch of ice cream into the freezer for the next day, Nari laughed warmly and shook her head. "Oh, no she absolutely loves them more than me, she's said as much herself. Once those boys were born, I was old news." Nari's mom adored being a grandmother, so she knew it was never much of a hassle for the woman to say yes to taking the boys for a night when she needed the break. "You want any ice cream to go?"
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narixyang · 2 years
location; lick me til’ ice cream shop tagged; @mayxlee​
After driving back over from the zoo early in the morning, Nari had been ready to curl up in a ball and sleep for the rest of the day. An all-nighter helping to deliver a baby zebra was rewarding, but exhausting. Unfortunately, something had come up at the ice cream shop her family owned and she’d been called in to assist out front in the ice cream part for a few hours before she could get herself to a bed to pass out. An hour into serving up ice cream cones, Nari was sure that she looked like a zombie. The day had hit a dead point and it was an absolute relief when she spotted a familiar face coming through the door. “Is it irrationally hopeful of me to believe that you started working here again and are ready to take over back here?” she called out as Maya came through the door.
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