narusakueremika · 2 years
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narusakueremika · 2 years
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Unfinished but I love them so here you go
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narusakueremika · 3 years
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I love Kosen’s version of the new gen Ino-Shika-Cho trio  (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
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narusakueremika · 3 years
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narusakueremika · 4 years
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Here’s the concept art line up! These are some of the draft designs of our Shinachiku KOSEN characters! Things might still change… and you can help with that! Please fill out this survey and give us your thoughts. 
You can a link to the poll on my page!
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narusakueremika · 4 years
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Hello everyone! Today we’d like to reveal one of our confirmed cast of next gen characters! This character was based on the shipping polls we posted a while ago. If you participated in that poll, thank you! There will be more characters revealed based on that poll.
Meet Uzumaki Akari, the biological daughter of Sasuke and Karin. Here are a few excerpts from the NaruSaku Wiki which you can check it to see some concept art and extra tidbits of information about her. Of course, more will be revealed once the story starts kicking off!
While Akari is usually blunt with a bit of snark, she is a very curious girl with a lot of promise. While she doesn’t tend to speak up or out of turn and would rather listen to others than speak, Akari easily converses with others even if they get increasingly upset with her blunt or harsh statements.
Akari lives in hiding with her mother and the rest of Team Taka while Sasuke hunts down Orochimaru to protect her and other potential victims of his experiments. Akari was born about a year or so after Shinachiku, but the exact date is unknown.
The link to the NaruSaku Wiki can be found in a reblog to this post! FYI, Tumblr prevents external links from appear in the tags!
If you have any feedback or questions, feel free to ask! This is a collaborative effort after all. If you have something you want to change about Akari, there will also be a link to that poll in the reblog!
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narusakueremika · 4 years
Shinachiku KOSEN Survey #1
Heyo all! Long time to chat. Well, hasn’t been that long I suppose.
Well guys, the response to the VA videos was fantastic! Thank you so much for listening and enjoying our choices, but also for choosing Hanami’s VA! Voice option #2 won Hanami’s poll decidedly, no other options came close.
And with that, the official unofficial voice actors are:
Shinachiku: Tamura Mutsumi
Arashi: Megumi Han
Hanami: Atsumi Tanezaki
With that out of the way,
Today we bring to you another poll/survey to get some more outside opinions. There are a few characters and decisions the team so far is stuck on. To help move things along, we’re asking you to complete this survey and come up with a decision.
This survey is mostly focused on Shinachiku’s generation and his team.
If you have the time to help us out and leave your anonymous opinions, it’d be greatly greatly appreciated. Also, because this post contains an outside link, it probably won’t appear in the tags. Please spread it to as many NaruSaku fans as you can!
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narusakueremika · 4 years
Here we have Hanami Uzumaki! The final voice announcement for now. This is different from Arashi and Shinachiku, we need you guys to vote on which option you like best.
PLEASE leave a comment or vote in the strawpoll here. Likes and reblogs are nice, but they don’t tell us what you actually want or think!
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narusakueremika · 4 years
Here’s the official voice for Arashi in SHINACHIKU KOSEN! Someone on twitter already accidentally guessed the fancasted voice, Megumi Han!
What do you think of it? Next is Hanami’s video where I’ll need you guys to vote. Likes and reblogs won’t count. ^_^
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narusakueremika · 4 years
SHINACHIKU KOSEN : Shinachiku’s official voice
Heyo everyone! So, behind the scenes we’ve been looking at voiceactors for Shina and found the perfect one!
As for how it will work in KOSEN, Kosen will only contain common spoken phrases and other sounds such as grunts, sighs, and shouts, not full on dialogue like what you will be hearing in the preview video.
We hope you like it! We had a few options for Shina, but everyone currently involve really ended up liking this voice above all else. Next will be Arashi, then followed by Hanami. Hanami is an undecided voice you will vote on!
Art by the marvelous @pumiih!
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narusakueremika · 4 years
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If you ever start thinking you’re cute just remember toddler Shinachiku exists
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narusakueremika · 4 years
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narusakueremika · 4 years
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Shinachiku, Inojin, Shikayumi, Chocho
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narusakueremika · 4 years
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Hanami is the most popular Uzumaki compared to her brothers
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narusakueremika · 4 years
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This is Arashi with a KibaTama kid, I know its a spare the pairs canon ship but I thought it’d be super cute if Arashi, who’s favourite animal is tigers, to have a friend who’s the daughter of a cat lady. I also think KibaTama is a cute ship and all of the (very few) pairings out of the konoha 11 all have kids that are Shina’s age, Arashi needed a friend.
ok bye :)
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narusakueremika · 4 years
are you that unoiriginal, that ns kid you draw is the carbon copy of naruto thats why your ship isnt canon, kishi couldnt make an believable ns kid
hi, I’ve only just seen this idk how long ago you sent it, I’m humouring this because this ask made me laugh ngl idec if this is a troll
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I made it simple for you 
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narusakueremika · 4 years
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She’s Cuter Than You
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