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You two were in fact very very correct, I disabled the askbox last time I dipped. My bad lol
She’s open back up so if you were having difficulties or attempted to send something in another way please resubmit <3
(I’m also open for little doodle requests if ya’ll are interested still)
send in some requests you cowards. The sign says closed but im too lazy to edit the code 
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send in some requests you cowards. The sign says closed but im too lazy to edit the code 
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Hey! So I recently found this blog and I totally love it! My request has to do with one of the first Kakashi scenarios you wrote, about Kakashi growing feelings for Naruto's guardian who was a black smith. Could you write a second part/continuation of that? It was written really well, and I loved the character. Maybe they've known each other for a bit, and Kakashi is trying to get the guts to ask her out? Or whatever you want! Thanks!
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Yeets this a full year since the last time I posted anything...Everyone wanted this back in the day so here y’all go. It’s much shorter but I ya know it sounds better then the original lol
~Mod Whipski
He thinks it's odd, perhaps, that despite his best judgementand years of emotional hardship he's once again standing outside the smallblacksmiths shop in the industrial district. In his hand a small box ofseasonal wagashi is wrapped nicely in soft pinks and whites.
It looks comically out of place against the soot coveredlandscape and his monotone attire.
Perhaps the store clerk had been playing some kind of jokewhen she'd suggested the cute little sweets and insisted they were just perfectfor the occasion. What occasion the clerk was refuring too stumped him,however, had barely made it through the door before the nosy miss had begunhurling recommendations his way. He'd simply allowed her to choose for him andhustled his way back out onto the streets of Konoha. Well...he did suppose itwas rude to show up at a ladies residence uninvited without a gift.
As it usually was in the middle of the day, the stores frontdoors were wide open allowing passers-by to catch a glimpse of the exquisitesmithing on display. Calling out to various patrons with promises ofunparalleled looks and perfect sharpness. A true diamond in the rough. Kakashi,totting his small gift, strolled casually into the store and made a beelinedirectly behind the faded curtains separating the storefront and the outsideworkshop.
Peeking beneath without so much of an invitation, the nin spottedthe person he had some so far to see. Red faced and dripping in sweat, thewoman raised her hammer to bring down upon her anvil one again, pounding themolten steel into submission. Only when she was happy with the progress she hadmade on flattening its surface did she carefully submerge the item into anearby trough, it hissing and squealing as the metal cooled. Wiping the sweatfrom her brow the woman glanced over her shoulder at him knowingly and noddedher head over in the direction of a chair he so often occupied.
"Mornin' teach. To what do I owe the pleasure?"She'd say, removing the soon-to-be sword from its water confines and out onto aworkbench. "Not too roughed up from your last mission I hope. I'd hate tosee either of my boys all mangled."
Kakashi, trained from childhood to remain calm andemotionless in any situation, lets the warm feeling of belonging broil up inhis chest. He is certain it is the same feeling Naruto must get whenever thewoman turns her motherly attention onto him. Though...perhaps his gaze is a bitmore mature then the boys.
"Had a little free-time. Thought I'd drop by and seehow you were faring. It's been a while, hasn't it."
This was a lie and the both of them knew it. Y/N's airylaugh rang clear through the air as she swept the thick apron over her head andremoved her charred work gloves. Hands landing on her hips as she grinned backat the man.
"Ah, yeah, I'd say three days is a real long while.It's rude to keep a lady waiting don't you know." She snarked back, eyesinstinctively being drawn to the only pristine swath of fabric in thevicinity.  The wrapping that held thedecorative sweets. Kakashi held the box up higher for her to take.
She inspected the parcel like he'd just presented her withsome sort of long lost village treasure. Cradled delicately in her scarred handand held up to the light, she peered at the small seal of the sweet shop.
"Kakashi you shouldn't have! But I am glad youdid!" She grinned again, sweeping towards him holding the parcel up andout of the way as she pecked his cheek in thanks. "Oh I'll go make sometea and we can share. Maybe...orange flower? Or jasmine?"
And while Y/n was quite engrossed with her pondering,leaving the stunned man to his own devices as she trotted off into her privateliving quarters. And while his mask defeated the purpose of her kiss he couldstill feel the warms of her breath on his ear and the pressure of her lips onhis cheek.
And he thinks it's odd, perhaps that despite his bestjudgement and years of emotional hardship, he's once again falling in love onceagain.
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Take your time love. Your lovely followers will be here for when you come back. I'm sorry you are having personal problems but take the time you need to get things settled and straightened out 😊
Hey thanks man. I know this blogs meant to be a nice, trouble free place everyone can visit so I don’t wanna sound so...idk guilty all the time and make it seem like I don’t like being here. I just have terrible timing I guess.
Urgh I don’t even know how to properly articulate right now. Sorry for the scrambled ass messages I’m putting out.
Keep being wonderful guys :’)
~Mod Whipski
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Yes, hi, hello. Y’all remember a few days ago when I said updates might get spotty...guess whats about to happen :)))))))
Some uh personal things have come up and I’m gonna need a little while to work them out properly since they’re actually pretty important in the grand scheme of things. 
Hope y’all ain’t too mad! I’ll try and maybe get some HC out every now and then but uh...yeah 
~Mod Whipski
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(1/2)Okay, so the foreigners explain that they were the indigenous people of what was unexplored territory, which became the land of rice fields (the nin knowing that it became land of sound very soon afterwards (via coup a ’la Orochimaru)}. That they were driven out by the daimyo from two “terms” ago and were scattered until their then-leader(current’s dad) found them and helped them flee. And their leader starts getting that reserved kind of emotional about the ordeal because their people’s
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I adore how many headcanon requests we’ve gotten for this particular idea! Once we’ve cleared out the askbox a little more (and I’ve scaled mount kankuro) I might just write a little something something proper for this verse we’re creating together .w.
~Mod Whipski
General • Naruto and Lee are the most compelled to believe such a tale. It sounds like something that would happen in that neck of the woods. They’re probably the most sympathetic of the lot too regarding these people loosing their traditional livelihoods and culture. Naruto • Naruto is the most angered by the groups story, and that’s the usual for him. But its a strange sort of anger because he finds himself both upset at the misfortune of this group of people and the unfair treatment his governmental system has pushed upon them. Probably has to spend a good amount of time pondering what his world would be like if the daimyo’s hadn’t spread across the continent. • Of course he’d probably just bring em into the village with little consideration or regard to Tsunade’s orders and sets them up in one of the normally empty training grounds for the time being until something proper can be sorted out. • Would spend a lot of his downtime just hanging out and befriending these people with no sort of ulterior motive. But again that’s just Naruto’s personality. He wants this group that’s been shunned and exiled to finally feel a little comfortable. • Is personally not very invested in finding the tomes, but would probably try and assist if they were very adamant and passionate. Shikamaru • Shikamaru’s really on the fence about the whole thing. On one hand the stories just so ridiculous it’s got to be true, no spy is dumb enough to make up a cover story that elaborate and obviously false. But what if that’s what they want him to think … • Despite being sceptical he’d allow them the opportunity to prove themselves. Maybe some sort of limited demonstration of magic that these people could still perform or better yet a medical examination of a willing mage to check for any chakra signals. • Wishes to arrange some type of temporary accommodation for the group. A pretty comfortable set up with hot meals, access to the bath houses, places to sleep and medical attention but only under the agreement that all weapons and magical tools be relinquished until further notice and guards stationed around the parameter. Until they can confirm their story to be true he wouldn’t want to risk the safety of the villagers. • Is surprisingly evolved and accommodating with their leader. Shika’s a really good diplomat.  
Neji • Neji still recons the whole story is bull. To the point that even if his village is willing to provide assistance to these people he will purposefully distance himself. If these tales their spinning are true there should at least be some sort of record from a neighbouring territory! • Since he trusts his byakugan more then their words, he’d be using it on them left right and centre whenever he was forced to interact with the group. Is probably equally confused by the fact that some seem to lack any sort of flow while others seem to be exhibiting extremely high quantities of stored energy? He can’t call it chakra for certain because while it felt and looked fairly similar to the signatures he was used too this energy reacted and expelling in completely different ways. • Honestly, prolonged exposer and study of this energy the ‘mages’ called mana would be the only way to truly convince Neji of their plight baring cold, hard physical documentation. • Once he believes their story, however, is defiantly the most vocal about assisting them with retrieving their lost tomes. To loose generations worth of heritage would be a disaster regardless of its origins. Though would probably insist that the team sent of the recovery mission be ninja exclusively as it was obvious those harboured within the villages walls no longer possessed the power or knowledge to defend themselves against the sound nin. Maybe like…one elder could be lightly grilled for more information.
Lee • Literally in tears while listening to the groups leader explain their situation. Like just bawling sympathetically. Probably to the point where it kind of weirds some of the younger members of the group out because hell they’ve never even known this homeland their leader speaks of. • You can be sure as hell Lee is the most helpful of the lot. Offering them any sort of assistance they might need. Which in turn inspires Guy so much that not only does Lady Tsunade have one but two bowl headed men at her office door begging to allow these people refuge. • Would probably charge on in and retrieve those tomes himself if he could. Instead would likely rope Neji into helping him devise some sort of plan to purpose to Tsunade that allows the group to be the most involved in recovering their own history while also providing any necessary backup.   • Low key hopes they’ll let him peek in on the knights code of conduct and maybe even show him a few of their traditional training regimes. Speaking of training regimes, if his plan does go through would be 100% involved with assisting the knights in devising new warm ups and scouting locations big enough for their needs.
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The mobile rules wouldn't work on my phone. I am not sure if that was just the app messing up or if it was something else on tumblr. (Tumblr in general been acting up a lot lately though)
hmmm thats weird! Thanks as usual Tumblr for being a functioning website! Here I’ll paste the rules down below just to avoid anymore hickups. Thanks for being so considerate and not just giving up haha ~
General Stuff:*
Please limit multiple character requests to 5
Please specify if you would like a fic to be based in Part 1 or Part 2 of the show if not entirely obvious. (ex. A Naruto fic could be set in part 1 or in Shippuden, a Sai fic is more like to only be set in Shippuden as this is when he was introduced of course younger Sai would break this rule.)
No NSFW if based in part 1…thats creepy. Unless its for the older characters.
If you would like your scenario to be for a specific gender please state so in your ask. If not they will be left ambiguous (They/Them)
Any triggers will be tagged accordingly (If you need something specifically tagged just let us know)
You can request a specific mod but it might not always happen
You may request similar/same scenarios with entirely different characters if they were not previously covered
Please be respectful of other people and the mods. We’re all human lets try and get along
Stuff We’ll Do:*
Reader insert scenarios (Any Gender)
NSFW (if you request NSFW please be of consenting age. We don’t wanna be writing smut for kiddies…)
Headcanons if anyone want’s them
Fluff, Angst, Violence, AU’s
Literally anyone unless stated otherwise. Want to put in a request for some of the girls? We’d love it!
Stuff We Won’t Do:*
CharaXChara shipping requests (BANNED)
Anything extremely violent and/or unnecessarily triggering  
Anything non-consensual or with heavy substance abuse
NSFW with chara’s who are portrayed as being very young
Heavy mental illness or suicide mentions
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Y’all came through for me. I’m so blessed to have you all <3
~Mod Whipski
oiii pssst, someone should send in some Kankuro requests so I don’t feel guilty about writing for him and not…the actual prompts we have :’)))))
~Mod Whipski
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oiii pssst, someone should send in some Kankuro requests so I don’t feel guilty about writing for him and not...the actual prompts we have :’)))))
~Mod Whipski
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Got any fluffy head cannons for Kiba, Shikamaru, and kakashi with an s/o who has a shoulder tattoo on their back. (I have one and people seem to like it. Except for the ones who say it's bad to get one unless you're in a gang)
I’ve got you covered boo! Bring on that sweet sweet fluff train! 
Also who nowadays things tattoos are for ‘gang members’ old. Grow up lmao
~Mod Whipski
If they were dating before his s/o had gotten the tattoo and they’d approached him asking his opinion he’d be totally into it. Wanting to be around every step of the way. Probably trys to give suggestions for the design, maybe some cool skulls? Oh and fire! The skull should be breathing fire! and and- well he gets very excited even if its not his own body. 
Doesn’t actually mind if his s/o doesn’t take his suggests and gets whatever they want. It is their body being inked after all. But is super super happy if even a tiny sliver of his grand idea gets incorporated somehow.
He’s 100% there when it gets done. Peering over their back and giving updates on the progress. Makes a lot of friendly chat with the artist. Keeps his s/o distracted from any pain. 
Is probably the type of guy who, when introducing his s/o to new people, tells em to show them their tat.
Wants to get one himself after seeing how rad his s/o’s was. 
Is the least likely to care either way. That’s just his personality. He appreciates tattoo’s that have some sort of meaning behind them then those that are just for art’s sake but never really makes a big deal out of it.
Is quietly supportive if his s/o wants to get one. They’re a grown adult they can do as they wish. If his s/o asks for him to go with them when they get it done would probably agree but wouldn’t do much else besides hold their hand at particularly rough parts. 
He’s complement it once its done, saying how the design suits them perfectly. Probably brings it up from time to time just to reassure his partner that he does in fact like it.
Again has no real inclination for or against his s/o having or getting a tattoo. Can appreciate either the meaning or the art of the work either way. 
Probably recons his s/o has more streetcred after it’s done and often jokes about how connect they are to the youths now. (Kakashi you’re not that old stop)
In the fleeting moments of downtime the man gets to share with his s/o he likes to trace the linework and kiss up and down his s/o shoulder just appreciating their body. 
Actually really likes when they show it off in public with maybe a low-back shirt or tank. Makes them easier to pick out of a crowd and lets him sneak up on them without too much hassle.
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Can you write something about Kiba and/or Shikamaru's reaction to losing their S/O during the Pain attack? And maybe how they react when their S/O comes back to life? Thanks in advance!!!
Hey there! We’ve actually just recently covered both of these characters in similar situations. (Though Shikimaru was actually like…last year hahaha) 
You can find Kiba’s HERE
and Shikimaru’s HERE
Enjoy, lovely, I hope they meet your needs :)
~Mod Whipski
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Hello! First of all I want to say, that I really like yours blog - great work, keep it up! >w
Ah these prompts are always really sad and…fun to write honestly. I hope you enjoy a little angst because you certainly get it. 
And your english is just fine, darling! 
~Mod Whipski 
Your name: submit What is this?document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); });function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; }}function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v;}
Kiba, alone and bandaged to the nines, had only just been released from the confines of his hospital room. It had been a solid four months since that damn war had come to its conclusion, Konoha and he’s wager the rest of the continent still bearing heavy scars from the battle. He’d be one of the lucky ones. A few broken bones, some lost blood, a mild concussion. All thing considered he could have come out a lot worse. Or…not have come out at all.
The man, weary and sore, had taken umbrage at the fact that the medical nin stationed at the temporary hospital set up to ease overcrowding  refuse to tell him anything about the other ninja brought back from the carnage. He’d had friends and family to worry about. Cooped up in an overstuffed room full of PTSD patients and civilians alike for so long had done nothing to aid his concern. He’d decided his first visit would be to the Hokage’s office. Where they kept the death leger.
He’d had felt much better, as he hovered outside of the shattered glass doors, if he’d had Akamaru by his side when he confronted whatever news lay waiting for him. But his companion was with his clan under the care of their own veterinarians. They’d been separated for so long and Kiba was figuratively itching to get back to his dogs side. Or maybe he was literally itching, the rough bandages made it hard to tell. Either way, Kiba was alone in facing the dread growing in his gut.
With a hard swallow the man steeled himself and marched through the shattered threshold. The inside seemed to have faired far better then he would have imagined, though it would obviously take time to fully repair a number of quick fixes had been installed to keep the walls from crumbling. A young woman, obviously just promoted if her new poorly fitting uniform was anything to go by, smiled at him from behind what remained of the front desk.
“Good Afternoon, sir. Can I assist you with anything in particular?”
She kindly didn’t comment on his dishevelled appearance  
“Yeah, um, who do I see about, um, the casualties? I…I just want to know if my friends are alive.”
Her expression morphing into sympathy, the woman ducked down to check the large regulation list she had open next to her. “I-I’m not sure if a finalized list has been made yet, sir. B-But because you are obviously not a civilian I could…probably give you access to the most recent records. Though I believe they’re only identities of those who have been administered into our hospitals.”
“That would be great, if you could.” He shuffles, uncomfortable, as she nods and scurries off into the archives.
It gives him a moment to let the situation really sink in. His hands shaking in his pockets. He’d seen his sister before the end of the final charge. Seen a number of his team mates either being carried from the field or assisting others in escaping. But there was one person he had not seen hide or hair of. Y/n’s whereabouts had remained a mystery after the first charge. Her squad assigned to ambushing any incoming reinforcements.
The woman comes back into the foyer, a few bundle of papers in her arms which she places down into the front desk. She points to individual piles; “These ones are names of those administered to Konoha Hospital, while this one is for the temporary unit.” She then points to hallway he recognises as the old administration section. “There’ll be an empty room down there if you’d like some privacy. ”
He thanks her, scoops up the bundles and hurries off in the pointed direction. They feel light in his arms as if there were less pages then he was expecting. He’s not sure why. Casualties had been numerous, he’d seen so herself.
It was far easier now to find a vacant room then it was before. What looked to once be a break room had been converted into a storage space. Spare lumber, boxes and various tools strewn about in a haphazard fashion. Kiba pushed out a wooden crate from a small cluster and took a seat, his legs already protesting the strain he’d put on them so suddenly. The stacks of names fell into his lap as he took another deep breath, hands balling into nervous fists, before leafing through the first few pages.
Maybe names he didn’t recognise. But that was to be expected. He couldn’t possibly remember each and every name of the villagers. Sometimes he’d spot a last name he’d know but was unable to match it to a face. With each few pages he’d note a friend. Shino had been administered to the main hospital a day after him. Hinata a few days before that. With each page and name he recognised another weight was lifted from his chest. So many had survived. But the more names he filed through the more nervous he became. Y/n’s name was yet to pop up.
The late stages of dusk had begun to paint the sky red and purple by the time the man had filed through the last document. His hands quaking, a painful lump growing in his throat. He punches the wall in frustration. It moans in response and he cant help but sob.
His walk home is slow. Numb. He can feel his legs screaming for a rest but he ignores them.
Y/n. The most important person in the world to him, was officially MIA. Most likely dead. Her body left to the elements the light in her eyes gone. How was he supposed to feel anything after that.
His sister greats him at the door looking just as worse for wear as him but cheerier. He can’t even smile for her as she pressed the palm of her hand to his cheek, wet and clammy from tears he didn’t know he was shedding. She doesn’t ask questions. Not now. Just ushers him in and lets him know which room Akamaru is resting in.
The giant dog had lifted his head as his master stumbled in, his ears drooping. The man found solace in Akamaru, curling up next to the beast and burying his face in his fur. Only then did he allow himself to cry proper.
The life of a shinobi was laden with hardships. Injuries to overcome, secrets to keep, deaths to accept. All these things he’d understood the very first day he’d stepped foot in the academy but only now did it feel so real. Y/n had been an ever present entity in his life. He could not remember a time before her smile. And now she was just…gone.
Konoha was not blessed with a sound sleep that night, the heartbroken wails  and the sympathetic hounds not easily drowned out
They say time heals all wounds. Kiba was not so sure. Seven months had crawled by, each day seeming more difficult then the last. The village had still barely begun to recover but he’d been expected to return to duty. Patrolling the damaged boarders and assisting the townsfolk. His heart remained heavy.
On this particular day the memories were much worse. A smell would remind him of her, a landmark would conjure a thought, even his own friends faces seemed to morph into her own. It was unbearable. So he had ran. Ran as far as his legs would allow. As far away from his unconsciousness as he could. That’s how he finds himself now, curled up high in a tree overlooking the way in and out of town.
How easily he could leave everything behind. Just run off into the distance and never look back. Never have to relive those memories that filled him with both joy and sorrow. But his loyalty to his kin was too strong and he was stuck in limbo.
Below him, rooting around in the grass and chewing on roughage was Akamaru. Still refusing to leave his masters side.  He’d keep watch over the man, his own heart saddened by his masters mates disappearance. As if the thought awoke his own senses, the beast could have sworn he could smell her still. Earthy and sweet and distinctly like both herself and his master. It carried on the wind, falling across his nose in waves. This couldn’t be a simple memory.
The beast rose to his paws and sniffed before charging off into the horizon catching the man still up in the tree by surprise. He jumped to his feet on instinct and chased after him, determined not to loose anyone else. His apathy had made the recovery from his injuries slow, even now he couldn’t keep pace with the hound who seemed a white blur in the distance. A white blur which had stopped and started barking, tail thumping so haphazardly Kiba thought he might tear something.
He’d skidded to a stop besides Akamaru, arms latched around his neck and scolding him for his behaviour, but the house payed him little mind. Scrabbling to charge ahead beyond excited.
And then, as if a dream, an airy laugher floated through the air. Familiar and sweet, Kiba almost didn’t dare to look. But there, framed by the endless fields beyond Konoha’s walls stood y/n. Leaning heavily on a crutch and head still bandaged. And she was smiling, Tears slipping down her cheeks and falling as fat drops to the dirt below.
Kiba’s arms loosened from their hold and Akamaru was free, pouncing the woman with such uncontained exuberance it had knocked her to the ground. His big tongue lapping up any tears she spilled as she buried her own face in her fur. The man, on the other hand, barely found the strength to move. Dropping to his knees and shivering from head to toe. Y/n, struggling beneath the hounds overbearing love had managed to squirm out and look towards him. Her still bruised body crawling towards him until she was practically in his lap, arms curled around his stunned body, sobbing and quivering and happy.
“I’m home, Kiba. I’m home. I made you wait didn’t I? I’m so sorry.”
And he had taken her in his arms.
And he would never let go.
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Is there a way for me to see the rules on mobile?
Ah yeah here you go! 
We should really link that in the header...
~mod whipski
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Hello dear admins! Are you open to requests right now?
We sure are! Ask away :D
0 notes
Can you Shout Out alphadabi?
Promo Time! 
Are you, dear reader, a fan of Hero Academia? How bout Touken Ranbu? Or many, like me, you’re into the four roadtripping dorks of FF15? Maybe you’d just like a break from the Naruto Verse! If so do I have a place for you:
A neat little blog that’s just started up that’s got some serious writing potential and just needs a foot in the door. Their ask box is currently open and I’d wager thay’d probably update more then us :p 
If you think you’d be interested go and check them out! I’m probably gonna be sending in some requests my pretty soon!
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Congrats on the 1100🎉🎈🎊❤️ I love this blog and am glad I follow this blog. You guys are great and I love you
ahhhh thank you so much darling! I’m always confused when this blog hits a new milestone since we’re so inconsistent with updating but yall continue to surprise me. HERES TO 1100 MORE !
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