naruyu93 · 7 years
Tesi di Laurea
sono Yulai, una studentessa IBC (Italian born Chinese) della SSML Gregorio VII di Roma.
A breve conseguirò la mia laurea in Scienze della Mediazione Linguistica e volevo condividere il mio elaborato.
La mia tesi è intitolata “differenze socio-culturali sino-italiane” e di seguito si trovano i tre video di presentazione in italiano, inglese e muto.
A fine pagina sono pubblicati i link per…
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naruyu93 · 7 years
Literary Adaptation
“The girl with all the gifts” “La ragazza che sapeva troppo”
    Esame di Literary adaptation anno scolastico 2016/2017 Università SSML Gregorio VII.
Video realizzato in collaborazione con :
Associazione Astrambiente
professoressa Adriana Bisirri
professor Alfredo Rocca
La ragazza che sapeva troppo (the girl with all the gifts)
video in italiano:
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naruyu93 · 7 years
Ravioli, Jiaozi, Mandu, Gyoza l'origine
Ravioli, Jiaozi, Mandu, Gyoza l’origine
  Jiaozi, uno dei piatti tradizionali più amati dagli asiatici.
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I ravioli cinesi chiamati  Jiaozi, sono un alimento molto popolare in Asia soprattutto nei paesi come il Giappone detti “Gyoza” e in Corea ” Mandu”.
Possono essere ripieni di carne, verdura, o anche gamberi. Sono avvolti con uno strato sottile di pasta che viene sigillata con la pressione delle dita.
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naruyu93 · 7 years
Amore filiale ( pietà filiale ) 孝
Amore filiale ( pietà filiale ) 孝
Un pilastro morale fondamentale della famiglia tradizionale cinese sono i figli e la loro pietà filiale.
    Il carattere cinese che racchiude il concetto di pietà filiale è xiao 孝 è entrata nel canone filosofico confuciano nel 200 a.c. il carattere è composto da due parti: sulla parte superiore vi è lao anziano e nella parte inferiore c’è il carattere zi figlio, perciò raffigura idealmente un…
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naruyu93 · 7 years
Mandatory military training in China
Mandatory military training in China
Each year, firs-year university students must undergo a two weeks long military training before the beginning of the academic year. The intense annual training is compulsory for all students, male and female.
  China does not have a long-term mandatory military service as that of countries like South Korea; instead, military education is implemented in the form of short-term but intense physical…
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naruyu93 · 7 years
Life of Yul
Salve, sono una IBC ovvero, Italian born Chinese, e studio presso l’università SSML Gregorio VII.
Il mio Blog tratterà di temi vari e soprattutto su argomenti che amo personalmente, dalle serie tv, film, libri a cibo, ma anche differenze culturali tra oriente e occidente.
Buona lettura!
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naruyu93 · 7 years
La ragazza che sapeva troppo- Libro&film Sangue, cervelli spappolati e carne putrefatta? NO.         La ragazza che sapeva troppo è un film fantascientifico…
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naruyu93 · 10 years
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they are trending!!!!!! Yay!!!!! f(x) saranghae !!
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naruyu93 · 10 years
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OMG!! They're back!!! My babies !!! Soojung is hella hot!!
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naruyu93 · 10 years
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When Taeyeon sings, she pours her every emotion into each song she sings. It’s like she blocks off everything else going on and sings her heart and soul out. You can tell she’s passionate about singing by the look in her eyes. She doesn’t care at all about her face looking attractive, she just wants to hit the notes properly and feel proud about herself. Taeyeon molds herself into the music. This is what makes Taeyeon one of the best vocalists in the world to me. 
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naruyu93 · 10 years
KRYBER: Miss Right - BTS
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naruyu93 · 10 years
Amber & Jungsis | KryBer or JessBer? By twitter.com/ahntahee Shows, Photos, Gifs @ Tumblr : ahntahee.tumblr.com 
 Photos & shorter vids of Kryber moments: Instagram.com/kpopshipperz
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naruyu93 · 11 years
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Kryber fanart!
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naruyu93 · 11 years
I really hope that Kryber is like this!!!!! My kryber heart!! Finally soojungie gave us some kryber moments!
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"We’ve purposely arranged the seats so that the two of you’d sit further from each other, but I guess it’s all redundant." Manager oppa says, pinching the skin between his eyebrows and inhaling deeply. 
I look to my right, raising my brows as my eyes meet Krystal’s innocent gaze. “We’re done.” I mouth to her. She shrugs her shoulders and looks at her fingernails, ignoring the fuss that manager oppa is making. 
A minute or so later, he stops the car and turns around. “I don’t wish to sound too naggy but Soojung, your action just now calls for a lecture.”
"Yes, yes. I will be more careful next time." Krystal waves her hand in the air and then reaches for the handle, pressing it down and stepping out of the car with a quick murmur of good bye. I stare at her when she’s not closing the door. "Get out." I look to our manager and he nods reluctantly. I smile and step out of the car as well to join my girl, whose face is as emotionless as her usual self. 
"What’s the matter?" I ask her when she’s fumbling for her keys inside her handbag. She clicks her tongue when she can’t find the keys but the rustling sound keeps echoing in the empty aisle. I shift from one foot to another, debating if I should just press the doorbell and ask Jessica to open the door. "do you-"
"Ah found it." She beams lightly and inserts the key, turning it clockwise and pushing the gate in. I step in after her and watch her locking the gate. "Anything up for tomorrow?" 
"Nope." I press my lips together after answering her as we walk side by side to the front door. "Are you angry?" 
She shakes her head. “Why would I be?” 
I shrug. I push my sneakers aside and she holds onto me to balance herself while she’s trying to take off her high heels. “Come on.” She waves and we step in, greeting her parents and rushing upstairs. “Wait.” I stay rooted to the ground as she knocks on the closed door thrice, which later reveals her sister whom I fear slightly. “I’m back!” She grins to her sister and they exchange a quick hug. She peers over Krystal’s shoulder and gives me a soft smile when she sees me. I bow my head lightly in return. 
Soon after, Krystal pushes me to the other room and it makes me stumble a little. “Wow, easy, Princess.” I tease after she locks the door. 
"Whatever." She walks to the dressing table and puts down her handbag. "To be honest, I am f*cking pissed." 
I raise my brows when she curses. “Why?” She didn’t speak for awhile as she was trying to find her make-up remover wipes. Then she looks at me from the mirror.
"Why can’t I sit close to you? There’s a bloody huge gap between us and what? To fit himself?" She rolls her eyes afterwards. I stifle a laughter at her sarcasm.
"You know he is trying to help us."
"Yeah right. And, can’t I rest my head on your shoulder when I’m tired? Like oh my god, can’t friends do that? I bet our fans like it."
"It’s better to play safe." I reason.
"Oh. And you," she turns around, folding her arms in front of her chest. "Why did you have to walk so far in front of me when I was having a hard time trying to walk in the heels?"  Her glare pierces through my eyes and I can hear myself gulping.  
"I… well…" I sigh. "Because he warned me not to stay too close." 
"Would you die if he asked you to, as well?" she snaps sarcastically. 
"That’s not what I meant, Princess." I look down.
She walks towards me, cupping my cheeks and then exhaling gently, as if trying to calm herself. “Sorry, I was just… pissed.” 
"It’s fine." I smile, looking into her eyes. 
"Anyway, do you know why did I cling onto you?" She asks, trying to look at both of my eyes. 
"Because of the fangirls?" I give it a guess. 
She shakes her head. “That’s part of the reason. And the main part of it is because I want to show the world that you’re mine, even if it means subtly.” Before I could react, she leans in to seal her word by marking on the lips that she’s most familiar with. My lips. 
I know it’s crappy but, it’s my first time doing this :X
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naruyu93 · 11 years
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F(x) 1st place on the search tab!! Keep searching 에프엑스!!
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naruyu93 · 11 years
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Kryber + 2
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naruyu93 · 11 years
2013 08 03 (por fx2younet)
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