Why affirmations and incantations can be the miracle you need to change your life.
Why affirmations and incantations can be the miracle you need to change your life. In the end it is not the years in your life that count. It is the life in the years. Abraham Lincoln A personal journey, the story of my life, and one which when I look back I see a reason to smile. Being the firstborn in a family of three siblings, losing my father while in high school, and the journey to where…
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Beautiful minds.
The roadmap to the soul, a reflection of the essence of being turned inside out. A quest to live, imagine, discover and explore the awesome wonder of being. Life’s purposed beyond the breath we all have. Live now, the eternal siesta crawls near each second past like a blink of an eye. Tj Musyoki When was the last time you were told, “I appreciate you or you are beautiful.” We hold ourselves…
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Time, for how long will you escape my grasp? Have mercy oooh winds of time Take me slow for time me to see Up on high me to flow Friends for us to bond in timeI am chaff this I know Slumber my time will come In vanity flare up with time Time fair when will you ever be To the loins of time me you took In mamas hands up I wentClawing falling then walking Here now slow eaten frail by time Tiki…
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Spoiler alert, in one way or another we can not achieve all we long to achieve and we will at one time in our life have unfulfilled ambitions and dreams. Such inevitability is meant to be felt by men and women.
By Samuel Njoroge You may have to sacrifice or give up on some of your passions in life but remember, you are not alone. It is not about feeling sorry for yourself. It is about acknowledging that you need help by realizing that others may be better equipped to provide it for you. Be patient with yourself as you adjust to your new circumstances. Search within and beyond the horizons blue for…
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My brother: The African twist, home of creative minds.
By MC CLIDE the Poet In our African setup, the appreciation and use of poetry to communicate hard truths to the people was creatively used to explore twists of life, nature, conduct, and presentation of what was seen going contrary to the societal norms. Warning and communication of disappointment were conveyed to the intended audience using a number of creative ways such as poetry, folk roles,…
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Trauma Therapy in Kenya; Everything You need to Know.
What is trauma? - “an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape, or natural disaster.” according to American Psychological Association ( APA) 
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com Being a little stressed does not mean you are developing trauma or have been exposed to traumatic experiences. A tough day at work, overdue tasks giving you pressure, or a disagreement with a loved one can be what is causing you that emotional turmoil you are experiencing today. In this article, we provide you an understanding of trauma therapy, how to…
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As you battle the demons of life just know that like a phoenix, you are able to rise from the ashes.
Photo by Ron Thomas on Pexels.com Yes, it’s a struggle. I have been there; done that but there is always great sunset on the horizon. I know the sweat and the tears it takes to “achieve it” in this primal youth of ours. The Kenyan youth faces amultitude of demons in search of their great emergence into the elite society. The craving for success is deep in every single youth out here. What…
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What if we could tell our story the African way.
Welcome to Nasaha Africa We create a platform where writers write their stories, share them to the world, and are acknowledged for their uniqueness through an initiative dubbed speak up and out to the world, we let you be the orator of your story. New to the site? Start here The rise of poets, novelists, playwrights, orators, and writers in unchartered waters What if we could tell our…
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Why is forgiveness important?
Why is forgiveness important?
PEACE ABOUNDS WHEN THERE IS FORGIVENESS The burden of unforgiveness, the wounds of being wounded, and the pain of the emotional content that comes with unforgiveness. The principal Hebrew word in the old testament for persons forgiving others is “nasa” which has an underlying meaning that is to lift, carry, take away. From the Greek word, “aphesis” which means to send away. The English word…
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Suicide is the new dark reality we face. Let's talk and explore on how best we can help curb it.
The death bed is not my portion Giving up and failing is not mine either I will rise up no matter what Dust myself up for falling is learning to rise I will serve for duty calls me to give my all Death you death I call out unto thee Your time and place is not anywhere near me Nor my beloved are not yours to devour Strong though broken tall I will stand through time I hold unto hope for the light…
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The mental health Tsunami, grabbing the attention of the uniformed community.
The mental health tsunami of the 21st century, the long wait could not wait any longer. It was like a time bomb ready to detonate. Photo by GEORGE DESIPRIS on Pexels.com The earth shook and trembled to the quake of time, this juncture was time-bound to shock the world. It was expected to be seen visible manifestations in form of broken window panes, cracked walls, ceiling boards, house floors,…
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Ask my shoes? The police officer's last words as he locked the door behind him.
The construction of Policing in a Changing World: Implications on Performance, Mental Acuity, and Family. Ask my shoes: The dynamics of policing can clearly be articulated by going deep into a quest of analysis of the real issues affecting our society guided by the questions below; What is the vintage point from where we see or look at the script unfolding daily?What is our role as a society in…
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When the times seem dark
When the times seem dark, we shall rise and soar like an eagle
Life the breath we all have, breathe In moments tumultuous rise up For your voice to listen to matters Never ever will I ever stop to speak? Of this monster in a dark cloud roaring Thundering like the whirls of sand Lovely souls of men devouring forth Who will rise to tame this lion? When the times seem dark The psychologist talks of talk therapy The psychiatrist of psychiatric meds The seer of…
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Live life imagine discover the awe of awesome wonders. Enjoy
Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: It takes its origin from emotions recollected in tranquility.William Wordsworth (1770-1850). The story of my life spark Bright like the diamonds in the sky In that juncture of imposed penance Life dawned on me in its fullness The gracious Majesty’s touch Life's granted the awesome wonder Am I obsessed? In the midst of doubt and…
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The DOs and DONT’s of Stress Management.
As human beings, we react to both physical and mental changes in our lives differently. If the reaction is negative the individual will feel stressed. Stress can generally be defined as a collection of physiological, emotional, behavioural and cognitive reactions that occur in response to environmental demands. It is usually caused by a “stressor” which […]The DOs and DONT’s of Stress Management.
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Coming to birth
The road map to the soul, the expressions of timeless wisdom, and the flow of the essence of our being just like the fountain of life whispers from deep within. Listen to that voice for it may be communicating the mysteries that unfold beyond our understanding to unearth the true reason we are here today. The journey to be has been a beautiful exploration and bringing this reality to life is the…
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