nasekiro · 1 year
okay hear me out
a magical girl anime
but with moms instead
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nasekiro · 1 year
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Favorite streamer(s)!
i don’t have the energy to finish anything so have a doodle i never posted here! ze and chilled project winter my beloved <3 their banter is always fun, ze tryharding the tasks while chilled just wants to shoot the hell outta someone is always lovely to watch
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nasekiro · 2 years
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I’m back!! I heard purge smp is coming back too so i finished a team sickos drawing from like last year
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nasekiro · 3 years
The Derp Crew Situation (April 2021)
Hi everyone! If you don't know me already, I'm Raakx, I work closely with some of the derps and here's an update on what's going on.
As most of you might know, or if you haven't already, there have been a lot of questions regarding what's going on between GaLm and the rest of the Crew.
I'm here to give you what information I was allowed to share, and here are some clips from Chilled and Aphex talking about what's going on.
Chilled's Clip (x) // Aphex's Clip (x)
I couldn't fit the whole thing, but here's what you need to know!
They are not on speaking terms right now. There are private things going on that the entire Derp Crew wish that you would respect to keep private and not pry or interfere in the situation. They ask that you don't bring anything up or discuss it in their chats and don't @ them about it.
To put things straight, no one unfollowed anybody. Aphex and Chilled were blocked, and the rest were muted. That's all I can say.
Again, please respect their decisions, thank you!
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nasekiro · 3 years
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A thing i made for Ze’s birthday, also a repost from twitter!
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nasekiro · 3 years
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tag yourself as cheesys made by his friends i’m cheesy’s cheesy
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nasekiro · 4 years
the four types of enjoyment derived from video games: 1. make number go up
2. make color get big
3. make all the people like me
4. gay
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nasekiro · 4 years
Facebook: Spend all your money here! Buy things from your neighbors! From these weirdly specific ads! From these athletes you’ve never heard of!
Twitter: Argue with strangers on the internet in 140 characters or less!
Instagram: Look at these photoshopped models and feel bad about yourself! Buy our stuff!
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nasekiro · 4 years
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shoutout to the people working for hours on content that only gets ten notes. i’m kissing you tenderly on the forehead as we speak
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nasekiro · 4 years
cinematic parallels: tumblr somehow becoming one of the most bearable social media platforms in 2020/2021, and that speed skater who made it to the olympics because everyone else fell over
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nasekiro · 4 years
some books written by asian authors that you should support because they’re really really good and overshadowed by their white counterparts: 
🏳️‍🌈  means there is queer rep
Out Already: 
- the poppy war series (extremely popular. fantasy based off the Song Dynasty, amoral/morally grey brown asian girl protagonist. i haven’t read this yet but all of my poc mutuals have this as their favorite book of all time. pls read tw warnings. no romance only faint subtext)
- jade city series (another favorite of the poc that i haven’t read. no romance) 
- the bone shard daughter trilogy 🏳️‍🌈  (set on a strand of fantasy islands based on imperial china but has a healthy mix of various asian representation - south asian, southeast asian. queernormative and no patriarchy. main lesbians. one of my favs)
- these violent delights duology  🏳️‍🌈 (a side mlm couple, 1920s gangster shanghai, romeo and juliet retelling. one of my favs)
- warcross duology 🏳️‍🌈 (set in futuristic tokyo. ft. a side mlm couple, sci fi. one of my favs)
- not your sidekick triology 🏳️‍🌈 (sapphic superheroes and sidekicks. vietnamese bisexual protag, sci fi)
- girls of paper and fire triology 🏳️‍🌈 (extremely popular, chinese lesbian protag but other asian rep as well, fantasy) 
- parachutes 🏳️‍🌈 (side sapphic couple, read tw warnings, contemporary).
- huntress 🏳️‍🌈 (east asian sapphics)
- last night at the telegraph club 🏳️‍🌈 (chinese lesbian protag. 1900s fiction)
- forest of a thousand laterns (morally grey angry chinese female protag)
- the space between worlds 🏳️‍🌈 (main southeast asian and east asian sapphics, sci fi dystopian. read tw)
- everything i never told you 🏳️‍🌈 (mlm rep. 1900s biracial family deals with the death of their daughter)
- the gilded wolves 🏳️‍🌈 (be gay do crime, indian love interest. historical fantasy)
- the weight of our sky (set in 1960s malaysia. historical fiction)
- spin the dawn (fantasy)
- descendant of the crane (fantasy)
Out In 2021: 
-  she who became the sun 🏳️‍🌈 (one of my most anticipated releases. genderqueer sapphic protag with a sapphic love interest, mlm main characters. set in the ming dynasty of china. the official advertisement is the song of achilles meets the untamed meets mulan)
- jade fire and gold 🏳️‍🌈 (the pitch was “what if katara was the dark avatar and zuko was chasing her down?” main sapphics) 
- the ones we’re meant to find (i literally don’t know what this is about but the cover is gorgeous)
- counting down with you 🏳️‍🌈 (fake dating romcom b/w a south asian brown girl and the bad boy who is a himbo. ft. diverse girl gang so im interpreting that as lgbtq)
- the jasmine throne 🏳️‍🌈 (morally grey lesbians tearing an emperor from his throne/washing each other’s hair/holding sharp-edged knives to each other’s ribs. set in india) 
- gearbreakers 🏳️‍🌈 (cyberpunk japanese sapphics. there is a tender tattooing scene) 
- six crimson cranes (fantasy)
- black water sister 🏳️‍🌈 (sapphic malaysian protag, fantasy/sci-fi)
- how we fall apart (dark academia murder mystery thriller but make it asian american)
- you’ve reached sam (contemporary)
- love and other natural disasters 🏳️‍🌈 (sapphic fake dating b/w japanese girls)
- the chosen and the beautiful 🏳️‍🌈 (queer sapphic retelling of the great gatsby)
- hani and ishu’s guide to fake dating 🏳️‍🌈 (south asian sapphics)
one last thing, i realize that a lot of these are east asian, so if you have more to add on, please do!
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nasekiro · 4 years
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Life is Strange: True Colors
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nasekiro · 4 years
The way you draw ze always makes him look so comfy and it's very adorable
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nasekiro · 4 years
the way my jaw dropped at this bit
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nasekiro · 4 years
forgive me while i post about disney on main, but i literally cannot believe that they put a disney princess face... on a dragon
like... what the fuck is this
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for contrast, here are some actual dragons, from Thai mythology, which is clearly the inspo for her design, except they’re infinitely cooler
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i hate that she’s furry, and has EYEBROWS, and eyelashes and liner? i understand modifying a creature’s design for the sake of animated emotional clarity, but this is weak creature design. this is a human face superimposed on a mythological creature. even worse, it’s disney’s favorite face— with giant eyes, pencil brows, and a button nose, on a dragon.
you can create animated creatures that still look animalistic. the dragons from httyd do this extremely well; they clearly show emotions, but are still obviously, and delightfully, dragons.
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they’re covered in scales, have prominent snouts, and reptillian eyes. these are dragons! and they look the part!
anyways, disney really, really needs to get its head out its ass about marketability, and create characters that are actually interesting to look at.
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nasekiro · 4 years
my favorite thing in the world is how every single human culture, together or independently, created its own version of Pancake. everyone took one look at frying pans and were like “holy shit i have the BEST idea”
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nasekiro · 4 years
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