nasomi · 3 years
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Achim Thomae | Bavarian Fairytale
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nasomi · 3 years
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nasomi · 3 years
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Hannah Rheaume
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nasomi · 3 years
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13K notes · View notes
nasomi · 3 years
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nasomi · 3 years
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nasomi · 3 years
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nasomi · 3 years
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nasomi · 3 years
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nasomi · 3 years
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For those times when you and your fandom just really aren’t on the same page
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nasomi · 3 years
The nature of ao3 is every once in a while someone makes you emotionally invested in a character you couldn't have cared less about before
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nasomi · 3 years
When I talk with non-fandom friends about my ship:
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nasomi · 3 years
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nasomi · 3 years
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When people complain that Ron fans are being mean to Hermione, it just makes me laugh. During two decades Ron fans had to deal with everyone dragging their fave in the mud for the smallest thing, even finding fault in his most innocuous actions. Now that the pendulum swings back you’re upset on Hermione’s behalf. But did you ever speak up when it was Ron being raked over the coals, being subjected to insane standards that no character would live up to either but somehow only Ron was supposed to live up to them, or even tried to correct false assumptions about his character? No you didn’t, you only got involved when the criticism turned towards precious Hermione because how dare people submit precious Hermione to the set of standards Ron and only Ron is expected to live up to… and turns out to be unable to live up to any of them because literally no human would live up to them. How surprising. So how about you start calling out the insane standards and expectations of this fandom, instead of just being upset that your waifu isn’t saintly anymore?
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nasomi · 3 years
Something I think people do not understand is that being a fan of a complicated character, or shipping a problematic ship, or disagreeing on fanon DOES NOT MAKE YOU A BAD PERSON. Stanning Severus Snape does not mean you endorse adults bullying children. Shipping Dramione does not mean you are excusing/endorsing racism and abuse. We need to mentally separate opinions on fictional issues from moral character. I can write and enjoy whatever the fuck I want about completely fictional characters. Do I think that Edward/Bella is gross and majorly problematic, given that he is a 70 year old man and she is 18? Yes. Am I going to call Twilight stans pedophiles and rapists? Fuck no. Like what you like.
Similarly, I think that a 500 year old should not be marrying a 20 year old girl who just learned how to read. But y'all ACOTAR stans? I may disagree with your opinions BUT I RESPECT YOUR RIGHT TO HOLD THEM.
Final example: I may loathe James Potter but Marauder stans? PEACE. YOU DO YOU. I HAVE BEEN KNOWN TO ENJOY WOLFSTAR FICS.
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nasomi · 3 years
Me: I’m interested in this ship but like idk.
Me after seeing all the hate it gets from antis:
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nasomi · 3 years
idk. i think fandom could use a lot less of “every person’s interpretation of a text is valid and true!” and more of “reading a text means taking all parts of it into account, including the bits you don’t like or the pairings you don’t ship, to consider what the full picture is and what the larger themes are.”
projecting your fantasies onto a text, hyperfocusing on the characters you think are hot/shippable and building entire theories based on micro interactions that don’t take other competing dynamics and plotlines into account isn’t “analysis” it’s projection and fantasy. which is fine, but take responsibility for your desires and your fantasies instead of making fandom inhospitable for everyone. some readings of a text are plain wrong, others miss or willfully erase vital context just to rationalize romantic pairings. these are not accurate readings of the text. doesn’t mean they should be attacked or shamed, but neither can you expect people to validate every single headcanon and shipper fantasy as a legitimate “reading” of the text either.
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