nastypieceofwxrk · 5 years
The decision to go to Vitale as a new immortal, with stolen humanity, had not come easy. Be benevolent as he was, she found herself well-rewarded for her trust. To survive like this…no, to thrive. That’s what he taught.
She humors the Brutal’s dance, smiling as she offers a lazy, slow spin on her toes. She’s a far cry from mousy, stuffy Miss Pauling. Tattooed. Clad in leather harnesses and leotards. What a sight indeed.
His statement scratches at the back of her brain. There was more? Her gaze darkens in mood.
“What else is there?” She curtails the demanding tone in her inner monologue. “We have time, but I want to know.”
     The bite of her words is subdued but 21 isn’t fooled in the slightest, keeping her at the same distance to shift their gentle hold, sliding his hand down to her wrist and gripping it tightly. His thumb rests just so at the center of it, the tip pressing a degree away from cruel against the tendons and keeping her arm held aloft. A benefit to their difference in height but more an underlying show of their difference in strength as well.
     He foregoes the want to click his tongue at her as though she were a petulant child.
     “I do believe that isn’t your place to ask. Wouldn’t you agree?” A squeeze to the captured wrist, not enough to make bones creak but emphasis. “Or has my absence made you feel this bold to show impatience rather than gratitude?”
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nastypieceofwxrk · 5 years
He calls her Love. It never tires, that pet name.
“Me? Behave?” Her slender hand slips into his, skin on leather. His scent, as familiar and intoxicating as that voice. Some years ago she’d cower and beg for him to leave her be. Ah, strange times!
Now it’s like seeing an old friend. Well, more. Her heart leaps in her chest as wicked thoughts race at the sight of those piercing blue eyes.
“Of course. Best behavior.” Shannon draws close and to her tip-toes. She’s affectionate (adoring) as she kisses the other Brutal on the throat. She can’t reach higher without help.
“Just like you taught me.” adds the revenant with a sly, self-satisfied smirk. “I missed you.”
     As their hands come together, he adjusts for Shannon to move into his personal space. He feels a familiarity with her smaller stature aligned with his own despite their extended time apart. “Such a coy little vixen you’ve become, hm?”
     And where one might have bowed lower to level their height differences, he does no such gesture, simply accepting her token of a kiss. At least there’s a gentle pull at the corner of his smile that turns it more appreciative than calculating.
     “We’ve barely scratched the surface of just what you’re capable of. But no worries.” The break of his words is followed by gently guiding her away from him, just half an arm’s length as 21 lifts their hands in order to lead Shannon in a gentle twirl. Part playful and to get an affinitive look at her overall.
     “We have all the time in the world now.”
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nastypieceofwxrk · 5 years
     A hand lifts up, fingers taking hold of the bow to the sunglasses upon his face and drawing them down in casual fashion, tucking them away without a second thought.
     And oh-
     Oh, how those unmistakable blue eyes level with her own in that instant. Sharp, intelligent and so delectably dangerous. They’ve always been quite the feature when stacked along with the rest of him; dark hair, dark fabrics and equally dark aura. But isn’t that the allure of it all?
     “Hello again, Love.” If 21 was capable of a purr, it would most certainly reflect but it’s easy enough to imagine coupled with the velvet warmth in his voice. How many innocents could be drawn in with that tone? Yet he knows Shannon is no pure soul, not even close. He’s so proud.
     With that, a hand is extended out towards her, open and lax as if inviting for a dance.
     And perhaps he is.
     “Have you been behaving in my absence?” The smile cut after those words might as well be a deadly weapon on its own, amusement clear and yet there’s curious savagery behind it, muted only by the fact 21 doesn’t possess the sharp teeth to highlight it.
nastypieceofwxrk started following you
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He’d taught her. Molded her in a season of desperation. Fighting with her Brutal nature in that interim just after her unsavory resurrection was hell. The only person – the only creature – that she could turn to was him. A king among Brutals and master if she ever knew one.
There’s a niggling thought in the back of her brain that her friends (as they were) would not like their reconnecting. After all, Shannon had been on her own these last few months, seeking, perhaps, the satisfaction she could only find in him. 
That’s what it was, wasn’t it? Always seeking him. 
“Vitale,” purrs the Brutal. They’re not equals. She knows he’ll crush her and she will love it, and beg for more. “So good to see you.”
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nastypieceofwxrk · 5 years
Edit!! Brutal Dream Team @nastypieceofwxrk
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nastypieceofwxrk · 6 years
“I can work you over even harder now, Love. Til death do us part.”
“You ought to be. As stubborn as I was, you worked hard.”
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nastypieceofwxrk · 6 years
The wit would almost be enjoyable if it weren’t for the edge behind it. It’s a balance the other getting just enough of what he needs with little want to exchange, it seems. Abel keeps his smirk, but he can’t attest for it’s worth in the situation. For all he knows, the other has already finished measuring him up.  “That’s what I’m supposed to call you then?” He lifts his chin and mirrors the other’s gesture, touching near the corner of his eye. “Twenty-one?” He almost presses the idea of it sounding tacky for a man dressed to the nines, but bites his tongue. His smile is self-satisfied now. 21. Hm. Abel folds his arms and leans so his shoulder supports him against the wall. 
“Well, glad to be special enough to catch your attention then.” He’s not. He’s wondering what tracks he should have cleaned up better, what things he should have kept quieter. An aware spy isn’t so rare, but an aware spy who wears neither red or blue and no mask?  “Must be busy now that you’re back. You have to get quite the assignments for you to bring in enough money to wear a suit like that.”
“Indeed. You’re a quick one, aren’t you?” If they were colleagues, maybe even known acquaintances, the comment could be seen as a throwaway jest but considering the way an eyebrow peaks, it’s nothing of the sort. It’s an amused tone he has at the younger man, openly seeking to evoke a reaction of some kind. “Perhaps that’s what is actually special, hm?”
Such double-edged words. Could 21 have seen the other out in the field, already aware and knowledgeable of current affiliations? Or was he really taking a stab at making low ball insults? It’s hard to tell when his expression is that of ease, posture kept professionally straight with the slightest lean of his weight to the right food. Casual to the point it almost seems false in its reality. A predator attempting not ready to be seen by the prey.
“I wouldn’t worry about my work, Abel. It’s not something so easily detailed, a rather nasty pill for someone such as yourself to attempt to swallow. Perhaps one day I just might have to shove that pill down your throat myself. Perhaps not.” The smile broadens.
“I haven’t decided just yet.”
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nastypieceofwxrk · 6 years
Two Feet - I Feel Like I'm Drowning
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nastypieceofwxrk · 6 years
“Upper management, of course.” It’s said with an air of amusement while slipping hands within the pockets of the tailored slacks. His stance is upright but at ease, maintaining the posture as though ready for a camera to snap pictures somewhere, a pose sense of casual. But it’s not the man his focus is readily on but the very shipment he’s sorting through. “A rather unorthodox situation, I’m sure.”
A flicker away from the containers to offer a partial, quick curve of a smile to the medic. 21 is usually ahead of the actual drop off of supplies but seeing that he’s been away from this place, he’ll have to adjust to find out the new schedule. It’s not as though he can attain what he needs just by dropping by a typical pharmacy or a covert exchange with some petty dealer. No, the items dropped for the mercs are much, much better.
“But I see you’re already well into the purpose of my visit.” One hand comes away from a pocket to gesture at the crates before coming forward a few more steps. “I don’t suppose you have a shipping manifest handy, do you?”
@nastypieceofwxrk liked your post for a starter
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“And who are you supposed to be, upper management or whatever they call it around here?” He knew he probably shouldn’t be prodding anyone who wasn’t wearing team colors around here, as they were likely his boss or some other invested party, but they were so short handed on Medics lately that he doubted they’d get rid of him. 
However, his brows furrowed when he saw the 21 on the man’s cheek. He’d never seen numbers on any of the other Administration he’d interacted with. Maybe this man was something else entirely. Or maybe he just liked the number 21. He kept an eye on his visitor, continuing to sort through his recent shipment of medications.
“Was there something I can help you with?”
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nastypieceofwxrk · 6 years
“You’re awfully spun up about all this, Love.” It’s true, having her about the warehouse is nearly commonplace at this point that it seems almost more of a hassle to shoo her off than simply work around her. Which is what he does, seated on bar stool chair, leaning against the backrest as blue eyes scan over documents currently within one hand. There’s a flip of a page, tucking it back before the gaze is cast over to her instead.
“I have no goals aside from attaining whatever it is I want at the moment.” A twitch to the corner of his lips before they curve into a self-content smile, smug and relaxed as a hand plucks away the reading glasses from his eyes. Fine print has a tendency to give him headaches when focused on for too long, after all.
The bow of the frames is placed near his bottom lip momentarily as 21 sweeps his eyes over her form, not at all subtle in taking her in as he’s wont to do. “You’re much too used to being in a state of service. You realize that, don’t you? And now you haven’t the slightest sense of direction when your strings are cut.”
“Alright, well.” Shannon has been draped over a familiar chaise for some time now, moping, though perhaps she wouldn’t put it in such terms. Her black hair hangs loose around her shoulders, spun out of a bun and laying in stark contrast to her skin that no longer bakes under the sweltering desert heat day after day. She dressed only in a silk robe. Might as well keep one here, since she borrows Vitale’s bath as it is.
Her expression is sharp, if a bit annoyed, and on her counterpart. Her fingers play over the sharp side of a knife. One of his.
“I don’t…Listen. I just want to know what you do all day. I mean, do you have goals? I’m not asking for the blueprints, Vitale, I’m just frustrated. I used to have a 5-year plan. A life plan. They’re shot when you’re immortal overnight.”
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nastypieceofwxrk · 6 years
I just wanted to say you have one of the most remarkable characters ever to me. Ever. It really is one of a kind ro me, never leaves my mind. I hope I can read more of your writings in the future. Not going to lie, I miss you a fuckton.
I...think this is super old and was sent when I was out in the ocean for months. So. I’m not sure who sent this but thank you and I’m so sorry it took this long for me to reply to it! Please forgive me!
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nastypieceofwxrk · 6 years
y'know that pauling girl? turns out she went edgy like you, so idk how many kicks you'll get outta her
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“Sounds like you’re tempting me with a good time.”
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nastypieceofwxrk · 6 years
——— ᵒʳᶤᵍᶤᶰ  @proviidence
“Abel,” he speaks it as though tasting it for flavor more than the validity of the name. It’s not as if 21 readily cares for an actual introduction for amicable reasons but niceties tend to play their part from time to time. In this instance, it’s giving him ample time to size the man up, to weigh and measure just by standing there.
Nothing speaks louder than body language to the Brutal, keen on every shift and tic.
“You needn’t really question what my name is.” A wink of blue, left side, making the tattoo upon his face shift from the motion. Regardless, a hand lifts to place index finger it just so underneath it. “Perhaps one of the few ‘spies’ that don’t care to readily hide how to identify myself.”
Or the fact he wears no mask, no cover. The signs are there when compared to those of Red or Blue save for the fact 21 chooses no color. Black is his current attire, the tie expertly knotted near the same inky hue and pulls off the combination without appearing tacky. Expensive taste is all but oozing off the Brutal.
“I’m usually quite aware of who comes through here but I’ve been...occupied elsewhere for quite some time.”
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nastypieceofwxrk · 6 years
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                  Welcome to the TF2RPC Directory
This is an attempt to gather the active roleplayers in the community so that we can find each other a little easier! The idea is to have three separate pages: one for canon muses, one for ocs, and one for blogs that have a verse for tf2 but are not primarily a team fortress 2 blog. To be added to the list:
reblog and tag if you’re an oc/canon/verse blog
canon blogs please include which character you rp
ocs please include your class (if 10th class, tag ‘10th’ please)
multimuses please indicate so in the tags
additional questions can be sent to this blog
                       Masterlists are here: CANON | OCs 
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nastypieceofwxrk · 6 years
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nastypieceofwxrk · 6 years
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nastypieceofwxrk · 6 years
——— ᵒʳᶤᵍᶤᶰ @buryingthebodies
     The corner of his mouth twitches in betrayal at a want to smile, viciously perhaps, and instead settles for a subtly curving smirk. “I was not aware that sending flowers was to mean anything more than polite gesture. A little... ‘thinking of you’, as it were. It seemed in good taste to announce my incoming visit. Duly noted for next time.”
     Because isn’t there always a next time? A sweeping in of savagery before it bleeds back into the darkness it came from. 21 is always an ebb and flow of disaster in designer suits with a tongue rivaling the sharpness of his very blade. And it seems he saw fit to unleash it back into the fold that bore him, the damnable place always drawing him back again and again.
     Why he does so isn’t clear. Is it the desire for chaos? The seemingly endless fodder? Is it even Shannon herself?
     “Relax, Love. I've come to you on good terms. I would hate for that to change. Wouldn’t you?”
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nastypieceofwxrk · 6 years
"You ever get tired of doing this shit?"
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“Doing what, exactly? Taking extended, luxurious vacations or returning back to the place that churns out mediocre entertainment at best? Although I’m sure the answer is more than blatant enough in my case, I assure you, it’s not that I come back for the fond memories and catching up with old friends. Now, is it my turn to ask asinine questions or did you have another in line already?”
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