nate-brennan · 2 years
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Nate’s (and Grace’s) Apartment
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nate-brennan · 2 years
Chase had been outside smoking against the side of the building when he heard someone walking over to him. He didn’t stop smoking however and just looked at who it was. “Yes? Can I help you?” He asks before taking another drag. “You want in or something?” 
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His gaze fell to the cigarette for a second, before he shook his head. “Nah, I shouldn’t. I quit a few years ago.” At times like this, where his anxiety was high due to big social events, he was tempted to start up again, though. “I just needed some fresh air and figured I could do with the company. I’m Nate.”
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nate-brennan · 2 years
His kind words and soft voice surprised her, a wave of relief washing over her as she relaxed her shoulders, offering him a shy smile. “It’s nice to meet you too… sorry for being so…” she trailed off, shrugging her shoulders. She wasn’t sure what she was trying to say, but she hoped he didn’t judge her for the way she had just acted, and how pathetic she knew she must have seemed. Her eyes widened at his reassurance, head tilting to the side as she met his gaze. “I… Oh…” she hummed, hesitating a moment before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “Thank you. You… you have no idea how much it means that you just said that. I… I haven’t been referred to as my own person in… well… since arriving here,” she giggled weakly, trying to make light of the fact that Voyeur was a pretty dehumanising place to work.
“Well…” she thought, hesitating a moment before answering him. There was still a tiny part of her that was terrified of suggesting the wrong thing, of upsetting this stranger… She always was too trusting, and while she desperately wanted to believe that Nate was person she hoped he might be, she knew how things could turn. “Would… w-would you like to get a drink?” she asked shyly, trying to steady her voice as she offered him a small smile.
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He shrugged off her apology. “No apologies necessary. Considering the kind of people who live in this place, I can’t blame you for being reluctant to do this.” He wasn’t sure if she knew about the supernatural part of the city, but if she did, she would undoubtedly understand what he meant by people. He was surprised when she leaned in and pressed her lips to his cheek, his eyes widening for a second. It had been a long time since he had been with anyone, touched or been touched, so even a gesture as simple as that seemed so... much to him. He frowned at her next words, despite her trying to make light of things. He hated thinking about what this place did to people like her. And he didn’t think he deserved gratitude for basic decency. It was sad to think how little she had to be used to that. “Well... Never forget that you are. Despite what others tell you.”
He nodded at her question. “A drink sounds nice. I mean, I don’t drink alcohol but as long as you don’t mind me getting a coke or something, then I’m definitely up for that.” He had always hated the questions of why he didn’t drink when he first stopped, but he had gotten better at not caring and just saying things like they were. He wanted to ask her something to get to know her, attempt to make conversation, but he was so used to asking about people’s jobs and he imagined she hardly wanted to talk about that. “So, what do you do when not working?” he asked instead, leading the way towards the bar.
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nate-brennan · 2 years
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nate-brennan · 2 years
Elsie had been a nervous wreck all day, heart beating out of her chest every time she thought about the evening that was to come. The idea of all those supernaturals gathered in one place, under the influence of copious amounts of alcohol and hyped up by the party vibe… well, it was terrifying. She could only imagine that they were all going to be out to play, and she was going to be their toy.
She had dressed for the occasion, putting together a tight-fitting neon ensemble, and while she looked the part she certainly didn’t feel it. She had managed to keep a reasonably low profile to start with, but then the surprise announcement had been made, and she knew she was screwed. Tethered? To one of these creatures? She was absolutely terrified, but she didn’t have much time to panic before she had been cuffed to a nearby stranger. 
Looking back at him, she tried desperately to blink away the panicked tears that had flooded her eyes, knowing that showing any sign of weakness in this situation would be a huge error. She swallowed dryly, taking a deep breath before answering. His words sent a wave of relief rushing over her, his genuinely kind expression soothing some of her concerns that this was going to be terrible. “Y-yeah, not super excited,” she stammered nervously, doing her best to summon up a weak smile. “I’m E-elsie… I’m one of the g-girls that works here… I… I guess I’m yours for the evening,” she murmured, eyes dropping to the floor.
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He could easily smell her fear on her, even if it hadn’t been painfully obvious by the tears in her eyes and the way she stuttered through her words. It made him feel angry, not at her, of course, but at whoever had had the idea for this surprise - the owner, no doubt, Theodora Vallas - as well as whoever had made this girl this afraid of strangers. It all clicked into place when she said that she worked here at voyeur. This place was known for exploiting its girls, which was one of the many reasons why he hated it. He could only imagine the people she was used to dealing with on a daily basis. Not just humans, but all kinds of dangerous creatures, vampires. 
“Well, we have that in common, then,” he said, offering her what he hoped was a reassuring smile. “I’d much rather be at home tonight than at this thing. It’s nice to meet you, however, regardless of the less than ideal circumstances.” At her next words, he blinked a few times before finding his words. “No. Elsie, no. You’re no more ‘mine’ than I am ‘yours’. We are not only strangers to each other, we’re both our own people. You don’t belong to me. Or to anyone, for that matter. Okay? What would you like to do?” he asked, gesturing around. “You choose. Don’t worry about me or anyone else.”
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nate-brennan · 2 years
Nate honestly found the whole neon aesthetic pretty tacky. He had also never been a big fan of voyeur, so the two things combined meant it was definitely not an event he was at willingly. But it was one of the obligations of belonging to the society, making an appearance at their parties. He supposed it could be worse, but he would still rather be home that evening, curled up on the couch with Grace, watching Frozen for the umpteenth time and snacking on something unhealthy. Maybe he was getting old. 
When they pulled out the surprise of pairing people up, cuffing them together so you literally couldn’t escape, his anxiety made an appearance. What if he was stuck with a vampire? He barely had time to consider an exit strategy before he felt a pair of hands grab him and cuff his wrist. When he didn’t smell a vampire next to him, but rather a human, his anxiety eased and he sighed in relief. Looking curiously up at her, he noticed how she looked probably not unlike himself - like someone who would rather be anywhere but right here. 
Nate had always been the kind of person who was excellent at focusing on others rather than himself, so when he saw an opportunity to distract himself from his nerves, he grabbed it. “So, hating this as much as me?” he joked. “I’m Nate.” He reached out his hand before realizing she couldn’t exactly grab it, being cuffed, and he lifted it in a wave instead. 
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nate-brennan · 2 years
“It is nice to meet you too, Nate.” Nate was a very easy name to remember. “I’m a journalist, I always have work on my head.” It wasn’t the work she was referring to, however, hunting was always on her mind. “How about you? What you do when you’re not eating pizza with a stranger?”
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“Oh really?” he asked, excitement written on his face. “I’m a screenwriter, so I guess we have the writing in common. Do you work freelance or for any place I might’ve heard of?” He understood the thought of always having work in your head well. He was always thinking of his next screenplay, trying to get ideas and inspiration for it. He chuckled at her question. “Well, aside from my work, I have a niece I spend most of my time with. I also dabble a bit in charcoal drawing, but nothing major.”
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nate-brennan · 2 years
He was right, why shouldn’t them grab a pizza? Eating pizza with a stranger seemed better than eating one alone. “I think that’s the best suggestion I heard all day.” happy to change her tea for pizza. “I’m Laura.” If they were going to have breakfast together, she should probably introduce herself.
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“I’m glad you think so. I agree,” he chuckled. “It’s nice to meet you, Laura. I’m Nate.” He always introduced himself with his nickname, his full name rarely used. Holding the door open for her as they left the coffee shop, he sipped at his coffee with his free hand. “So what do you do when you’re not drinking tea?” he joked.
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nate-brennan · 2 years
“I can get that and it’s a grand idea, real grand” The dragon nodded at his words “I only came outside because I was startin’ ta live like a bin lady…” she admitted, knowing that her hoard had began to mix into junk and that her entire home was a damn mess in reality. It was easier just to escape from it. “Well, wars gonna happen one of these days an’ I’m not even sure it’ll be with tha humans first” she admitted quieter with a soft clearing of her throat. “But hey, we both lived our lives ta a degree, hm?”
He chuckled when she described herself as a bin lady. “Hey, there’s nothing wrong with being home either. Though I’m glad you came out today.” Their conversation quickly took a darker turn, from the art to war, but war was looming over their heads and it was impossible to ignore at this point. He nodded when she said it might not be a war with the humans. “Aye.” He lowered his voice. “There’ll definitely be an uprising against the vampire queens at some point. But you’re right.” He gave her a sad smile. “Neither of us are all that young anymore, we’ve had quite a lot of lifetimes by human standards.” His only concern was Grace, losing her, or who would look after her if it was him who died first.
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nate-brennan · 2 years
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“Well, as long as you keep all criticism to yourself…” she said simply, waving a hand at him, almost a little nervous as he looked over the painting. “I guess, the space inspired me…” she offered, perking with a little trill when he complimented the painting. “I don’t think I’ll ever know the answer to that, not really….Are any of us gonna be okay in reality?”
“I promise, although I can’t imagine I have any,” he chuckled. He understood the intimacy of revealing something so personal, and he appreciated that she was willing to share it with him. “That’s why I’ve started writing outside of my apartment more. You get much more inspiration in a place like this, than you do at a desk,” he agreed. At her answer, he looked at her quietly for a moment, sighing. “Aye, you’re right. I worry we’re at the brink of war. And even if we’re not, their numbers increase everyday.” And they both knew that wolves and dragons were amongst the most hunted creatures. He wished he could offer her some words of comfort, reassurance, but he found none.
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nate-brennan · 2 years
“Now I kinda want a pizza.” Who needed coffee when pizza was an option. “A large pizza with a lot of cheese and meat on it.” That was what she was going for, who said she couldn’t eat pizza in the morning, the place was open for a reason after all.
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Nate let out a groan as she talked about a pizza with cheese and meat, practically able to smell and taste it already. “That sounds delicious. But then, I’m always in the mood for pizza.” While he didn’t know the woman, he figured she seemed nice. “Why don’t we go grab one, then?” he suggested. “Pizza for breakfast is always great.”
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nate-brennan · 2 years
“ ‘Not something I tell humans’ "he said, mimicking him before ordering another glass "Good thing you didn’t, though” He chuckled before looking bacj at him “I know how your world works, babe. I’ve been part of it all my life just not in the same way as you” He shrugged. He didn’t even know why it made him mad, he knew they couldn’t go around revealing that to everyone and coming to think of it, he also lied that night.
Nate rolled his eyes at the way he mimicked him, but he was glad to hear that he wasn’t blabbing about it to everyone at least. He raised an eyebrow at the other wolf when he said that it was a good thing he hadn’t told him. “Part of it how?” he asked suspiciously. Of course, his mind immediately went to them, hunters. But Alejandro wouldn’t, would he? Maybe he just meant that he had known, watched from the sideline. Still, Nate could feel himself getting worked up, his hands clenching into his jeans under the table.
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nate-brennan · 2 years
He’s probably tried every kink in existence, but mostly has quick hook-ups now due to living with his niece.
Despite preferring rough, anynomous sex these days, he cares about the other person’s needs and is far from selfish.
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nate-brennan · 2 years
Nate’s biggest kink is public sex. He especially loves getting the other person off in public, whether it’s underneath the table or in a back alley.
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nate-brennan · 2 years
Kaidyt’s ears pricked when she heard that all too familiar and comforting accent of the wolf “Are ya having a mad one? You can’t just ask that of an artist!” The dragon chided, yet she set down the paintbrush and motioned him closer. “It’s just a plain ol’ park scene, because I’m creative…” she sighed, feeling that she had been lost for inspiration for a number of weeks. “It’s grand that you’re safe”
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Nate chuckled. “Because it’s a work in progess? I suppose I get that. I’m admittedly reluctant to show people my writing until it’s done.” Still, she didn’t seem to mind too much, as she motioned him closer and he scooted over to look at her painting. “Well, nothing wrong with recreating what’s in front of us. We all do that sometimes. And hey, even your less creative work, if you want to call it that, is still fucking amazing,” he said, gesturing to the painting. “I’m glad you’re safe too. But aside being physically unharmed, at least, are you okay?”
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nate-brennan · 2 years
He looked at him like saying really? “This is the night of surprises it seems” he said before turning back and taking the whole content of his glass. Really his life was just getting better and better, now one of the best lays he had in months was a werewolf, was that a sight of what was to come? He didn’t believed im fate but this seemed oddly specific. Sighing he turned to look at him “You didn’t even bothered to tell me you were a wolf”
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Nate couldn’t blame him for the look the other man gave him. Despite not being invited to do so, he sat down opposite Alejandro, looking him over. He looked like hell - still good, but also worn - which was understandable. “Right,” he said sheepishly, running a hand through his hair. “I - It’s not really something I tell humans... I’m sorry. It’s not personal, it’s just... safer that way.” You never knew who you could trust in this city after all. “I’d advice you to be careful about telling people too. Not everyone... understands.”
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nate-brennan · 2 years
Spotting the dragon underneath a tree in the park, Nate headed over to say hi. They hadn't really spoken since the attack, and while he was relieved she was unharmed, that didn't necessarily mean she was okay. Sitting down on the bench next to her, he waited for her to look up before he spoke - he didn't want to interrupt a potential creative streak. "Hey. Can I see what you're painting?"
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