natesoundman92 · 7 years
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Good Evening!
I know that It have been a while (over 6 months to be exact) but I’m back!
I want to share with you all the first set of planar magnetic headphones that I have ever purchased/listened to. Before I get into these beautiful looking cans, I want to give a little bit of background on planar magnetic headphones versus normal headphones, also called dynamic headphones. 
Normal headphones have a diaphragm, just like a speaker. A current moves a voice coil that is attached to the diaphragm thus allowing the driver to move. It produces sounds based on the frequency that the driver moves. 
Now take that same idea, but instead of a big diaphragm like a dynamic headphone, the diaphragm is made up of simply a thin piece of plastic. When the magnets that are on each side of this film of plastic are energized, the diaphragm moves, thus creating sound.    
The differences between dynamic and planar magnetic headphones does not stop there, there is a reason that people buy these things and spend a lot of money on them (upwards of 2k per headphone). Planar magnetic headphones offer a unique approach to the same destination. Planer's are known for their heart pounding bass, specifically the sub bass. (ohh that sweet bass) That is the main reason that I decided to give the planar’s a try. 
Now to the main ordeal, these beauties pictured above. These are the Monoprice m560′s. Yeah that’s right, I said Monoprice. If you have ever encountered that site, you know that they are the kings of the “Copy Cat” game. I.E. they take a product, cheaply produce it outside of the U.S. and sell it under the competitions price. However, usually, the quality suffers from this cheaper manufacturing method. I can honestly say that this is the not the case here. 
These cans are not only beautiful with the brushed steel shell, and the amazing wood work that covers the cups on both side, they also sound amazing. I was honestly blown away with these cans. They come in at some of the cheapest planar’s you can get, and they did not disappoint. 
The highs are Good. Not great, but damn good. After trying all these different headphones over the years, I have started appreciating the highs and mids a lot more. While they are not the greatest highs I have heard, they are still solid and would give them a 6/10.
Now the mids, I think this is where these cans win it for me. I know I said that I got these for the bass, but damn these mids blew me away. Great balance of a the mid range frequencies without having to add an EQ. Overall, would give them a 9/10
Oh man, the bass. Now let me set the stage. To me, planar bass is not the same a dynamic bass. I’m sure when you think of bass, you think of “chest Pounding” bass and how awesome it is. Planar bass is far from “chest pounding”. It is very smooth, and solid. Fast and precise. It is a nice balance of the overall headphone and really ties in the cans in the end. Overall, would give it a 8/10.
Overall, I recommend these headphones, however, if you are considering them, remember that they are very different from normal dynamic headphones. 
Until next time Cheers!
As always, if you have any questions or looking for a recommendation, let me know. 
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natesoundman92 · 8 years
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Good evening all! It’s been a while, that’s simply because I have been building up to this review. I recently purchased the Sennheiser HD 598 Cs’s, and I cannot believe that I am going to say this… I love Sennheiser! Sennheiser is notorious for just neutral sounding headphones (HD800’s) and to me, most of the time, those are just boring. Im a rock concert kind of guy. I want that sound just to be in my face. So when Sennnheiser released a closed back version of the very highly recommended HD598, I jumped on the bandwagon. Honestly, at first, I did not have very high expectations for these cans. However, was I proven wrong.
First off, the build/comfort. The build is ehhhhh, I say that because Im use to beyerdynamic and vmoda build quality. They seem very cheap feeling in the hinges, which would normally be a breaking point for me, but I decided to take the gamble. Other than that, the detachable cable system kinda sucks.  It is a 2.5mm to 3.5mm cable with the 2.5mm going into the headphones. Aside from those two issues, I really cannot complain about the build quality or comfort. The comfort is bar-non, one of the most comfortable cans I have every used. The velour pads just really allow these things to just melt into your head.
Next, the sound. So if you follow anything that I have written, you know that I am a bass head 100%. However, I recently have been approaching more shallow bass, and crisper mids. These guys deliver just that.  The highs, are just solid, and sound crystal clear, while the mids are not overdone, or bloated. The mids are what win these cans for me. But the bass, ohhh the bass. It is just so accurate on these. It just fits, it is not over done (like beats) or non-existant (like AKG). They are just right, if you happen to find these cans for under 100 bucks, and want a closed back set, look no further.
Until next time, Cheers! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!
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natesoundman92 · 8 years
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Good evening all!
 I know long time no see, but I promise it was worth the wait. In my search for the greatest headphones that money can buy. I never thought to look at on-ear headphones. Well a sale on some Beyerdynamics appeared, and I had to give them a try. You are looking at the Beyerdynamic Custom Streets. At first, I just thought there were beyer’s attempt to compete with beats, but man was I proven wrong.
 First off, on comfort, these are by far the most comfortable on ear headphones that I have ever used. With just the right amount of clamp with a soft plush ear pad. They do tend to get uncomfortable for long listening sessions, however, these are made to be on-the-go and for shorter time lengths. As for the build, they are, as some would say “rock solid”. They are mostly a hard plastic with a metal frame, and fold into a small form factor to be able to be transported without breaking. Also let’s not forget the removable 3.5mm jack. (yeah apple right back at ya).
Now to sound, they sound just as I would expect beyerdynmics to sound. Solid highs, full range mids, and heart pounding bass. On the back of each cup, there is a small switch, and that essentially makes the driver open or closed. So with closed, it makes a more “punchy” bass, while open makes a more “smooth and accurate” bass.
Overall, I am 100% solid on these cans, and with that being said, this brand. They really know how to make quality products with durable designs (looking at you beats).
Until next time, Cheers!!!
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natesoundman92 · 8 years
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Good Evening all!
 Long time no see! Things have been busy, but I need to express my new found joy. I think it is safe to say that I have found my current end-game, i.e. I’m satisfied for now.
 You are looking at the Beyerdynamic DT990’s 250 ohms. These are the open version of the Dt770’s. I can honestly say that these encompass everything I want in a headphone. They are comfortable, the build quality is superb, heart pounding bass, crisp highs, and a smooth treble just to polish it off.  If the DT770’s and the Philips X1’s had a baby, it would be this right here. They are little hard to drive (250ohmns) but with the right amplification, they really bring it home. So far, I have tested them on my magni (1 watt) Fiio E07K (.5 watt) and my new Bravo VIII tube amp (~.75 watts) <- more on this later!!
 Anyway, to get to why I love these babies, they just kill it in the neutral department. Now let me define my “neutral” sounding headphone to you. I like a balance of highs pushed forward, with the mids trickled in there, but with a chest pounding bass. Not to be confused with “beats” bass, or bloated bass. I love punchy, solid bass, like you’re at a rock concert, and can feel the bass, but it’s not distorted. That is what I love about these can’s. They deliver that heart pounding bass, but you can still hear everything else in the mix without any one part being overwhelming.
I do need to address the elephant in the room to the other audiophiles out there. These can’s have a reputation with a lot amount of treble (mids). I can say, in my personal opinion, do not think it is overwhelming.
 Overall, these are currently my favorite cans, and I intend to get a lot of use out of them. In addition to these, I still need to express my opinion on the new Bravo VIII tube amp (my first tube amp!), along with some portable Beyerdynamic’s that I picked up on the cheap (custom streets). They will be coming up in the next few days. Finally as I promised a few months ago, I will do a formal review of the new turntable setup. I have been putting it off, because I want to listen to it enough to do it justice.
 Until next time, Cheers!
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natesoundman92 · 8 years
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Good afternoon all! I hope that you all have had an amazing week just as I had. This past Thursday I had the opportunity to attend the Vans Warped Tour. This year’s lineup really pushed me to get the tickets early. My main motivations for attending were Four year Strong, Knuckle Puck, and Sleeping with Sirens. However, that was not the only bands that I managed to see.
All in all, I managed to see Four Year Strong, Knuckle Puck, Sleeping With Sirens, Less Thank Jake, Reel Big Fish, Sum 41, Real Friends, The Maine, Tonight Alive, Assuming We Survive, SYKES, Ice Nine Kills, and Settle your Scores (local Cincy band check them out for sure!)
Every single band was AMAZING, I cannot put into words how excited I was for this day, and it did not disappoint. I am not going to review each band, but I will focus on some high points. 
Four year Strong has been one of my “go to bands” for at least 5 years now. They really just combine everything that I love in modern day music. And yes I said modern day because they are still making/producing music, good music. They really encompass the pop punk area. I just love them to death (not as much as DGD, but a damn close 2nd). Not to forget that when I met them, they were some of the most down to earth people I have ever met. After having a good 5-6 minute conversation with them and talking about old and new albums, and also about other bands at warped tour, I realized that they truly love what they do. Sure they are in it for the money, after all, we all need to make a living, but they truly enjoy helping people make that connection with music. I know that I only talked to them for a short time, but the professionalism and respect that they showed me really made me connect with them.
The next band I want to bring to your attention is Knuckle Puck. I never really listened to this band until a good friend took a sibling to a show and mentioned to me to check them out. I can honestly say that this is my current favorite band (again not past DGD, but it is climbing). They are a pop punk band from Chicago and I fell in love with them upon first live listen. I did not even know all of the songs that they played on their set, and I still loved every second of it. They had so much energy and passion that words cannot describe. They also were very professional and realistic to talk to. I managed to talk to them for a little bit longer (about 10 mins) and really got a great feeling from speaking with them. I explained how I use to do audio engineering and my current situation does not allow me to work in the field anymore. They were extremely supportive to me to never give up on what you love. I know here I am getting all personal with people that do not know me, but I think this is more than just conversation. I think this is the proof that music (a universal language) does really have healing powers. Music is not just a “thing” that I listen to, it a major part of my life, and I got that same vibe from the band as a whole.
A new band that I found and grew really in love with, SYKES. They are band out of London that just started the warped tour (first US tour). I really feel in love with their style of Alt pop, and really made me enjoy the time I invested to listen.
Finally, Sleeping with Sirens. I use to listen to the band 24/7 so I had a good feel for all of their music. I just was to say before I start rambling that Kellin has one of the music unique/amazing voices I have ever heard. With that being said, he is hard to amplify in a live setting, and that is where I was a little bit disappointed. It was very hard to understand what he was saying (even though I knew the words to all the songs). Again, I know how hard that would be, I did this from time to time haha. Other than that small issue that I’m gonna nit-pick at, they had an amazing set. Played a great mix of old/new songs, and really brought the energy to the show.
In closing, I just want to add that this was one of the best days of my life. I really got to immerse myself into a lot of great music, and really connect with these artists via their music. I cannot express the importance of supporting live music. Without live performances, it would be hard for a band to survive. Live music is simply amazing, and I suggest that you all support it at least once a year. Even if it is a free concert at the convention center at your home town, this shows that you enjoy and support the artists and when they feel supported and loved. They continue to allow the magic of making music happen.
I just wanted to show you people that it is not all about just listening to music on your headphones and speakers all the time. There is just a certain feeling that you get when a band that you have been listening to for years is right in front of you and just doing everything they can to ensure that you have the time of your life.  
Is there any bands that you think others might enjoy? Let me know and I’ll take a look at them.  I love finding new bands, and exploring what they have to offer.
 Until next time, Cheers to you all, and I hope you find that moment of nirvana in your life as I have.
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natesoundman92 · 8 years
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Good evening all! 
After many weeks, I finally feel ready to talk to you about the Fluance SX6′s. I managed to pick these puppies up on an amazon miss-price on the cheap end. Let the record state, that these are easily one of the best pair of speakers for the price. They are currently $130.00 a pair, but let me tell you a little bit something about these beauties. 
They are not only beautiful to look at, they sound AMAZING. I am not exaggerating, they perform simply amazing with only 50 watts per channel (rather efficient). In addition to they sounding amazing for a 2 way speaker, they also really bring it home in the bass department (right up my alley). These guys get down to 50 hz, which is quite low for a 5 inch woofer. If you are looking for a 2.1 setup and are not as much of a bass head as me (I love my bass) these will do just fine. After you pair them with a small T amp or older receiver, you are set! Currently, I have them sitting on top of my studio monitors, but soon enough I will have a dedicated amp for them, and they very well might become my daily drivers. I cannot talk enough good things about these speakers, they look great, sound great, and are durable. 
Until next time cheers! and as I have promised in the past, I will have a review on the turntable and everything involved in that setup, I just need a little bit more time. 
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natesoundman92 · 8 years
So I cannot believe that I followed through with this little project for over a year. This marks the 1st year anniversary of me starting to share with you all the power that music has done for me. Not only the the equipment that I happen to come across, but the overall passion that it evokes out of me. Music for me is not just a hobby, it is a way of life. Everyday, I start my day listening to a different artist, and I could not enjoy that privilege any more. So I will close this post with a link to an amazing mashup that I found that really shows that no matter the genre of music, it can enjoyable. 
Also in honor of doing this for over a year, I will have some giveaways, planned. And finally, I want to thank anyone that has taken the time out of their day to read these posts. My goal is not make money with this, or even persuade people to like a certain brand/genre of music. My goal is simply to share with people that passion that I have for music, and how much of a impact on my life it has made. I just hope to share this with at-least one person. 
Until next time Cheers! and keep an eye out for some new speakers that I snagged! 
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natesoundman92 · 8 years
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Good evening all. I have a treat for you this evening. I have been set on “budget” headphones/speakers of recent, and I am pleased to say that there are many good options out there. Normally, I do not like to use IEM’s, but with the summer heat in full effect, wearing over the ear headphones does not work when walking to work. So I had heard a lot of good things from the MEE audio M6 PRO’s IEM’s and wanted to try them out. 
They come up as 50 usd for a new pair, or an “open box” pair around 30-35 bucks. I can confidently say, that these are the best sub $100 IEM’s. They fit great, stay in your ears, detachable wire, have tons of different size tips, and how could I forget.... they sound AMAZING. They are not the next dt770′s in your ears, but for 35 dollars, you cannot get better quality. The highs are rather piercing, and take time to get use to, but the mids, are just about perfect, with a smooth low end, and amazing sub bass. The imaging is simply beautiful. For example, when you listen to a drum kit going with these puppies, it sounds like you are right in front of the kit and can see where the drums are placed with your eyes closed. In addition to the great build quality and amazing sound replication, they also come with a button enabled cord to pause/play your music, and a microphone to answer phone calls etc. Overall, I would buy another pair of these IEM’s just to have as backup’s. 
While I’m on this “budget” kick, I will also be reviewing the Dayton Audio B652′s 2-way bookshelf speakers, and the Dayton Audio SUB-1000 10 inch 100 watt powered subwoofer. I have had them for about a week now, so I will need more listening time to gather really what I think about them. Overall I have been lucky lately on good budget finds. 
Until next time, Cheers!
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natesoundman92 · 8 years
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So I decided the other night to investigate which of my headphones I enjoy the most and the reasons for that. I decided to use the same amplifier (my schiit magni) and the same song, I wanted something that is very well mixed, and flows very well. I ended choosing Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYIAfiVGluk) I really like the layering of the vocals and the overall progression of the song. I listened to the entire song on each set of headphones, and I have come to my conclusion of which ones are the best according to me. 
In first, came the Beyerdynamic Dt770′s. They hands down brought out what little bass is in this song, and really made the mids envoke that emotion that this song really does try to being out. In second (and I mean close) was the Phillips X1′s, the only reason they did not win is simply because they don’t have that punch for me, they kill the highs and lows, but not quite as good as the DT770′s. Tied for 3rd was the V-Moda LP2′s and the Phillips SHP9500′s. While these are two completely different headphones, the closed back V-Moda’s really allowed that punch to come out, but the highs lacked, but where the V-moda’s lacked the 9500′s Shined.  If they could be combined, I don’t know why anyone would do that, because they are open vs closed back, but I think that would beat out for 3rd place. In 5th place came the superlux 668b’s... yeah that’s right, the 40 dollar headphones that I picked up on a whim made it into the top 5. These things really shine with the crisp highs and solid mids. The bass is lacking, almost non-existent, but overall, very good quality headphones. In 6th lies the AKA 545′s, I am not a very big fan of these so called “bass cannons” The people that called these low end killers must not have listened to anything outside of AKG, don’t get me wrong, they are not terrible (otherwise I would not own them) but they really didn't excel in any category. Just average in all aspects. They are middle of the road when it comes to highs mids and lows. 7th place is captured by my Koss UR55. These little guys were purchased about 5 years ago, with the intention to use them for a online radio monitor. They did that task very well, but they are not really anything to write home about. Very neutral sounding, and not very “fun”. Great for referencing stuff, but i’m not mastering tracks here, I’m here to enjoy the music and have a good time. That is why they ran so low on the totem pole. Last and maybe least are my Shure 750DJ. They are a OK headphone. They are only OK because the bass so damn overwhelming that I cannot handle it (I know you never expected that from me, haha) Don’t get me wrong, I love my bass, as I’m typing this I am listening to music on my PC rig with a 8 inch 600 watt sub just pumping it out, but it is in balance with my 500 watt dual 2-way tops. It is all about balance... with a little but more bass on the side. 
Overall, this was a great experience to see which of my headphones excel in what department. I hope if you are reading this and looking into getting a pair of cans, check out what I have to say. I’m not saying I’m right, but I have listened to a fair amount of cans. I have a good idea off what kind of headphones will fir your purpose. 
If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up, I love nerding out about this shit haha. Until next time, Cheers!
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natesoundman92 · 8 years
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Good evening all! I am slowly working towards the vinyl setup review. I decided to start with the most “flashy” component first. These are the Klipsch r-14 bookshelf speakers. These are the first set of speakers I have bought in a while (since the presonus). Let me say, for the price that I got them for, they are simply nothing short of amazing. They only have a 4 inch woofer, but they are so natural sounding. The tweeter is the typical Klipsch sounding tweeter. If you have never heard a Kilpsch tweeter, then I feel bad for you. Klipsch is known for their highs and lows, and let me tell you, these fit the bill. It is a very crisp and exact sound. They really do shine on the vinyl’s, but they definitely sound good no matter what is thrown at them. Oh, did I mention that they look bad ass. That is a copper woofer, simply beautiful. I see myself getting some more Klipsch products in the future, partially, because they came out with a new line (so old stock is cheap ;) ) and they simply they sound amazing. Also that is an amazing amp powering them, but that is for another day. Overall, I am happy with my spur-of-the-moment purchase. 
Until next time Cheers!
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natesoundman92 · 8 years
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Hello All!
I normally do not write anything up about headphones or equipment after I have used them for at least a week or two. However, these headphones are too good to let sit. You are looking at the Superlux 668b’s These are by far the cheapest headphones I have every purchased with the hopes of them sounds “alright”. Let me say that these are the best headphones for the price, by far! 
As for build, they are very cheap feeling, just as cheap feeling as a pair of beats (if you cannot tell I do not really like them to much haha) They are made of cheap plastic and even cheaper metal frames. However, I can say that they are still rather comfortable (we’ll see if they get better after the new pads come in). Also, they have the BEST detachable cable system. Rather than the female end of the 3.5mm cable going into the housing of the headphone, they made about a 3/4 in. 3.5mm male end headphone cable come right out of the cup. This means that all you need to make your cable longer is a 3.5mm headphone extension cable. Also, it allows for smaller amplifiers and even small mp3 players to be attached right to the headphones thus eliminating the need of having a long cable on your headphones. As you can see in my last picture, I have attached a portable headphone amp (Creative Soundblaster) and all I need to attach is a 3.5mm aux cable to my phone or mp3 player. The same could be done for a small ipod of mp3 player. 
Now to sound. Remember the Phillips SPH9500′s that I reviewed a few weeks ago? yeah these guys are in the same league as the phillips. I can say that the 9500′s do have better comfort, and look nicer, and have a better build.... damn do I love those headphones. However, the 668b’s are right there with the highs, mids, and lows. The lows are a little bit more punchy on the 9500′s, but they are also twice the price. These have been my go-to cans for the past 2 days, and I do not regret that. My V-Moda’s might have been knocked out of the line up for the current rotation. 
Overall, these are amazing, and after I get the new pads (the stock ones are kinda hardish) I will report back and make note of any changes. 
Thanks for reading and I hope that these posts are giving some insight to this awesome realm of audio. Cheers and until next time (maybe a vinyl setup review??) have a good one!
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natesoundman92 · 8 years
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Long time no see!
As i promised in one of my last posts, I did in fact get a record player, and as promised, there will be a review of that, along with some new bookshelf speakers that I picked up. However, there is something more pressing currently. I want to bring up the a pair of headphones that I reviewed a few months ago. You are looking at the V-Moda LP2′s. Upon first listen I was not that impressed with them, but after some time, I have fallen in love with them. I have used them just about every day for my walk to work, and they have blown me away. After a little bit of EQing and getting some better quality audio files, they have really grown on me. The bass is very punchy with just enough depth to get to those deep notes, but that is where the EQ comes into play. Without the EQ, the bass is just to much, almost beats too much. After playing with the EQ, I can confidently say that these have turned into one of my favorite headphones. The build quality is amazing, the cables that come with it are top notch, and it comes with a nice case (rare these days). As for the mids and highs, before EQing, they were OK, but after boosting the 15K and 2.4K they sound amazing. If you are looking for a pair of headphones for under $150, take a look at these. Overall, I approve of them.
Thanks for reading, and keep an eye out for my new vinyl setup, and new klipsch speakers (I know If you know me from my early days of audio, you would be surprised) that sound amazing. 
Cheers and ask away if you have any questions!
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natesoundman92 · 8 years
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Hello all, I just got these puppies and I could not wait to talk about them. You are looking at the Phillips SHP9500′s. They are the little brothers to the X1′s that I have already reviewed. First off, I want to talk about the comfort. These are right up there with the X1′s in terms of comfort. They really just let you met into your music. The only issue that I have with them, is that if you ware a hat or something like that (anything that would prevent a perfect seal) they really lose just about all of the mid range and low end. In terms of the audio quality, all that I can say is wow, just wow. This right here blows the AKG 545′s and the v-moda LP2′s out of the water. If you are in the market for a pair of headphones under $100, and you don’t consider these cans, you have something wrong with you. They carry that Phillips idea of good, clear bass, with just the right amount of mids, while keeping the highs nice and clear. Overall, these are my new favorite headphones. The only downside to them is that they are open back’s so they do bleed a lot of sound into the environment that you are in, and on the other side they let a lot of sound in. Maybe not the best idea for isolation, but overall great damn headphones. 
Until next time, Cheers!
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natesoundman92 · 8 years
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Hello all! First off, happy national Margarita day! Yeah I broke down and had one, after all it is a national holiday.
I know that I have promised this review for some time, but other things have been a priority of recent. You are looking at the AKG 545′s. I picked these up very cheap on amazon as “Like New” from the amazon warehouse. Overall, I love the way that these cans look. They are a rather strong build with a metal hinge and high quality plastic headband. For the most part, they are very comfortable to ware. The only issue that I have with these headphones is the sound. It is nothing special. Pick up a pair of apple ear-pods, and that is the kind of quality you should expect out of these. The main motivation that I had for trying these cans is that a lot of people rave that these are the most “Fun” headphones that AKG has to offer. I can honestly say that if this the most dynamic type of headphones AKG has to offer, I know that I will not be getting anything else from them in the future. Don’t get me wrong, I would take these over a pair of beats any day, however, for the price tag, they are not worth it. Also a side note, the cables that come with these, straight up suck, short, and tangle very oddly. So if you want my 2 cents don’t get these, however, I would recommend the AKG Q701′s. I have listened to them (do not own them). They are very neutral ( not my cup of tea) but very precise in their sound replication.
Until next time Cheers!
P.S. I did get a record player! So keep an eye out on my overall review on the realm of vinyl and its addictive idea.  
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natesoundman92 · 8 years
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Hello all, It has been a while since I have updated anything, so I figured this would be a good time to bring up what has been going on. Grad school has been rather busy, but overall, I love what I am doing. With the stress that has been building from my classes, research, etc. music has been helping a lot. I am not going to review anything new here, I am just simply going to sit back and realize that music is such a beautiful thing. The second best thing to music is having a group of people that you can gather and appreciate what you each enjoy. I think this is my main motivation for following this passion. The people that you meet along the way end up being almost a family, and I am grateful for my family. So if there is anyone reading this, let me know what you like to listen to. I don’t care what genre it is, I just want to help share the passion of music. Attached is a link to a playlist that I have been building for the better-part of a year. I hope you find something that you enjoy, or can at-least start a conversation with. I look forward to seeing what you guys and gals like to listen to. Until next time,
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natesoundman92 · 8 years
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Hello all, and happy New Year! A new year means different headphones to try. I decided to give some V-Moda’s a try. The model that I picked out is the Crossfade LP2. I had two reasons as to why these headphones, they were nice build construction and these were to good of a deal to pass up. I purchased them second hand and do not regret it at all. Someone had purchased them, and had them for a week and didn’t like them, so he let them go very cheap. After receiving them in the mail, I was very excited to try them out. However, after a few hours of listening, I quickly realized that these are not the headphones for me. The main reason is the bass. I know, as you have most likely figured out, I am a bass head, but I don’t like ”sloppy” bass. Like Beats bass, very muddy, and next to no sub bass. These are the Beats alternative, but with better build quality, slightly better bass, and much cheaper. That was my initial impression, but once I listened to different styles of music that I have been listening to of recent,  I found where these headphones fit in. 
So up until this point I was going to sell them. Until I stumbled across an old band that I happen to love. A group of good friends of mine use to be part of a band referred to as Awkward Friend Dave. I decided to fire up the old CD player, and give it a try on their album. I can say that that band is reason I am keeping these headphones. They complement where they need to. The bass is nice and smooth, but not overpowering. The mids are slightly recessed, but still there, and the highs (with some EQing) are perfect for that style of music. In the end, I will not be selling these headphones. They will stay and be used for styles like Awkward Friend Dave. 
Let this also be a reminder that headphones are personal. So as long as it sounds good to you, keep doing what you do. Don’t conform to what people that are “cool” or “flashy” there are plenty of headphones that are flashy that sound amazing. You just gotta keep and eye out, or shoot me a message, that works too. Well that is all the time I have for these cans, until next time, Cheers!
Also keep an eye out next week for my AKG 545 review. 
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natesoundman92 · 8 years
Merry Christmas
Hello all, I don’t have much of an update, but I wanted to pop in and wish you all a Merry Christmas. With the holidays coming up, I thought it would be a good idea to put together a playlist of my favorite Christmas music. I will leave a link to the playlist at the end of this post, but I also want to say thank you for the support over the past few months. This has allowed me to reflect on what I have done in this industry and realize how blessed I am to have the opportunity to have all this awesome gear and share my thoughts on it all. So with that being said, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and I wish you all the best. 
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