nathanlocke · 6 years
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          Nimble fingers rummage in too-full pockets for the lighter buried somewhere inside as he takes in his surroundings briefly, instead choosing to focus on the closest passer-by, figuring it would be easier to just ask. “’Scuse me, hey. D’you mind directing me to the high school?” If he were being honest, he would tell them that he hadn’t even really tried to find it himself yet, but he is lazy and he has accepted this fact. “I’m kinda useless at geography.”
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nathanlocke · 6 years
Jordan was thankful to have the hellhound back. He enjoyed the heat and the strength and most of all, his ability to heal. What he did not enjoy, however, was the sickening feeling that he was not in full control of his body. It had been days since Lydia struck a bargain with Death and got Cerberus back, but Jordan still couldn’t keep the hound in check. He seemed more excitable than usual, popping to the forefront of Jordan’s mind with more enthusiasm than ever. It almost felt like a different hound altogether. Cerberus was usually quiet, restrained, and duty bound. Now he was talkative, eager to see the world, and curious about how the 21st century worked as if he hadn’t been living in it for the last few years using Parrish as a vessel. Jordan wasn’t alarmed at first because he thought the effects would wear off and they would reach a balance, but he was still unstable. Even now, his legs carried him of his own accord and he stumbled along as he fought for control. When he saw someone up ahead, he thought for sure Cerberus would make him run up and investigate, so in an effort to seem normal, he called out a greeting. “Evening! Just… going for a walk…” except Cerberus just kept walking, leaving Jordan to look like he had no idea what he was doing–and he didn’t.
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          Head down, paper bag of groceries in hand, Nate isn’t too far from home when he notices the figure coming his way. Baby blue eyes narrow ever so slightly as he tries to figure out whether or not something is wrong. An amused smirk dents the corner of his mouth as the stranger calls out, and Nate deems him safe, but drunk. The hunter watches for a moment or two longer, bewildered amusement creasing his brow, before he raises his free hand in response, a lazy wave thrown the stranger’s way.  “You alright, man?” he asks, his voice raised ever-so-slightly to carry across the distance as he keeps his eyes trained on the stumbling figure. “It’s a little early to be this wasted, isn’t it?”
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nathanlocke · 6 years
He was going to go out, get some food and go home, that was all he had planned on doing.  But then he saw this stupid store with a stupid jacket in it that he knew Erica would like.  So his stupid ass decided to do something nice for her, considering he sort of broke down on her the other day.  He didn’t bring it up, she didn’t bring it up, so then it didn’t actually happen.  For how unusual and stressful his life could be, he wanted to do something..normal.  Something a normal boyfriend (still weird to think that) would do for his girlfriend.  What he didn’t count on was not knowing remotely what size she is.  So he looks around the store, trying to on one hand talk himself out of doing what he was about to do and on the other hand kicking himself in the ass (mentally) to just do it already.  So he clears his throat, without actually looking at the person, “uh..do you know how this..would fit..like an average woman?”
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     Nate had been on his way out of the store upon hearing the voice, and normally he wouldn’t have batted an eyelid, but given that the store was relatively empty, and he was the only person even remotely near to the man who had spoken, he thought it polite to at least pause and check he was the one being spoken to. He quickly surveys the surrounding area, including a quick check behind him, before stepping closer to the unfamiliar figure. “Uh,” he begins tentatively, once again checking over his shoulder for a store assistant or anybody else this person could be speaking to, “are you talking to me?  ----  ‘Cuz if you are...” Nate spares a lingering glance at the jacket in question, his expression showing the degree of difficulty he’s experiencing. “I dunno, fashion ain’t exactly my strong suit. I guess... should be fine unless she’s, like, stacked.”
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nathanlocke · 6 years
hello hello! i’m beck and this is my stupid son nate. should you wish to learn more about him, you can find his bio here, and if you want to plot or know more, pls come and hit me up ! also i have not been a part of a roleplay that wasn’t indie for a hot minute, so if i’m doing anything wrong pls pls let me know !!
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nathanlocke · 6 years
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