nativeofsumeru · 1 hour
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☆ Rondo Across Countless Kalpas ☆
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nativeofsumeru · 6 months
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TO THE STARS SHINING IN THE DEPTHS Wriothesley & Neuvillette in the Version 4.1 Preview Page
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nativeofsumeru · 6 months
Read the comments.
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Wriothesley's fatui priority list:
Make sure the young lady is comfortable
Save that boy from drowning maybe
The brother will turn up eventually
The harbringer? Ah right. Tagliatelle or whatever. Idk
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nativeofsumeru · 6 months
Possible fic in the works
Thinking of making a Wriothesley x reader fic (one shot at least) inspired off the song "From Persephone" by Kiki Rockwell. I'll post a link below.
Yes I'm alive, I just got back into Genshin about a month ago along with life happening. However, I will continue to not have guaranteed/consistent upload schedule, so you have been warned. I do this just for fun to let my ideas out for myself and continue to keep it that way. Glad to see you all enjoy my stuff though, I'm happy to see my ideas are enjoyed by other people!
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nativeofsumeru · 1 year
Reliving the Past (Sampo x Reader x Gepard) (PART TWO)
Go find the first part here!:
(not proofread)
~~ ”You mind telling me what the hell happened back there?" Sampo asked, sitting on his side of the table. You looked up from fiddling with your ring, one Gepard had given to you all those years ago that you continued to wear absentmindedly for aesthetic purposes. You couldn't read what his eyes were conveying to you. Anger? Worry? Jealousy? Intrigue, perhaps? Maybe a combination, to be honest. "Why were you giving that Silvermane dude 'goo goo' eyes, huh?"
Your mind ran back through the events of just a few minutes ago.
"(Y/N)?" Sampo's gaze kept shifting from you to Gepard and back in an almost frantic manner, before waving his arm in your face.
You didn't want to look up at the man you already knew was standing before you, but you just couldn't help it. He hadn't changed one bit. His hair was still a shiny, bright blonde glistening in the Belobog sun. It looked soft as ever, part of you wanted to brush your fingers through it once again.
Don't even get started on his eyes..
His diamond, baby blue eyes..the ones that used to make your heart melt, still had their effect.
"Um, hello?! Earth to (Y/N)!" You blinked, snapping out of your daze. You just couldn't believe he was right here. Standing in front of you. Staring at you.
Don't even get started on his eyes..
You almost didn't pay attention to lover until Serval came up behind you, headed towards her brother.
"Geppie, hey! You're much earlier than expected. Why don't you come in? Haha, it's been a long day hasn't it." She said, putting an arm around him and practically ushering him inside the shop.
"Um, I..." Was all he could say. You moved to the side of the doorway, eyes not leaving his gaze until Sampo finally shut the door.
"That was Serval's younger brother..." You began. "We grew up together alongside Serval and Cocolia." You finally put the ring back on your finger firmly and left it alone.
"You mean the Silverman Captain is related to your bestie over there at the shop?" You nodded.
"Yea." You paused for bit watching his reaction before continuing to speak. The waiter finally came over and brought your menus before the conversation continued.
"Thank you, sir." Sampo told the waiter. "Well, that explains it. Who would've thought little bro would've become such a big deal in the Overworld, am I right?" He seemed slightly more relaxed at this news, which only made you stare at the table in worry. You almost couldn't focus on the menu.
After deciding on what to order, you decided to finally reveal a last bit of important information as the waiter brought brought water for the two of you.
"He's also my ex." Sampo, mid-sip, choked and nearly spit out his freshly consumed water into your face. "Sampo! Are you ok?!"
After composing himself and placing the glass back on the table, he finally responded.
"He's your what?!"
"I'm sorry, I think I misheard you. I thought you just said that Silvermane Guard is that ex you've told me about before." He just stared at you, hoping that you would, in fact, correct him on what he understood now to be true. "Let me get this straight, Gepard?"
"Is a captain of the Silvermane Guards."
"Gepard, is also your boss's, slash, best friend, slash, ex band member's, sister."
"Uh huh."
"This same Gepard, is your ex."
"That's pretty much it."
"Oh (Y/N), my dearest darling dear, this would've been great information to know, I don't know, maybe, let's see here, a couple months ago!" You lowered your head in shame.
"I know! I thought I told you and I guess a detailed conversation about it never came up."
"Oh you told me you had an ex. It just would've been great to know that the same guy has been hunting me down for crimes unknown for the past year." Oh you loved your drama king. "I just don't know what I did wrong." Sampo said the last bit, raising the back of his hand to his forehead and feigning dismay.
After finally giving the waiter your meal orders, you finally started to relax a bit, at least about how Sampo was taking the whole thing. He didn't seem upset, just out of the loop. Now that he was back into said loop, he just carried on as his usual, overdramatic, romantic self.
"Please don't use my info as intel for your mercenary business." You told him, seriously.
"Darling, you must realize, intel is my business. It's what I do! It's how I pay the bills." You glared at him.
"It's also MY personal business Sampo. It's your PARTNER'S personal business. That they don't feel comfortable having you share with the rest of the world right now." At you statement he seemed slightly disappointed and let out a sad sigh.
"Fine. If that's what you wish. I'll make an exception for you this once, alright sugarcube?"
"Thank you. It's a bit of a sore subject right now. I haven't seen him in years." Your eyes trailed down to your ring.
"Well enough about him right now. You've moved on now and life is good." Your expression turned solemn.
"Yea...moved on..."
"No worries, my dear. Your great Sampo Koski is here to protect you from the evil Silvermane guards!"
The waiter finally brought the food. Sampo spent the conversation telling you about his recent business success.
"That was good." You said, wiping your mouth and placing the napkin cloth on the table next to your freshly eaten dish.
"Indeed it was, my dear. You really do have the best taste in restaurants I must say." Your boyfriend complimented, grabbing the receipt after paying. It was late in the night now, dark. You were not going to be returning to your apartment in the Underworld tonight.
Sampo, as always, opened the front door for you. Once you exited, he began to walk beside you, arm around your waist, heading to his apartment.
Your mind began to wander back to the topic of Gepard. The whole interaction replayed in your mind over and over and over again. No matter how many times you tried to justify yourself, you still felt so embarrassed with how the whole interaction went. You wished you had said something...anything would've been better than staring at him as if you were a gaping fish.
Sampo noticed your face was starting to turn red. At this, he smirked. He presumed it was from you blushing, not even considering it would be embarrassment from the day's earlier events.
His mind was wandering to places elsewhere meanwhile yours was in turmoil.
You sat on the bed, scrolling through old photos from your childhood and your time before the shutdown between the Overworld and Underworld. So many pictures with you, Serval and Cocolia littered the screen alongside pictures you swear you deleted of you and Gepard.
One piqued your interest. After clicking, you found it was an image at Gepard's graduation from his training as a Silvermane Guard. You were proudly hugging him with a big smile on your face as he held up his certificate in his graduation gear.
You were so lost in thought you almost didn't hear the door to the bathroom open, much less see Sampo walking towards you, shirtless.
"Whatcha doin, darling?" He asked, catching you off guard as you just now realized he was lying on the bed next to where you sat, staring at you almost deviously.
In a panic, you immediately turned your phone off and put it at your side, the one furthest away from you.
"Nothing." His gaze worriedly followed the motion leading to where you put your phone, but he just simply shrugged. It's your business after all.
He sat up, beginning to lean towards you. Slowly and gently, his lips made contact with your neck. This also caught you by surprise as your mind was still scattered. Without thinking, you just pushed him away, much to HIS surprise. You've never shied away from affection with seemingly no reason before.
"Sampo, can we not do this tonight? I'm feeling tired." His facial expression was now one of concern.
"D-Did I do something?" You shook your head.
"No, just a lot on my mind lately. I'm still getting my affairs in order up here in the Overworld and I'm just feeling overwhelmed."
"I understand that feeling. Anything I can do to help?" His question was genuine.
"I just want to sleep." Although disappointed, he wasn't cruel. If you just wanted to rest tonight, that was fine. It's not like he couldn't give you other forms of affection.
"Are you going to bed right now?"
"Yea. I just don't have energy right now, sorry."
"That's fine. Uh, goodnight, I guess sugarcube." He kissed your forehead before raising the covers over the two of you. "Sweet dreams."
"Thanks." He continued to look at you, almost as if waiting for you to say something else. "What?"
"Nothing, just uh, sleep well." He awkwardly turned around onto his side to where his back was facing you. You sighed, flipping the light of the lamp next to you off before adjusting yourself under the covers, back towards him. You stared at your phone for a bit, before closing your eyes and trying to get swept away to dream land.
Sampo on the other hand, wasn't able to close his eyes so easily. Anxious thoughts filled his mind. He's not dumb, he saw your screen. He knows how to read people.
You weren't starting to revive your feelings for that Silvermane boy...were you?
Since some people wanted to know when Part Two came out:
@helloyuki (I'm not sure this is the right one, I've never tagged people in Tumblr posts before please bear with me!)
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nativeofsumeru · 1 year
Cyno comes home after obtaining his new card from the Akademiya Extravaganza (Cyno x Reader)
Cyno gets his limited TCG card from this past event (A Parade of Providence)
(not proofread)
“Babe!” You hear from the front door entrance of your home as your lover barges in with the strength and pride of a thousand men. It hadn’t even been 15 minutes since the end of the competition and he was already busting down your door to tell you what had transpired.
You rushed to the front of the house where he stood there, proudly holding up a shiny and golden Genius Invokation TCG card.
“Oh my gosh! Did you win?” You asked excitedly. You almost couldn’t contain your excitement at the thought of Cyno finally winning this long and drawn out Extravaganza. You were happy that him using his last days of vacation for the year weren’t wasted for nothing. You could almost put aside the thought of the Mora and the Diadem, but now you were going to be in position of so much wealth, you weren’t even sure what you were going to do with it! “Congratulations!! I love you!” You exclaimed, partially jumping into his arms and kissing his cheek passionately. “Oh Cyno, I knew you could do it!”
He had a proud wide smirk on his face holding up his card and lovingly accepted all your affectionate.
“That’s right! And it only cost me one million Mora!” He boasted.
“I’m sorry, WHAT?!” You shouted, practically shooting yourself out of his grasp to look at him with a face of shock and disgust.
“Yup! Now I can put it into my premium collection.” He began walking towards the shared bedroom in order to put the card in his Casket of Tomes.
“They made you pay for the card reward?!” You shouted in disbelief, still trying to understand what just happened.
“Nope, I offered. I will say, it was worth the investment.” Cyno replied, finally finding where he kept his deck and putting the limited edition card inside.
That’s when you began to realize…where was the Diadem?
“Hey, Cyno?” 
“Yes, my love?”
“Where is the Diadem of Knowledge?”
“Probably in a dumpster somewhere.” You blinked a few time, processing this information.
“Darling…you did win the Akademiya Extravaganza…right?”
“Of course not.” 
“Huh?! But how did you get the card?! And if you didn’t win, who did?!” 
“Kaveh.” He said nonchalantly, flipping through his deck and rearranging his setup to see where he could put his new card.
“The architect?!”
“I’m sorry sir but you’re gonna have to bring me up to speed on what happened here.”
“Are you up for a game of Genius Invokation TCG?” You stated at him dumbfounded at how he was so chill about this. Didn’t he want to win?
“You just want to try out your new card in a match don’t know?”
“I’ll tell you everything that happened if you play.” You gave out a long sigh.
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nativeofsumeru · 1 year
Reliving the Past (Sampo x Reader x Gepard) (PART ONE)
A/N: Most likely will be in parts!
(not proofread)
"It still feels like you haven't been gone a day." Serval said, smiling at you as you both carried packages into Neverwinter Workshop. You'd just recently resumed your status as an employee. Might take a bit longer to get your spot back on Serval's band though, but regardless, you were just happy to have your best friend back.
"I'm glad to be back too. Time in the Underworld was pretty rough." You reply, placing the package you carried on top of another inside the shop.
"Yea, it was a pretty tough day when you left...Gepard took it the hardest..." There was a momentary awkward pause in the air. Many memories came flooding back to you.
"Awwww! Go on, Lil Geppie! Ask them out!" Serval pushed with a wide grin on her face. She was so excited, her little brother and her best friend together, was this a dream come true?
"Serval, no! What if they say no?!" Gepard defended, face red, in a more hushed as if someone were going to hear.
"Look at how flustered you are right now, it's adorable!"
"Don't worry Geppie, I know they won't say no. And you'll never know they're answer if you never ask."
"Mm." Gepard began to twiddle his thumbs. He'd really had the biggest crush on (Y/N) since they were all kids. He still couldn't get the brave and strong (Y/N)(L/N) of the Underworld out of his head. Every time he heard Serval, Cocolia, and (Y/N) were going to hang out, he'd try anything just to tag along and spend time with them.
"U-uh (Y/N)...hi." Confused they tilted their head to the side. Aeons help him. The cuteness overload was almost going to make him explode.
"Gepard? What are you doing here?" At this point they were concerned. Gepard was red as a strawberry and was noticeably sweating. "Is this everything?"
"Uh um well, I-" Gepard began to stammer. He couldn't do this! He was too nervous. Then he remembered his sister's words regarding his possible rejection.
'Don't worry Geppie, I know they won't say no.' His sister's words resonated with him a bit. How could he have been so stupid? She was trying to tell him this whole time!
Frustrated, he let out a long sigh at the realization, putting his head in his head, the flowers he was hiding behind his back finally revealing themselves at his side.
"Gepard?" (Y/N) nervously asked, now starting to feel as if it was oddly hot in there.
"May I come in please?" He finally asked, with some slightly newfound confidence. (Y/N) nodded rapidly, gladly opening the door all the way to let him in.
"You two really do make the cutest couple." (Y/N) couldn't help but chuckle a bit, head resting in their hand as they watched their lover grab some more snacks from their table at Cocolia's inauguration.
"Yea..." They couldn't deny it. Gepard really was the best.
"Oh (Y/N), are those googly eyes I see you making at that Landau boy?" Cocolia teased on her way over to the table.
"Yea, does he have an S/O? I'd like to ask him out sometime." (Y/N) played along.
"(Y/N). That's your boyfriend." Cocolia's friends laughed at how she took their joking play along seriously.
"I know. How lucky am I?" Just then, he waved at them from across the venue. They couldn't help the small spark inside their heart at that moment.
"(Y/N) you can't be serious."
"Yes I AM Gepard. You don't understand."
"You're right, I don't. So please, explain it to me. Moving to the Overworld with me full time has never been an issue before, why is it all of a sudden now?" Their lover pleaded.
"The removal of Silverman Guards is the issue here Gepard. Can't you see? There is dangerous threats of possible Fragmentum corrosion and monsters. The people will be defenseless!" At this, he stayed silent. He couldn't argue with that fact and the very likely possibilities. He scratched his neck not knowing how to respond without sounding selfish.
"I'm sorry, but this move will have to wait. I can't move here permanently in good consciousness knowing my family is likely to suffer. They live in one of the higher risk areas of the Underworld. It's not exactly like they're the wealthy enough to move. If something happened to them and I was just up here acting as if nothing was wrong, I'd never forgive myself."
There was a pause in the argument. Everything they said held truth behind it. The truth was, that everything was so complicated. He ran every possible solution through his mind and that's when he came to realize, his newly acquired badge as a Silvermane Guard was starting to become more of a nuisance than a blessing. He couldn't move down to the Underworld with them.
His heart became heavy at this realization. There was no use convincing them, he'd be stupid to even try.
"I understand." Was all he could muster out. "It's likely if the Fragmentum worsens...it's likely that many communication lines and back and forth transport will be shut down."
"I don't like where this is going."
"I'm just trying to think about this rationally."
"What are you trying to say?"
"I'm trying to think of a way I could still come see you (Y/N). I'm not going to leave you here to fend for yourself forever."
That stupid Silvermane badge glistened in the light, almost as if taunting the couple. What was once such a prized possession and reward for the training he went through was suddenly proving to make their lives very difficult.
They had one thing to consider, even if cell communication wasn't interrupted, who's to say he wouldn't be sent to the frontlines of the blizzard and the Fragmentum. It was very likely to worsen. He wouldn't be able to communicate then. Letters don't make it that far and with all protection gone from the Underworld, the inhabitants would need all the consistent protection they could get.
"Be safe, (Y/N)." Serval said sadly.
"I will be. And I won't be gone forever, just until the Fragmentum slows down. Then I'll be back." They replied with a smile. Serval nodded.
"And I promise to stay in touch. Expect phone calls almost every night." You chuckled a bit.
"I will. Try and keep Cocolia in check alright? Aeons know she's a handful for just one of us alone."
"Don't worry. Just cause she's Supreme Guardian now doesn't mean she can escape all our inside jokes." (Y/N) looked behind her at the sheepish looking Gepard standing behind his sister. The brave and intimidating Silvermane Guard was here reduced to nothing but a puppy in the presence of his lover. Serval noticed the tension and began to walk away, letting the couple have their space.
"I'm being sent off to the front lines tomorrow." Gepard shared solemnly. Both were silent for a moment, the air was thick.
"How long?"
"I don't know."
"I see."
"...I love you, (Y/N)." They couldn't bare to look at him in the eyes. Of course he'd finally say 'I love you' right at the moment they were about to give him some bad news.
"Um, Gepard?"
"Let's take a break." His eyes went wide at this suggestion.
"It's just that, we don't know what the future will hold right now. Much less when the next time we'll see each other is. It may be a few months or it may be 10 years! How about for now, you and I, we just stick a pin in it, put it on pause." He stayed silent listening to what they were saying. "Let's just pause this for now and pick back up next time we meet. And if we're still single by then, we can continue on. However, I don't want to hold you back or be a distraction from your from your duties."
"I understand. I, too, wouldn't want to be a burden on you either. Just be safe (Y/N)." Deep down he knew this was probably the smartest solution. It's likely they wouldn't be able to see each other again for the next decade. Might as well, leave the door open to continue life and live onward instead of being stuck in the past.
'Yes, this is the best solution.'
Before boarding the trolley, (Y/N) gently grabbed his hand, leaning in and giving him a kiss on the lips.
"Goodbye, Gepard. I love you too." And with that they were gone, headed towards the tram with their belongings.
"Farewell, (Y/N)." You were out of earshot now. "Until next time."
What neither expected, was the near permanent shutdown of transportation between the Over and Underworld.
"Good afternoon ladies. (Y/N) darling, are you ready for dinner tonight?" You were snapped out of your thoughts at the sight of your lover in the doorway.
His goofy smile and silky blue haired self stood there, staring at you like you were the most prized object in the shop.
"Sampo! You came just in time, they just finished helping me bring in all these packages from outside." Serval stated, walking up to the front desk. She wasn't necessarily fond of him after his more than unsavory acts during the situation with the Stellaron in her opinion. Although you had to agree many of his actions were uncalled for, you had to give him the benefit of the doubt. They made sense to him in his own weird way and he almost always meant well. You still remember the conversation she had with you.
It was during your reunion breakfast and you insisted she told you the story of the Stellaron before you bombarded her with your life story since you'd left. That when she said the name "Sampo".
"Then this one guy, called himself Sampo-"
"You know Sampo?" Serval's jaw went slack.
"Do you know Sampo?"
"Yea, he's my boyfriend."
"I'm sorry, what?!" You shrunk in your seat a bit at this explosive response.
"I can respect you've moved on from Gepard, but HIM?! Of all people? Seriously?!"
"Oh, hey. I was just finishing up here." You said, adjusting the placement of one of the boxes before it fell off.
"Are those the things for that one 'super big client’ project you were telling me so much about?” Sampo inquired. You nodded with a small smile.
“Yea, if this project is successful, that means I’ll be one to start spoiling you on our weekly dates.”
“No can do sugar cube. That is your lovely Sampo Koski’s job. Besides, what good would I be in the relationship anymore if I didn’t get to spoil you every now and then, huh?” Serval rolled her eyes. As much as she didn’t like him, he made you happy and that’s all that mattered she guesses. It had been over a decade after all, and you’d changed a lot, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility that you’d find yourself attracted to such a man.
“Alright love birds, shoo! I’m closing down for the night.”
“Serval, are you sure? I can help shut down, don’t worry.” Serval was about to accept your help until she looked at the time. That’s when she became nervous.
“Nope! No need! I can do it on my own! Now go, go!” She insisted frantically.
“Uh, ok. See you tomorrow, Serval!” You waved.
“Bye! See you tomorrow!” She waved, desperately waiting for you to leave.
“That friend of yours is acting kind of strange, don’t ya think?” Sampo whispered to you as he held the door front door open for you to walk through. “After you, my dear.” You shrugged, assuming she just had something private to do and you were intruding. Either way, you had a date to get to and who knows what Sampo has planned for you back at his apartment later that night. He has been making some pretty needy, suggestive remarks to you lately. Bless his soul, you were trying to see how long this behavior would last.
“(Y/N)?” You recognized that voice and froze in your tracks, not daring to look up.
“O-oh Dear Silvermane Captain. D-Don’t mind us, we were just leaving and we’ll be right out of your way.” Sampo began, nervously, expecting the guard would smite him or surprise him with another arrest chase. When no such advance was made, he started to study the situation unfolding before him.
That’s when he noticed you staring at the guard with wide eyes, the guard staring back.
That twinkle in your eyes…that’s how you would look at him.
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nativeofsumeru · 1 year
You Know He's Mine...(Reader x Blade x Kafka)
A/N: I've been on the HSR bus for a bit now. So take my toxic Stellaron Hunter drama fic!
(not proofread)
Ding Ding!
Annoyed, she groaned at the sound. It was seven in the morning. What could this little nuisance possibly want. She already knew who it was blasting her man’s phone. In her situation it wouldn’t take a genius to figure it out. Without second thought, she sat up and reached for the phone.
“Whose is it?” Blade murmured. She looked down at the man who was still lying on his stomach on the bed next to her, unclothed, and hair disheveled.
“Oh no one special. Your little plaything from that one planet keeps blowing up your phone.” He sighed, planting his face into his pillow and outstretching his arm for the phone. “That desperate to see it now, are we?”
“Kafka. Give it.” Irritated she rolled her eyes and carelessly gave him the device. It was time she rolled out of bed and began the day anyway. She couldn’t keep the sun waiting for long.
“What’d they say?” She asked, picking up her bra and underwear off the floor and heading towards the bathroom. He almost glared at her.
“Nothing.” Kafka rolled her eyes in response.
“If you say so. You’ll have to put them in their place eventually. You can’t keep stringing them along when we all got a job to do.” He didn’t respond. She smirked at this reaction. “Besides Bladie, what would Elio think?”
~~ You sat alone in the conference room, fidgeting. Your eyes continued to stare at the dark screen of the phone sitting in your hand.
Nothing. No response just yet.
It was beginning to annoy you, and make you worry. He’d never taken this long to respond to a message before. What was wrong with him?
It had only been a few weeks since you’d seen him, alone, and in your home.
The small romantic dates were becoming more frequent these days. Dinners, walks, sightseeing, hangouts. All within reason of course, on some planets, such activities were limited due to the Stellaron Hunter’s reputation. There were already a few arrest warrants for both of you in some places
All that aside however, you were still confused. Was all of this really going somewhere? The two of your didn’t spend a night together for no reason, surely.
You placed the phone on the table, screen down. This was going to plague your mind to no end. It wasn’t unlike him to show up for intimacy every now and then, but the dates…you think they were dates, we’re happening more frequently. Surely you meant more to him than just a random booty call.
The door to the room opened. As if speaking of the devil himself, Blade had just entered the room, standing in the entrance.
The eye contact was almost immediate. Your heart couldn’t help but flutter. However, you couldn’t help but notice his eyes didn’t look at you the same.
‘It’s cause we’re at work. It’s not unusual and we have to stay professional anyway.’ You thought to yourself.
You smiled, and waved at him. Without a word, he proceeded to walk towards his seat on the other side. That’s when you heard the click of those Aeon-forsaken heels…
“Oh (Y/N). You’re here too. How’d you sleep last night?” She asked, being sure to flick a lock of hair behind her neck, showing off the faintest evidence of a bruise.
You’re heart sank.
“Fine… I guess.” You forced out in your nicest tone of voice that you could muster.
“Excellent. I slept just fine myself.” She chuckled a little. “Oh who am I kidding, I didn’t sleep at all.” She said glancing at Blade.
The meeting went by quicker than you would’ve liked. You felt you didn’t have enough time to come up with a response or prepare for a conversational scenario. A confrontation was the last thing you needed.
Once Elio muttered the final words to close the meeting, you ran. Out of the room, towards the bathroom. After locking the door, you began to slide to the ground.
You didn’t cry. You couldn’t. There was no need to in this situation and you couldn’t let yourself be seen in such a state. With a few composing breaths, your heartbeat began to slow back to a normal pace. You began to see clearly again.
By now, they would’ve left. It was a good time to get up and leave. Time stops for no one and at the end of the day, neither of your were official. He was a grown man and could do what he wanted…you didn’t like the fact he could do who he wanted.
Exiting the bathroom, you began the short distance to the door of the building. So close to going home.
“Ah (Y/N), we were wondering where you ran off to. We were starting to get worried.” You could feel the maliciousness and the venom drip from her mouth.
Without second thought, you brandished your weapon, holding it to her neck as you shoved her against a wall.
“Easy now, easy.” She said, demeanor not changing, arms raised up in a mocking, surrendering fashion. “There’s no need to get so upset about this, don’t you agree? Wouldn’t want to make a bad impression in front of your sweetheart.” You followed her gaze to Blade who was standing beside you, sword raised at you in a threatening manner.
“Drop the weapon, (Y/N).” Your hand began to shake.
“Blade, wait, you don’t understand! She’s doing this on purpose.” You shouted at him, pleading your innocence.
“Real convincing argument hot stuff.” Kafka snarked. You glared at her, shoving your weapon ever so slightly further towards her neck.
“I don’t care. Put the weapon down. Now.” Any chance you had of bringing back that loving, caring, man you went out with all those weeks ago, was gone. For once, your actually feared him.
Reluctantly, you lowered your weapon and backed away from Kafka slowly, head lowered in shame.
“Damn Bladie, for a second I didn't think they'd actually stop there." His eyes never moved from where you were standing. Kafka took notice and smirked. "Aw, don't tell me you really feel that way about them." "Enough Kafka." She shrugged.
"If you insist." Both began to make their way towards the door, past you. Before leaving, Kafka placed a hand on your shoulder. "No hard feelings (Y/N)." Leaning into your ear, she whispered. "At least now you know he's mine."
"Coming Bladie! Toodaloo (Y/N). Looking forward to working with you on the next mission."
And with that, they left.
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nativeofsumeru · 1 year
My lovely Kistune (Yae Miko x kistune!reader
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A/N: This is from the polls I made a while ago, I'm finally delivering. I'm going to do my best to keep it gender neutral.
"My love, why do you continue to stare at the sakura at this time in the evening?" Yae Miko, love of your life, Lady Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine, took a seat next to you holding sake. "They're lovely this time of year." The fall breeze stirred a few petals in the direction of your hand. "Reminds me of home." You reminisced the past, days with the youkai, as a young kistune. "Darling, you know things can't stay the same forever. Time is inevitable, things have to change." She said, taking a sip of her sake. Your ear flicked as you stared at the shrine maidens carrying on with their business down below. You loved your perch atop the shrine building facing the Sacred Sakura. It was your favorite view...After staring at Yae, you decided to scratch that thought. "A kistune can hope." You replied sadly. "I miss them." She frowned. Today was a special day for your clan, however it was centuries ago since the last time you were able to celebrate it. "It's not too late you know," She started. "We could always start the celebrations now if you'd like." You looked over at her. Damn she was gorgeous in the light of the sunset. She glowed in the fading warm rays. "Oh Lady Guuji, how I do love you." She smiled softly at you. "It's about time you do. I didn't spend all these centuries with you for nothing, my dear." She pointed her nose towards the sky in pride. "Tell me my lovely kistune, which celebration would you like to partake in first?" She questioned. You felt a smile tugging at your lips. ~~
Bonus Ending: "You want me to do what?" Ei asked her best friend curiously. "It's not that hard of a task Ei." Yae turned her head to gaze in your direction. "I simply want them to feel more at home." Ei nodded in understanding. "A national holiday it is." Ei declared. Yae couldn't help but beam with happiness. "Wonderful! (Y/N)!" You pause your conversation with the Tenshukaku guard. "Yes?" "Guess what I just did." She smirked. She was going to be sure you wouldn't be able to thank her enough.
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nativeofsumeru · 1 year
Mr. "Acting Grand Sage" (Alhaitham x gn!reader)
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A/N: I'm finally trying to deliver from my past polls. I'm going to try my best to keep it gender neutral. ~~
"'Acting Grand Sage'. Now that's a title." You chuckled, leaning on the door frame and your guy's shared bedroom. Upon arriving home, he couldn't stop grumbling from his promotion at the Akademiya. "You make it seem like a it's an honorable title." He scoffed, gaze never leaving his book as he sat on the couch in the living room. You smirked. Of course he would be this way, you knew him all too well. "Oh Alhaitham," you started before sauntering over behind the couch, leaning over, and allowing your arms to loosely wrap around his neck, hands gently brushing over his chest. "Don't tell me the 'Great Acting Grand Sage' Alhaitham is afraid of a little more work." "Hm." Was his only response. "Seriously? Is that the only reason you hate it? Cause you'll get a little bit more paperwork?" You asked, playfully poking his cheek. He put his book down and tilted his head back to look at you, his expression looking dead inside. "Sweetie, if you have enough energy to work out at ungodly hours of the morning, you have enough energy to get a little extra paperwork done...among other things." You wiggled your eyebrows a bit with the last part of that sentence. He let out a sigh before sitting up straight on the couch once again. You came around to the other side of the couch and took a seat right next to him, snuggling up into his side. Although he wasn't looking straight at you, you could see his facial expression soften a bit at your physical contact. He bookmarked the page on his book and placed it on the table in front of him. "Come here." He said, opening up his arms and leaning back on the couch in a manner that would let you lie on top of him. You gladly fell into his embrace, resting you face on his chest and letting his arms wrap around your waist. Although he didn't say much, you knew he was internally overthinking the matter. He had finally thought life would calm down after the overthrowing of the Akademiya and yet it seems like it only got more hectic. The last thing he needed was another job on top of everything to keep him occupied. He was going to begin cherishing these small moments between the two of you. He wasn't sure how often he'd be able to enjoy them starting the beginning of next week. You felt it in the way he gently rubbed your back, the slow pace of his breathing, and his empty staring off into space. It was all overwhelming for him. You frowned, thinking of a way to get his mind off of things. "Alhaitham?" He was snapped out of his thinking. "Hm?" You began to rub gentle circles on his chest with your pointer finger. "Are you allowed to have secretaries at the Akademiya?" You asked. "I'm not sure, I could always check when I head in tomorrow." You smiled softly at his response. "You should get one. That way you have someone to help you with everything." He hummed in response, acknowledging your statement. "It's unlikely they'd allow such things for those in higher positions of power. There's a higher risk of a data breech." You adjusted your head to look at him. "But what if it's someone you trusted?" "Perhaps the decision would be more likely then." There was a pause. He could practically hear you grinning at him. "I'll see what I can do tomorrow." "Sounds like a plan Mr. Acting Grand Sage." ~~ Bonus Ending:
"Oh so you're going to consider them as your secretary, but not even mention such a position to me?" Kaveh asked accusingly. Alhaitham glared at him coldly. "May I remind you who's couch you're sleeping on?" That seemed to make him quickly shut up. You couldn't help but laugh a little, their dynamic was always daily entertainment for you.
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nativeofsumeru · 1 year
His Majesty PART 2(Zhongli x fem!reader)
A/N: Part 2 that was written of this small series so long ago. This triggered the "There's an 4096 character limit per block so that's just wonderful (I jest, I don't know what it means!) Enjoy!
(not proofread)
"Your Majesty," a guard walked over. The dragon gently removed his face from his wife's grasp and he faced the guard. "The Snezhnayan king would like to know when you will return." The dragon gave a low grumble. "Tell him I will spend at least the weekend resting with my wife before returning to the battlefield." The guard nodded, bowed and walked away. Milk's happy smile fell. The dragon returned his gaze to her. "Let us go inside, my jade." He motioned towards the door. She nodded and together they walked in. The servants bowed in the presence of their Protector, the dragon. He paid them no mind and strode to his bedroom. The space wasn't accommodating much for his normal form, rather for his more human one. He had a location to rest in his dragon form elsewhere in the palace.  "It has been long, my love." "I can't handle being away from you for a whole month." "Hm. Unfortunately you might have to do so for a few depending on the course of the war." "How's it going on the front?" "The monsters are strong, but we are stronger. They won't come near Liyue at all. We are fortunate to be so far from the front." "The poor Snezhnayans..." "The king is holding his own and one weekend without my presence will not send his kingdom to shambles." Milk nodded. His Majesty removed his armor and battle clothing. It was unnecessary as he was always in his dragon form however it said it was for emergencies. Milk saw a new scar on his back that wasn't there when he had left. "Your Majesty, what happened?!" She asked worriedly and quickly got up to inspect the scar further. "Zhongli." "He did this to you?!" "No. I feel we have met a point in our marriage where you may call me by the name I was born with." "Dragon's are born with human names?" "Not necessarily. It is a nickname others of my kind gave me. And one that I would like you to call me. In private of course, there is no need for formalities." She nodded. "As for my wound, it has long since healed. An inexperienced trainee simply did not know how to wield his weapon properly." That answer didn't put her to rest. But the details about dragons intrigued her. As far as the people of Liyue were concerned there was only ever one dragon. "Your Maj-Zhongli?" "Yes?" He changed into a comfortable robe. "Can you tell me more about your kind and um, that nickname?" He sighed and gave a small sad smile. "Of course my jade. Let us go to the library." ~~ He pulled a large scroll off a shelf. He rolled it out onto the table before them. Milk was starstruck. The scroll has depictions of dragons and monsters. He began to tell the story. “Before humans ruled the land, it was ruled by dragons. Many dragons of different colors shapes and sizes soared through the sky and blessed the few humans with water, food, and safety. I barely remember what happened before I exited the bedrock where I was placed to incubate and hatch. I had brothers and sisters although I never grew close with any of them. The only thing I knew when I burst forth from the earth was my name, Rex Lapis. I made friends and roamed the land with them. When I was deemed old enough, I met my first human…He went by the name of Zhongli.” “Your nickname?” “I will explain my jade.” Milk nodded and continued to listen. “Zhongli was a young child and came from a poor family. His family would give me small offerings and treats and I would always play with their son. My parents teased me for being friends with a human child, although out of good fun. It was an endearing teasing. Unharmed, dragons can live on for a mile is. Not much longer and history would change itself forever. Humans began growing their populations and spreading thanks to the dragons’ help. They repaid us by slaughtering our brethren, collecting our blood, scales, organs, and bones to make jewelry, sell for profit, and grow in power. This is how the roots of the wealthy were formed.
We became scared and most of us fled. The majority of us met the same fate. The most wealthy family began an initiative to capture young dragons, some Would be used to breed and others would be sold as pets. They eventually bred the sentience out of the dragons and they became not much distinguishable from everyday lizards. Reptiles with no heart or soul. The poorer classes began to be treated like dogs and work animals for Those above them in social class. Zhongli’s family was growing desperate.” He paused before continuing. “Hey, you don’t have to continue if you don’t want to.” “No. The story must be told. His memory must be preserved.” Milk nodded and let him keep talking. “He wanted to speak with me, so we chose a secluded area in the words. We had a good talk and spent the time well. He was a young man at this point…I heard a suspicious shifting in the bushes unbeknownst to him. I began saying that I should go  yet he continued to insist I stay. I finally just began to lift off from the ground, danger was near. It wasn’t until the ropes wrapped around me. H his family had emerged from hiding and were attempting to end my life…I looked into his eyes before his dying breath. I could tell he had not meant for this to happen. My escape was very lucky.
With the more deaths that continued, dragons found ways to hide their souls throughout different environments. Ganyu is one of the many dragons who hid their souls in fresh winter snowfall. Keqing is one whom sealed her soul in the Lightning Of thunderstorms. Yanfei, concealed herself in the burning passion that is the warming flame. Xingqiu you can think of whenever u encounter of body of rushing water. It wasn’t uncommon for dragons to nickname others based on humans they grew close to. These are many of the very few dragons live in I have encountered who's essence is still alive. The queen of monsters was another formidable foe. From what I’ve heard, her name was Celestia. I only encountered her the first time when I was awakened from my hiding underneath the bedrock.” Milk didn’t know what to say. What could she say?  “Do not see sorry for my kind. The last thing we need is pity. They will come back in due time if they please, but they might not and we cannot hold anything against them. The human form you see before you is only possible through immense power and ancient magic. Although I may not be able to make myself seem fully human, this body is one similar to that of Zhongli.” Milk was stunned from all the information she had just heard. “W-wow. That’s a lot.”  “Indeed.” He rolled up the scroll once more and placed it back on the shelf. “How come you’ve been protecting humans then?” “I do not hold ill will towards them simply because of the sins of their ancestors although many dragons would have disagreed with me. Many wealthy still hold their status due to those past actions of dragon hunting, however, that does not mean they are at fault for the many lives lost.” Milk came to a realization. Her family wealth was built upon the deaths of dragons. Zhongli noticed her distress and kneeled down to look her in the eyes. “My philosophy still holds true. You are not responsible for the actions of your ancestors.” She nodded. ~~ Over the course of that weekend she began to worry. Dragons were killable. Although her husband ensured her it was difficult it was still possible! And a simple trainee was able to cause a noticeable scar on his back. He had lived many years. Almost to a full millennia. What would the people of Liyue do without The Protector. They worshipped him! She remembered she was the answer to her question. She still didn’t want to tell him. It was early and she could always rid of it without him knowing. But she had to think about the people. She didn’t know what she wanted to do.  “My jade.” She looked at her dragon standing majestically in the court yard. The moon’s light gave his scales a unique sheen. She walked over to him.  “Zhongli.”  “I do not know for how long I will be gone and for that I would like to bestow upon thee a gift before my departure tomorrow morning.” “Oh, what will that be?” The mighty dragon lowered his head closer to her height.  “I would like to give you a chance to fly.” Milk was confused. “Fly? How would we do that?” He motioned towards his back. Milk backed away.  “Oh no no no! I could never tarnish The Protector’s honor by riding him!”  “Please my jade. We are married. You have special privileges that others do not. It is dark and no one will see us.” She reluctantly agreed and walked towards his back. He helped her up and she held on tightly to his golden mane after adjusting her clothing. She didn’t weigh anything at all to him.  He gently lifted himself from the ground and they began to float. He flowed with the sky, the ride was smooth and Milk was in awe at the beauty below of the Liyue cities and streets. “This is what I see whenever I am patrolling my kingdom.” The view was magnificent. Many golden lights littered the ground and the faint bustle of people living could be heard. She laid on top of her husband and just absorbed the atmosphere and the aesthetic of the Scene st hand. She was happy.
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nativeofsumeru · 1 year
Yea Miko fic genre poll
I will try to deliver on the request. I DO NOT WRITE SMUT FOR THE PUBLIC(that's for my own enjoyment c'mon) but I'm willing to write risqué and suggestive things.
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nativeofsumeru · 1 year
Raiden Shogun/Ei fic genre poll
I will try to deliver on the request. I DO NOT WRITE SMUT FOR THE PUBLIC(that's for my own enjoyment c'mon) but I'm willing to write risqué and suggestive things.
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nativeofsumeru · 1 year
Kujou Sara fic genre poll
I will try to deliver on the request. I DO NOT WRITE SMUT FOR THE PUBLIC(that's for my own enjoyment c'mon) but I'm willing to write risqué and suggestive things.
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nativeofsumeru · 1 year
Beidou fic genre poll
I will try to deliver on the request. I DO NOT WRITE SMUT FOR THE PUBLIC(that's for my own enjoyment c'mon) but I'm willing to write risqué and suggestive things.
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nativeofsumeru · 1 year
Tighnari fic genre poll
I will try to deliver on the request. I DO NOT WRITE SMUT FOR THE PUBLIC(that's for my own enjoyment c'mon) but I'm willing to write risqué and suggestive things.
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nativeofsumeru · 1 year
Scaramouche/Wanderer genre poll
I will try to deliver on the request. I DO NOT WRITE SMUT FOR THE PUBLIC(that's for my own enjoyment c'mon) but I'm willing to write risqué and suggestive things.
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