nattyicehq · 2 years
Do you really want the warnings? Because they could spoil some things as well. But really, don’t worry about not having watched yet. It’s okay! The show won’t run away or be gone tomorrow haha. I think you should just be prepared for lots of emotions. 
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I’ve been so busy traveling and working and doing press that I’ve completely missed the fact that all of Stranger Things is out now, and I’ve been living under a rock because I’ve not seen it. I think I’ve already mucked it up and gotten myself spoiled some things on Instagram, but I feel like it’s gonna be a whole ass rollercoaster ride when I do sit and watch it on my own this evening. D’you think there’s anything I should be concerned with before I embark on my long quest? @glorystarters​
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nattyicehq · 2 years
People just can be a lot. Especially when it comes to ships. Don’t I know it. I am living for the Ronance memes though. So that’s a way better thing to focus on than the negative stuff. So, you do you and keep the positive attitude! Chrissy and Eddie for life! 
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It’s so sweet to see people defend me and try to protect me from certain shippers online but I wish they knew it didn’t affect me the way they think it does. I’ve been in the acting game for a while and while being Chrissy has given more exposure to myself, I’m no stranger to harassment, criticism or unexplained hatred. I’m mostly amused at the cleverness of insults they’re coming up with and proud of myself that supporting a fictional ship I’m a part of so strongly has inspired such powerful feelings. Bow down to Chrissy and Eddie, am I right? @glorystarters​
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nattyicehq · 2 years
Hey, yeah it has been a while. Me? Yeah I’m doing alright, how are you? Congrats on the wedding, it was beautiful.
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It’s just that...I don’t know. Press has been a little weird and I mean I know why things are weird, but I don’t know. I just wanted to make sure. I’m okay, great actually. It’s been nice to have a break from everything and just...enjoy the moment. Thank you!
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nattyicehq · 2 years
Insomnia? It’s that bad? I don’t know if I have much advice to give.  It’s not good, I didn’t do it on purpose it was the kind of, I’ll wake up in a few seconds, and then I didn’t. Are there different kind of aloe vera? I’m glad we can agree on that. Nice to meet you, Nat. 
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Well it’s being tired but still not being able to sleep because your brain won’t shut up. Basically. At least it is for me. Most of the time I try to do something that makes me tired even more so that I’m just exhausted to the point I do fall asleep. Well, I’m glad you didn’t wake up super red from your sun nap. I don’t think there’s different kinds, just different companies using it in their creams and stuff. 
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nattyicehq · 2 years
You kidding?! It was lovely, Nat, you looked absolutely gorgeous and beyond happy, my love, I’m so glad this all went to your liking, babes! Where are you honeymooning?
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We actually didn’t go on a honeymoon since we already had our pre-wedding vacation where we eloped. But I’m sure we’ll be going somewhere else soon!
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nattyicehq · 2 years
Doing Thor his always been a fun time but this one was so much fun since i got to work with Natalie again. that’s all true. it is after long a day. i watch tv or have a glass of wine.
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Oh that makes sense. Working with the people we really love to work with is the best! Sounds like my kind of evening. Or a glass of wine and a book. That’s a good combo as well.
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nattyicehq · 2 years
yikes. someone woke up married and feisty today. it’s a good look for you though, so never let anyone dull this moment for you. of course! there is no where in the world i’d rather be than here with the two of you.
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I always wake up married now. Feisty maybe not so much. I’m just teasing you! No worries, I have been enjoying every bit of it, it’s why you haven’t heard from me as well. Sorry bout that! But still, we hope you know how much we both appreciated it.
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nattyicehq · 2 years
That is absolutely incredible. I’m crying. I’m so fucking happy for you both.
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Thank you so much, love! You’re so sweet. But honestly, I feel like I’ve been talking about the wedding so much. How are you doing?
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nattyicehq · 2 years
Sebastian 📲 Natalia
Seb: Sorry, you know I'm terrible at responding but I'll try and do better because now that you're a married woman you'll be too busy for little ole' me.
Seb: I did, hadn't seen them in a hot minute so it was good to catch up and just relax for a few days.
Seb: Of course, you're my little sister I want the best for you. That makes my heart happy, like really happy.
Seb: Ok good, but I am going to have to have a talk with my now 'brother in law'. When are you guys free so I can come visit the happy couple.
Nat: I might be busier than usual but that doesn't mean I would just forget about you :P
Nat: 💖💖💖
Nat: We are free now, so you can come by anytime! What do you wanna talk about though 👀
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nattyicehq · 2 years
He smiled down at her, holding onto her hand as his hand was firm against the small of her back. “Look at us, look at us go, a spontaneous decision turned out to work out the way we wanted to huh? We’re already nailing this marriage thing.” He looked down at her with a smirk, kissing the top of her head. 
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“I can’t believe it actually all worked out. I thought we’d need at least a 10 point plan for that” Nat laughed. Usually she was the one with the plan, everything had to go the way she wanted it to or it stressed her out to no end. But not following a plan for once, had really paid off. “You know, no matter what we would have done, it still doesn’t change the fact, that I want this. That I want you, right?” she asked cautiously. Because she never wanted him to feel like marrying him was the thing that had her all stressed out the past few weeks. Nat closed her eyes as she felt his lips on her head, just trying to enjoy this tiny little moment of peace.
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nattyicehq · 2 years
Nat’s head rested against Joe’s shoulder, letting him lead the while they were dancing. She trusted him to not bump into anyone else, while they were here on the dancefloor. She chuckled when she heard his words and nodded softly. “Yeah, I am. But it was already so much better that I didn’t feel as much pressure tonight as I would have felt if we hadn’t eloped.” she explained, pulling back slightly, so that she could look up at Joe. 
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Joe was glad everything went to plan, with them already eloping the other week and just having a little celebration with all their friends and family, they had everything go to plan and he was dancing with her on the dancefloor with a smile on his face. “You glad all this wedding stuff is finally going to be put behind us huh?” @nattyicehq​
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nattyicehq · 2 years
Being the center of all the attention tonight, Nat had to take a step back eventually. It wasn’t that she wasn’t happy or that she was annoyed, but she really needed some fresh air. She had told Joe she’d step outside and be back in a bit and then started to search for a somewhat quiet area out here. She was deep in her thoughts, when she heard someone beside her. Nat turned her head, only to see Leigh crying next to her. She cleared her throat, not wanting to startle the woman next to her. “Is...is everything okay?” she asked quietly.
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keery wedding reception / open to anyone ​
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leigh-anne had stepped outside, finding a quiet space away from everyone else. it was a happy occasion and of course she was excited and happy for the couple. however, it was also a reminder of how close she’d gotten to having this for herself before calling off her engagement nearly a year ago. she didn’t think it would affect her so much being here. all the feelings she pushed aside, in order to do what she needed to move on from the break up, all came bubbling up to the surface. of course, it didn’t help that she was drunk. tears rolled down her face, and she just let them flow since she was alone. or so she thought.
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nattyicehq · 2 years
You are not the only one! I do this all the time. Like I will get super excited that a song comes on an think yess, I want to listen to this and focus. And then a minute later I realize I’ve completely spaced out. So repeat it is. I give up after the third time though.
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Does anyone else sometimes listen to a song and then get completely sidetracked, miss their favourite part and so start the same song from the very beginning or are you normal? I was in the car with my mom earlier and she distracted me by talking about work and so I missed the bridge of Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High by Arctic Monkeys so of course I replayed the song and my mom had the audacity to question why I did it. I thought that was normal behaviour but apparently it's weird? Someone tell Kris the importance of submerging yourself into your favourite songs because she just doesn't get it. @glorystarters
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nattyicehq · 2 years
rosé grinned watching natalia be in her own little happy cloud and nodded. “it was an intimate moment that you two deserve. so if anyone is upset about it, then they can just fuck off, you know?” then she reached over and gently nudged her, “look at you being so happy!”
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Nat laughed. “This is what I’ve been telling myself all the time. And so far no one really complained, at least not to our face, so I think we’re all good.” Nat bit her lip, nodding as her friend nudged her slightly. “I am. I really am. Last year around this time I never thought any of this would happen, you know?”
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nattyicehq · 2 years
Wait, let me check if I have some guilt and pity left for you. Nope, just got cocktails. Thank you for celebrating with us, it means the world!
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how does it feel to know you’ve stolen my boyfriend forever? / @nattyicehq​
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nattyicehq · 2 years
You need to stop this or I am going to cry again. I’ve been way too emotional all weekend. Thank you though. You’re the sweetest. Hope you liked the cake! I think I absolutely forgot to eat at all.
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May favorite couple getting married is literally proof that love indeed exist because look at them, they are so made for each other, show me a better couple, that’s right you can’t because they are the cutest and the most loving couple you’ll ever meet, ok i’m done point me to the cake please!
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nattyicehq · 2 years
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