nazlixceyhan · 3 days
Nazli had been on planning on meeting up with others, but the crowd of people that stood at the starting line for the walk and run charity 5k meant that it was near impossible to find whom she was looking for. Eventually she'd end up running into them, or at least that was the thought. That or they totally bailed on her, which was also an option. Nazli looked up at someone as they spoke, "I am ready, to walk," she laughed softly, "I am not a runner, so if you've hoped to run you've found the wrong friend." @sebastianxthomas
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Did he just arrive in town just in time for the event? Yes, he had no idea what was going on; he just saw a lot of people and headed over. Thankfully, he saw the signs up for the walk/run and had to make his way over to it. There was a good group of people all around waiting for the event to start. As his eyes were scanning the people around, his eyes landed on someone he found cute, so he made his way over to her. "Are you ready for this?" he asked as he stood there to stretch out by her and gave her a smile. "Are you planning on running or walking this thing?" he asked to make small talk with her. He was going to try his best to join her on this walk/run."
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nazlixceyhan · 4 days
starter for @travisjackson
location: food trucks downtown
"Travis!" Nazli squealed as she spotted her former brother in law. Though her and Drew were no longer married, she did think of the Jackson family as family. She had always adored them and didn't want to lose them, even if it had taken her a while to embrace the whole divorced thing. "It's been so long since we've seen each other," she gently chided him, "has the house been finished?"
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nazlixceyhan · 9 days
Nazli laughed with her sister's words, "I do know that saying," she confirmed to her sister with a shake of her head. She knew that saying all too well, having used it a time or two again. "They are changing so much faster than when I was a kid," at least it seemed that way. "I understand that," Nazli smiled brightly at her sister, whom she was very happy for. She remembered what it was like to fall in love with Andrew, even if it had not worked out the way either of them had thought it would. Or at least, the way she thought it would. "I don't think you'll jinx it, not if he is the one." She told her sister, "I am really happy for you, Alina, you deserve this." @alinaceyhan
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nazlixceyhan · 13 days
"It was a nice summer," that much Nazli could agree with. She had wanted to do more in some sense, but at the same time, she enjoyed the low-key aspect of it all. Nazli laughed softly, "She did mostly succeed," she told Riley with a shrug of her shoulders, "but I managed to steal her back every once in a while." She teased, "But I'm happy for her regardless. So I tried not to be too annoying of a big sister." Nazli joked with them as she picked up a few pieces of trash to put into the bag. @havearileymazingday
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"It really is," they said with a nod. They couldn't think of a time when it wasn't a good afternoon. Sure, it wasn't the best but they genuinely enjoyed those times. "Clearly not," they replied. They almost added that they were speaking from experience but they didn't feel like they knew the woman enough. "I'm sure it was a nice summer." Sounded pretty similar to their own actually. "Try? Did she not succeed?" @nazlixceyhan
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nazlixceyhan · 13 days
Nazli laughed with her sister's words, "I do know that saying," she confirmed to her sister with a shake of her head. She knew that saying all too well, having used it a time or two again. "They are changing so much faster than when I was a kid," at least it seemed that way. "I understand that," Nazli smiled brightly at her sister, whom she was very happy for. She remembered what it was like to fall in love with Andrew, even if it had not worked out the way either of them had thought it would. Or at least, the way she thought it would. "I don't think you'll jinx it, not if he is the one." She told her sister, "I am really happy for you, Alina, you deserve this." @alinaceyhan
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"Well, you know they say about old dogs..." She smirked at her sister, but sometimes even she didn't know all the terms the middle schoolers were saying. She wondered if this was how their parents felt when they were young. "Just a bit. I'll be honest, I'm not too sure what the new one is." Alina laughed. "Trust me, it doesn't help. It changes all the time and just when you get one thing, another term comes up." She shook her head and relaxed a little. A blush filled her cheeks and she shrugged. "Yeah. I know it's fast since we just started dating, but... I've known him for years, you know? He's my best friend. I've had these feelings for years." Her heart skipped a beat. "I think so. I don't want to jinx it, though." @nazlixceyhan
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nazlixceyhan · 16 days
"Saving for college is certainly important," Nazli confirmed with a smile on her lips, "it's nice that you can, I know that in this day and age, it's not something that many parents are able to do." Everything was simply too expensive. "That's not the first time I've heard that," she laughed softly, knowing that hospital food was far from delicious in most aspects. "For a preschool," Nazli smile, "we do our best, we want kids to have the best start." @alecxkincade
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Alec was the type that wanted the best for his son. The male had already started saving for Cyrus college, already planning things down for everything that his son would need. Sure Cyrus was still two years away but Alec was already looking. "You are correct. I know I have also already started saving for college for him. It's never too early," he replied, nodding his head in agreement. "That's good to know because I personally will take any food than hospital food." he chuckled.
"The school really does look good and I will admit it's very impressive." @nazlixceyhan
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nazlixceyhan · 18 days
"Please, just because I am over thirty," she teased her younger sister, as it was only by two years, "doesn't mean I'm incapable of learning, but clearly a little slow if you are saying this is an old term," the mere thought still brought a laugh from Nazli. "It's because I work at the pre-school, there is not a lot of learning that comes from them. I really should have gone to work at the high school or something," Nazli continued to tease, "Wh- that you love each other?" Her previous train of thought was immediately derailed, "Does this mean he's the one for you?" She couldn't help but question with a raise of her brows. @alinaceyhan
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"I know, I know." She laughed and shook her head as she relaxed back a little. Her eyes went to her sister and she laughed again. "Low key, huh? Learning all the old terms now." Alina teased a little bit. Her grin increased and she looked back at the water. "He's amazing. I mean, I knew it before, but he's just proving himself to be more and more amazing. We told each other we loved each other the other day." @nazlixceyhan
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nazlixceyhan · 27 days
"That's really a win-win if you ask me." People caring and having fun. Nazli knew that there were essentially better ways to spend an afternoon but she was one of those people that did care about her hometown and she was having fun keeping it clean. The company was rarely bad, either, in these sorts of outings. "No, it seems that there is no down time for crimes committed, huh?" Nazli pursed her lips with the thought, "I didn't go away or anything this summer, stuck close to town." She told Riley, "I was volunteering a lot and spending lots of time with family when I could. Even if my sister did try to ditch me often for her new boyfriend." @havearileymazingday
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"Indeed," Riley agreed easily. "It is really nice to see people care like that. Especially since they seem to be having a good time." They looked around to people grabbing stuff to put in their trash bags while enthousiastically talking to people around them. Ideally, this kind of get together would disappear, as it would mean the beach was clean of all debries, but since Riley didn't think they'd be that luck any time soon or ever really, they were glad it provided community. "I mostly stuck around," Riley replied, not able to remember the last time they'd left the state. "People don't stop committing crimes in the summer sadly or being judged for it, and I like to be around anyway. What about you?" @nazlixceyhan
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nazlixceyhan · 27 days
"I know that you do, but I wouldn't be your older sister if I didn't give you a hard time about it." She told Alina with a playful smile resting on her lips. "Nothing too crazy," Nazli shrugged her shoulders, lifting a hand to shield her eyes from the sun as she looked out at the water before turning her attention back to her sister. "I kept it pretty, what's the word," she laughed, "low-key or whatever it is they say." Nazli was happy to not have any sort of chaos in her life right now. "He seems great, I mean I've always known him as long as you have but as your boyfriend, he seems great." @alinaceyhan
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She laughed a little bit. "You know I do this every year. Though, there was a bigger distraction as well." She shrugged with a smirk. She knew she had gone off with Ricky a lot too, but she couldn't help it. Finally being with the man you've had a crush on for years made Alina just want to spend time with him. "That's good. I'm glad things are better." She smiled at her. "Anything fun this summer?" She grinned and shook her head. "You are too. He's just... amazing." @nazlixceyhan
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nazlixceyhan · 1 month
starter for @alecxkincade
location: tiny sprouts preschool
Nazli had been giving Alec a tour of the preschool, not something she did often but the other teachers were tied up with the amount of children they had at the preschool currently. "It really is never too early to start thinking about preschool," she told Alec with a smile as they paused at one of the classrooms to watch through the door, "It's harder to get into them at times, especially as the number of kids grows and the number of adults dwindles." She explained to the man, "We can head over to the cafeteria, I promise it's not hospital grade food," she teased, knowing that Alec was a neurosurgeon.
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nazlixceyhan · 1 month
"Yeah," she laughed softly, "I probably should have become a teacher but I wanted to be able to help the kids without a voice." Becoming a social worker and working for the preschool was something she very much enjoyed. It was rewarding rather than enjoyable in the traditional sense. Her work was not always of happy nature but she did get to help the kids that could not help themselves. A lot of times, she was merely there a resource but there were times in which she had to get a lot more involved. Nazli couldn't help but smile as she noticed a lightened hint of pink cross Ricky's cheeks at the mention of her own sister. It made her happy that they were dating, she had always liked Ricky. "A burger sounds great," she told Ricky, "I am thinking of the crispy chicken right now, though." In which Nazli did order when the waiter appeared, waiting for Ricky to place his order before she turned her attention back to him. "I hope she's prepared you for the chaos of family holidays if you come to them. Or maybe she told you about them already to scare you off." Nazli couldn't help but tease. @enriquemarrero
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Ricky smiled with a nod, "tell me about it," he mused, knowing exactly what Nazli was talking about. Though as a teacher the feeling was just about the same as when he was a kid or in college, yet different at the same time. Looking at the menu whilst Nazli did the same, "preach. I think I liked school so much that I became a teacher. Which you probably understand." He joked as she also worked in a school, yet a different age. Though in reality he just wanted to help kids, and had had a great group of teachers as a kid and wanted to be that someone for others. "That's always good to hear," his focus shifting at the mention of family as he was dating her sister, his cheeks lightly rosy from think of her. "Hm," he hummed, eyes scanning the menu for a moment, "I'm kind of feeling a burger. How about you?" @nazlixceyhan
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nazlixceyhan · 1 month
"That sounds like a good enough reason for me," she smiled at Riley, "whatever the reason, I am glad they are doing it. Not that I don't enjoy getting to help out but it makes me happy to see that other people care about our community all the same." Perhaps it would lessen the instances in which they would all get together and clean, but that was not a bad thing in the brunette's eyes. "It has been a nice summer," Nazli agreed, beginning to pick up a few stray items as they walked. "Have you got to do anything fun? Vacation? Or mostly stuck around town?" @havearileymazingday
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It was still odd for Riley to realise that it'll some months before they'd have spent half of their lives in Kismet Harbor, having arrived a bit after their 16th brithday. Yet, it felt like they'd been here forever. Wanting to completely move on from their previous life probably did further that sentiment, but they'd agree that spending so much of their time trying to help and better the community was the main reason here. "Me too, that's for sure. Maybe it's because people are spending more time on the beach in the summer and they don't want to look at trash all day?" they wondered. Even though no one could fault Riley for seeing the best in people, they'd quite given up on the idea that people took their trash with them. They thought a bit. "Yes, I think so too. Nice to see." They nodded then smile, hearing that Nazli was doing well. "It's truly delightful, right? It's such a nice summer..." They said, grabbing a plastic cup and putting it in their bag. @nazlixceyhan
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nazlixceyhan · 1 month
"The last few weeks of summer, ah," Nazli smiled, "that's a phrase I hate to hear, really," she laughed softly, "It's not as bittersweet as being in school as a kid or in college," she continued on as she picked up a menu at their table to begin browsing through it. "I used to love school, but there was always a dread to leaving summer behind." She continued to go on, "but, yeah, things are good for me. Work is good, friends are good, family," she smiled, "I can't complain," in which Nazli knew there were little things in life she could complain about but didn't feel the need to. "What are you thinking of getting?" @enriquemarrero
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Having known Alina for as long as he had, he had also met Nazli on quite a few occasions. But he'd be happy to get to know her better, especially now that he was dating her sister. Usually he'd be nervous meeting the sibling of his girlfriend but for some reason, he wasn't worried at all. "Great," he said with a smile and a nod, happy to be on the same page. "Things are good. Great actually. Just enjoying the last few weeks of the summer. How about you?" @nazlixceyhan
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nazlixceyhan · 1 month
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Handemiyy 🌺
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nazlixceyhan · 1 month
It always felt good to help the community out, a community in which she had been a part of for her entire life. She had only left Kismet Harbor for that small stint of college overseas, but it had been an adventure of a lifetime. "I agree, I've seen it way worse," Nazli wrinkled her nose in thought of past experiences as she talked with Riley. "It's actually the most people I've ever seen out in the years I've been doing this," admittedly, it was not a bad thing. It made Nazli smile with gratitude as more people were interested in keeping Kismet Harbor clean. "I'm doing well, though, I'm loving all these beautiful weather days we keep having. It's the little things in life." @havearileymazingday
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Volunteering was a big part of Riley's free time and they wouldn't have it any other way. It had been a while since they'd started when they were a teenager, doing so because their adoptive mother took part in some stuff herself. Sure, it was mostly for Riley to feel like they were doing some good after their teenage years, but they loved doing it. If they could be there during cleanups, they were. They enjoyed the fact that the impact was immediately noticeable. "Hey," they replied with a smile. "Yup, let's do that!" They grabbed a couple of trash bags and handed one to Nazli. Reajusting their gloves, they started walking, picking up some things. "It's not as bad as it could've been", they agreed, "and quite a lot of people showed up, which is nice. How have you been?" @nazlixceyhan
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nazlixceyhan · 2 months
Beach days with Alina were days that Nazli cherished. They were fewer and further apart than when they were younger but it was a tradition the two of them had shared since they were young girls. The sun beat down on the two of them and she grateful for the light breeze that danced along her skin. "I know, you absolutely ditched me this summer," Nazli pretended to pout, pushing herself up onto her elbows, "I'm good, things are better," she told her sister, "work's been going well and well," she laughed, "I'm not as cool as you to have a new boyfriend." @alinaceyhan
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closed starter @nazlixceyhan location: Kismet Harbor Beach
Finally done with camp for summer, Alina was free for the rest of August to do what she pleased. So, she planned a beach day with her sister and they had got themselves set up in the sand with some towels and were laying out there enjoying the sun. "So, how's work been? I feel like I've barely gotten to talk to you all summer because I was at camp." She laughed a little bit.
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nazlixceyhan · 2 months
Sure, Nazli had known Ricky for as long as he had been friends with Alina but as a woman that had once been married, she knew a thing or two about heartbreak and didn't want to see her sister go through it. Though, Nazli was not so naive that she thought she could prevent it entirely but at least she could get a sense of how Ricky was feeling about her younger sister, right? "I am, too," Nazli smiled with the agreement in meeting up. "How have things been with you?" @enriquemarrero
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Meeting up with Nazli was something Ricky had been wanting to do for a while since he started dating Alina. Yeah he had known Alina for years, but this was different. Being a friend was different than being a boyfriend and he wanted to let Nazli know he wasn't about to play games with her sister's heart. "Hey," he said with his signature smile, "glad we could set this up actually." He replied and motioned for her to sit. @nazlixceyhan
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