nazonopurinsu · 4 years
I love your fanarts, especially SSHG ❤️❤️ don’t mind the haters, we are just here to cheer you up
Thank you for the kind words ❤️
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nazonopurinsu · 4 years
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Hello! Long time no see. My external hard disk broke right after I created pixiv account in May (I suddenly couldn’t access it, let alone transfer the content), and this is the only pic I drew in 2020 that I could recover. I consider it an unfinished work and I was gonna edit it again but I couldn’t even access the psd file’s folder and had not saved in high resolution......oh well.......... With the corona crisis and other life stuff, I don’t have time to draw anything or get involved in any online community. (I haven’t drawn in 5 months but lol it’s not surprising because I always draw sporadically) I’ll probably fade away again but I hope you guys are healthy and safe wherever you are! ❤️
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nazonopurinsu · 4 years
New pixiv account
I am still in the middle of uploading my old artworks from tumblr to my gallery though ^^; I just noticed that tumblr deleted some of my old posts from view, so I will be uploading them to pixiv too for those who still want to see them. Don’t worry, I will still use this tumblr to post new artworks and practice(?) English! I plan to use pixiv mainly to store my artworks in bulk.
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nazonopurinsu · 4 years
I love your Snape! ❤️❤️❤️ And I especially love your SSHG/snamione/sevmione! 💯🌈🥴🎉❤️🌈🍿💯 Thank you for sharing your work with us!
Thanks for the message! Glad to find another Snape and SSHG fan ♥
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nazonopurinsu · 4 years
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nazonopurinsu · 4 years
Hello! I hope this question isn't too strange but I was wondering if you could explain 我輩 (wagahai). I know it somewhat stands for 'I' in Japanese but is considered old fashioned and arrogant(?). Is there a special reason why Snape addresses himself like that in Japanese? And does it have anything to do with a cat? or have I misunderstood everything hah. (You don't have to reply because your blog isn't about languages, I'd understand)
This question was probably sent 1-2 years ago...I’m so sorry for the very late reply. Yes, it stands for ‘I’ in Japanese. It’s an old fashioned word used by noblemen and I think no one uses this word in daily life today lol (it’s usually used in novels). It implies arrogance/self-importance so I think Snape addresses himself like that because he demands respect...? Natsume Soseki wrote a novel called “I Am a Cat” (Wagahai wa Neko de Aru). The “wagahai” in this novel is written in different kanji (吾輩) but has the same meaning.I hope that makes sense.
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nazonopurinsu · 4 years
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I have 99 problems but you won’t be one
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nazonopurinsu · 4 years
I love your art! I just wanted to say that!
Thank you for sending me message! :)
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nazonopurinsu · 4 years
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nazonopurinsu · 4 years
I just discovered your tumblr from your recent very excellent rant and I wanted to say I love your art!
Thank you ❤
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nazonopurinsu · 4 years
I’ve been getting weird/rude messages lately so I’m sorry to say but I have decided to disable anon ask. Honestly, I draw very sporadically so I don’t check tumblr often to begin with... I hardly check my messages (sorry..) but I always roll my eyes every time I see messages like these.
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What I don’t understand about western fandom or tumblr in general is: A lot of people seem to “humanize” fictional characters and cannot seem to draw a line between fictional fantasies and real life interests. In my country, people fully understand that fiction is just fiction (read: Harry Potter characters are NOT real), porn is just porn, violent video games are just video games ---people don’t care if you enjoy certain entertainment or not, as long as you do not hurt yourself or anyone else or force your interests on other people.
By messaging something like “what you draw is repulsive”, so??? what do you expect me to say?? What I draw doesn’t even happen in real life and the characters are not real tho? If you don’t like what I draw, why do you even go to my blog and message me, that’s so weird lol Also, someone assumes that Japanese people like pedophilia and that I must like it too because I draw fictional couple with huge age gap? First of all, get off internet and try talking to a Japanese person irl before you generalize someone’s culture or real life interest. They clearly have never done so and I feel sorry for their limited circle. Fictional fantasy does not always equal real life desire. You condemn a person for their real life desire. Instead of sending hate messages to people you don’t know personally on the internet, why don’t you socialize more with people in real life and get to know someone first before judging them?
I don’t even support pedophilia or anything that violates tumblr community guidelines but you are the one fantasizing/claiming that what I draw is pedophilia...wow.
If you don’t like what I draw, cool, we just have different interests. People have different views and opinions, but you shouldn’t push your views on other people or send rude messages to hurt real life people. Sending hate messages about fictional characters is just really really weird and it makes me worry about your mental state. You are responsible for the content you consume, so if you don’t like something you see on the internet that is not even harmful to real life people, just block the tags or don’t visit the pages again. If you can’t do that, maybe you still need parental supervision...
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nazonopurinsu · 4 years
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One day, I will make them pay.
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nazonopurinsu · 4 years
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They will never understand.
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nazonopurinsu · 5 years
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Christmas holiday.
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nazonopurinsu · 5 years
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Eileen’s little prince.
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nazonopurinsu · 5 years
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nazonopurinsu · 5 years
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