ncislafan · 1 year
hi all i’m alive... what’s up with this whole frog thing??????????
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ncislafan · 1 year
hello anyone on this corner of the internet...
I uninstalled Tumblr from my phone a few months ago but decided to check in from my laptop today. i will not be consistently active but i will be mass reblogging and liking when i do show up😂😂
i am on twitter as @fountreeshipper and instagram as fountreeshipper317, and I still post fanfictions on fanfiction.net as fountreeshipper317 if anyone is interested❤️❤️
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ncislafan · 1 year
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NCIS: LOS ANGELES (2009 - Present)   Season 11, Episode 19: Fortune Favors the Brave Medalion Rahimi as Fatima Namazi and Caleb Castille as Devin Roundtree
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ncislafan · 1 year
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ncislafan · 1 year
"Bye bitch!"
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ncislafan · 1 year
Dani: “Goodnight my Kensi. It’s been an honor to be you for 14 years.”
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ncislafan · 1 year
hey anyone who still follows me. been quiet here for a few reasons but just wanted to let y'all know that i'm leaving tumblr. if anyone wants to find me somewhere else:
twitter: @ fountreeshipper
instagram: @ fountreeshipper317
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ncislafan · 1 year
Rountree and Fatima have decided that since they don’t have any younger agents to terrorize, they’ll just do it to Sabatino.
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ncislafan · 1 year
this isn't the point but the fact that LUCY TARA is taller than me is not making me more confident ok
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*IIRC, Callen was only actually married as part of a case, and his "wife" had an alias for said case, which leads me to believe Callen did as well, so not sure listing him as divorced is accurate (unless that's a secret yet to be revealed!)
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*spelled wrong on the board, it should be Rountree
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NCIS Agents targeted by Simon Williams
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ncislafan · 1 year
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“You’re connected Agent Namazi,” the voice from the USS Ronald Reagan told her.  
“Agent Namazi?” Lucy said, sitting down at the communications console.  “What can I do you for you?”
“Well, you can start by calling me Fatima,” Fatima replied.
“Of course, what do you need Fatima?”
“I just,” Fatima looked down for a second but started again.  “I just wanted to make sure we’re good.”
“Why wouldn’t we be good?  I think we’re good.  Are we not good?”
“I’m good, I just wanted to make sure we’re good.  I’ve been updating the team’s after-action reports and I realize I may not have been the agent I strive to be most days.”
“You were fine.  Finding your missing partner was jobs one, two and three.”
“I was a bit inside my own head.”
“You were part of an attack where bullets were flying, you were tear-gassed and Agent Rountree was missing.  Nobody thought you were in your own head.  Everyone thought you survived a traumatic attack and were happy to have you still in the game.”
“Thank you, Agent Tara.”
“Thank you, Lucy. Everyone here raved about helpful you were in Ops and it was really great to work with you.”
“Well, the ship was preparing to leave San Diego within a week so it was just an hour helicopter ride up to LA.  It was nice to see Tennant again.”
“She’s awesome.”
“She is.  The whole team in Hawaii is great.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, then why are you on the Ronald Reagan?”  
“In a fit of pique last year, I threw in for the Agent Afloat program,” Lucy said, shaking her head.
“Oh no!  But I love the phrase ‘fit of pique’.”
“It’s appropriate.  So now I’m living with the consequences of a bad patch last year.”
“Do you need anything?  I can get something sent in a pouch.  Food?  Books?  Movies or TV shows?”
“Maybe DVDs of a certain CW drama whose star’s catch phrase was ‘Bye bitch.’”
Laughing, Fatima said, “I might know what show you’re talking about.”
“I knew you looked familiar but I couldn’t place you.”
“Changed a lot since then.”
“Haven’t we all.  Truly, my Mom and I had some issues when I was still living home but Wednesdays at 8, we were both parked in front of the set and being a family.”
“I’m glad my on-screen atrocious behavior helped you two bond,” Fatima heard the same thing from several of her college friends as well.  “When do you get off the ship?”
“I have about another six-weeks on this assignment and then I’m going back to Hawaii.”
“Well I just wanted to make sure we’re good and offer you a much more professional version of myself.  If you need help with anything or if you’re in LA for a few days – though if you live in Hawaii I’m not sure I’d ever leave…”
“I’m counting the days until I’m back.  I miss what’s become my home.” Lucy gave a sad smile.  “I meant to ask, how is Agent Rountree doing?”
“Waiting to be cleared to return.  Had a concussion which was an issue because he had two playing football in college.”
“Oh no.”
“He said he had headaches for a few days.  Had to have some dental work done and just take some time to heal but he’s expected back in a few days.”
“So good to hear.”
“I’ll let you get back to your day but I just wanted to make sure we’re good.”
“We were never not good.”
“And to ask if you need anything and let you know I’m a resource for you.”
“I’m good with just being a friend.”
“Even better.  Stay safe, Lucy.”
“Same,” Lucy said as the call ended.
Fatima had three crates of DVDs in her parents’ garage, a gift from her former executive producer.  She’d stop by for visit tonight to pick up a set – one down, 71 to go.  Maybe hug her Mom too.  And get some take-out for Rountree.
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ncislafan · 1 year
A/N: A post-A Long Time Coming fic. I took inspiration from Deeks’ comment about Rountree needing dental work last night. I mentioned that of all people, Deeks had earned the right to make such a comment.
History Repeats
“Hey Fatima, you need to give your statement,” Deeks said, popping his head into Rountree’s little cubicle within the emergency department.
Rountree reclined in the standard hospital cot, a bloodied ice pack concealing half of his face. Fatima sat on the only chair in the room, squeezed as tightly to his side as she could be. She hadn’t left him since finding him several hours ago.
“I’m not leaving,” Fatima responded, setting her chin stubbornly. Her hand clenched around Rountree’s, a protective glint in her eye.
Rountree squeezed back, and said something, words distorted by the ice pack. And likely the damage underneath.
“No, I’m not going anywhere until I know your safe and in your own bed.”
“Fatima, I’ll take good care of him. I promise.” Deeks gave her a solemn nod. If Kensi was in Rountree’s place, he’s have a hard time stepping away too.
Rountree gave her an encouraging nudge, and after another look at Deeks, Fatima reluctantly rose.
“Fine.” She jabbed a finger at Deeks. “But if anything changes, you let me know right away.”
“Absolutely,” Deeks promised. He waited until she was out of sight to take her place, though not as closely as Fatima had. “Hey.”
“Hey.” Rountree mumbled. He turned his head a little, keeping his chin lowered, but not enough to hide his swollen and bruised eye socket.
“How you doing, man?”
“I’ll live.”
He could drop it, like Rountree clearly wanted him too. Deeks had seen the look in his eyes when he thought no one was watching. He tried to put up a good front for Fatima, joking and assuring he was ok. It was clear he was struggling though.
Pursing his lips, Deeks leaned a little closer, dropping his voice.
“You don’t have to put on a brave face for me. How bad is it?”
In lieu of answering, Rountree lifted the pack, slowly turning his head so the light shone over the majority of his face. His lower jaw and lip had swollen to twice their normal size, dried and fresh blood mixing together to create a gruesome sight. The swelling and bruising would probably be even worse tomorrow.
“I think a couple of my teeth are loose,” Rountree admitted, words slurred and distinctly distorted. “Lost one.”
“Damn,” Deeks muttered. He felt just a hint of phantom pain in the left side of his jaw. Pushing past it, Deeks offered Rountree a comforting smile. “I know it doesn’t seem like it right now, but this will heal.”
“I don’t know man.” Rountree swallowed thickly, blinking rapidly. He gazed up towards the lights, his breath suddenly uneven. “I thought I was going to die for real this time. They suffocated me, man. And no matter what I said, she just kept hitting me. I could feel my teeth shifting, and blood filling my mouth—” He broke off suddenly, chest heaving. “How do I get past that?”
“Devin, hey. Devin, take a breath. Through your nose,” Deeks coached gently. Rountree took several deep breaths with his eyes closed. When he opened them again, he looked more in control again. “I get it.”
“You do?” Rountree asked softly. He winced, pressing the ice pack to his mouth again. A look of sudden understanding flashed across his face as he realized that Deeks wasn’t feeding him platitudes. “When?”
“The Sidorov case.”
“I remember hearing about that.” He absentmindedly brushed his fingers over his jaw. “You guys got pretty messed up.”
“Yeah, it was rough,” Deeks agreed. “The point is, I remember what it’s like for every breath, every time I clenched my teeth without thinking and I flashed back to that day.
“You think it will be like that for me?” Rountree whispered.
“I hope not. But in the case that it does, you should know that there are a lot of people watching out for you. Don’t pull away from them.”
“Sounds like you’re talking from experience.”
Deeks huffed a humorless laugh. “I shut myself off from everyone, Kensi, the whole team, for a while. It was the very worst thing I coiled have done, but I was too deep in my own head and pain to even begin to know how to reach out. Thank god Kensi actually came to my apartment and basically insisted on staying.”
“Heh, sounds kind of like Fatima. She keeps saying she’s not leaving me alone,” Rountree said.
“Good. Partners are supposed be the people we trust and count on most,” Deeks told him. He paused, hoping he wasn’t truly overstepping a boundary here. He didn’t want Rountree to be yet another statistic though; victim to the battle through mentality.
“And, if you ever need to talk, somebody to listen, or just to be there, I’m only a text or a call away,” he added. “Whatever you need.”
Rountree nodded, eyes shiny, and he reached to grasp Deeks’ hand, shaking as he squeezed tightly.
“Oh, and I also know the number of a really good oral surgeon. I think I can get you a family discount.”
Rountree let out a startled laugh, immediately wincing. He glanced down at the now melted ice pack and tossed it to the side.
“Thanks, Deeks.”
A/N: This isn’t to imply that Fatima isn’t a capable partner, or anything like that. Simply that Deeks has been in a similar position, especially with consideration of dental trauma.
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ncislafan · 1 year
my babies had a little cuddle🥹🥹🥹🥹
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ncislafan · 1 year
Half an hour to go!
I repeat! 30 minutes left!!! =D
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ncislafan · 1 year
Half an hour to go!
I repeat! 30 minutes left!!! =D
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ncislafan · 1 year
I'm sorry, I didn't realize that voicing opinions in public is suddenly an issue. A tiny fandom because people like everyone here with the exception of like three people are constantly bitching about it. Sorry I add my opinions, if that's what you're looking for.
Anyone want to bet on how many times I complain tonight? I got at least 10.
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ncislafan · 1 year
@agentblyeanddeeks, so yeah i went ahead and blocked you so you don't have to worry about seeing me anymore, and for everyone else, that sounds good!
Anyone want to bet on how many times I complain tonight? I got at least 10.
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ncislafan · 1 year
If I may jump in with a suggestion, popcorn?
Anyone want to bet on how many times I complain tonight? I got at least 10.
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