#fatima x devin
thjslove · 2 years
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Oh, come here. Thank you, partner.
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ncislafan · 2 years
This is probably gonna piss a lot of people off but idc:
I am so fucking sick of fountree being the lesser ship. Densi gets screen time every god damn episode. Callanna gets reasonable time considering Anna is a recurring character. Fatima and Rountree are both regulars, like it or not, and they get a minute or so of non case related chitchatting per episode, on good days. But, Densi gets to talk about their kid (who I love), Sam gets to talk about his dad, everyone else gets to talk about their life outside of work. But not Fountree. Then, like they've BEEN getting, absolutely fucking nothing. Fatima could have died today and her soulmate barely cared because of how fucked up the writing is this season.
I am sick of the chatting with my friends and planning/writing stories being the only interaction these poor characters get. I am sick of it. I am sick of them being neglected for "more interesting" storylines that actually suck. If there's time for them to be stressing over Hetty (who can we honestly just forget already? She's gonna get them all killed) then there's time for Fountree to talk. Enough of the Russia storylines and for the love of God enough of the Hetty storylines.
I don't really care if you disagree with anything I said, tbh.
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romancemedia · 1 year
Callen and Anna finally get married (14x21)
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le-amewzing · 2 years
More than a decade of being an LA fan, and that big xover event finally convinces me to write LA fic. ;P *Note: This is set after s14e10, "A Long Time Coming."
Fic: "Feral" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: Devin Rountree & Fatima Namazi (platonic but okay to tag as Fountree!), Marty Deeks/Kensi Blye
Rating: K+
Words: ~2,330
Additional info: friendship, hurt/comfort, light angst?, fluff, 3rd person POV
Summary: Rountree saw a different kind of action as a result of the Williams investigation. But now it's time to put the case behind him and recuperate…even if he is curious about what his team got up to…
      Being held hostage had never been something on Devin Rountree's bucket list. But it was something he now mentally added and immediately crossed off while he waited for the nurses at the hospital to come back with an update.
      His phone buzzed in his pocket as he sat with his legs hanging over the edge of his hospital bed, and he didn't wonder for a second who it could be, considering how shaken Fatima had been when the team located him at Miller's hideout earlier today. That was why he blinked in surprise when Deeks' name appeared onscreen. He winced in pain as he glanced around to check if he might disturb anyone around him by swiping right.
      "There he is!" Deeks chirped from the passenger seat in Kensi's SUV. The blond angled the phone so Rountree had both of them in view. "Hey, Rountree, that ice helping?"
      Rountree chuckled and grinned automatically—and hissed, too. It'd been hours, but it still hurt to smile. "Not much," he admitted, lowering the disposable icepack from his face.
      "Well, keep it on—even if it doesn't feel like it, ice works," Kensi instructed in that sisterly tone of hers. She let her eyes drift from the road to Deeks' phone for a split-second, to emphasize her words.
      "Will do," Rountree promised, though he returned the pack to just below his bottom lip so he could chat with them for a bit. "You guys heading home?"
      "Yep," Deeks replied. "Parker and Torres had a flight to catch back east, and Tennant and Tara lingered a bit longer. I think Tennant wasn't ready to cast her Agent Afloat back to sea quite yet." He motioned to Rountree with a jerk of his chin. "But we cleared out all the guests before locking up for the day, so no worries."
      Kensi shot her husband a look. "Hardly. Sam and Shyla were putting the finishing touches on their reports and Callen was haunting them up in ops because his phone started ringing. Pretty sure it was Arkady looking to grab a drink."
      Rountree wished he could muster a more genuine smile as the couple bickered about the post-case details and simultaneously tried to settle on a story regarding the absence of Deeks' truck for Rosa. Truly, though, he wished he had more energy to pay attention to his friends…
      His eyes wandered to the intake bracelet taped to his wrist atop his bandages. Sure, the team had gotten him an ambulance, and the initial field examinations had been good. But the EMTs as well as Kilbride had insisted Rountree follow up with the ER. He'd had a round of x-rays already, but the nurses had disappeared after he'd insisted they didn't need to cram him into an MRI machine for additional scans.
      …no, he really didn't want to be in any tight spaces, not after that smothering trick Miller had her henchman pull.
      "…ee? …tree? Rountree," Kensi said, more firmly this time.
      Her tone finally snapped him out of it. "Hmm, yeah?"
      Kensi narrowed her eyes and leaned over the console to get a good look at him. They must've been at a red light. "They are letting you go home, right? The EMTs at the scene—"
      Rountree grinned (ouch, he had to stop doing that by default!) and shook his head. "It's nothing. I think the nurses are just putting together my x-rays for my dentist, as we thought."
      Bad enough Kensi frowned at him, but even Deeks gave him some serious side eye. They already had one kid to get home to; Rountree didn't want them to make a detour on his behalf.
      "Instead, you could always fill me in on what I missed out. I'm guessing you wanna leave any gory details at the door when you see Rosa."
      They stared at Rountree and then shared a look. Kensi grumbled before Deeks conceded with a nod. "Considering we were all on a super-secret hit list, I'm kinda surprised that much of the action rather"—Deeks pantomimed making a ball of…something—"sandwiched today's events."
      "You mean 'bookended,' babe," Kensi corrected.
      "Ah, yes, that," he agreed with a snap and point of his fingers.
      Regardless, Rountree furrowed his brow. "So, what? The day's most exciting things were Fatima and me getting shot at with me taken away and then you guys coming to my rescue?"
      Deeks shrugged but nodded. "Well, Torres and I were shot at, too—who knew a big red truck could be a big red target?"
      That explained the earlier bickering. But the mention of his partner also highlighted how Kensi and Deeks hadn't mentioned Fatima in their recounting of leaving OSP today. He replayed in his mind's eye that gigantic hug from Fatima, after he'd been freed, and he pursed his lips. Fatima was always a chill, casual person…but she'd definitely been beside herself once they'd reunited.
      Would it be strange, though, to ask them how Fatima had been while he'd been missing?
      Whether she guessed where his mind had gone or it was simply the place to start her story, Kensi said, "…as Deeks stated, that ambush at the admiral's home caught us all off-guard. Despite needing rest and receiving what I thought was my best mom voice, Fatima was raring to go from the start."
      Rountree frowned. That didn't sound like anything new, since his partner could flip a switch and go from "chill" to "feisty" in no time flat. "And…?"
      Deeks squinted and cocked his head in his usual manner that prefaced telling any one of them some unflattering detail. "And Kens is being really nice when she means that Fatima spent the entire day biting everyone's heads off."
      He gaped at his fellow agents. "She what?!" Rountree froze. "Hold on—I barely interacted with our visitors, but don't tell me—"
      "No," Kensi assured him while Deeks whistled, "no, Fatima kept her blasts aimed primarily at our team and at suspects only. Tennant and the rest understood the circumstances anyway, I'm sure."
      "Wait—what happened with the suspects?!"
      Deeks pulled a face, which Kensi matched, and dodged the question. "Besides, Fatima was back to herself at the end of the day," the blond insisted with a sage stroke of his scruff. "Actually, she and Agent Tara almost seemed chummy."
      "Deeks, Kensi—what happened with the suspects?"
      Kensi turned the wheel, and the SUV rolled to a stop before she cut the engine. Then she gave him a shit-eating grin. "Rountree, honest, it was nothing that Sam and Callen can't smooth over."
      Rountree met her eyes and looked to Deeks, as well, searching for a hint. But if they really didn't want him to worry… "Please tell me that was the most outrageous thing that occurred after my abduction."
      The couple paused for thought. Deeks counted to himself on his free hand. "Not counting the covert clue delivered by one ever-elusive Henrietta Lange and one impressive headshot by one ever-horrifying Hollace Kilbride, there's one other thing, but it's hearsay."
      He'd been with this team long enough that any addition to the myth of Hetty no longer stunned him, but the detail about Kilbride saving his hide startled Rountree. Perhaps the admiral had some fondness for him after all? Nevertheless— "Hearsay?" Rountree echoed. He wouldn't be distracted by the other details, which were stories for another day.
      They both nodded, but Kensi's smile was impressed this time. "According to Lucy—Agent Tara—when she and Fatima surrounded one of Miller's men, Fatima descended on the guy from above, leaping off the leg of the plane like—and I'm quoting here—'Wolverine from X-Men.'" She stifled a snicker. "Apparently Lucy didn't have to do anything once Fatima got to blow off some steam."
      Rountree blinked. He opened his mouth and closed it. "Fatima."
      "Our Fatima, yep."
      "Like…Jackman's Wolverine?"
      "I mean, Lucy didn't specify movies versus comics, but that flying-with-claws-out attack is fairly iconic."
      Rountree brought his legs up and reclined on the hospital bed. Maybe Miller had hit him harder than he'd thought, because he definitely wasn't hearing things right…
      On their end, someone (likely their daughter) called for Kensi and Deeks. The parents gave him mirrored half smiles. "You'll heal in no time, bud," Deeks said.
      "Thanks," he mumbled.
      "And, Rountree?" Kensi waited until he met her eyes again. "Grab an Uber home soon. But feel free to take one here, too, just because."
      He appreciated that she left the "in case doctors feel you need looking after" part unsaid. "Thank you, Kensi, Deeks," he said with a bit more strength in his voice.
      "We'll catch you later," Deeks promised, and they both waved before the video call disconnected.
      While Rountree appreciated knowing some of what transpired while he'd been held hostage…he also found he couldn't quite wrap his head around it. He'd seen Fatima in a foul mood, sure. And he'd seen her kick some serious ass out in the field. But—a feral Fatima?
      He jolted at the sound of her voice and dropped his phone on his stomach. The distance hadn't been far, but the device was heavy enough and his middle was tenderized enough from the day's events so his breath left him in a pained "Oof!"
      Fatima rounded the foot of his hospital bed but was wary of touching him and making things hurt more. She winced along with him. "Rountree, jeez, are you all right? I didn't mean to scare you."
      Rountree gave her a tiny smile that his lips didn't protest. "Nah, not scare. Just…surprised." He glanced at the busy hallway and noted that the staff seemed unbothered with his late-night visitor. "Hey, aren't visiting hours—?"
      Fatima shrugged with just her right shoulder and patted her jeans pocket. "I…might've used my badge to get past the reception desk."
      He quirked an eyebrow.
      "Technically, not against the rules. I am an NCIS Special Agent, checking up on her fellow NCIS Special Agent."
      Rountree stifled a laugh. "Is it a Fatima or an OSP thing, working the rules like that?" he asked, scooting to the left side of the bed so she could sit on the edge.
      Fatima took the offered seat and smirked. "Honestly? Kind of both." She paused then, taking in the sight of him patched up and bruised, and her smirk slowly faded. "So? What do the doctors say?"
      He raised both eyebrows and held her gaze. Then he answered, with some reluctance, "A lot of what the EMTs suspected was right. Bruised ribs, not fractured." He motioned in a circle to his face. "Minor fractures along my jaw, mostly around my teeth. Orbital fracture of my left eye." Rountree hesitated and folded his hands in his lap. "Abrasions on my wrists from where they bound me… The rest is superficial and the nurses already stitched me up as needed, Fatima."
      If she heard his last sentence, she didn't give any indication. Fatima zeroed in on his face with grim determination, her lips pursed so flatly she nearly frowned. But she wasn't staring him in the eye. No, it was easy to guess she was tracing over every last stitch and scratch on his face.
      So Rountree finally said what he meant to instead of enumerating his injuries. "Fatima, you didn't have to come see me tonight. You could've asked tomorrow or another time."
      Yet Fatima shook her head. "…it had to be tonight."
      Rountree studied his partner, studied the tightness in her expression, the drop of her gaze to the hospital's sterile white sheets, the curl of her fingers in his blanket, the absence of color in her knuckles the harder she squeezed, the slight movement when he realized that Fatima…feral Fatima Namazi…shook beside him.
      He recalled his own rollercoaster of emotions in that plane today, not knowing whether to trust Miller when the villain had insisted she'd captured Fatima, too. Suddenly, it seemed more plausible to him, that Fatima might be as vicious as Special Agent Tara described, much as it made sense that Fatima would be clingy upon their reunion. He, too, had run the gamut of emotions today.
      So Rountree scooted to the left once more, now pressing himself against the railing, and patted the empty stretch of bed beside him. He patted it a second time when the first motion failed to get Fatima's attention.
      And Fatima understood. It were as though they were back at the plane again, outside with Miller's body only feet away, the danger still feeling far too real. Fatima stretched out beside him and lightly draped her arm across him, letting him arrange it so she didn't press against fresh bruises. And she buried her face against his neck as she hugged him, tight.
      "Fatima…," Rountree murmured, "…I am alive. I survived. We survived. We'll be okay. I'll be okay." Of course, even as he said it, he wondered how much more convincing she would take.
      Fatima squeezed him harder, and Rountree patted her arm. He twisted his head to catch a glimpse of her face then—but another detail snared his attention, so he quickly averted his eyes: Their current embrace had shifted her pastel pink headscarf a bit, allowing some of her dark hair to peek out.
      He cleared his throat. "Um, F-Fatima. Your, uh, scarf…"
      She stiffened against him. But she simply withdrew her free arm from his chest, fixed her hijab, and returned to her previous posture. Even if the brief incident snapped her back to reality, today's happenings…they loomed larger, making reality feel like something still far out of their grasp.
      But Rountree knew otherwise. Their reality was that they'd persevered. They'd come out on the other side of today's horribleness, no worse for the wear. And if Fatima needed to hold on to the tangible evidence of that—to hold on to him—a little while longer, until it felt properly real to her…then so be it.
Done for the 5, 10, 20, 50, 70, 100 Fandoms Challenge as well as the If You Dare Challenge (for prompt #25: I'm alive) in the HPFC forum on FFN. WELL. I actually enjoyed the big xover event a lot more than I thought I would! Granted, I wish we'd had one ages ago, back when NOLA was still on (NOLA, my beloved, you are missed! ;w;), but I'm mostly satisfied with the story they did for this—plus LA on a Monday night, where it belongs?! YES, PLS AND TY! 8D Anywho! I…have been with LA from the beginning. I have old story ideas from a decade ago, even. I just…haven't written anything until now. There's been so much to love about LA, and the charries are so near and dear to my heart, but s14's "A Long Time Coming" rly smacked me in the feels when they separated Rountree and Fatima. I've adored both charries since their respective debuts, and I've always delighted in Fatima's fondness for him, hence why I'm happy with either platonic or shippy content for them. -w- But since Rountree was on his own for much of the ep, having Densi fill him in was a lot of fun (and legit the Wolverine comparison is my own—I'm a BIG X-Men {comics and movies} fan myself). Let's see… Oh, funnily enough, tho this is my first LA fic and I've done NCIS fanart before, I actually have drawn smthg before that was Fatima-inspired! (Can you tell I'm a big fan? :3c) Final remarks: For anyone who might not know, to my understanding, it's respectful to avert your eyes (esp if you're male) when someone wearing a hijab has their hair accidentally shown, and you also wouldn't fix it yourself. I included this in the story since Fatima frequently changes out her scarves btwn normal/fashion and fitted/athletic types, and I wondered how this episode's affectionate Fatima would mind it coming loose at all around someone to whom she's v close but not family/married. Plus, Rountree behaving accordingly by knowing not to touch it and risk touching her hair demonstrates respect btwn them! -w- *iz a sucker for soft friendships* Ahhhh, I just love these two a lot.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
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ncisla-source · 2 years
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NCIS: LOS ANGELES (2009 - Present)   Season 13, Episode 15: Perception Medalion Rahimi as Fatima Namazi and Caleb Castille as Devin Roundtree
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leotanaka · 2 years
which episodes have been the best for fatima/devin? 
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itssyllie · 3 years
Watching NCIS makes me miss NCIS:LA more.
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typingtess · 4 years
NCIS:  LOS ANGELES:  “Cash Flow” Teaser/Act One
A woman is walking in a rough part of town with a man following right behind her.  She confronts him – he’s just walking home.  No bad intentions.  He decides to take a different way home.  The woman speaks to her partner on her Ear Pods.  
The partner, another woman, breaks into a warehouse.  She opens boxes of designer shoes and bags stored in the warehouse.  The final box has a dead guy.  The woman runs.
The work-out sneak peek.  
Lt. Michael Murphy info. 
Fatima notices Anna is not working out.  She’s playing with her new X-Box.  She also wants to see photos of lifeguard Callen.  She thinks he had feathered hair.
Kensi and Deeks are buying a house online.  Deeks hates his signature.  He believes your soul moves into solid blue ink.  Kensi thinks he hates his soul.  She’s waiting for a touché.
Deeks is leaving in his truck – wishes the wife fun at work.
The warehouse was supposed to be empty.  The dead guy is a Navy reservist, CTI Coleman.  He worked in the Navy’s version of NSA. Kensi and DeChamps – who Nell called in – will be looking into Coleman, Fatima and Devin into the woman who broke into the warehouse.
Anna is going to work on rebuilding some of the homes destroyed in the 2019 fires.  She is going to miss Callen while she’s helping others.
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kevindurkiin · 5 years
Tomorrowland Drops Full 2020 Lineup
As promised, the complete Tomorrowland lineup has just dropped all at once with no phases or teases! There are six HUNDRED artists playing this year across both weekends!
Pretty much name a DJ, and there’s a significantly good chance they’re playing this year. Use “Find In Page” to easily locate below any DJ you’re curious about, and get ready for one (or two) of the best weekends of your life!
The Belgian & Worldwide Presale begin tomorrow, Saturday, January 25 on www.tomorrowland.com. General ticket sale begins February 1.
&Me 2ManyDJs 3 Are Legend A Local Hero A-Trak A.R.T. Act of Rage Adam Beyer Adaro ADIN Adriatique Afro Bros Afrojack Agents Of Time (live) Ahl Iver Airod Airwave Al Twisted & Rob Da Rythm Albin Meyers Alesso Alle Farben Alok Alwys Late Aly & Fila Aly & Fila b2b Paul Thomas (UV set) Amare Ame Âme b2b Rodhad Amekmar Amelie Lens Andhim Andrea Damante Andrew Rayel Andromedik ANDY SVGE Anfisa Letyago Angemi Angerfist Anhatema Animal Holocaust Animato AniMe ANNA ANOTR b2b Toman Ariel Vromen Armin van Buuren Artbat Astrix Atmozfears Audiotricz Axel Haube Axwell Ayahuasca b2b ChaosX B Jones B-Front B-Kay Bakermat Bart & Baker Basement Jaxx Bass Modulators Bassjackers Bassjackers vs Quintino Basstripper Basswell Becky G Becky Hill (live) Bedouin Belben & Arnaud Boatpeople Ben Klock Ben Nicky Benny Benassi Berg Billx Björn Grimm Blaster Blastoyz BLVCKPRINT Bonzai All Stars Boris Brechja Borokov Borokov Bram Delux Brian Cross Brian Cross vs Jerry Davila & Pelos Brohug Brooks Bruno Martini Bryan Kearney Bubba Butch Camelphat Capoon Carl Cox Carlos Bayona Caspar Caspar & Don Cabron Cat Dealers Cellini Cemode & Mr Grammy Cham Chica Gang
Chime x Franky Nuts x Oliverse Chocolate Puma Chris Lake Chris Stussy b2b Prunk CID Cirez D Claptone Cloonee Comrad & Yves V (& Friends) Conro Coone COSMIC Cosmic Gate Crack-T Crankdat Curtis Alto D-Block & S-Te-Fan D-Nox & Beckers D-Sturb D-Wayne b2b Vito Mendez D.O.D Da Hool Da Tweekaz Daddy K Danger Hardcore Team (DJ Set) Daniel Busser Danny Avila Danny Howard Dark-E Dash Berlin Dave Lambert Dave Lambert & Tach Crémer David Guetta Dax J b2b Kobosil De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig De la Pena & Brossi Delafino & Luna Fino Delafino vs Gee Demi Kanon Dennis Cruz Destructive Tendencies Deterrent Man Detest Detlef Deuxfwa Devin Wild Diego Miranda Digital Punk Dillon Francis Dimatik Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Dimitri Wouters Dino Lenny Disco Dasco Discobaar a Moeder Dixon DJ Allures & A-Tom-X DJ Flash DJ Ghost DJ Isaac DJ Jan DJ Kat DJ Licious DJ MIMI DJ Policy ft Burd & BeatFox DJ Rino DJ Seinfeld DJ Tom & Saxy Mr S DJ Ward DL Dom Dolla Don Diablo Donelly & Seelen Dope D.O.D live Dosschy Double Pleasure Double-U Dr Phunk DRIGAO & IAMGUNZ DRS Duck Sauce Eats Everything eDUB EDX Einmusik Ekali Emanuel Satie Endymion Enrico Sangiuliano Eptic Eric Prydz presents HOLOSPHERE Estasia Estiva Evil Activities Excision Fabio Marcs Faisal & Hakim Farrago Fast Distance Fatima Hajji
Fedde Le Grand Feder Federico Feest DJ Lucki Luc Ferreck Dawn Ferry Corsten Ferry Tayle vs Dan Stone (Fable Set) Fideles Firaga Fisher Fjaak Flava D Footworxx Militant Crew Four Tet Fox Stevenson Frank Mellemans Franky Kloeck Franky Rizardo Fré Frederico Frequencerz Funkhauser Furax Furyan Fuzz Gareth Emery Gary Beck Geuzz Ghost Rider Gian Varela Gianluca Vacchi Giuseppe Ottaviani – LIVE 3.0 GLXY Goetia Goldfox Gonçalo Goose Gorgon City Grant Greg Dela Greg Lamore vs Jay Lee Hudson Greg S Grum GTA (Latin set) Gunz For Hire Habstrakt Hangar Soundsystem Hard Driver Hatred Hayden James dj Headhunterz Heckman Helena Hauff Henri PFR Hermanos Hernan Cattaneo Herobust b2b Spag Heddy Himperson Hiraeth b2b Shire DnB Holy Goof Horse Meat Disco Hosted by: Steve-D Hot Dub Time Machine Hugel Human Rias Hush Hush Hefner Icicle Ida Engberg Ilan Bluestone Ilario Allicante Iljac Ilkay Sencan Illenium Infected Mushroom – Retro Live Set J. Roots & Hakimm Jackless & The Fox James Marvel Jamie Jones Jan V Jan Vervloet Jan Wayne Jasper Fioole Jauz & NGHTMRE Jax Jones Jebroer Jelle DK Jeroen Meertens b2b Diatonik Jeroen Visser Jesse JNXD Johan Gielen b2b M.I.K.E. Push John O’Callaghan Jones & Stephenson Joris Voorn Joyhauser Kapibara Kas:st (live) Keinemusik (&Me & Rampa & Adam Port) KELTEK
Kenn Colt Kevin de Vries KEVIN KOFII Key 4050 Kill The Noise Kill The Noise b2b Feed Me Kimman Klangkuenstler Klaps Klaudia Gawlas Klingande live Kobosil Kölsch Konstantin Sibold Koven Køzløv Krankenhaus Selektion Krewella Kris Kross Amsterdam Kryder Kungs Kurt V La Fleur Lady S Laidback Luke Laurent Wery Les Mecs Eclectics Lethal MG Lexx (on) Lexx & Christian82 Liquid Soul Locked Groove Lost Frequencies Lost Frequencies (live) Lovra Low Steppa Luk LunaKorpz M-22 M&T Maceo Plex Macky Gee Mad Maxx Magnificence Makasi Mambo Brothers Man Outta Space b2b Double U Jay MANDY Many Moore Marcel Dettmann Marco Bailey Marco Carola Mark with a K Mark with a K & MC Chucky Markus Schulz MaRLo – Tech Energy Marshmello Martin Garrix Martin Solveig Masai & The Roots Mathame Mathy MATTN Maxim Lany Maximo MC Da Silva Mc Lowqui Mc Mota MC Pyro Meduza Melvo Baptiste Mh!mz Michael Amani Michael Bibi Michael More Milo Spykers Mind Against Mindmistake MistaJam Modestep Monika Kruse b2b Bart Skills Monta Montell 2099 Morten Mosoo Mr E Mr. Pig & Le Twins Murda Beatz Murdër b2b savagery Murdock Naethan Neelix Neophyte Nervo Nervo vs W&W Netsky Nick Bril Nicki Sanchez Nicky Jam Nicky Romero
Nico Morano Nicola Zucchi Noisecontrollers Nora en Pure Nur Jaber NWYR Oguz Oliver Heldens Oliver Heldens vs Tchami Olivier Giacomotto One87 Oneted Ophidian Optimo Outsiders Pan-Pot Paris Hilton Partyshakerz Pat B Patrice Baumel Paul Denton b2b Liam Wilson Paul Elstak Paul Kalbrenner Pegassi vs Elenore Pegboard Nerds b2b Tokyo Machine Peter Luts Pfirter Philip Lake & Alec Philippe El Sisi & Omar Sherif Phill Da Cunha & Smith Davis Phuture Noize Pierre Pixel Terror Pola & Bryson Pretty Pink Psyko Punkz PTTRN b2b Haissem Purple Disco Machine Q-dance presents 20 Years of Hardstyle Que 9 Quintino R3hab Rachel Green Radical Redemption Rakesh aka Blackjack 9000 RAKKA Ramon Tapia Ran-D Ranji Raw District Reality Test Reaper Recondite live Red Axes Redfield Refuzion Regal Regard Regi Regi b2b Wolfpack Retrospect Revival Reygel & Peri Rezz Richie Gee Riggi & Piros Riot Riton Robbie Rise Robert Abigail Robert Falcon Robin Schulz Rodg Rodhad Roma Ronny Retro Rotterdam Terror Corps Ruben de Ronde Ruben de Ronde & Rodg present TogethRR Rudimental Rusko Ruthless S.P.Y Sakso Sam Divine Sam Feldt Samyn Sandro Silva b2b SaberZ Sandy Warez Santini ft Quatretemps (live) Scooter Sebastien Leger Sefa Sem Thomasson Senses of Mind Seth Hills Severe SHDDR Shei b2b Mastachi . Shimza
Simon Dunmore Simon Patterson B2B John Askew Skazi Slushii Snelle Sol & Sura Solardo Solarstone Somnia vs Synsun Sonic Solutions Soulcity Sound Of Tomorrow winner Sound Rush Spencer Brown Steam Team Crew Stephan Bodzin Steve Aoki Steve James Sub Zero Project Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano Superstyling (Ravenous & Skyve) SVDDEN DEATH Sven Väth Swift Tale Of Us Tchami Team DAMP Technimatic Tha Playah Thang The Bobmeister The Darkraver The Knightriders The Magician The Noble Six The Opposites The Prophet The Satan The Shapeshifters The Subs The Thrillseekers b2b Factor B Thierry Wonderwarth Thim Tiësto Tijana T Timmerman Timmy Trumpet Tom & Collins Tom Cosyns Toman Track-Thor Trikk Tweekacore Two Pauz Unclesand UNEAK Unicorn on K Used Vandal Vato Gonzalez Victor Ruiz Villain Vincenzo Firenzo Vini Vici Vinny Vintage Culture Vishcale Visionobi Volunt Barbati Vynx W&W Wade Wanton Ward vs Da Rick Warface What u on about crew Whipped Cream Whiteno1se WhoMadeWho Wildstylez Wilkinson Will Sparks Winterclubbing Allstars Wndrlst Wolfgang Sucks Wolfpack Wout X-Ian & Joeri Yamo Yannick Thiry Yellow Claw Young Marco Yves Deruyter Yves V Zany Zatox Zeen & Myer Zfilio & Tim G Zonderling Zyce
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Tomorrowland Drops Full 2020 Lineup
Tomorrowland Drops Full 2020 Lineup published first on https://soundwizreview.tumblr.com/
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bluebuzzmusic · 5 years
Tomorrowland Drops Full 2020 Lineup
As promised, the complete Tomorrowland lineup has just dropped all at once with no phases or teases! There are six HUNDRED artists playing this year across both weekends!
Pretty much name a DJ, and there’s a significantly good chance they’re playing this year. Use “Find In Page” to easily locate below any DJ you’re curious about, and get ready for one (or two) of the best weekends of your life!
The Belgian & Worldwide Presale begin tomorrow, Saturday, January 25 on www.tomorrowland.com. General ticket sale begins February 1.
&Me 2ManyDJs 3 Are Legend A Local Hero A-Trak A.R.T. Act of Rage Adam Beyer Adaro ADIN Adriatique Afro Bros Afrojack Agents Of Time (live) Ahl Iver Airod Airwave Al Twisted & Rob Da Rythm Albin Meyers Alesso Alle Farben Alok Alwys Late Aly & Fila Aly & Fila b2b Paul Thomas (UV set) Amare Ame Âme b2b Rodhad Amekmar Amelie Lens Andhim Andrea Damante Andrew Rayel Andromedik ANDY SVGE Anfisa Letyago Angemi Angerfist Anhatema Animal Holocaust Animato AniMe ANNA ANOTR b2b Toman Ariel Vromen Armin van Buuren Artbat Astrix Atmozfears Audiotricz Axel Haube Axwell Ayahuasca b2b ChaosX B Jones B-Front B-Kay Bakermat Bart & Baker Basement Jaxx Bass Modulators Bassjackers Bassjackers vs Quintino Basstripper Basswell Becky G Becky Hill (live) Bedouin Belben & Arnaud Boatpeople Ben Klock Ben Nicky Benny Benassi Berg Billx Björn Grimm Blaster Blastoyz BLVCKPRINT Bonzai All Stars Boris Brechja Borokov Borokov Bram Delux Brian Cross Brian Cross vs Jerry Davila & Pelos Brohug Brooks Bruno Martini Bryan Kearney Bubba Butch Camelphat Capoon Carl Cox Carlos Bayona Caspar Caspar & Don Cabron Cat Dealers Cellini Cemode & Mr Grammy Cham Chica Gang
Chime x Franky Nuts x Oliverse Chocolate Puma Chris Lake Chris Stussy b2b Prunk CID Cirez D Claptone Cloonee Comrad & Yves V (& Friends) Conro Coone COSMIC Cosmic Gate Crack-T Crankdat Curtis Alto D-Block & S-Te-Fan D-Nox & Beckers D-Sturb D-Wayne b2b Vito Mendez D.O.D Da Hool Da Tweekaz Daddy K Danger Hardcore Team (DJ Set) Daniel Busser Danny Avila Danny Howard Dark-E Dash Berlin Dave Lambert Dave Lambert & Tach Crémer David Guetta Dax J b2b Kobosil De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig De la Pena & Brossi Delafino & Luna Fino Delafino vs Gee Demi Kanon Dennis Cruz Destructive Tendencies Deterrent Man Detest Detlef Deuxfwa Devin Wild Diego Miranda Digital Punk Dillon Francis Dimatik Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Dimitri Wouters Dino Lenny Disco Dasco Discobaar a Moeder Dixon DJ Allures & A-Tom-X DJ Flash DJ Ghost DJ Isaac DJ Jan DJ Kat DJ Licious DJ MIMI DJ Policy ft Burd & BeatFox DJ Rino DJ Seinfeld DJ Tom & Saxy Mr S DJ Ward DL Dom Dolla Don Diablo Donelly & Seelen Dope D.O.D live Dosschy Double Pleasure Double-U Dr Phunk DRIGAO & IAMGUNZ DRS Duck Sauce Eats Everything eDUB EDX Einmusik Ekali Emanuel Satie Endymion Enrico Sangiuliano Eptic Eric Prydz presents HOLOSPHERE Estasia Estiva Evil Activities Excision Fabio Marcs Faisal & Hakim Farrago Fast Distance Fatima Hajji
Fedde Le Grand Feder Federico Feest DJ Lucki Luc Ferreck Dawn Ferry Corsten Ferry Tayle vs Dan Stone (Fable Set) Fideles Firaga Fisher Fjaak Flava D Footworxx Militant Crew Four Tet Fox Stevenson Frank Mellemans Franky Kloeck Franky Rizardo Fré Frederico Frequencerz Funkhauser Furax Furyan Fuzz Gareth Emery Gary Beck Geuzz Ghost Rider Gian Varela Gianluca Vacchi Giuseppe Ottaviani – LIVE 3.0 GLXY Goetia Goldfox Gonçalo Goose Gorgon City Grant Greg Dela Greg Lamore vs Jay Lee Hudson Greg S Grum GTA (Latin set) Gunz For Hire Habstrakt Hangar Soundsystem Hard Driver Hatred Hayden James dj Headhunterz Heckman Helena Hauff Henri PFR Hermanos Hernan Cattaneo Herobust b2b Spag Heddy Himperson Hiraeth b2b Shire DnB Holy Goof Horse Meat Disco Hosted by: Steve-D Hot Dub Time Machine Hugel Human Rias Hush Hush Hefner Icicle Ida Engberg Ilan Bluestone Ilario Allicante Iljac Ilkay Sencan Illenium Infected Mushroom – Retro Live Set J. Roots & Hakimm Jackless & The Fox James Marvel Jamie Jones Jan V Jan Vervloet Jan Wayne Jasper Fioole Jauz & NGHTMRE Jax Jones Jebroer Jelle DK Jeroen Meertens b2b Diatonik Jeroen Visser Jesse JNXD Johan Gielen b2b M.I.K.E. Push John O’Callaghan Jones & Stephenson Joris Voorn Joyhauser Kapibara Kas:st (live) Keinemusik (&Me & Rampa & Adam Port) KELTEK
Kenn Colt Kevin de Vries KEVIN KOFII Key 4050 Kill The Noise Kill The Noise b2b Feed Me Kimman Klangkuenstler Klaps Klaudia Gawlas Klingande live Kobosil Kölsch Konstantin Sibold Koven Køzløv Krankenhaus Selektion Krewella Kris Kross Amsterdam Kryder Kungs Kurt V La Fleur Lady S Laidback Luke Laurent Wery Les Mecs Eclectics Lethal MG Lexx (on) Lexx & Christian82 Liquid Soul Locked Groove Lost Frequencies Lost Frequencies (live) Lovra Low Steppa Luk LunaKorpz M-22 M&T Maceo Plex Macky Gee Mad Maxx Magnificence Makasi Mambo Brothers Man Outta Space b2b Double U Jay MANDY Many Moore Marcel Dettmann Marco Bailey Marco Carola Mark with a K Mark with a K & MC Chucky Markus Schulz MaRLo – Tech Energy Marshmello Martin Garrix Martin Solveig Masai & The Roots Mathame Mathy MATTN Maxim Lany Maximo MC Da Silva Mc Lowqui Mc Mota MC Pyro Meduza Melvo Baptiste Mh!mz Michael Amani Michael Bibi Michael More Milo Spykers Mind Against Mindmistake MistaJam Modestep Monika Kruse b2b Bart Skills Monta Montell 2099 Morten Mosoo Mr E Mr. Pig & Le Twins Murda Beatz Murdër b2b savagery Murdock Naethan Neelix Neophyte Nervo Nervo vs W&W Netsky Nick Bril Nicki Sanchez Nicky Jam Nicky Romero
Nico Morano Nicola Zucchi Noisecontrollers Nora en Pure Nur Jaber NWYR Oguz Oliver Heldens Oliver Heldens vs Tchami Olivier Giacomotto One87 Oneted Ophidian Optimo Outsiders Pan-Pot Paris Hilton Partyshakerz Pat B Patrice Baumel Paul Denton b2b Liam Wilson Paul Elstak Paul Kalbrenner Pegassi vs Elenore Pegboard Nerds b2b Tokyo Machine Peter Luts Pfirter Philip Lake & Alec Philippe El Sisi & Omar Sherif Phill Da Cunha & Smith Davis Phuture Noize Pierre Pixel Terror Pola & Bryson Pretty Pink Psyko Punkz PTTRN b2b Haissem Purple Disco Machine Q-dance presents 20 Years of Hardstyle Que 9 Quintino R3hab Rachel Green Radical Redemption Rakesh aka Blackjack 9000 RAKKA Ramon Tapia Ran-D Ranji Raw District Reality Test Reaper Recondite live Red Axes Redfield Refuzion Regal Regard Regi Regi b2b Wolfpack Retrospect Revival Reygel & Peri Rezz Richie Gee Riggi & Piros Riot Riton Robbie Rise Robert Abigail Robert Falcon Robin Schulz Rodg Rodhad Roma Ronny Retro Rotterdam Terror Corps Ruben de Ronde Ruben de Ronde & Rodg present TogethRR Rudimental Rusko Ruthless S.P.Y Sakso Sam Divine Sam Feldt Samyn Sandro Silva b2b SaberZ Sandy Warez Santini ft Quatretemps (live) Scooter Sebastien Leger Sefa Sem Thomasson Senses of Mind Seth Hills Severe SHDDR Shei b2b Mastachi . Shimza
Simon Dunmore Simon Patterson B2B John Askew Skazi Slushii Snelle Sol & Sura Solardo Solarstone Somnia vs Synsun Sonic Solutions Soulcity Sound Of Tomorrow winner Sound Rush Spencer Brown Steam Team Crew Stephan Bodzin Steve Aoki Steve James Sub Zero Project Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano Superstyling (Ravenous & Skyve) SVDDEN DEATH Sven Väth Swift Tale Of Us Tchami Team DAMP Technimatic Tha Playah Thang The Bobmeister The Darkraver The Knightriders The Magician The Noble Six The Opposites The Prophet The Satan The Shapeshifters The Subs The Thrillseekers b2b Factor B Thierry Wonderwarth Thim Tiësto Tijana T Timmerman Timmy Trumpet Tom & Collins Tom Cosyns Toman Track-Thor Trikk Tweekacore Two Pauz Unclesand UNEAK Unicorn on K Used Vandal Vato Gonzalez Victor Ruiz Villain Vincenzo Firenzo Vini Vici Vinny Vintage Culture Vishcale Visionobi Volunt Barbati Vynx W&W Wade Wanton Ward vs Da Rick Warface What u on about crew Whipped Cream Whiteno1se WhoMadeWho Wildstylez Wilkinson Will Sparks Winterclubbing Allstars Wndrlst Wolfgang Sucks Wolfpack Wout X-Ian & Joeri Yamo Yannick Thiry Yellow Claw Young Marco Yves Deruyter Yves V Zany Zatox Zeen & Myer Zfilio & Tim G Zonderling Zyce
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Tomorrowland Drops Full 2020 Lineup
source https://www.youredm.com/2020/01/24/tomorrowland-drops-full-2020-lineup/
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nomdeplay · 8 years
26 Daughters
As usual, copied from the Nameberry Forums. my answers below.
You have 26 daughters - one for every letter of the alphabet. You choose middle names.
A: Addison, Alexandra, Amethyst, Aria, Ashley, Astra, Aurora, Autumn, Avery, Azalea B: Beatrix, Blaire, Blake, Brenna, Bridgette, Brielle, Briley, Bristol, Brooke, Brynn C: Calliope, Carly, Carrie, Cassandra, Charlotte, Clementine, Cleo, Codie, Colbie, Coraline D: Daisy, Dakota, Danni, Daphne, Deanna, December, Delilah, Destiny, Devin, Dylan E: Echo, Eden, Elsa, Emerson, Emmeline, Erica, Erin, Eudora, Evangeline, Everly F: Fable, Fae, Faith, Fatima, Felicity, Fiona, Fleur, Flora, Francesca, Freida G: Gabrielle, Gage, Gemma, Genesis, Gennifer, Ginger, Goldie, Grace, Grey, Gwendolyn H: Hadley, Harmony, Harper, Hazel, Heather, Helena, Hermione, Hollie, Hunter I: Idina, Imogen, India, Indigo, Ireland, Iris, Isabella, Isadora, Isla, Ivy J: Jacqueline, Jade, Jamie, Janie, Jessa, Jezebel, Johanna, Jordan, Juliette, Justice K: Kaleigh, Kasey, Katniss, Kayla, Kendall, Kennedy, Kenzie, Kimber, Koraline, Kyla L: Lauren, Leia, Leslie, Lexi, Lila, Logan, Lola, Lucille, Luna, Lynzie M: Mae, Mara, Marina, Mathilda, Maxine, Meagyn, Melanie, Mickey, Molly, Morgan N: Nadine, Natalie, Nevaeh, Niamh, Nina, Niya, Noemi, Norah, Nour, Nova O: Oakley, Oceane, Octavia, Odyssia, Olive, Olivia, Olympia, Opal, Ophelia, Orchid P: Padme, Paige, Paisley, Patricia, Pepper, Peyton, Phoenix, Piper, Poppy, Preston Q: Quandra, Quarry, Queenie, Quenby, Quentin, Querida, Quincy, Quinn, Quintessa, Quora R: Rachael, Rae, Raven, Reagan, Reese, Riley, Rory, Rosemary, Rowena, Ruby S: Sammie, Sapphire, Savannah, Scarlett, Shannon, Skylar, Slater, Spencer, Starr, Summer T: Tamara, Tegan, Tenley, Thalia, Thea, Theresa, Tibbian, Tori, Trinity, Tyler U: Udelle, Ulla, Umbria, Una, Unique, Unity, Urban, Urielle, Ursula, Utopia V: Valentina, Valenica Vanessa, Vera, Veronica, Victoria, Vienna, Violeta, Virginia, Vivienne W: Waverly, Wednesday, Wendi, West, Whitney, Wilhelmina, Willow, Winslow, Wren, Wynter X: Xanthe, Xanthippe, Xaviera, Xelda, Xena, Xinnia, Xiomara, Xoie, Xora, Xyler Y: Yara, Yazmeen, Ynez, Yoko, Yolanda, York, Ysabelle, Ysla, Yvette, Yvonne Z: Zadie, Zaina, Zara, Zendaya, Zenobia, Zhara, Zelda, Zoey, Zora, Zuri
A: Aurora Jane B: Brenna Vivian C: Charlotte Minerva D: Delilah Remy E: Evangeline Inez F: Francesca Maeve G: Grace Adeline H: Hazel Eleanor I: Imogen Estelle J: Juliette Indigo K: Kennedy Rose L: Lila Josephine M: Molly Madilyn N: Nova Renee O: Oceane Audrey P: Paisley Ann Q: Quinn Genevieve R: Ruby Jessamine S: Scarlett Renata T: Tegan Cressida U: Umbria Mae V: Veronica Ivy W: Willow Agate X: Xanthe Azalea Y: Yvette Cora Z: Zora Marceline
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ncislafan · 2 years
my babies had a little cuddle🥹🥹🥹🥹
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romancemedia · 3 years
If Roundtree and Fatima do ever enter a romantic relationship I hope they go to Deeks and Kensi for advice on how they managed to balance their relationship with work and personal cause I would LOVE to hear that conversation.
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ncisla-source · 3 years
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NCIS: LOS ANGELES (2009 - Present)   Season 11, Episode 19: Fortune Favors the Brave Medalion Rahimi as Fatima Namazi and Caleb Castille as Devin Roundtree
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leotanaka · 3 years
i’m really here for fatima & roundtree redesigning the entire office to make it 1)  look good and 2) be much more comfortable and suitable for them to work in.
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ncislafan · 2 years
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