nckjcns · 5 years
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just a bit, yeah, like the teeniest, tiniest amount possible. don’t OUT me like this, nick, you know too much. that was one hell of a team though, i’ll tell you that. honestly, i had my doubts n’ shit, but after this ? i could probably watch it, like, ten times … in a row. it’s that good. either that, or i officially have benjamin button disease. i, honestly, wouldn’t even be surprised if there was some partial truth to that. great minds think alike, jonas. duh. don’t shame my pizza like this, asshole. what’s your side of the grass lookin’ like then, huh ? huh punk ?
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i think you’re telling a big ass lie right now, but it’s okay. i’ll let it pass. i could write a tell all with all the information i know about you. ever had an autobiography written by someone else ? you’re about to. who knew ms. cyrus was still in touch with her inner kid. good to know, man. i thought you lost her after humping a foam finger. aw, c’mon. benjamin button disease would be cool. we could celebrate your birthdays going backwards until.. well.. i don’t know what would happen when we reached zero. well, fuck ME then. lush. healthy. don’t be envious of my freshly cut grass.
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nckjcns · 5 years
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@whosmb: how am i supposed to believe that?? what?? is that really so fucking crazy, nick? bc we work and u know that or u wouldn’t’ve let me stick around for… what has been now?? did i or did i not just tell u i’d stop fucking other guys if u asked me to??? ur the one who keeps telling me we can’t, but the second we’re in the same place, it’s a different story. u stop playing games with me, and i’ll stop playing them with u. lol that’s ur first problem, ur married to someone who doesn’t give a shit other than the fact ur famous and her untalented ass needs a way to stay relevant. i want u for u. is that not good enough anymore???
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@jicknonas: we can talk when you decide to stop fucking talking down on her, man. i can’t just /sit/ here and listen to that shit. somethings just shouldn’t be said, madison.
𝒔𝒏𝒂𝒑𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒕   ━  * ∗  ∵ ▸   @whosmb.
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nckjcns · 5 years
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my fans, nicholas, the only people i take input from these days. however, i’m willin’ to make exceptions cause i need my friend to tell me when i look crazy. that’s you. hold on, you realize this is my mother that you’re sending something TOO, right ? i’m expecting the same treatment, if not more, when my day rolls around. just saying. not to me, silly, roast someone else’s ass for coolness points. it’s just not the same if it’s me. you’re clearly not committed to the cause, jonas. stop holding back ! let loose ! um, mind your business. it’s my list. cool .. okay, hawaii?
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i suppose that could be a healthy relationship but how can you take input from a group of people who haven’t even had a personal conversation with you ? asking for a friend. solid. does this imply that i’m THAT friend ? ah, i remember that you do have a birthday coming up. i got you. but i’m a mommas boy, grande. i love all mothers and not just my own. gotta spread the love with a few gifts here and there. dammit, i guess i’ll have to roast jimmy fallon again. this is fine, though. nope, i have commitment issues, man. damn, okay. yes ma’am.
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nckjcns · 5 years
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a coffee and a mimosa ? nick jonas, you really do live on the edge. nope, just because of that, you get your pizza. ah, what a saint you are ! no really, what did the world do to deserve you ? i’ll make sure to get some strippers who really need some business then, since you’re keen to help their line of work ! i did not, i’m sorry, okay ? 
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only slightly. i just love me a coffee and some sparkling orange juice to go with. we don’t pass judgement over my unhealthy habits ! good question, i’ll ask the man upstairs during my prayers tonight. solid. i wonder if this could be used as a tax write off then for me. asking for.. someone who needs more of those. it’s okay, i’ll forgive this one. 
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nckjcns · 5 years
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you wouldn’t even if i told you… it’s… something only a woman ever has to go through. i’m just tired of the pity. even from my own sister, it’s just OVERWHELMING. 
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OKAY.. so we’re going for no pity ? cool. i can do this. so let’s switch it up, yeah ? what did you have for dinner ? and before you ask.. yes, that’s the best i’ve got.
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nckjcns · 5 years
@halsey: jobros approved my sucker cover ??
@halsey: that's the peak of my career
@nickjonas: @halsey i meannnnn i guess i have to take back that approval stamp then
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nckjcns · 5 years
@perrieedwards: @nickjonas very few people get my approval, so i hope you're super jazzed rn. PLEASE DO THAT.
@nickjonas: @perrieeedwards i would like to thank the academy for giving this to me :/// I GOT YOU
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nckjcns · 5 years
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everyone’s been breathing down my back for outfit changes, so i took the liberty of switchin’ up the look. you’re WELCOME. i will say that i’ve gotten less headaches today than … well, probably the four years that the ponytail has been alive. uh, okay, i’ll just go n’ off myself right now then. thank you. but don’t, i asked you to be bad not dead ! totally different. the biker jacket is definitely a yes though, n’ should be part of your everyday outfit. just saying. i did though, n’ it really didn’t end well. i was hated by many. oh, well then if it’s like that then i have tons of requests. permission granted.
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hey, i don’t know who everyone is but i will say the ponytail is iconic and i’m not a HUGE fan of change. but this is a change i can live with. also, i heard it’s your momma’s birthday so send her my best wishes and to be expecting something in the mail shortly. i don’t know how long it’ll take since i’m in london, but it’ll get there. hey ! you said be bad. that’s in my book of bad if you ask me. i got you on that, then. i can’t promise everyday, though. but once in a while i can do. requests like what, exactly ? noted.
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nckjcns · 5 years
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@whosmb: okay… how the fuck does scooping me out of a toxic relationship, teaching me what a real man is supposed to treat me like, randomly running off and getting MARRIED, yet still want me warming ur bed not make u a manipulative asshole??? yeah i fuck other guys to make u jealous bc that’s the only time u ever give a shit and want me around. it’s not my fault that i’m fucking crazy when ur the one who made me like this.ur about to see zero sides of me lol. and if i was the god fearing little girl i make myself out to be, i’d go and tell ur wife all about it.
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@jicknonas: i didn’t mean for things to go out the way they did. but if you think you and i could.. actually work when our personalities differ as much as they do ? c’mon. i don’t WANT to be in a situation where we constantly have to make each other jealous and can’t just sit and talk. i’m too old for it now. i’m sure she wouldn’t bat an eye if you did. whatever, madison.
𝒔𝒏𝒂𝒑𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒕   ━  * ∗  ∵ ▸   @whosmb.
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nckjcns · 5 years
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            yeah, of course. i’d like to think i know what good music sounds like when i hear it — & your album is part of that. fuck, that’s a hard question to answer, & i’m not going to take the easy way out to say all of them are. but only human ? i’ve definitely been listening to it more than the rest. i’m a man of my word, nick, don’t doubt that.
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      i think you have excellent taste if you think our album is part of it. spread the word, because i think best selling album of 2019 is a good look for us. okay, dope choice. now when i play it live, i HAVE to shout you out. nope, not doubting you at all.
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nckjcns · 5 years
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but i don’t WANT to. because the more people i tell, the more real it gets. the more looks of pity shawn and i get. and i hate that. i fucking hate that so much, nick.
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i can’t begin to act like i get it, because i don’t. but i trust however you want to go about it and if that means.. not speaking on it for a while, then don’t let anyone try and convince you you HAVE to.
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nckjcns · 5 years
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if the world should know one thing about me then let it be my obsession with animals. you know it’s real when ‘ the secret life of pets two ’ has me experiencing EVERY emotion possible. i laughed, cried more times than i wanna admit, n’ definitely stuffed way too many skittles in my mouth than i should’ve. it was probably a mistake dropping music at this time, considering my needs for a cute ass farm somewhere private are coming on super strong. imagine this ─── stay with me here … we grow pizza. yeah, you’re fucking welcome !
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obsession is a BIT of an understatement. ‘ miley and her dead petz ’ ? yeah, we remember her. it’s practically burned into my fucking brain. i actually was considering taking my niece to see it and now that it has the miley cyrus stamp of approval... it must be done. are we the same person ? i’ve been talking about getting a farm myself. the dream is very much still alive and happening. see, you lost me at growing pizza. try again next time, cyrus.
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nckjcns · 5 years
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i mean, i can get you some cadbury chocolate or something, i feel like a slice of pizza is a bit much for just that. there’d need to be something else there, so if you can give me another reason then i’ll find some pizza. cool, look, as long as i can get strippers involved then i’m happy ! —- not even remotely funny, jonas, you shithead. no thank you, sir. 
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i would very much like that. even though, i rather a coffee and a mimosa to top the day off. i think i deserve the pizza beforehand but i guess i’ll just have to find patience instead. i bet you are. but fuck it, we love supporting any kind of work force and strippers are one of my top five. so you’re trying to tell me you didn’t laugh at all ?
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nckjcns · 5 years
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@whosmb: right. i traded a guy i hated who treated me like shit for a guy i’m really down for who STILL treats me like shit. u don’t even love her. i can tell that u don’t. i don’t want to hear ur bullshit, i’ve heard it a million times before from someone else but the second u get lonely ur going to hit me up bc u know i’ll be there. i was fine with what we had. bc i know for a fact ur ‘wife’ isn’t who ur looking about at night lol but ur still going to pick a woman u probably don’t even sleep next to over me. whatever. find someone else to suck ur dick next time ur alone. that’s CLEARLY all i’m good for :)
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@jicknonas: you’ve got this whole twisted narrative of me that isn’t even accurate. you’re right, you are young but taking advantage of you wasn’t something i did. i love my career and my life right now and like i said.. the timing isn’t right and maybe if you were someone i could TRUST i could explain shit to you. but right now, madison ? you’re showing me a side of you i don’t ever want to see again
𝒔𝒏𝒂𝒑𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒕   ━  * ∗  ∵ ▸   @whosmb.
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nckjcns · 5 years
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@whosmb: see?! u don’t give a FUCK about me or how i feel. u won’t explain shit to me, but trust me. u don’t have to. ur just a selfish prick who wanted to stick his dick into someone young and impressionable bc u knew i wouldn’t question any of the shady shit u do just to be with u. yeah, but i didn’t do shit to u and u know that :/
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@jicknonas: that’s not true. because if i recall.... if it wasn’t for me you would still be begging your bullshit ex to treat you like shit every day. i CARE and that much is true but you and i are not going to work. not right now. and i rather tell you this to your face and maybe have a better conversation but i guess not. the timing.. just isn’t right. i’m married, okay ?
𝒔𝒏𝒂𝒑𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒕   ━  * ∗  ∵ ▸   @whosmb.
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nckjcns · 5 years
@perrieedwards: @nickjonas look when taste is as good as yours then it's hard to say otherwise. -- i think u should re-find it. re-meme it !
@nickjonas: @perrieeedwards now you're complimenting my taste ? please tell me what i did to deserve this special treatment. i should, and put my face on the duck instead this time
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nckjcns · 5 years
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@whosmb: i hate ur fucking guts.
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@jicknonas:  hate me. fine. but please don’t try and understand something i haven’t even explained to you, yet. but regardless, you act like i oew you the world madison and after half the shit you pulled... i don’t.
𝒔𝒏𝒂𝒑𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒕   ━  * ∗  ∵ ▸   @whosmb.
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