nclson · 3 days
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‘   hey!
               tell me what you want me to say,
                                                                         you know I’m stupid for you…   ’
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nclson · 5 days
PROMPTS FROM TASKMASTER SEASON 12 *  assorted dialogue from the tv show, adjust as necessary
i was trying to start a heated debate, but no one gives a shit.
see, this is where i think i went wrong.
i feel like i've let down, like, god.
i think the public perception of me is that i'm quite cool.
i don't fear death. in fact, i yearn for it.
i want you to look at me the way i look at you.
it's the most passive-aggressive, calculated personal attack that i've ever experienced.
this is gonna summon something.
i'm not confident about it.
i've got a black belt.
are you ready, babe?
if i knew what cool was, i would not have arrived at this point in my life.
is there anything really basic that you don't know how to do?
do you know what that is, [name]?
i believe that's what you call a shelf.
it's like being on holiday in the '70s.
i'm going to have to make another one.
do you know i recently completed a master's degree?
i did the right thing.
what is beatboxing?
i knew you wouldn't let me down.
i don't want anything to do with you.
how does that look?
you could have stopped that sentence way earlier.
if you bump into anything, i'm going to prod you with it to stop it happening.
is it electric?
don't put pressure on me.
it looks like you're holding a piece of paper.
look down here!
that's a lovely twist on a professional sport.
i'm trying to express myself in different ways.
we've known each other 25 years and you've never heard me do this before.
do you have a favorite number?
you're a very charming woman.
are you serious?
i just want to visit once. could i?
lobsters are red, oceans are blue, i won't give you crabs if you let me marry you.
i'm so happily married.
if you got mad and killed a guy, i would be your alibi.
have you proposed to anyone before?
in a galaxy far, far away, everyone has tiny penises.
i was going to do great things.
i don't know what the hell's going on.
don't penalize me for that one.
i can't relax.
i always laugh when i'm nervous.
how can i add to this?
can you blow on my neck?
is that a thing i can ask you to do?
i'm not really up for this.
is that what happens at a certain time of day?
i don't remember at all.
me and you are different.
it's like looking in a mirror.
who created this atmosphere? i didn't.
can you let me in?
you look great.
i have flapjacks with me at all times.
i learnt that on instagram.
science is key.
that's the thing that ruined it?
i think that's actual dirt.
this is rather splendid.
i use it at least once a week.
is it weird that i want to slap it a little?
i hate everybody!
would we need snacks of some kind?
that's an hour well spent.
there's a word i've never used before in life. it's called hindsight.
can i touch one of those ducks?
i really wanted to do some substantial damage.
you've got to dig deep.
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nclson · 6 days
heart-shaped best friend necklaces that say "you said i killed you" and "haunt me then"
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nclson · 7 days
thinking about orange juice by noah kahan and foggy. like, 'my heart has changed and my soul has changed, and my heart — and my heart . . . that my life has changed and this town and had changed and you had not' and crying about it. foggy who takes his year and then goes to college post op and comes home changed near completely. he comes home brighter and lower all at once, scruff on his chin and with shoulders he had tentatively been working on to make broader. he comes home to a town that welcomes him back the way they always welcome home someone born there, but with the arms of someone not quite sure who they're holding anymore. he's so different, and the world is so big, but his home is still the same.
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nclson · 9 days
no one understands foggy nelson's music taste like me and spotify user @annie🌈
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nclson · 11 days
** life was lonely when you only had one person that you saw every day and trusted as much as foggy trusted matt; karen had been a wonderful, fresh surprise that came into his life in a whirlwind and was at the very least, keeping things exciting. sometimes foggy would argue that he didn't need more exciting, but twice wasn't a coincedance, clearly he attracted people who liked a little danger. being karen's friend was easy, because she was so easy to get along with, even if they bickered or disagreed.
he stared at the walls of his office, and the art his nieces and nephews had given him he had hung there that decorated it. he understood perfectly well how karen had ended up in trouble with the police, but he would have the whole new york police department sued for mistreatment of a witness before he let them accuse karen of something insane. the lawyer nodded resolutely and moved to his desk, sitting down to start writing the few notes he had on a legal pad.
' we know you didn't do it, which is a start, ' foggy said, voice as smooth and calming as he could make it. it was the voice he used whenever someone innocent sat across from him, ' I don't suppose you have an alibi we can prove ? '
Lips press together in a another smile at his comment, though she can't help but shake her head. She's likely made both and Foggy's lives a hell of a lot more difficult with her meddling. But god knows how much they've improved hers. It wasn't too long ago before she was sitting in that jail cell with absolutely no on to call. No one to care. But now? The two men that ultimately walked into the jail that same night were the ones to always be by her side now.
Karen gives a small nod at his answer about Matt, letting the rest of the walk be filled with any banter Foggy might have to let out while they finished their walk back to the office. A deep breath is given and slowly Karen puts her purse back down and gives another nod.
"Okay....okay don't sugarcoat it. J-Just tell me how bad it is and we can go from there right? Do we have any idea- any evidence who was behind this? Behind trying to frame me? Because if they pulled all of that just for me, there's no telling what they might do to you or Matt. S-So....do we have anything?"
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nclson · 12 days
** ' you're gonna do whatever keeps people safest, I get that, but putting these guys in jail is gonna do that, matt, ' foggy said, eyebrows furrowing just a little. he was doing better, he thought, at not freaking out whenever he realised matt was gonna don the spandex and start flipping over rooftops. it took time, and genuine effort on his part – he hadn't been expecting that – but he was working on it. sometimes, foggy even understood why matt needed to do it; the little girl had needed someone to protect her, and the systems were letting her down.
what foggy needed though, was to not feel like a spouse sat at a window waiting to see if his husband would come home from his mistresses house in time for their childs play. that was dramatic, but ever since the punisher case, he was scared it would happen again ( and even foggy was real enough to know that what actually scared him was finding matt unmoving and bloody with no way to bring him back that time ). but matt was right, unless they had a fair jury, it would never go the way they were fighting for it to go. he risked a scalding sip of coffee and hummed happily at the deadly sweet taste, ' just . . . be careful, okay ? I can't have you busting into court beat to hell. '
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Bud.. that's good. It doesn't always go over this well whenever Matt suggests he solves things in his Daredevil suit, rather than the three-piece one. He can handle the exasperation much better than the anger. Although, for the record, both reactions are perfectly valid. After all, Foggy's best friend is risking his life on the daily. He understands that he worries.
He gives a vague shrug when he mentions that they're at an impasse. "I don't see how we are. I won't die. You of all people should know how stubborn I can be." Surely Matt can never be sure. Every time he leaves at night he knows it can be the last time he does.. but then.. doesn't that count for everybody?
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"We're never going to be able to settle this case if I don't. Not in our advantage, not with three members of the jury being corrupted." Matt says. "I can hear it in their heartbeats. They're scared the entire time they're in there. Someone's making them pick the wrong side. A side they clearly don't want to be on. I'm assuming it's blackmail of some kind, and unless I find whatever it is that's holding them back.. I very much doubt we're going to get a verdict any day soon."
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nclson · 13 days
** just as foggy was about to double check they had walked into the right place – and wouldn't it be novel if he got lost in hell's kitchen because he relied so heavily on a lady who wouldn't stop yelling – the high pitched arguing started up again and he laughed, almost in relief. it wouldn't be new york without the thinly veiled mask of hatred everyone had for everyone else. maybe thats why foggy loved the place so much, cause all the residents understood the urge to love your friends by yelling at them. he jostled karen's arm gently and pointed a finger up by the tills, at where the yelling was coming from, ' if we did branch into family law I know where to find our first clients . . . '
almost on basic instinct alone, foggy's feet carried him to the snack section where he could find the weird egg yolk chips he had had thrust under his nose by the other members of the nelson gang a few days ago ; he refused to admit they were so good that he had been searching for them ever since. he had half a mind to buy enough to last the week but they would only stretch to the next time he was too stressed to cook himself dinner. his hands pat his pockets and fished out his wallet, eyes caught on the pink post it inside that just read ' water plants ' and he sighed, turning back to karen. he sighed a long, tired, exhale, ' c'mon, i'll treat you to whatever snacks keep you from quitting. '
karen wasn't sure what enthusiasm he was talking about, but it made her laugh nonetheless. he was the one with the enthusiasm. no matter what they did, she was glad to have him, maybe that was what he was talking about.
they really really shouldn't get into family law. he was absolutely right, and she laughed even harder with him. the wind was cold against her cheeks and she couldn't help but wish she'd drank a little more or maybe brought a scarf, but that didn't matter. "it really wouldn't work out well for us, or the smiths, would it?" she asked rhetorically.
she followed close behind him as they crossed the street and then went into the bodega first. the pair were soon awash with a yellowish glow that contrasted harshly with how dark it had been outside. she blinked a few times, eyes adjusting to the light. "if thats that's a good enough reason for you to not die dramatically, i'll take it. we like you around. now let's get you some food." karen instinctively started wandering the aisles, looking for something they could bring in for matt in the morning, and maybe a bottle of water. they should really be drinking water too, she thought.
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nclson · 14 days
** ' hey, its not my fault it snowed so often when we were trying to get between gigs, ' foggy hummed, face still close to hers before he straightened. he stretched his arms over his head in an accidental mirror of eira, wincing at the cracks and pops eminating from bones that seemed to be rapidly aging. still, he didn't miss being a young person with all that energy, boucing around. he was more confident in himself and who he was now at his ripe old age than he ever could have imagined being, even on a stage when he was in his twenties. his cheeks puffed up as he exhaled, nose scrunching as he thought about it, ' josie'll never let me in if I start turning up with a guitar. '
at the last part, he bit the inside of his cheek and glanced furtively at the stack of work on the coffee table. foggy had stuff to do, but none of it was particularly urgent, ' maybe it could wait ? '
"yeah yeah i know it," she teased, looking up at him from her slumped form on the couch. she lifted her hands and held his face with hers to give him one more kiss. "you say that because i was small enough to carry along with your guitar. personal space heater from gear van to venue," she giggled. she sat up as soon as he moved away, and stretched her arms over her head. "you really should do like a reunion show or two, fogster. but after we come back from this much needed break... you, my darling, have been staring at case files way too much lately," she stood up and wrapped her arms around his chest. "no more lawyer foggy for a while, got it?"
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nclson · 15 days
** so, he wouldn't admit it, because the three of them did good work these days and the world wasn't ending all the time, but there was still fear lingering in all the crevices no one looked in. if his partners disappeared again, and it was all on foggy, he wouldn't jump ship this time ; he didn't want to drown either though. karen's arms wrapped around him and he relented, all the strength he had been working up to fight it out melting away at once. it was like he had needed someones permission to stop. his shoulders cracked as he rolled them out and reached blindly for his scarf. he scrubbed one hand over his face and rested the other on the other's back, nodding restlessly, ' yeah, good call. okay fine, let's do mine – it's closer. '
"Foggy." The name wasn't a harsh remark to jolt him to his senses. It was a softly whispered word of concern, hands reaching out to brush through his hair. She leaned down to press a kiss to his temple, arms sliding around to hold him in an embrace. "That's why we're going to go to bed. You obviously haven't been getting enough sleep and taking one day off won't put you back three weeks like you think it will." Karen was confident of that as well. Sometimes they might be rushed for time but they never got so behind that their lives spiraled out of control for the need of sleep.
She stood upright, reaching a hand out for Foggy to take it. "We're going to either my place or yours to sleep, so you pick and I'll drive."
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nclson · 16 days
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** to begin: a psa ! foggy nelson is alive and well on this blog. this version of foggy tends to exist very much within the verse I wrote on his card and only occassionally will I pull in a storyline from the comics when there is something I really love. I have verses from his cancer storyline, if there's someone out there tryna write with a wild west foggy from 1872, i really just pick and choose. for the most part, my timeline is a comic variant netflix blend.
daredevil is hard for foggy because he is mostly over it – he gets that matt is helping people and he's good at it – but sometimes it aches that he is one of the only people in the world who knows that matthew murdock is putting himself in harms way every single night. he paces and washes his hands raw and settles with the understanding that matt promised to be different and not stop showing up like he had. foggy is always going to resent the fact that daredevil and his best friend are the same person, but he learned the hard way that asking matt to just stop would only make everyone mad at each other. he has to trust that matt wants to come home, and that's a big ask, but he's doing his best.
so yeah, thats where he's at in terms of knowing about daredevil and trying to be okay with it because he can almost understand.
— @existentialflirt sent META + DAREDEVIL
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nclson · 16 days
*         send   META   +   a   word   ,   a   name   ,   or   phrase   and   i   will   write   a   head  canon   based   off   of   this   !!!  
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nclson · 16 days
kingpin foggy (sleepy college era foggy in his pyjama pants on the holidays) and his cohort of fellow criminals (siblings) have a deeply illegal gambling ring (game of clue that got banned in their home bc the nelsons are too competitive) in a secret location (the basement), and every so often he uses illicit means (brings matt home to tell him who's lying) to win the jackpot (not having to sleep on the couch)
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nclson · 16 days
foggy nelson i love you even with your vape
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nclson · 2 months
foggy nelson i miss you but i know you would understand my pursuit of the publishing industry is a noble one
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nclson · 3 months
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deborah ann woll, elden henson, and charlie cox onset: ddba
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nclson · 4 months
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** he sharply inhaled and glanced at matt, amusement and confusion falling over him all at once. it had been a long few days and foggy was flagging a little, but he thought he had been hiding it well enough that matt wouldn't notice. the blond turned his head, raising an eyebrow, ' so you tell me what to do now big guy ? '
— @dehrdevil : ' go. to. bed. that's an order. '
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