ncssm-archive-blog · 8 years
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IT’S JUNIOR MOVE IN DAY! Welcome to the class of 2018!
hope you remembered your cassette deck.
(source coming soon!)
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ncssm-archive-blog · 8 years
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congrats to the class of 2016! school is officially out for summer!
to celebrate, a quick look back at the days when NCSSM had a pool on campus. 
we’re taking a break for the summer, but will be back just in time to welcome to class of 2018 to campus in August!
(Odyssey, 1984)
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ncssm-archive-blog · 8 years
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A few NCSSM unicorns during the annual air band show, circa 1985.
(Odyssey, 1985)
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ncssm-archive-blog · 8 years
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Today NCSSM welcomes astronaut Christina Hammock Koch '97 back to campus. You can read more about her path to becoming an astronaut here.
As it turns out, Hammock Koch is not the first astronaut to visit us here at NCSSM. In fact, Michael J. Smith was here during Dedication Week in 1980, and he continued to connect with educators throughout his home state until his death in the Challenger disaster of 1986 -- and Ron McNair, a fellow member of the Challenger crew, served on the NCSSM Board of Trustees, invited students to Cape Canaveral, and spoke at commencement in 1984.
(Dialogues, June 1982 & February 1986)
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ncssm-archive-blog · 8 years
a special treat for your Wednesday from the Smithsonian Libraries -- an archives inspired animated GIF celebrating May 4th!
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May the 4th be with you!
Narwhal from Bulletin - United States National Museum no. 36, 1889
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ncssm-archive-blog · 8 years
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In honor of prom festivities this Saturday, a look back at the midnight masquerade of 1991!
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ncssm-archive-blog · 8 years
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back from spring break & suffering from senioritis.
just fifty days until graduation!
(Stentorian, March 1987)
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ncssm-archive-blog · 9 years
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in an era of wearables like the FitBit that cost about $100, it’s hard to imagine a time when a computer that calculated the nutritional content of food cost $10,000. but 1990 wasn’t that long ago!
(Dialogues, Fall 1990)
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ncssm-archive-blog · 9 years
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in honor of Women’s History Month, here is a look at feminist activism at NCSSM -- starting with a charter application for a Women’s Concern Group from the early 1980s, to current day posters from the NCSSM Feminists and the #STEM#LIKEAGIRL miniterm class.
archives are known for old stuff, but we’re actively collecting materials that document what is happening right now. (it will soon be history!)
(Student Government Association Records & the Campus Flyer Collection)
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ncssm-archive-blog · 9 years
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Here’s Looking at Euclid
In celebration of Pi Day, here’s the title page to the first English translation of Euclid’s Elements of Geometrie from 1570. Have a piece of pie, then come on over and take a look at Euclid!
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ncssm-archive-blog · 9 years
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March is Women’s History Month and archives everywhere are full of evidence of the extraordinary and everyday contributions of women.
For instance, check out the nearby Sallie Bingham Center for Women’s History and Culture at Duke University -- or this great resource pulled together by federal libraries and museums,
The photograph above is part of the National Photo Company Collection at the Library of Congress. Taken in about 1920, it shows a group of women -- including Alice Paul -- sewing stars on a suffrage flag. (http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/npc2007001204/)
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ncssm-archive-blog · 9 years
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new trimester, new schedule! this timetable is from 1985.
(Odyssey, 1985)
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ncssm-archive-blog · 9 years
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it’s the end of mini-term, which means it’s a day for students to share what they have been working on for the past week or so. any air bikes this year?!
(Dialogues, Spring 1992)
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ncssm-archive-blog · 9 years
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a report on the very first independent project week, which evolved over time to become mini-term.
(Dialogues, Vol. 2 No. 2, pg. 5)
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ncssm-archive-blog · 9 years
a shout out to women in science: past, present & future!
From a 1946 United States Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau bulletin, The Outlook for Women in Chemistry, from the series The Outlook for Women in Science via Special Collections at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries.
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ncssm-archive-blog · 9 years
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exams. are. OVER.
enjoy the trimester break! we’ll see you for mini-term!
(Odyssey, 1982)
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ncssm-archive-blog · 9 years
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it’s the middle of second trimester exams, and this is how many students are surely feeling. rest up, unicorns!
(Odyssey, 1982)
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