nctanthca · 7 hours
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he’s  always  been  told  that  he  was  prone  to  overthinking  ,  and  perhaps  it  was  his  job  that  caused  him  to  automatically  think  the  worst  of  situations  (  if  not  his  life  itself  …  )  ,  but  he  can’t  help  but  flush  in  embarrassment  when  she  points  out  his  mistake.  spencer  didn’t  need  anything  more  than  her  statement  that  she  meant  the  word  “  escort  ”  as  a  verb  ,  the  definition  already  coming  up  in  his  mind  ,  but  he  says  nothing  about  that  when  she  recites  to  him  the  definition.  
‘  every  job  can  have  bosses  with  less  than  pleasant  intentions  regardless  of  the  source  of  the  profession  ,  ’  spencer  points  out  ,  but  he  shakes  his  head  when  she  asks  if  he  really  thought  anyone  could  make  her  do  something  that  she  didn’t  want  to  do.  ‘  no  ,  of  course  not  ,  ’  he  protests  verbally  and  genuinely.  
with  hopefully  his  faux-pas  behind  them  (  although  ,  he  feels  like  this  won’t  be  the  end  of  this  )  ,  spencer  opens  the  door  of  the  car  for  athena.  ‘  well  ,  if  you  are  to  escort  me  ,  where  are  we  going  ?  ’
It’s cute the amount of protest he gives in response to her question. Good. Correct answer. Giving him an amused smile she shakes her head slightly. “ Get in the car, Dr. Reid, and you’ll find out,” she says before sliding in the open door.
Taking her normal seat she adjusted her coat slightly while she waited on him to join her. Lifting her compact she checked her face for a moment before snapping it shut and sliding it into her pocket again. When the door was shut behind him she spoke again. “ We are going for drinks and a bit of fun, ” she informed him. “ And before you protest you are not allowed to be upset until after we go out for the night. ” After all, he couldn’t be upset over something that hadn’t happened yet. How did he know he didn’t enjoy something until it happened?
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nctanthca · 8 hours
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nctanthca · 9 hours
OOC.// My laptop for some reason won’t power on so I am letting it charge for a while ( hoping it is just the battery ). I’m here on mobile atm so if you want to plot come into my IMs or message me for my discord. I finally have a little muse.
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nctanthca · 9 hours
OOC.// My laptop for some reason won’t power on so I am letting it charge for a while ( hoping it is just the battery ). I’m here on mobile atm so if you want to plot come into my IMs or message me for my discord. I finally have a little muse.
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nctanthca · 10 hours
❝  i need you.  don’t you get that?  ❞
❝  i’m right here.  i’m always here right in front of you but you never see me!  ❞
❝  you’re my person.  ❞
❝  no,  i don’t wanna have to talk to anyone else right now.  i just want you.  ❞
❝  i know you’re busy and i don’t want to bother you i just—  can i just sit here with you while you work?  ❞
❝  are we okay?  ❞
❝  honestly,  i’m always there.  in my head.  the scars on my body might’ve healed but i never really walked away from it.  ❞
❝  do you want me to make the others leave?  or we could go,  get some fresh air.   ❞
❝  look i’m not coddling you,  i’m just trying to help.  i wanna take care of you cause i,  you know— care about you.  ❞
❝  alright,  here’s your coffee.  are you ready to talk or should i find something to ramble about for a few minutes?  ❞
❝  eventually,  you just gotta learn to let go of the past.  it’s always gonna hurt,  but you can choose when to start focusing on something other than the pain.  ❞
❝  hey,  just breathe.  look at me— look at me.  in and out.  breathe with me okay?  ❞
❝  keep your eyes on me—  just focus on me.  we’re gonna be okay.  ❞
❝  no,  i’m not okay.  nothing is okay.  it never is.  but that’s just how i function most days.  so i’ll be fine.  ❞
❝  i’m not gonna pretend anymore.  i’m still fucked up from it all and i don’t know when it gets better.  ❞
❝  if you keep waiting until you’re done ‘working on yourself’ before you let yourself be with the person you love,  you’re never gonna be with them.  and they’ll find someone else who is brave enough to give them a chance to love them exactly how they already are.  ❞
❝  why do you stick around?  what is it you think you see in me?  ❞
❝  not everything needs an explanation.  i care about you.  i don’t have to sit here and figure out why.  i just do.  so maybe you should try just accepting it too.  ❞
❝  i don’t need your permission to fall in love with you.  you don’t gotta love me back,  but it isn’t gonna stop me from being here when you need someone.  ❞
❝  you love me too much.  i know how that sounds but—  fucking hell.  you shouldn’t care that much about someone like me.  ❞
❝  i don’t care if loving you hurts me.  the world already has enough pain to dole out for no reason,  at least i’ll have gotten these scars from something beautiful.  ❞
❝  if people can hate for no reason,  than i can love for no reason too.  ❞
❝  one day you’re gonna need me and i’m not gonna be there to fix it.  ❞
❝  no,  i can’t fix everything for you this time.  it’s your mess.  clean it up.  ❞
❝  i dunno who taught you that love comes with conditions and limitations,  but mine doesn’t.  not when it’s you.  ❞
❝  i don’t know how to ask for help i just— i’ve never had anyone to ask for help from before.  so…this is me trying i guess.  i need it and i’m afraid to ask for it.  that’s the best i can do.  ❞
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nctanthca · 11 hours
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"You know my methods, Watson" Sherlock Holmes ~ Consulting Detective
~ Penned by Nessa ~ Est. 2021. Revamped 2024 carrd || guidelines
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nctanthca · 11 hours
          i’m very attached to my muses. that means, i want to see them grow. i want to see their personalities expand far beyond that which was provided in canon ( or, if they’re an oc, i want to see their personalities cultivate beyond anything i’d ever planned out for them ). i want to be amazed by my muse when they do something i never thought they’d ever do. i want to be surprised. i follow them through their relationships with other muses, i watch them develop. when a muse that my muse cares about disappears, i feel the hit just like my muse does. this is nothing against the other muse, and nothing against the mun. i grow very attached to my muses; they become my best friends. they become a part of me.
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nctanthca · 12 hours
@leschanceux | For the spy bby
The Department was quiet and nearly empty at this point. Most had gone home for the night like Smithers and Mrs. Jones. Per normal however Mycroft was in his office which left Anthea alone at her desk. It was nearly silent in the old building which left Anthea very bored. It was a relief really when she heard Alex’s steps as he entered the area. A surprise of course, but a pleasant one.
“Can you tell your friend Kyra to stop playing with the power.”
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Closing the folder she had been looking at she looked up at the boy. “What brings you here this late?”
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nctanthca · 13 days
@storyuntrue asked: " whatever it is you wish to tell me, it won't leave this room. " / from Sherlock !
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"Wish to tell you?" Anthea gave a small laugh. "I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Holmes. I have nothing to say, " she said with a small shrug, shaking her head, contradicting herself.
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nctanthca · 13 days
@storyuntrue asked " whose blood is that? " / from Molly !
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" Honestly I'm not too sure, " Anthea said, barely glancing at the spot on her carpet Molly was looking at. "One of the Holmes brothers probably." They'd gotten into a few scraps in Anthea's quarters. She'd thought it absurd the first time but now she was used to their little fights. They were rare but had been known to happen. "Any advice on how to get it out?" She was about ready to just toss the small carpet away.
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nctanthca · 13 days
@storyuntrue asked: " my real skill lies in pissing people off." / from Rick !
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"Really?" she said, raising a brow slightly, amused. "I feel you are going to be fun, Mr. O'Connell."
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nctanthca · 13 days
@storyuntrue asked: " oh, that is... that is bad news." / from John !
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"Yes, it would seem that way, wouldn't it," the Government's assistant said, barely looking up from her phone as they rode in the car. Sensing his discomfort she sighed, lowering her phone. "It is something that you get used to after a while. I thought you of all people would understand. You saw combat, yes?" Surely he, as a doctor in the military, had seen his share of death in combat. MI5 and MI6 were no different.
She also realised she was sounding a bit like Mycroft and probably Sherlock. Unfeeling. "It is always sad when we lose an agent," she finally said. She was so used to the Holmes men and her job that she doesn't really blink at losing an agent anymore.
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nctanthca · 13 days
OUT OF THE OFFICE. Rewatching The Royals from E! network and man do I miss playing Anthea.
Anyone want a random starter?
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nctanthca · 27 days
OOC:// I am currently blind as a bat. My mother moved my glasses a few weeks ago and I haven't seen them since so I've had to rely on my contacts but now my eyes are tired and they don't want to use them. I just want to write and watch things. I have to hold my computer up to my face to type or read. Or else use my phone. So replies are going to be a little slow while I try and figure out a way to make this work until I can get a new prescription.
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nctanthca · 27 days
Over the years Anthea had seen many people come and go from Thames House. She'd made it a rule not to get too close to those working in the department, her involvement was only minor after all, but it was still a bit sad to see some of the longer members die leave over time. It was something she'd had to grow used to in her job working for Mycroft Holmes. It was the same in any area she observed; it was dangerous work.
There were not many that made it out. Which is why she was very interested when she'd heard about an upcoming return of a past member to the department. Harry had informed her of the return of Tom to pass on to Mycroft. The man had made it out. Maybe not on his own terms but he still had been able to return to a normal life; to possibly find some happiness. From his file she'd observed he'd gotten a family. It was broken now but he still had a child so it was very curious that he was returning to here.
Sitting in her office she'd watched via cameras as he'd made his way into the building. It didn't take him long to find his way back through the familiar halls. Standing up, Anthea made her way out of her office and waited for the familiar face to enter the main room. It didn't take long.
"Welcome back, Tom."
It had been quite the crazy few years for Tom. He had been decommissioned and for a while, he wasn’t even sure what to do. For so long, being part of MI5 was what he was used to. What do you do once you leave that job? It shouldn’t really be that hard considering how many times he had to pretend to do some everyday jobs. It took some time but he ended up starting a private security company. And also getting married to Christine Dale. That is how he thought it would be for many years.
Now here he was, still in London, didn’t have the company anymore and divorced. The one thing he hadn’t expected was to be going back to his job in MI5. Getting dressed and making himself a drink, he stared out the window as he sipped it. He then went in to check in his daughter. She was asleep in her crib so he kissed her head and left the room. He had a live in nanny which was handy with this job. Before long, he was heading to work. Just like the good old days. Reaching Thames House, he stood outside and looked at it before heading in. Unlike a new person coming here, he knew the way to The Grid. Tom made his way in. Of course, Harry knew he was back. He was the one that had asked him back. Other than him, no one else knew. Standing there, he glanced around.
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nctanthca · 27 days
SPOOKS sentence meme (various seasons.)
"what are you best at? Real thing or faking it?"
"Congratulations. Your testicles are yours to take home with you."
"Alternatively, I could always break your fingers one by one."
"He called me a monkey and questioned my sexuality."
"The monkey insult crossed the line."
"Sh, don't say anything. He's still in ear shot."
"Hows the nervous system?"
"Home is where you live. It's where people understand you."
"I'm going to ask again because I was brought up to be polite."
" I thought of you. All those years. I thought of nothing but you."
" You lied to me. And now your lie is turning round and coming back at you."
" You two should work out more."
"I'm glad you're not holding a grudge."
"Yep. That's HR for you. Unbeatable efficiency."
"You can't blackmail someone whose life has no real value."
"You're stronger than I am. Get him out of here. Go."
"Betrayal is a cancer. Let it eat your soul, not mine."
"If you don't start knocking, I'll have to have you fitted with a cowbell."
"Knock! For the love of God!"
"I won't tell anyone about our little detour in hobbit country."
"What are you gonna do? Kill me?"
"Please tell me this isn't going where I think it's going."
"Oh, I doubt that. I doubt that very much."
"I told them."
"Bloody internet."
"Wish you'd met me first."
"You and I think the same, always have done. It's why you hate me. Because you're looking in a mirror."
"Don't speak too soon."
"And you'd do that, would you? Burrow down here like a rat?"
"I need a working light and a toolkit. And a bottle of gin."
"What you've lost can sometimes be found."
"I'm not scared of bombs."
" 3 am when you can't sleep and the nightmares come - who do you blame for what happened to you?"
"Next time trust me."
"Next time don't lie to me."
"Yes, doubloons from the Spanish Main. We think its some men with wooden legs and parrots on their shoulders."
"Do the words skating, thin and ice mean anything to you?"
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nctanthca · 27 days
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SPOOKS REWATCH. On series 3 and I forgot how much I fucking LOVE Adam’s first appearance as a crazy vagrant.
Adam: Woooo I’m a crazy homeless guy- PSYOUAREBEINGBUGGEDRUNAWAY
Everyone: wtf?
Adam: Woooooooo *toddles off*
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