nctxdreamies · 4 years
A Silent Love
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speak up, i’m listening
summary: wonwoo is known to be the quietest, most introverted, cold guy on campus. his feelings are only kept to himself until someone shows up...
who: wonwoo x female reader
genre: fluff, college
warnings: none :)
word count: 2.7k
a/n: i kinda love wonwoo so i had to write something up, hope you like it!
you’ve always been on top and focused on your studies
the only person that really kept you sane was your best friend joshua
he’s been by your side since day 1
you could never imagine where you’d be in the world right now without him
everyone always thought you two had a thing for each other
at one point that was true
things took a turn and you two thought it was best to just stay as friends
after that incident your friendship grew even stronger than before
both of you cringe at the fact that you used to date
you two agreed on to never bring it up ever again
you’re surprised that joshua and you even get along because of how different you guys are
he’s a total social butterfly, has so many friends, parties a lot ocassionally, and somehow still manages to get good grades
you on the other hand focus on studying, have a few close friends but joshua is your second half, and barely get out of your apartment
you wouldn’t consider yourself as an introvert nor an extrovert, somewhere in between...
studies were on top of everything, you had no time to focus on a relationship other than your strong friendship with joshua
especially after that incident, you knew that you could be independent
one day joshua went out partying late
he didn’t answer any of your calls or texts
it didn’t concern you since this wasn’t the first this happened
you couldn’t sleep knowing that joshua wasn’t home yet
you were always concerned about his well being but he always said that you worried too much for him
while waiting on joshua and studying for finals a phone call reached your phone at 3:00 am
this was odd since the number didn’t look familiar
you decided to pick it up anyways
“hi i have your best friend and he’s wasted right now, i’ll be there in 5”
“oh sorry who is this-“
you got cut off from the person on the other line hanging up
thoughts were running through your brain wondering who that could’ve been
exactly 5 minutes later there was a knock at your apartment door
you looked through the peeping hole to reveal joshua and a tall guy wearing a black mask, and bucket hat basically covering half of his face
you really only worried about joshua at this point since he was on the ground
the guy was struggling to hold him up
you immediately opened the door and right when you opened it you saw him dashing off around the corner really fast
you thought that was the weirdest thing ever
you picked joshua up and threw him on the couch
“jeez this guy is so wasted”
you looked back at your phone and saw the number and decided to text it
“thanks for bringing my friend home, sorry about that...”
“oh wow what a way to say no problem”
the next morning you woke up later than usual and jolted out the door looking like a mess
good thing your morning bus ride to campus was long enough to get ready
you got on the bus and it was packed, there weren’t any spots left to sit in
there was one window seat open near the back
you headed down there and asked the person sitting in that row if you could sit there
he just moved over and let you through
right when you sat down a weird feeling got to you
you glanced to your left and the guy looked exactly like the one who brought joshua home last night
he was wearing the exact same bucket hat and black mask, this time his eyes were showing and he had a pair of round glasses on
he was just scrolling on his phone looking through social media
you decided to get ready while the bus started moving
there was a bump in the road and the makeup brush in your lap fell and rolled into the aisle
“shoot” you whispered under your breath
he quickly picked it up and handed it to you
you took it from his hand and locked eyes for a good 5 seconds
“thanks” you smiled
he went back to scrolling on his phone again
“hey weren’t you the guy that brought joshua home last night?”
“oh...um yeah, how’d you recognize me?”
“the bucket hat and mask! you seemed to be in a rush last night huh?”
“... yeah i was out later than usual”
the bus stopped at the campus and you both got up
you were surprised that he was getting up as well
you exited the bus and before he started walking off you caught up to him
“wait! are you a student here too?”
“yeah it’s my third year”
“woah really, mine as well!”
he didn’t seem much of a talker, he just wanted to get away from you
“by the way my name is y/n and i major in biology” you turned to him and smiled
“i’m wonwoo, i’m also in biology” he was basically whispering this
“how come i’ve never noticed you until now?”
“i guess it’s cause i’m always in the back and the first one to leave” he shrugged his shoulders
little did you know he knew who you were before you even talked to each other
you stood out to him in class since you were always paying attention, never late, and very active on the biology chat page
he knew you were out of his league and that’s why he was so cold and trying to avoid you
he eventually got over you even though he never talked to you once
but then the feelings rushed back when you started talking
“we should study together one day, and plus it’s finals season”
“i actually don’t study with other people... i kinda enjoy being alone”
“i can tell, you seem like the quiet type huh”
“i guess you could say that”
he suddenly turned the wrong direction to try and get away from you
“you know that’s not the right way”
he kept going and ignored you
you walked in class and noticed wonwoo already there
“wait i thought you were going the opposite way, how’d you get here before me?”
“i know ways” he glanced at you with a cold look
you just walked away to go sit at your seat
class ended and you turned around to go meet wonwoo again but he wasn’t there
you went to the library to study since it had the best lighting and comfy chairs between the bookshelves
you made your way there to your usual spot near the back, there was a tucked away table and chairs
someone was sitting there which surprised you since nobody really knew about this spot in the library
their back was facing you, but you decided to see who it was
“oh hey there wonwoo! i didn’t know you’d be here”
he looked up at you in shock
“this is where i normally go, what are you doing here?”
“i study here all the time, so you’re full of secrets” you laughed
you managed to crack a little smirk on his mouth
“so what are you up to?”
“i’m reviewing the content from the first few lectures”
you grabbed a seat beside him and started looking over the content he was looking at too
he felt uncomfortable by this but this was the only way he could get closer to you
you looked over at his test papers he was studying from
“woah you’re so good, how do you get grades like this?!”
“i just work my butt off i guess” he smiled
this was the first time you actually saw him smile so genuinely
“hey you should keep smiling like that, it looks good on you”
his eyes widened a bit and his cheeks were starting to warm up
he ran his hand through his hair and turned the other way in embarrassment
“well anyways i gotta go check up on joshua he’s still at the apartment”
“oh alright”
he seemed kinda sad that you were leaving so fast
“if you ever wanna study again together you got my number in your phone” you grabbed your stuff and left
that night while you were flipping through your textbook violently joshua knocked at your room door
“hey y/n sorry about last night, i was a total mess”
“whatever that’s all on you, at least someone brough you home safely”
“wait that wasn’t you?”
“no i was worried waiting for you all night”
“then who was that...” his eyes widened
“it was wonwoo, he brought you home”
“wonwoo... wonwoo” his face was confused
“oh like wonwoo in your major!”
“you know him?”
“yeah of course i do, we’ve talked a lot before since he loves music as well”
“oh wow he doesn’t seem like that type of guy, if anything he’s so cold and quiet”
“are you serious? this guy is NOT like that”
“he’s literally like that to everyone in our major, he’s that guy who sits at the back and listens along”
“you’ve never seen the real him i guess... why don’t the three of us go get a coffee tomorrow, then you can see how he really is”
“you know i’ve gotta study dude i don’t have time for this” you have him a disappointed look
“come on y/n you’re not studying for the whole dayyy” he started sulking
“ugh you’re so annoying. FINE if it will make you stop acting like this i’ll go”
he smiled and walked out of your room
you continued studying all night
your phone suddenly lit up with a text
“hey y/n i’m not sure if you got these notes but here they might help you study” *sent an attachment*
you opened it and everything on there were the things you struggled with the most
“wow thank you, this is really what i need right now!”
joshua knocked on your bedroom door and that woke you up
“good morning y/n it’s time to get ready we’re going out for our coffee hangout”
you totally forgot about that so you started rushing to get ready
there was a knock on the front door and joshua opened it
you could hear a little bit of the conversation but you were more focused on getting ready
you walked out to the living room and saw wonwoo and joshua sitting on the couch talking together
“you’re finally ready, you literally take ages to do all that”
“not my fault you woke me up late”
“let’s get going” joshua gestured you guys to the door
you guys got to the cafe and found a booth near the back
“so wonwoo how has studying been for you?” joshua asked
“pretty good, i feel ready surprisingly”
you sat there feeling nervous about the finals
“y/n you need to relax this is a great way to reset and take a break from studying” joshua insisted
you all ordered your food and drinks and began talking
“so y/n told me you’re very quiet wonwoo”
“oh uh i guess i’m like that at school”
“oh come on wonwoo you barely talk, i never knew you were in my class”
“yikes well this is a great time to get to know each other” joshua smiled
you guys started talking for a while and enjoyed the conversation
you were able to have wonwoo open up more about himself
joshua’s phone started ringing and interrupted
he instantly left and said that he was sorry for leaving really early
“i guess it was urgent...”
wonwoo just shrugged
it started to get awkward without having joshua there
“so i heard you’re into music?”
“oh yeah, joshua probably told you... i kinda like making music”
“woah actually that’s so cool, could i hear a sample?” you asked
“it’s not really done but i have a short recording on my phone”
he let you listen to it
“dang that’s so good! i didnt know you did this type of stuff!”
“yeah it’s been a longtime hobby of mine”
you and wonwoo kept talking for a couple of hours now and you both started to lose track of time
suddenly joshua texted you
“oh my we’ve been here for so long, i better get going and plus i still need to study”
you started packing up and just before you could leave wonwoo’s hand stopped you
you turned around
“y/n i had such a great time today, thank you”
“me too we should definitely do this again!”
he didn’t respond except he just looked straight into your eyes
“i need to tell you something” wonwoo broke the silence
“yeah what’s up?”
he took your hand and led you outside
it was so beautiful with the sunset and you were both in awe
he brought you to a nearby lookout to watch the sunset
“wow it’s gorgeous up here” you exclaimed
“yeah i normally go here when i’m stressed”
“so what was it that you were going to tell me?” you asked
he started getting nervous and turned towards you
“well... this may seem so sudden but y/n i really want get this weight off my shoulders...”
you looked really worried
“i like you. i can’t keep being so cold and quiet to you, it really hurts me.”
he just said it so confidently
you didn’t know what to do, it felt so sudden and out of the blue
your words didn’t come out and you were just stuttering
“i like you too wonwoo, you’re such an amazing guy and i’d love to get to know you better”
he finally felt relieved from your response
he couldn’t help it and leaned over to kiss you
you didn’t hesistate to kiss back, it’s like you were meant for each other
he pulled away and held your hands and you both watched the sunset as you leaned your head on his shoulder
it started getting dark and he started walking you home
“how long did you have these feelings for me?”
“now that’s a long story” he laughed
“wait so even before i met you that night when you took joshua home?”
“i guess you can say so” he smiled
“i’m sorry i ran away that night without meeting you. i was too nervous to face you” he said
“what why? i was wondering why you left in such a hurry”
“yeah i just get nervous around you that’s why i’ve been so mean to you”
“what you weren’t mean to me... well kinda just a little cold”
“i’m sorry y/n”
you stopped and hugged him
you two reached your apartment and he watched you go in safely
“good night y/n” he texted you
“good night wonwoo.” you replied back
joshua was standing at the door smiling when you came in
“what’s wrong with you?” you looked at him and laughed
“i saw it all y/n don’t hide”
your face turned red and you ran to your room
“oh my y/n don’t worry if you don’t want to tell me i’ll just ask wonwoo”
you opened your door to a smiling joshua
“you- stop smiling like that” you rolled your eyes
“come on you two are so cute how could i not”
“ugh whatever, i need to study bye” you started pushing him out of your room
the next morning you were just about to head out your door, you opened it and saw wonwoo standing there
“oh nice to see you” you smiled brightly at wonwoo
he hugged you and kissed your forehead
you could hear joshua making a big deal out of it behind you
you closed the door behind you and left with wonwoo
wonwoo is still a shy guy when it comes to being with you in public
you absolutely don’t care about what people think
you still love him even though he’s still like this, it’s kinda cute
he rarely shows affection to you in public because the thought of pda just makes him feel weird
he respects you for who you are and isn’t the guy to be overly attached with you
he’s truly someone you’ve been dreaming of
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nctxdreamies · 4 years
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1:27 pm
You walked out of the hotel doors into the busy streets of Paris. You had some time to kill before your interview so you went on a nice walk. 
Walking in the streets of Paris was the most relaxing thing ever. The weather was super nice today. It wasn’t too hot or too cold, the cool breeze with the sun out made it a perfect day. It felt lively as the cars passed by along with a few bikers. 
You passed a few stores where you could hear some local French music and sometimes there would be people trying to sell you things like they normally do. 
You finally reached your favourite coffee shop in Paris, they always got your order right and to your liking. You were a regular customer so right when you walked through the doors they started making your drink. 
You took a seat towards the back of the store where you normally go. You got settled down and took your laptop out so that you could start writing your next blog post. 
The worker came by your table and placed your drink on the table. You enjoyed ever bit of it as you were typing. 
While you were writing your post someone decided to sit at your table. You just froze but didn’t want to look up. 
“Could I sit here?”
You couldn’t just keep your head down, so you slowly looked up. 
“Yeah, you can!” 
The guy sitting in front of you looked like the definition of a model. He had perfect hair, a nicely shaped and proportioned face, everything about him looked like he could be a model. 
“So what are you working on? You seem to be busy...”
“Oh I’m just writing a blog post, I write about my life in Paris!” 
“Sounds interesting! How long have you been here for?” 
“Almost a year, it’s been really nice living here!” 
“By the way my name is Jaemin, nice to meet you.” he put his hand out for you to shake it. You grabbed his hand and shook it back. There was something about his eyes that got to you. He had the sweetest look to his face that literally made you smile back. 
“Do you come here often?” 
“Yeah, this is my everyday coffee spot, they know me very well!” 
As you were talking to him, his drink caught your eye. It looked like the blackest coffee ever. 
“How could you drink that? Isn’t it really bitter?” 
“I actually like the bitter taste haha! It’s just an iced americano with ice, no water, and four extra espresso shots.” 
You couldn’t believe this guy’s order, just listening to him describe his drink made you taste the bitterness of the coffee in your mouth. 
“You wanna try it?” he pushed his drink over to you. 
“Ah, I’m good it seems too strong for my liking...” you pushed it back and laughed. 
You two had a great conversation, you forgot you had that interview. When you checked the time you only had ten minutes to get to the place. 
“Oh my... I have to go now I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking at the time!” 
He looked at you confused and didn’t say anything. He got up too. 
“Mind if I come?”
“Well you might be waiting for a while for me to finish but sure!” 
With that said, the two of you walked to your interview place together. Jaemin was a great person to meet today!
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nctxdreamies · 4 years
It’s not a goodbye, it’s a see you later
part 1
it was another long day of school and it was finally over. you went to your locker to get your things so that you can head home. 
“hey y/n, wanna go get some food with us?” jeno tapped your shoulder and asked you. 
“oh yeah sure, thanks for asking! i was actually starving haha!” you turned around and told him. 
all the guys seemed so excited so they helped you get your things out of your locker and into your backpack. jaemin zipped your backpack up and he put it on his back so that you wouldn’t have to carry it since it seemed really heavy. 
“jaemin you don’t need to carry my bag for me...” you tried taking your backpack back. 
“no y/n i don’t want you breaking your back, it’s really heavy! just go start walking.” he told you and smiled. 
you knew that jaemin wouldn’t give you your backpack since he loves helping you, so you just went on and started walking. 
“so where are we going to eat?” you asked haechan. 
“we were thinking to go get korean barbecue!” he responded. 
“omg i was craving some since this morning, it’s like you guys read my mind!” you looked at haechan with a shocked face. 
“we know you too well y/n!” jisung shouted from behind. 
the walk to the korean barbecue place was about a ten minute walk from school, but it felt like it was such a long walk since it was one of the hottest days of the week. but the guys were able to distract you from the heat by trying to make you laugh the whole way there and you all had good conversations. once you reached the restaurant renjun opened the door for all of you to enter and the nice air conditioned restaurant felt really good after being in the heat for what felt like an eternity. 
“hello! welcome to xxxx restaurant, how many people?” the waitress asked. 
“just a table for seven please!” chenle stated. 
“great, right this way please!” the waitress told you to follow her. 
you all took your seats and started ordering a huge meal. the guys eat so much compared to you and the amount of food they ordered seemed like it was for twenty people, but there were only seven of you. you guys got your meals and had a good time eating together, since you were eating with your best friends it made the food taste ten times better. the guys agreed to split the bill among themselves and they refused to let you pay. they always seem to do this when you all get food outside. they walked you home and jaemin made sure to give your bag back. 
“thank you guys for a great meal, i had such a good time with all of you!” you thanked them. 
“of course y/n! we all had fun!” renjun told you. 
“we should do this again next time!” jisung exclaimed. 
definitely, but next time i’m paying!” you tried telling them. 
they all just laughed and waved at you as they were walking down your driveway. they made sure you got into your house before leaving. that night you didn’t feel so well, you thought it was just a stomach bug so you just went to sleep. you woke up in the middle of the night feeling so weak, your head was hurting so bad and you didn’t know what to do. your parents were both sleeping already and you didn’t want to wake them up so you thought that if you went to sleep it would get better so you did. 
a/n: thanks for reading! hope to get another part up tomorrow!
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nctxdreamies · 4 years
It’s not a goodbye, it’s a see you later
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she took a deep breath & let it go...
summary: one day changes everything, the bad news you’ve been keeping from the dreamies needed to come out sooner before it was too late. 
who: nct dream x reader
genre: sad and fluff
warnings: try not to cry?
parts: part 1 / part 2
a/n: i wanted to try a different genre, so here’s what i came up with hope you like it! i will try to update it everyday so please check back for new parts :)
taglist: message me if you want to be added :)
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nctxdreamies · 4 years
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playlist: kim wooseok - the winter, nct 127 - make your day, exo-cbx - someone like you
12:47 pm
it’s pretty late at night and you’re just walking home from studying for hours in the public library. the wind is giving you chills up your back and hitting you hard in the face. suddenly you hear thunder and see a strike of lightning in the sky, and of course it starts raining. it’s already really cold and now there’s rain, which makes it worse to walk home in. you quickly take shelter under a bus stop and it’s pretty dark since you’re walking away from the city. you wait there for about fifteen minutes until it stops raining and you continue your journey back home. as you were walking your phone starts ringing and you take it out of your pocket to see none other than jung jaehyun your boyfriend calling you. 
“hey y/n? when are you going to be home? it’s really late and cold outside, i’m worried for you...” his voice is shaking through the phone. 
“don’t worry i’m ten minutes away, i’ll be home before you know it!” you tell him reassuringly. 
“alright, i’ll be waiting for you! if you ever feel unsafe just call me and i’ll always be here to pick it up!” he hangs up the phone. 
you put your phone back into your pocket and just smile on your home because of what he told you. you never would’ve thought that you would have the best boyfriend in the world. by the time you reach your apartment you’re already soaking wet, but something surprises you at the entrance of the apartment. 
“hi y/n! i’ve been waiting for you.” jaehyun runs up to you and hugs you. 
“aw you’re so sweet, thanks for waiting you really didn’t need to!” you return the hug. 
you two release the hug and he notices how wet and cold you are, so he takes of his big comfy sweater and puts it around you. you love wearing his hoodies since they’re the comfiest and they smell just like him. you two head down the lobby and into the elevator. 
“how was your studying?” jaehyun asks you. 
“tiring like always! i just want to be done with school...” you tell him with an exhausted look on your face. 
“don’t worry, i know you can do it! i’ll always be here cheering you on and supporting you!” he tells you with a smile. 
you can’t help but smile back because those dimples on his face literally make it impossible to not smile back. the way up the elevator is quiet since you’re very tired and jaehyun doesn’t want to make you stressed out so he just keeps quiet as well. it seemed really awkward in there but he broke the awkwardness by giving you the biggest hug. once he hugged you, it felt like all your worries went away, like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. jaehyun always makes you feel safe when you’re in his arms. the elevator stops at your floor and jaehyun releases the hug and signals you to get out of the elevator first. you two walk down the narrow hallway down to your apartment. jaehyun opens the door for you and when you walked in the first thing you could see is a pathway of rose petals and candles leading you somewhere. 
“jaehyun what is this?” you turn around and ask him. 
“just head inside!” he turns you back around so that you can start walking in. 
jaehyun closes the door behind you and you continue walking inside, and you follow the pathway of roses and candles. it leads you to the couch where there’s a comfy setup ready for you two to watch a movie. there’s a warm blanket, some snacks, and drinks. this is the best thing that you’ve gotten all day, since you’ve been studying for the longest time ever. 
“jaehyun this is so sweet!” you turn around and hug him. 
“anything for you y/n, you work so hard and i’m so proud of you!” jaehyun hugs you tight. 
you put your bag down and head to your room to get changed into comfy pajamas. you return to the couch and jaehyun is already there signaling you to come over and sit beside him. you head over to your spot and he brings you close to him and wraps you with the warmest blanket. jaehyun really made your day today. 
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nctxdreamies · 4 years
Just another fan
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can this really be true?
summary: you’re a big fan of nct dream, and na jaemin is your ultimate bias. somehow you won a chance to go to a fansign to meet them...
who: jaemin x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none!
parts: part 1 // part 2
a/n: yay part 2 is here! thanks for all the support <3 i plan on making a social media au so please look out for that!
When you made your way to the back there was a nice lounge area to sit and wait. Nobody else was there so it was relaxing to sit there after being in a room filled with a lot of photographers and excited fans. You still couldn’t believe what you were doing right now and looking back at all the events leading up to this moment seemed so unreal. After waiting for an hour, but it felt like ages you saw a few managers walk out, surprisingly they didn’t mind you and just walked past you. After more managers came out nct dream started walking out one by one. Each of them remembered you and smiled, but they weren’t allowed to make any sort of conversation since they had to leave in such a rush. But of course Jaemin didn’t care about the time, the only thing that was on his mind was you. 
Jaemin was the last member to walk out, and he was focused on being on his phone but when he walked out of the doors he ran his hand through his hair and looked up to meet your eyes. You can feel your face getting hot and turning red. 
“This man holds so much power when he does that omg!” you thought to yourself. 
Jaemin smiled at you and started walking towards you slowly. He kept looking around to make sure that no managers were around or else he would have to leave and there would be a chance that this could lead into a big scandal. 
“Hey y/n, thanks for waiting for me. I’m so sorry for the long wait, I wish you didn’t have to wait here for a long time...” jaemin greeted you with a smile on his face. 
“It’s totally fine, it was worth the wait haha!” you told him. 
He stared into your eyes and grabbed your hands and quickly sat beside you. You can feel your heart racing but you knew that you had to stay calm. 
“I’m glad you actually read what I put in there, I thought you would never wait.” he told you. 
“well, it was for you jaemin!” you replied. 
The moment you two had felt like it lasted so long. The two of you just stared at each other in the eyes while you were still holding hands. It really felt like a dream that you didn’t want to wake up from. Something broke the moment when you two heard a bunch of cheering. Of course it was coming from the other dream members. They all came back in the venue since they were looking for jaemin. 
“are you kidding me...” jaemin quietly told you while rolling his eyes and shaking his head. 
you just smiled at him and looked into the direction where the noise was coming from. 
“yah! jaemin hyung hurry up we gotta go back to the dorm!” jisung shouted at jaemin. 
“not until i get to have a moment with y/n without you guys interrupting us!” he yelled back. 
they all laughed among themselves quietly but you still managed to hear them. you can see them walking away, but of course they couldn’t fully leave you two alone, they just watched from a safe distance hiding behind a wall. You two then turned back to each other and this moment was the most nerve wracking moment of your whole life. jaemin grabbed your hands again and basically confessed to you. 
“y/n, i don’t even know where to start. it was basically love at first sight when i saw you, i know this may sound cringy but it was honestly how i felt. i’ve never felt this way when the other fans came by to see me. you’re such a special person that i never would’ve thought i would meet in my life. thank you for coming today and seeing me.” he told you. 
you were just shocked by the words that came out of his mouth. literally your ultimate bias na jaemin is telling you this, how could this possibly happening to you. out of all the fans in the world you were the one you stood out to him??
“aw jaemin that’s so sweet, i’m glad that i was able to meet you today! i never would’ve thought that i would make you feel this way-” 
your words were taken away when he pulled you into a big hug. it felt like the most comfortable hug ever, something that was unforgettable. 
“i would’ve done more than this, if those kids weren’t there...” he explained to you while looking at the direction where the rest of the members were hiding. 
“haha this was more than i expected!” you smiled back at him. 
too bad time was running out and jaemin had to leave in about a minute or else the other members would leave without him. 
“i wish we could’ve had a longer moment with each other, but i really have to go now...” he told you while looking at you with sad eyes. 
“i understand, this won’t be the last time we’ll meet!” you pulled him into a hug. 
“this will definitely not be the last time we’ll see each other, i will do anything to have a full day with you!” he told you. 
he pulled away from the hug and stared at you for a good 30 seconds before leaving. he waved at you and you waved back, it felt like your heart was breaking but you had faith in what was going to come next. you watched jaemin walk away with the members and you felt really sad, but also very happy that something sparked between the two of you. your mom picked you up at the front of the venue and you two drove home together. you were emptying your purse and something fell out. it was a piece of paper that said...
“i love you y/n, i hope we can talk to each other more!” jaemin wrote this and somehow slipped it into your bag it also had his number attached to it. you quickly typed the number into your phone and started texting him. he replied really fast and you two basically talked for the rest of the night. 
the end.
thank you for reading!
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nctxdreamies · 4 years
Just another fan
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can this really be true?
summary: you’re a big fan of nct dream, and na jaemin is your ultimate bias. somehow you won a chance to go to a fansign to meet them...
who: jaemin x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none!
parts: part 1 // part 2 
a/n: hello reader! since this ff got a little long I decided to split it up into two parts. this is part 1 and part 2 will be up shortly. hope you enjoy reading :)
You can’t believe your eyes when you opened your brand new reload album. The panic and excitement going through your body when you see that you got into a fansign. You didn’t think that this would ever happen in your life, but it really did happen.
“Omg I don’t even know what I’m going to tell them when I see them!” You think about this.
It took a good minute for you to process everything that was going on in this very second. So many thoughts were running through your brain like, should I even go? What am I going to say to them? I don’t think I’m good enough to go. But you realized that this was literally a once in a lifetime experience that many people die to get in to. You quickly FaceTime your best friend to tell them the news.
“Girl you can’t believe what just happened to me just now!” You tell your friend unable to get all the words out properly.
“What happened?! I’m kinda scared...” she replies with confusion.
“Your girl just got into an nct dream fansign!!” You scream at the screen.
“What the heck. How did you even get in??” she replied in shock.
“Okay I just opened my album like usual and bam it was just there, so apparently I’m going to the fansign this weekend. I’ve gotta prepare omg!” You explained to her.
“Yeah that’s really soon, also I’m super happy for you! You finally get to meet your ultimate group, and Jaemin...” she winks at you and teases you.
“I don’t think I can even spit out words if I met him... I need to plan out what I’m going to say” you start laughing.
“Well I gotta go now, I have to help my parents with some stuff. Call me if you need help” she ended the call.
After the call you just stared at the fansign ticket for a while still unable to process this. You only had 2 days to prepare what you were going to wear and say, this was a big deal.
*the day of the fansign*
You woke up this morning with a big smile on your face and butterflies in your stomach. This is the day that you finally get to meet the boys who you’ve been watching through the screen, and were that fan in the crowd and cheering for them. This meant so much for you.
With that, you got ready and did your makeup and hair nicely so that you looked presentable. Your mom drove you to the venue where the fansign was being held and once you got out of the car and walked to the front doors everything got so real.
“I literally can’t believe this is happening right now, I don’t know what I’m doing.” You think to yourself.
You walk through the doors and feel the air conditioned lobby. There’s a sign directing you to where the fansign is taking place. You follow the signs and meet with a security guard who will be checking your ticket and doing a security check on you.
Passing the security check the guard prompts you into the fansign room and you see a bunch of other fans that are just as excited as you. You wait in line as the other fans start piling in. As time passes it starts to get packed.
One of the managers comes out and speaks through a microphone getting everyone’s attention. The manager is introducing nct dream and explaining the rules that need to take place in order for things to run smoothly. As she finishes nct dream walks out and they take their seats at the table.
Your eyes are instantly focusing on the one and only na jaemin who’s literally in the same room as you. And shortly you’ll be right in front of him and talking to him. Your heart starts beating really fast and you feel the colony of butterflies in your stomach.
The line starts moving and you’re getting closer and closer to the table. After an hour you’re basically in front of nct dream and they can clearly see you in the front. You get really nervous and can barely look at their beautiful faces. It’s finally your turn to get your album signed and an opportunity to talk to the boys. You start walking towards the table and the first person you meet is renjun.
“Hello! Thanks for coming out today, what’s your name?” Renjun asks you looking into your eyes.
“Hi! It’s so nice to meet you, my name is y/n!” You reply with a smile.
You two start talking about his career and he signs your album. Your time is up with renjun and you move onto haechan.
“Hi haechan! I’m so happy to meet you!” You look at him with a smile.
“Hello, thanks for coming today! What’s your name?” Haechan asks you.
The conversation in the beginning is very similar to what you and renjun had so that he knows what to write in your album. Somehow you managed to make haechan laugh with a stupid joke which was the best feeling. Your time is up with him and you move onto the next person.
“Hello jisung! I love your dancing and you’re such a nice person.” You tell jisung.
He smiles and says thank you to you. Again, asking for your name so that he can write in your album. Jisung and you have an interesting conversation since you two can relate to things well, since you’re the youngest in your family you told him that and you two told each other about your struggles of being the youngest. You then moved on to jeno.
“Hi jeno! I’m so proud of how successful you are!” You tell jeno.
“Aw thank you! It wouldn’t have been possible without you and the other nctzens!” He thanks you.
The two of you start talking about your interests and surprisingly you have some things in common, jsut like you and jisung did. Before you left he smiled at you and thanked you for coming and you couldn’t help but smile back looking at his cute eye smile. You moved onto the next person, you were getting really close to meeting Jaemin.
“Hi chenle! I love your voice, you’re super talented!” You complimented him.
“Thank you so much! It means a lot!” He thanked you and smiled.
The two of you laughed a lot during the time you had together and you had a fun time laughing with him. His laugh killed you and you couldn’t stop laughing. Finally the most nerve wracking part of the fansign, it’s time for you to meet Jaemin.
“H-hi Jaemin! You’re such a great rapper and dancer!” You can’t really get your words out right, you didn’t really notice since your were extremely nervous.
“Hello! Don’t be nervous haha I don’t want you to be scared!” He looked at you and smiled.
That big smile he had when he looked at you held so much power you can feel your heart beating at 100 miles per hour. It really got you.
“What’s your name? Also I like your outfit, it looks really nice!” Jaemin asks you and also compliments how you look.
“Ah my name is y/n! Haha it took me a while to pick out what I was going to wear today, thanks for the compliment!” You respond, you can feel your ears getting hot.
Jaemin keeps making you weak with the things he’s saying to you. It feels so unreal. The two of you had a deep conversation about life, which you didn’t expect but as soon as you knew it, it was already time to end the conversation.
“Thank you for coming y/n! By the way look at what I wrote in your album.” He whispered the last part to you, so that nobody else would hear.
“Thank you Jaemin! I’ll look at it!” You respond with a smile on your face.
You walk away from the table feeling relieved but very nervous to see what he wrote in your album. You walked out of the room and into the lobby. You found a place to sit so that you could open your album and see what he wrote. You found his page and couldn’t believe what he put there. It read...
“Thank you y/n for coming today! I’m glad we were able to have a great conversation and I would like to get to know you more since you seem like such a great and beautiful person. If you’d like to, please meet me at the back entrance in an hour since that’s when I’ll be done!”
Your jaw dropped and you couldn’t believe your eyes. Na Jaemin, our ultimate bias, really wrote this in your album. How could you even be the one that stood out to him? All these thoughts running through your brain made it hard for you to think about what you were going to do next. After a few minutes you realized what he wrote so you wanted to do what he said. With that you made your way to the back entrance and waited there for a good hour.
*to be continued*
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nctxdreamies · 4 years
All About You - Preview
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a/n: just a preview, nothing special :)
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nctxdreamies · 4 years
All About You
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what’s getting in the way of this?
who: na jaemin x reader
genre: fluff, social media au
a/n: decided to make a social media au since I enjoy reading them myself :) preview coming out soon, stay tuned!
parts: preview / part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10
status: 06-24-20 - incomplete
taglist: message me to be a part of it :)
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