neborr · 3 years
Top 5 Jimin looks now, pwease Queen?
(Aka, demon Mochi at his finest)
okay, anon -- i have kind of an important question. are you -- are any of us, really -- sure that park jimin is real? are we sure he's not some top of the line AI tech or one of those lifelike holograms they used to beam yoongi into that life goes on performance? because sometimes i look at this man and think, nah real people don't get to look like that.
anyway, i digress. here are my favorites looks from the real (probably) park jimin:
5. Kitty Gang
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waist snatched, face snatched, wig snatched. this look -- the leather jacket and pants and gucci t-shirt -- was so powerful it launched an entire cult. kitty gangers everywhere where y'all at?
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this entire look was just *chef's kiss* i mean -- the boots, the black jeans hugging those dancer thighs, this stunning leather jacket, the shades. what must it be like to be this good looking? sigh.
3. Esquire Shoot
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oh, for fuck's sake just give me a break, will you? the swoop of blonde hair over his eye? the green statement ring? the slicked back hair and those incredible boots? the stylist for this shoot went off and jimin -- naturally -- pulled it off. he looks like a work of art.
2. Idol
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yes, y'all, it's the undercut. it's always the undercut with me but this look was so much more than that. the perfectly warm but not too intense smokey eye and the dangly earring and the perfectly mussed hair, this was such a look. these photos took about six months off my life.
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do you remember where you were when you first saw red suit jimin™? i remember pretty clearly because i was on my floor. this man came out on stage in all his shaved-sides glory with that insane bespoke suit and then he performed a choreo that will forever be burned into my memory. someday i'll be an old lady looking back on my life and a smile will come over my face. and my grandkids will be like oh hey grandma what are you thinking about? and y'all already know.
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neborr · 3 years
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shhh, they’re sleeping 😴
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neborr · 4 years
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Something told me you guys liked the first post I did of this meme so I thought I might as well draw more mwahahaha
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neborr · 4 years
A little Over A Year Later...
Soooooo, i’m back. It’s been about a year and half since I’ve started my nursing job; and i’ve got SO MANY UPDATES. It’s been a fucking hell of a ride. What they say in nursing school that you really learn to become a nurse during your first year of nursing is so true. Talking to a few coworkers when i was struggling, earlier in this job, they told me that after a certain time you feel something kinda click for you, for the coworker i talked to, she said it took about 6 months before she felt it click for her. For me it about 8 months in that i suddenly one shift felt everything do just that....click. No longer was i nauseous at the thought of going to work (and it wasn’t just the transition to night shift life that made me so nauseous, (also for any newbies possibly reading this the transition is fucking rough so hang in there)). I felt more comfortable; not a ton just enough that i no longer wanted to cry after every shift, and i became just a tiny bit more confident in myself and my skills.
My hospital also transitioned to having every med-surg nurse work 12 hours shifts, we were previously working 8 hour shifts, and i was on the 11-7am shift. So that was a new learning curve working 7pm-7 am instead. 
I’ve also precepted now (yea huge shocker) my unit has a ton of turnover with staff, which i don’t blame, my unit fucking sucks. Don’t work ortho-spine y’all. You gotta balance being a physical therapist and drug pusher with all the narcotics we give, and dealing with bitchy patients. I went into ortho cuz during my capstone in nursing school i was with a float nurse and we floated to ortho unit a couple times and it was chill af, and i thought pt’s wouldn't have as many comorbidites. HA i was wrong there. Being a trauma level 2 hospital we also get GSW victims, car accidents, old ladies falling out of bed and breaking shit. 
Anyway, precepting yikes. The first one was.........awful, i made a few mistakes yes, but the girl i precepted, was awful, how could anyone as a new grad with zero experience in this field turn around and call her preceptor shit to my face when i’m trying my hardest to build a level of trust and find a way we can communicate with each other. This topic precpeting her needs a whole new post, cuz i could go on and on about it, but those were the worst couple of weeks. She’s still an awful nurse, and honestly, it reflects bad on me as a person, but she made me cry so much and doubt myself so bad about my abilities as a nurse so i’m just gonna say it. She’s a fucking dumbass, literally stupid as shit. I have absolutely no idea how she passed nursing school let alone the Nclex, she’s asked questions like if a pt is NPO can they get IV fluids.......????? i also had to teach this girl how to count. No you read that right, i did not mistype anything. HOW TO FUCKING COUNT. anyway new topic LOLOL
My second time precepting was so much better. I think she’ll be a great nurse one day, :) I need to learn patience tho, i get frustrated easily when they don’t catch onto the topics quickly and thats ok. I need to remember that i didn’t get shit at first either. 
Ohhh nursing during covid. Ummmmmm sucked at first, the whole PPE issue, it’s still a shit situation and they don’t give us hazardous pay. I don’t work on the covid unit but i have been floated there a couple times. Wearing an N95 sucks, hurts ya face and you can’t really breathe or talk great in it, i haven’t worn a PAPR but it looks awful lol, the CAPRs are better but they give me an awful headache.
I think that’s all i’ve got for right now, my macbook is about to reboot, soooooo thanks for reading this random post. I’ll be sure to post more often about my first year as a nurse, just for any other new nurse out there, and as a way to remember the crazy shit that’s happened lol 
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neborr · 4 years
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seokjin and jungkook chaotic cameo 😆
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neborr · 5 years
I can watch this all day.
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neborr · 5 years
Gravity: Hi-
Jungkook: Not today bitch!
Cr twt- INVENTkook
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neborr · 5 years
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taehyung x ddaeng
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neborr · 5 years
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There he goes
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neborr · 5 years
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neborr · 5 years
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Restored Taehyung Do not whitewash | | Do not remove caption Credit to: BECAUSE OF V
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neborr · 5 years
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neborr · 5 years
Day 3
I wanted this blog to be a place where i could easily find bts things i reblogged (lol), but now i feel like it’s becoming a place where i can rant, or write out my feelings in a diary aspect sort of way.
Anyway, today was my third day on the floor (as a nurse). My first two days have been basically me shadowing someone, which was what was expected of me for the first day, i suppose i should have taken a patient on my own for the second day, which seems a bit ridiculous. I feel like i coulda taken charge more on the second day and did more things, instead of becoming passive and taking a step back. Now a quick history lesson before we dive into the events of today. 
So my preceptor has been different for each of these three days i’ve worked, (that’s not supposed to be the case). Day 1 my original schedule got messed up, so they still wanted me to come in on my first day and be with someone else, ok cool whatever, I really wish she was my preceptor for the rest of this time, she was sweet, nice, and understanding that this is an overwhelming experience, plus she gave me that push i need to be able to do things, it was great. My next shift on the floor was the following week (yesterday), i met my preceptor i’d be with for the following weeks..........i’m.......not a fan of her, she’s nice, but not someone i gel with, she tends to just kinda of do everything, and i guess i’m going to have to really push myself alone in order to get the full training i desire (which is mostly my problem not her’s, but still it’d be nice if she would help me in that aspect of my personality, but once again, it’s my issue i need to work on not her’s). 
No onwards to day three. oh boy.
Day three, i had a slight feeling today was not going to be a good day when i woke up, i squashed that feeling down. When i got to the floor, i realize my preceptor has been floated to a different floor, she sticks me onto a different nurse, who then proceeds to do nothing, i have to introduce myself to her, she runs of to print her list of patients, and i’m there like.......??? ummm hello what about me? where are you going, should i follow, so i do and i stand there awkwardly as she prints out her papers. Yay. After we get report during shift change, she sticks her easiest patient to me, that’s my patient. So my patient is honestly pretty easy, great for a beginner nurse like me, did i still fuck up the dumbest things, yup, but besides one real issue that someone helped me fix. 
But, now it was stuff that my nurse asked me to do for other patients, that i felt like a complete idiot. No, an idiot coulda figured some of this stuff out, i felt...........just horrible. I can’t even go more into the specifics as i’m already tearing up again from just thinking about it all. It was just one thing after another after another after another, that went on the whole day, and i just feel so stupid and idiotic and incapable of doing this job. My nurse asked me to change the fluid bag for one of her other patients, and i said i didn’t really know how, and she was like ??? did preceptor 1 and preceptor 2 teach you nothing? then when i looked a bit lost when i was thinking about where to grab the fluids she freaked out a little, and i felt so small in that moment, and yea, i coulda maybe figured out how to replace the bag, it’s not difficult, but i’ve never done it in this hospital where their equipment is different, their iv pumps are different, and when i myself haven’t done that in over 6 months. I’m supposed to be taught these things right? that’s why i’m in a nurse residency program so that i can be taught to do this. 
But then again, none of today was my nurse’s fault, the floor got short-staffed, my nurse had 5 patients, one going off to surgery and the night shift didn’t do any of the prep leaving her to do everything, she was running around all day, yada yada yada.
I just feel like everyone is talking about how big of an idiot the new nurse is (aka me hello hi), i’m so awkward and shy and quiet that i can’t really connect with anyone, these are all people who go out and have great social lives outside of work, and have husbands and do shit, and i just love to hid in my room and be on the internet never really speaking to anyone. Hell the one friend i do sorta have, 80% of our conversations are about bts, plus she lives in a different state, so i never see her. 
ok well not that anyone cares but i shut my laptop cried for a while, and now i’m back, anyhow, i’m going back to work tmrw, so let’s all fucking pray for me, and i’m contemplating getting chipotle tmrw after work cuz it’s my favorite, and my go to comfort food when i’m sad. 
end of this whole crazy boring saga is; i am not okay, i feel extremely embarrassed, i feel like an actual idiot. But i like the medical field, and i need to face my social anxiety head on, and all i can do is apologize for being stupid, and smile and try again tmrw. (wow that was so peppy i’m vomiting). 
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neborr · 6 years
New Beginnings
So, i’ve started my new job, my “career” technically, ya girl is a RN. i have mixed feelings about being one, i don’t think i’m suited for the job honestly. As my...blog? states, i’m a shy, awkward, quiet little human that prefers to stay inside her room and never leave, except for showers and food. I haven’t started on the floor yet, that’s unfortunately this upcoming Tuesday, and i’m really not prepared for it. I thought i would love being a nurse, i mean i love the medical field, i love science, even during class i get excited looking at cases and learning medical procedures and diseases, but....when it comes to practice, it’s just so overwhelming. I have talked to many ppl, and have been told by many professors, speakers, other nurses, even textbooks, that the first year of nursing your just going around like a headless chicken and have no idea what you’re doing. Even a few years into your career, you still have no idea what you’re doing sometimes. And while that’s definitely a part of what i’m feeling, i have no social skills to booster myself with.
I feel incompetent, and unsafe to work as a nurse, and i wonder is that my inexperience in the field couples with my social anxiety? Or is it a legitimate concern? I guess it’s something i will find out over the course of the next three months during my residency. 
Leaving one last note, when i finally found out my schedule and they told me that i start on the floor in less that 4 days, i actually almost called them and quit, but then i remembered that i’d have to pay a penalty for breaking my two year contract with the hospital, and my bank account is in the single digits. 
Yay me :) 
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neborr · 6 years
UGH look at this little hamster! i am dying from cuteness overload 
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🍑( • ᴗ • ) 🍑 (cr.)
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neborr · 6 years
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high school!au
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neborr · 6 years
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