necromancer-kala · 2 years
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Just gonna dump these here while I’m at it
Just a height comparison of some of my characters and some design sketches.
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necromancer-kala · 2 years
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I wanna get back to posting stuff again.  This one I’m sharing here because I can’t post it anywhere else (DM doesn’t want us sharing our characters among our group until the campaign starts) This little creature is adorable and I love them.  Currently going with the nickname “Fey” They’re a half-elf tiefling who was used in experiments by a wizard who was trying to find a way to create sorcerers.  They were kidnapped as a child and have not set foot outside since.  Should be interesting.
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necromancer-kala · 3 years
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My DM invited me to play in another game, so I low key made Viren’s kid as my character to fuck with him.  Turned out he did the same thing with his character, Envy, who’s the son of Viren’s best friend, Asmodus, so that gave me a good laugh. Azuran was born from a one-night-stand Viren had, completely unexpected, as their partner was a dragonborn.  Azuran was brilliant, picking up an interest in science at a young age, and officially becoming an artificer when he discovered his deceased uncle’s research notes.  Viren didn’t want to watch history repeat itself, so Azuran either had to return Vex’s research notes to Viren, or leave.  He stuck to his guns and left.
Being the freak of nature that he is, he has trouble finding work, so he ends up working some... sketchy jobs.  He’s been arrested a number of times, as such, but he’s still out there, trying to make his mark on the world.
P.S. Don’t mind the sloppy coloring in the last pic, it was just to get a general idea.  I need to make official art of him.
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necromancer-kala · 3 years
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There’s a story arc in one of the games I’m playing where Viren’s dead brother comes back to life and tries to kill them.  They’re not okay.  Poor kid.
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necromancer-kala · 3 years
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Some character art of my two active D&D characters.
Kala Race: Tiefling Gender:  Female Class:  Necromancer (Sorcerer 1/Wizard 3). The nicest Tiefling you’ll ever meet.  A sorceress born with untamed necromancy she inherited from her mother as a result of a curse.  She was trained under a Master Wizard to learn to control her powers, but it did little more than teach her how to manipulate a different form of magic.  When her teacher disappeared without a trace, she ventured out to find out what happened. Viren Race:  Wood Elf Gender:  No preference Class:  Storm Sorcerer 10/ Warlock 1 A wood elf who gained control over lightning after an accident with their brother’s (an artificer) invention.  Uprooted themself when their brother died from the same incident and has settled in Waterdeep, drinking away their sorrows and taking on quests to keep their power in check
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necromancer-kala · 3 years
Session 0 was tonight, and overall I think I did pretty well!  It lasted a lot longer than I expected, mostly because my dorky players attempted to keep a goblin as a pet and couldn’t figure out what I thought was a pretty simple puzzle (And didn’t pick up on the secret door that leads straight to the boss room), and I unfortunately had to cut the end short because of it.  Sad, but at least I know I’m capable of dming now!  It’ll make the next session that much easier.
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necromancer-kala · 3 years
Homebrew plans
I didn’t do much reading on any lore in the existing books, so just a reminder to myself that I’m not going into this trying to match my story up with canon events from the books.  Especially since it takes place in Waterdeep/Neverwinter region, and delves into the Underdark.
I plan to set up the campaign in the midst of a war, something that will constantly drag players back to the main story by nature of the main story constantly happening around them.  It’s nothing too elaborate.  The Drow have aligned themselves with demons and devils, waging war on the surface races.  Necromancers send hoards of undead out during the day to terrorize civilians, and in the dead of night, Drow wreck havoc on towns and cities.  Among the chaos, spies and saboteurs have snuck into society, sending misleading information out, intercepting messages, and gathering information.  Tension is high, and an aura of distrust haunts the people of Neverwinter.  Dark Elves and Tieflings, now more than ever, have become societal outcasts, only feeling comfortable in their small social circles and families.
My three players will be dropped into a small quest on session 0 to help Viren(My wood elf sorcerer) recover the Lyre of Istus(Homebrew artifact that controls time, it’s importance will be revealed later) which was stolen from them.  Their presence picks right up from the last campaign I had them running in, where they defeated Strahd.  It’s 35 years later, they’ve retired from their adventuring but keeps getting dragged back in. (Not to worry, they will not be stealing attention from the main trio, they’re here to info dump, enchant items, and hand out side quests.  At level 8, the players may attempt to persuade them to journey up to Neverwinter with them if they want, but they also have 3 other companion options)  Viren is level 10, but suffering level 4 exhaustion that completely destroys their chances of retrieving it on their own, so they hired help. The lyre was stolen by a drow who has taken it to a cave and is attempting to learn it’s power.  This will be the players’ introduction to the war and Drow.  
Upon successful recovery of the lyre, the party will be rewarded with 100 gold each and return to Waterdeep.  Viren will go their separate way, and the main campaign will become open world for the players.  They will be allowed to split off from each other, make 3 actions a day (something to do in the morning, evening and night), and go on side quests.  They’ll be reunited for major events and story quests.
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necromancer-kala · 3 years
DM in training
So my discord friend group has expressed an interest in starting a D&D campaign together, but none of us are DMs, so I stepped up to the mantle to attempt to run the campaign.  Luckily, I have a friend who DMs, and he’s very generously teaching me his ways and letting me pour my plans and ideas onto him. Session 0 is in two weeks, and I’m currently putting together a homebrew campaign for them.
Since I don’t really post over here very much, I’m gonna use this page to start chronicling my experience learning to DM and running my first campaign.  This is more for me to look back on and learn from than anything.
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necromancer-kala · 3 years
Well... I had one hell of a session today. My sorcerer had to watch an ally kill an old (corrupted) friend of his, then almost immediately was disintegrated only to have another ally trade lives with him... Viren is... a little fucked up after today...
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necromancer-kala · 4 years
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So I'm massively late to the party, but I listened to the adventure zone for the first time this month and.... Holy shit can Griffin tell a story or what!  I was hooked all the way through!  It’s inspired me to draw again!
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necromancer-kala · 4 years
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Session 1 sketches
This whole session was pretty fuckin’ awesome!  Vex accidentally teleported themself to Barovia, where they were attacked by a pack of wolves.  They were supposed to receive help from the party that was resting in a nearby safe house, but defeated the whole pack with a single spell (31 points of poison damage each!  Hell yeah!).  Deciding it was suicidal to wander through Barovia alone, they agreed to tag along with the Half-elf Rogue, Dragonborn Bard and Dwarf Cleric who attempted to come to their aid.  The group came across a graveyard and stopped to investigate, only to be attacked by a swarm of disembodied hands.  With little effort, the hands were destroyed, but coming up behind them was their master; a massive undead being seeking vengeance on his deceased pets.  His first attack, a roaring flame imbued with necromatic energy hurled forward.  The Rogue and Bard managed to jump aside but the Cleric and Sorcerer were caught off guard.  Realizing the fate they were about to face, Vex reached for the Lyre of Istus, using it’s power to buy a few extra seconds of time to jump out of the way, avoiding a massive 70 points of damage, and gracefully only losing 1HP from the lyre.
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