nefariosity-sw · 3 years
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Today, we begin sign-ups for both authors and artists. These will last until October 31 for authors and January 1 for artists.
Things to know before you sign up:
You can sign up to participate in both categories, but please try to use the same usernames on both forms
Fics must be 5000 words or more
At least one art piece commensurate with the author's efforts is required, but we accept all sorts of different mediums. If you have a question, please let us know when you sign up.
Dropping out is possible, as long as you communicate with the mods and your partner and give us enough time to find a pinch-hitter if necessary. If you drop out after the final check-in, however, it might affect your participation in the next Bang activity.
Posting begins March 17, 2022 and lasts until the 31st.
Sound good? We hope so! Last year was a lot of fun and we hope this year will be even better! Share this around and recruit your friends to participate!
Please sign up on the appropriate Google form(s):
AUTHORS sign up here!
ARTISTS sign up here!
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nefariosity-sw · 3 years
There is a kz fic where Zeb learns some space Russian! It’s called “if you speak to a man in his own language” by nefariosity on ao3
I went off the read this because of you anon, thank you for telling me about it.
Its a sweet little story.
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nefariosity-sw · 3 years
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My first KAW entry!!! For the prompt "Adopting Children!"
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nefariosity-sw · 3 years
Drabbles are done... or are they....
@agentloth-cat I saw your prompt and I have a good idea for it, but it's not happening tonight, I think... keep watching this space, because I definitely want to come back to that...
Thanks for the prompts everybody!! I had a lot of fun! Hope you all enjoyed reading <3
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nefariosity-sw · 3 years
Drabble #2
@isilwenshadewind asked for:
"Hi! For a prompt, how about Zeb making a cane for Kallus because his leg has been bothering him pretty badly anymore?"
Love the prompt! Hope you enjoy!
Zeb breathed in the smell of wood shavings, took a moment to take in the light filtering through the air, illuminating the dust that was swirling around him.
He’d gotten lost in his work again, become so absorbed in his carving that he’d lost track of time. The last time he’d been aware of it, the sun had been high; now it was golden, with the quality of late afternoon. It would be setting soon, and Alexsandr would start wondering where he was.
He smoothed his hands over the long expanse of wood over his lap, his fingers feeling the details he’d been carving into it, then over the long blank space he’d yet to fill. Some of it he wouldn’t fill at all, not yet.
He tilted his head back, trying to get the crick out of it, rubbing his hands to release the sore muscles there, then breathed deep, his hands not leaving the wood. It was still calling him. It wasn’t done with him yet tonight. He’d do a bit more. He put his fingertips back to the bottom, wanting to trace up the length of it as he considered his next cuts, making sure it would fit with what he’d already done.
It was a gift for Alexsandr, a cane. His mate had been limping more, recently, years of pushing through the pain in his leg finally catching up with him. Zeb had decided to finally take matters into his own hands; there was no way he’d turn down using what he was about to give him.
He let his fingers trace over the bo-rifles he’d carved down at the bottom, clashing, crackling with energy. This cane would tell the story of their lives together, and as much as they both hated it, that was the start of it all. He followed the story as it traveled up the length of the cane; the imperial brand flowing into a fulcrum symbol which morphed into Sabine’s starbird, then finally into the star-studded flag of the new republic. He let them trace a stylized rendition of the Nebula that hid Lira-San, the mala flower of the rebuilt Lasan that they’d help to create. His fingers met smooth wood, and after a moment of consideration, he began to carve the delicate lines of what would represent the newest chapter of their life - a cradle. He lost himself in his work once more, barely noticing the increased strain in his eyes as the light faded around him until Lila’s cradle was finished. He blew off the dust, let his fingers run over the new lines.
He stood and stretched his back, cane in hand, ready for Alexsandr. The top half of the cane was still smooth, but they’d fill it up. They had a half a lifetime’s worth of stories still to come.
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nefariosity-sw · 3 years
Drabble #1
Thanks to the anons who sent me my first couple prompts!! Something short and sweet.... although maybe not as sweet as I would normally do... still getting back into this headspace...
“Kallus burning something he shouldn’t be able to burn, Zeb teaching him how to not burn food”
“Kalluzeb being goofy and in love on Lira San— bonus if it’s silly first night stuff under the stars”
Decided to combine them both! Thanks to mac for suggesting the maniva leaf!
“Sasha,” growled Zeb, alarmed, and becoming more so each moment as he pushed his way through their tiny new house to the kitchen, the smoke becoming more and more dense as he neared his destination. He buried his face in his arm, trying to avoid breathing in the smoke, then gagged as the smell of rotting flesh filled his nostrils. 
His heart picked up in fear - what the kriff was going on? - before realization slammed through him. That was the smell of the maniva leaf when cooked by someone who didn’t know how to cook it. That was undoubtedly what the smoke was from as well. He diverted a moment to throw open a window before dashing into the kitchen to find - yep - Alexsandr standing over a profusely smoking pan, trying to use the back of his hand to clear the smoke out the tiny window in the kitchen. 
“Garazeb,” he said sheepishly as Zeb entered the room, then buried his own face in his arm, coughing, his eyes clearly watering from the smoke. 
Zeb searched futilely around the kitchen for some towels - looked like they hadn’t put them away yet - before grabbing onto a pair of discarded pot holders, using one to pick up the pan and dump it into the sink and the other to continue to wave the smoke toward the window. 
“Go open a couple more,” he shot over at Alexsandr, trying desperately not to cough. “Windows,” he barked when Alexsandr just looked at him, confused, which made him dash into action. Once he was sure Alexsandr was out of the room, he rolled his eyes.
“I swear,” he muttered under his breath. “More brains ‘n anyone I know, but no common sense.” He pulled the water in the sink wide, dousing the smoking contents of the pan. The smoke took a few moments to clear away, finally revealing a soggy mass of - yep - maniva leaves. Even as he silently cursed his incompetent mate, his heart melted a bit that Alexsandr had tried to make them a Lasana dish for their first night in their new home on Lira San. 
It took Alexsandr a long time to get back to the kitchen, long enough for him to open the windows in their tiny house three times over.  When he finally did appear, his head was ducked in shame, and he wrinkled his nose at the scent that still permeated the kitchen. 
“I’ve ruined dinner, haven’t I,” he said, still not making eye contact. “I’m assuming there’s nothing left from that mess that can be salvaged.”
“Nah,” agreed Zeb, tugging Alexsandr into his arms. “But I love that ya tried.” These words he whispered into Alexsandr’s ear, causing him to blush and bury his face in Zeb’s shoulder. 
“I wanted dinner tonight to be special.” Alexsandr’s voice was muffled in Zeb’s neck. “To welcome you to Lira San.” 
Zeb brought up a hand and fluffed the hair on Alexsandr’s head. “Come on. Dinner’s never special the first night in a place. “Let’s go see what kind of greasy noodles and alcohol they have here.” 
Alexsandr cleared his throat and straightened, straightening his clothes that way he did every time he became what he thought was too emotional. “Yes. Hmm. All right.” Zeb didn’t let him keep at it long, grabbing onto his hand pulling him out the door. “‘Sides, we need to let the house air out now.” Alexsandr groaned and Zeb just grinned. Their future was still uncertain, but he was sure that, with Alexsandr at his side, everything would turn out all right… as long as he didn’t burn down their house in the process.
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nefariosity-sw · 3 years
Send me prompts!
Feeling the writing bug for the first time in way too long but the inspiration just isn’t there and I kind of want to ease my way back into writing -- send me your kalluzeb prompts (sfw please)!! I’ll try and respond with 100-1000 word drabbles/ficlets!
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nefariosity-sw · 4 years
This was soooooooo good... please go read right now <3 <3 
@maclunkee, what an amazing story... 
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nefariosity-sw · 4 years
February Kalluzeb Challenge Prompts!
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Starting this month, we’re going to start bringing you themed monthly challenge prompts to help jog those plot bunnies that may be rattling around in there!
A couple of FAQs: -Yes, the prompts can be used in conjunction with other challenges or events (ie. bingo squares) -We will reblog creations as long as you tag us directly or use the tag #kzcc or #kalluzebcreatorclub -Quote challenges MUST include the quote!  -Gotta include our boys somehow -HAVE FUN!
As usual, message or send an ask if there are any other questions. 
“Keep Reading” for the prompts!
Keep reading
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nefariosity-sw · 4 years
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i don’t know why dinluke strike me as a very affectionate couple, but only at the most inopportune times for their friends and family? but they do. [ID: a three panel comic. Panel 1 is Luke and Din, kissing against a grey wall. Luke has his one hand resting on Din’s cheek and the other gripping Din armor’s cloak pulling him in closer. Panel 2, they’re still kissing, now from a slightly different angle, both Luke’s hands against the back of Din’s neck, as Din hefts him slightly higher. Panel 3: Full body now, we see Luke and Din making out against an Imperial starship hallway wall, Luke’s legs around Din’s waist, his lightsaber and Din’s helmet on the ground. They’re obviously in the middle of a mission. Leia is in the foreground, rubbing her eyes in aggravation, obviously annoyed. She says with her hands on her hips: “mando, you better put that kriffing helmet back on because i’m about to turn around and beat your ass-“ /END ID]
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nefariosity-sw · 4 years
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Ezra Bridger is a gallon barrel of unfulfilled potential, sloshing up hard against the lid. He’s an explosively pacy teenager Padawan who is yet to hit the upper echelon of his potential, and as a Form IV user is ‘good’ to ‘very good’, as a Juyo practitioner is ‘OK’ to ‘could really learn how to tackle a bit better mate it would do your Master blood pressure a lot of good.’
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nefariosity-sw · 4 years
New fic. Be warned, has off-screen major character death and is sad with no happy ending, so stay away if that isn’t for you. Take care of yourselves everybody <3
Counting this as my “amnesia” bingo square. Sorry! 
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nefariosity-sw · 4 years
Why do you like Kallus so much?
Me: *Grew up in a conservative family and was told to believe in a certain way that not only made me ignorant but also created severe internalized homophobia but then met someone that changed my entire viewpoint and now I’m a gay anarchist that would punch Trump if given the chance*
Also me: I just think he’s neat
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nefariosity-sw · 4 years
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“When it grows up I’m gonna teach it to rip your arms off, Djarin!”
based on my very strong desire for Din to have a baby Wookie in Season 3 (Force-sensitive, of course) so that Grogu has a sibling to cause hijinks with when he gets back from Jedi Preschool. Boba is having regrets about befriending this Mando with Chronic Dad Syndrome. 
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nefariosity-sw · 4 years
REBLOG if you have amazing, talented WRITER friends.
Because I certainly do, and I love every single one of them and their work.
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nefariosity-sw · 4 years
..... watch this space possum.... got some time travel headed your way February 24... 
S! any fanfic tropes you can't resist?
Great question! I adore enemies to lovers (pretty obvious on my page, haha), Soulmates, and I’m a sucker for comfort; specifically injury recovery. My guilty pleasure trope has to be time travel, I’ve seen some absolutely HEARTBREAKING fics surrounding it and they’re always so amazing.
Ask me fanfic questions!
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nefariosity-sw · 4 years
Kalluzeb Prompt Bingo Cards
To kick things off this year, we’re starting with Bingo Cards!
If you’re interested in receiving one: -Send a message or an ask -Have submissions open -You’ll get a 5x5 card within 24-48 hours
The prompts on these are due by Dec 31, 2021. You may do all the prompts, some of the prompts, or even ask for a new card if none of them appeal to you.
Along with general/common prompts, you may also ask to have the following included: -LGBTQA+ -Disability -AUs -NSFW/Kink (MUST provide birth year to receive) -Dark
Please also feel free to include your triggers/squicks/nopes so we can avoid including them in your card. 
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