starter call.
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starter call.
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starter call.
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starter call.
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starter call.
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          “That is your decision.              However, I would make sure I was              willing to accept the consequences.” He has neither the time nor the desire to elaborate on his previous statement.  Where on previous occasions, Hannibal might be willing to stay, spar, selectively drop hints and clues as to his true person or intended meaning - and enjoy doing so - the situation as it is unfolding requires him to move.                And move he does. Before she can pose her question, Hannibal is across the room, long strides concealing the barest hint of a rush,   Arguing the point is beneath both of them at this point.  Yet he pauses, one hand on the door, and glances back, forcing himself to be cold.           “If you desire an answer to your questions,              you will join me, and we will continue our              friendly conversations.                          If not, remain where you are, and I will                  wish you a joyous life - however much of it you                  have left.” His hand tightens briefly on the doorknob but he refuses to wait for a response - he does not have time and he knows, if given only a verbal one, he may overstay what little time he has.  This is the problem with befriending humans and assuming he might hide himself - or, in truth, caring if another finds them.  He should become more like the others.  He should stop caring. - and instead escapes to the other side, continuing his long, hurried stride.
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❝ Please don’t start that again. ❞ - Bella
Moulin Rouge Sentence Starters!
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      "No, better to let sleeping dogs lie,          although that is perhaps not the best cliché         for the situation."Not that Hannibal has any intention of suggesting another one; the one he believes would fit best ran out of use in the early seventeenth century. It is not likely Bella would appreciate the reference.
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Bedelia has never been inclined to cede easily to the demands of others. Chronic fear and meticulous control do not bend easily beneath any pressure that may be applied. Not even the insistent weight of Hannibal’s fingers on her arm nor the strange color that effects his voice are strong enough to drag her in his wake. Instead, she plants her feet and stares him down, her displeasure evident in the fire of her gaze and the set of her lips.
       "Perhaps you need to leave.“
                                             "I do not.”
She does not waste her time asking him WHY he is making such demands of her. If the situation is, indeed, so pressing, he will offer up his truths without unnecessary prompting. If he would like to continue to be enigmatic and obtuse, then she will remain here, no matter what unknown storm beats about their doors.
“I will ask you one last time, Hannibal:”
                                                  “ – Let me go.”
She does not need to tack threats upon her words. He knows that he runs the risk of shattering the fragile trust and respect that binds him if he continues to violate her agency. There is no need to reiterate that fact.
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Stop. Hannibal hears the words and understands them and releases his hold.  As much as he would enjoy remaining focused here, he cannot - he can still smell another of them, and that leaves him on high alert.  Gone is the time for debating over semantics or minor squabbles; when it comes to a meeting of two such as him, it is often kill or be killed. He has no intention of either.           “Then stay,” he murmurs, voice a better attempt at smooth,  “and await              your live consumption by someone who will care far less who or what              you might be.” If rumors were correct - and these he believes without a moment’s hesitation - most preferred their victims alive, preferred watching the panic in their eyes as their life flowed from their control into that of another, as their victims watched the pallor of their skin as it grew across otherwise shattered bones.  Not that whoever is here would be quite so broken or desperate.  They would not have been able to make it otherwise. Well.  Desperation is a secondary concern.  Some believe that eating another of their own would allow them to regain their position.  Hannibal knows that isn’t true - not because he has attempted it but because if their first choice was an abomination then there is nothing to suggest that would not be considered one as well.
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bedelia in cinematography [3/30] season 1, episode 13 “Savoureux”
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I was neither living nor dead and I knew nothing.
T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land (via wordsnquotes)
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How does your muse score on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised?
On each criterion, the subject is ranked on a 3-point scale: (0 = item does not apply, 1 = item applies somewhat, 2 = item definitely applies). The scores are summed to create a rank of 0 to 40. Most people score around a 5. Anyone who scores 30 and above is probably a psychopath.
- Do you exhibit glib and superficial charm? 1 - Do you have a grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self? 2 - Do you have an excess need for stimulation or proneness to boredom? 2 - Are you a pathological liar? 1 - Are you cunning and manipulative? 2 - Do you have lack of remorse or guilt? 0 - Do you have shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)? 0 - Are you callous or do you lack empathy? 0 - Do you have a parasitic lifestyle? 0 - Do you have poor behavioral controls? 0 - Do you have a history of sexual promiscuity? 0 - Did you display early behavior problems? 0 - Do you lack realistic long-term goals? 1 - Are you overly impulsive? 0 - Are you irresponsible? 0 - Do you fail to accept responsibility for own actions? 0 - Have you had many short-term romantic relationships? 0 - Do you have a history of juvenile delinquency? 0 - Have you experienced a revocation of conditional release (broken probation)? 0 - Do you display criminal versatility? 1
MY MUSE’S SCORE: 10 / 40
tagged by: @sickassjigsaw tagging: @monstricidal, @godblooded (mostly i want the comp between alana and kitty), @streetxcat, @afraidofchange (FOR JOAN), @superintcndent
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Everybody has gone through something that has changed them in a way that they could never go back to the person they once were.
Read More Anonymous QOTD Here
(via wordsnquotes)
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HD screencaps from Paul, Apostle of Christ - Connection to scriptures
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Nocturnal Animals (2016) dir. Tom Ford
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y’all - i’m at a low point. probably will be off and on for the next couple of months; december/january are really hard for me. turn of the year stuff, i think, among other things. so - i don’t plan on doing anything stupid or drastic, but i know myself well enough to know that i might. pull away. and seclude. inwardly, at least. my therapist and i set up a safety plan. most of it’s distractions, which are nice. as some of you may know from jess, i’ve been marathoning x-files. this is a good distraction. it’s something i get to do, it gives me something new to analyze, it gives me consistent characters for analysis, it keeps my brain on. something else. ddlc has helped with this, too, especially given one of the character’s comments on depression and things. these…help? but they’re not always. enough. i’m just. not in a good spot. and will probably be in and out of it for the next couple of months. so. i don’t know what i’m asking here. encouragement maybe. i don’t know. more distractions, maybe. something to get me out of my head. help? i guess? but it’s not really consistent enough for that. i don’t know.
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