neko-mun-rp · 2 years
Indefinite Hiatus
I have made my new blog and started it up. With most of those I wanted to keep contact with have already moved over to the new blog. Sorry to those who I didn’t extend the offer to, either you aren’t all that active any more or the muse that I’ve been writing with you I may not be writing any longer. I will still be checking in from time to time in case anyone wants to reach out, return from their own hiatus and want to continue writing with me.
I won’t be deleting this blog, look back on old threads and friends long past. Might come back in the off chance the new blog doesn’t work out or turn this into my personal blog. Who knows, I don’t yet.
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neko-mun-rp · 2 years
Without meaning to, his brows rose a little and the sound of a gulp came out of his throat. Garrett didn’t want to make trouble for Alucard and he didn’t want trouble with his father either. But as soon as he was entering that more restricted area and seeing how Adrian guided him. And just after he said that when seeing that portrait… a feeling of courage filled his heart. For that man he would face everything, even his father.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, my love… I can’t sit still that long without making a weird face. Our portrait would be a little out of the ordinary…” Hawke covered his mouth to hide the noise of a little laugh with that thought.
The fear was easy to sense from Garrett, Vlad was incredibly intimidating and had quite the reputation. But now adays with a family and much more social interaction with the mages he protected the legendary vampire has become more reasonable. Alucard was glad that the other seemed to be less fearful of his life when seeing the portraits and the hope of becoming part of this family. 
“You don’t have to sit for the entire time. The artist makes some quick sketches and then does the actual painting at their workshop” He explained with amusement and came to his own room. One last glance down the hall to make sure his parents weren’t near then invited Garrett into his bedroom. “You’re the first guest I’ve had in my room. Not because I wasn’t allowed to have anyone in my room, there’s just not much to it.”
It was a nice room, simply furnished with a bed, dresser and vanity but those few items were luxurious and carved dark wood. A canopy bed with the softest looking sheets and pillows. On the walls there were some shelves of books, magic and alchemy along with various knickknacks collected along with a landscape painting of the sun rising over the sea.
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neko-mun-rp · 2 years
very tempted to just get all my muses up on the new blog and start following a bunch of people...
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neko-mun-rp · 2 years
is anybody here? well, anyways-
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just imagine if jayce ran into the lab from the forge like this bc he forgot smth💀
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neko-mun-rp · 2 years
The blonde’s eyes narrowed when his chin was lifted, only relaxing the slightest bit when he realized Kaiba was just trying to clean up his face.
Too bad he couldn’t do it without calling Joey out on his bullshit. Well whatever, as long as he changed the subject,“Affordable housin, huh? That’s charitable.” Joey wondered if there were some weird terms and conditions.
But there was a hint of alarm in Joey’s eyes at Kaiba’s demand. He furiously shook his head,“ No. I’m not taking my shirt off.”
He couldn’t, Kaiba would see the scars if he did. Joey didn’t want anyone knowing about that. He didn’t think he could live with the shame, or the pity, or the accusation of attention seeking. Who knows how moneybags would react.
Even worse than mocking him for it, he might care. Which would bring questions about why. Joey already felt vulnerable enough without moneybags digging into that.
He quickly continued the conversation, hoping that maybe Kaiba would move on if he did.
“Could swing by,” Joey acknowledged,“ Taxi’s are a bit expensive though. Could jus buy food with that money instead.” He had an idea of what Kaiba was doing, and while it was weird, the blonde did appreciate the offer. It would just cost too much to get there from his apartment.
Seto eyed the blond carefully at the defensiveness of removing his shirt. Wondering what he was hiding or too insecure to show. “Everyone has something about their body they don’t like, I’m not looking for something to tease you about I’m just trying to help.” The brunette explained and set the cream on the sink counter.
He leaned against the sink with arms crossed, they could pause to talk about other things until Joey was ready to let him tend to his injuries. “I could pick you up, or I can send my driver to bring you over. You got a phone atleast?” Kaiba asked even a bit skeptical of that, at this point he was expecting Joey to have nothing.
“I know I haven’t been the nicest to you when we were in school, I was a brat and took out my own problems on other people. I’m not like that any more. I like helping people, it feels good.” He said with a shrug and looked over to Joey. “I’ve learned alot about people over the years, those who are greedy and jealous that just want to take and those who don’t ask for help are often the ones that need it the most.” Kaiba explained, nodding towards the other duelist as the latter of the two kinds of people he was explaining. “Anything you need, I can help. You want a fresh start? New job, your own ride, a roof over your head. You got it, just say the word and I can make it happen. No catch, I just want you to not have to struggle through life.”
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neko-mun-rp · 2 years
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“RIP to ur lil bro but I’m different.”
request for @youtriggeredmytrapcard​ 
(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
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neko-mun-rp · 2 years
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Assassins creed literature memes part 2
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neko-mun-rp · 2 years
A warm smile came to Yugi’s lips as he made himself comfortable on Seto’s lap. If he was allowed to stay there while the other worked, that was perfectly fine by him.
“Hm… maybe I should work for you, Kaiba-kun. That way I’d have the perfect excuse to sneak into your office.” He said playfully, although the idea wasn’t half bad actually.
He watched the screen of Kaiba’s computer, entertained by what the CEO was doing. “Oh, is it going to be… a date ?” Yugi teased with a chuckle.
Kaiba worked on typing up the report from the meeting he had come from just before he had returned to his office and checked his schedule for tomorrow to move some things around. As he did he leaned into Yugi a bit without even realizing it.
“That could be arranged if you want, there’s plenty of positions here at HQ and over at the themepark.” He replied, eyes never leaving the screen as his hands glided over the keyboard. “I could send one or two of my employees over to the gameshop to help your grandpa manage his store when you aren’t there.”
When Yugi teased him about going on a date he stopped typing to look down at the other duelist and wrap an arm around his waist. “Yeah, I guess so. Don’t know what else you’d call it.”
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neko-mun-rp · 2 years
Yugi and Seto may know each other well and may have years and years of history together in some way or another. As classmates, enemies, rivals, partners and what-not. But despite it all, the shorter male remained completely unable to get used to Kaiba behaving like this towards him.
Therefore, as soon as he was called out on his attempt to steal the other’s attention, he blushed a bright shade of red and chuckled sheepishly. “W… Well, you’re a busy man, I figured I’d have better chances if I just waited for you here.”
It was far better teasing the other duelist in a way that made him blush, it was all too adorable. “Yes, I am a busy man and I need my chair.” Kaiba said as he shooed the shorter male off his chair to sit down, but then pulled Yugi back over to sit on his lap. “But you can stay while I finish up on the computer then then I’ll take you out somewhere nice.
He hugged Yugi’s waist for a moment, enjoying the comfort the other provided before focusing on the computer. It was strange for the CEO with how drastically things had turned. From rivals to friends, now somewhat dating. Seto wasn’t entirely sure what to call it all he knew was that Yugi’s company made him happy and he wanted to make Yugi happy as well.
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neko-mun-rp · 2 years
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“You know, if you wanted my attention you could’ve just called rather than letting yourself in my office.” He said as he pushed his office chair back and leaned down to Yugi’s level, a hint of a smile gracing his lips. “It’s good to see you, cutie.”
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neko-mun-rp · 2 years
I need a mermaid au with Sephiroth but he’s a shark mermaid.
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neko-mun-rp · 2 years
It might take two months to get this new blog up and running...
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neko-mun-rp · 2 years
Slowly working on the new blog. Got my cluster of muses together, currently coming up with muse tags and working on the muse page. If you want to follow me there when it’s up and running come to me in IM and let me know.
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neko-mun-rp · 2 years
Opening commissions to help out with the cost of bills, bipolar medicine, and pet care this month since they won’t let me donate plasma again for 8 weeks. please see this link for my commission info.
if you don’t want/need to commission and you want to donate, that’s totally acceptable too and my paypal is paypal.me/writteninthestcrs and my cashapp is $storieswrittcn and my venmo is @storieswrittcn 
even a reblog will help me, thank you.
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neko-mun-rp · 2 years
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“Really? Could’ve fooled me.” He jabs back with a wry yet amused quirk of his lips.
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His tone remained light-hearted in nature, no true rudeness behind his words. He doubts even a bell would help much with how quick and silent he was. He knows that if Alucard put in the effort, he could probably sneak up on him. Key word being ’probably’.
At the warm smile he receives, the brunet shrugs a shoulder in nonchalance, a hand reaching up to idly comb through his hair and rub at the back of his neck. Now that the harsher of battles had ended, the nerves were beginning to die down. With it came the emotions and exhaustion, and not just the physical kind. The thoughts. Pondering through everything, digging through the past few hours alone felt as insurmountable as trudging through mud or quicksand. Huffing quietly, the Belmont tries to keep his lost nature to himself, not sure… how to really proceed next. Through his wandering, he’d hoped it would have helped in collecting his scattered thoughts, piecing back together his shaken and further fragmented mask - not leave him without one entirely.
Though that seemed to be just his luck.
At the offer the Dhampir make’s to see his favorite rooms, he’d surprised to see he’s handling himself so well, but is thankful nonetheless for the offer to distract his active mind.
“Lead away.” A quick gesture of his hand in a random direction, followed closely by a nod and a softening grin, Trevor waits for the blonde to continue. “It’s better than pointlessly wandering alone anyways.”
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Trevor seemed to side step the assumption of getting lost in the castle, too stubborn and prideful to admit it out loud. He possibly seemed lost in a different way, his train of thought for instance. The hunter had his own things to sort out similar to Alucard: What to do now? In the long run that is. The biggest threat is gone so what paths of life to take now were all under question.
Those worries would devolve into stress if they allowed it. So a distraction, something lighthearted and entertaining to keep them in good spirits were needed. Alucard was delighted that Trevor was atleast mildly curious to explore with him. This gave the dhampir the chance to show off his favorite rooms that would be surprising to find in a castle like this.
“Wonderful. Lets see if your hands are good for something other than handling weapons.” Alucard said as he strode past to lead the way as instructed, a bit oblivious to how his statement was less innocent as intended. Going down the hall and then up to the next floor they went to the east wing and came to two large grand looking wooden doors. He pushed them open to reveal a wide open room, a ballroom to be exact.
The ballroom floor had beautiful tiles floors with the colors a bit faded. In the center hung an extravagant crystal chandelier covered in dust and cobwebs, but when Alucard turned on the lights it was able to shine brightly despite the lack of cleaning. “Long before Vlad was with mother he hosted some pretty lavish parties with other vampires. But once it was just the three of us we would have our own little balls.” He explained and he crossed the mostly empty ballroom to the back wall where there were sheets covering an array of instruments.
Alucard pulled off the sheet covering a piano that had intricate carvings with red and gold paint trim. ��There’s instruments from all over, but this one was my favorite to play.” He said warmly as he pulled out the stool to sit down and life the cover to reveal the ivory key. “I loved playing and watching mother and father dance together...” 
After having such a happy upbringing, it was still hard to believe how horrible it spun out of control after his mother’s death. It was painful to think about the recent memories, so to try and cope Alucard wanted to focus on the good memories he had of his parents. He looked over his shoulder to Trevor and patted the space on the bench to invite his friend over to sit with him. Once the hunter was settle pale hands were placed on the keys to begin a light-hearted melody.
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neko-mun-rp · 2 years
Blog update
I’ve been thinking alot recently about this blog, and I’ve had this thought before, but I’ve come to the conclusion that I need a fresh start. Hit the reset button, Thanos snap me clean and start over. This will not be sudden, I work and procrastinate alot so the move will be in the next month and I’ll put this blog on hiatus when I got the new blog up. For this fresh start I wont be extending an invitation for everyone to follow me on the new blog, only a very select few that I’ve become good friends ooc will be giving the new blog link. You guys know who you are, I love you and you’re irreplaceable friends. For everyone else, you’re welcome to come to my DMs and let me know you’d like to continue writing with me.
No this isn’t an April fools post. I will slowly be moving blogs, but I will continue to write and be active with those I have current rps with until I’m ready to make the transition.
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neko-mun-rp · 2 years
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