nekromanika · 2 years
WOW. been a hot minute. hello to my new sexy mutuals and a kiss to my older ones!
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nekromanika · 2 years
Lily is sooo cute, love her (✯ᴗ✯) So she has a hobby or a skill she's amazing good at?
hi!!! thank you for your interest in lily! :3
over the years she's had a lot of time to perfect and indulge in a lot of different hobbies and skills! but i think a hobby she finds pleasure in is probably her art work!! she has tried digital, paint, traditional, sculpting, you name it! she actually went through this phase where she was really into anime culture (typical weeb), so she attempted to write and illustrate her own manga but gave up on it after a few years. :') she doesn't seem like it at first glance, but i think lily is secretly pretty nerdy, lol. i mean, she works at a comic book store! thats as nerdy as you get, and people outside of work are surprised when she tells them about her job!
as for a skill, i think she's quite good at programming and coding!! she's a genius with computers in general. she actually used social media and such to stalk and hack into the accounts of people she was really interested in. :) she's also indulged in indirectly ruining a few lives of the people who were out of her reach. just your usual friday night shenanigans. ^^
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nekromanika · 2 years
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I guess I have an anger problem.
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nekromanika · 2 years
Why is the first thing I post a Whitney fanart? Idk but SOFT WHITNEY IS SUPERIOR WHITNEY
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nekromanika · 2 years
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Renren, he is so CUTE!!! XD
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nekromanika · 2 years
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nekromanika · 2 years
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“ Why me? “
“ Because I thought you might love me. “
“ To fill a hole? “
“ At first. “
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nekromanika · 2 years
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I know anon said corpse bride Lawrence but I had to add Dahlia because ofc I did
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nekromanika · 2 years
Hi new mutual! Post more about your oc Lily. I know you're holding out on me. Tell me more about her. Favorite colors, what kind of fabrics does she like to wear, in what ways is she similar to Jennifer Check?
AAAAH hi new mutual!! :3 nice to meet you! thank you for the interest in lily lol
her favorite color is actually blue!! her streak of red in her hair is simply because she knows red compliments her appearance more than blue would. she thinks she doesn't look great in blue so doesn't wear it much. her second favorite color is black, and that does actually look great on her, so she wears it a lot!
as for fabrics, i think she'd really like wearing some silk and satin!! they're the most comfortable, but they can be a little expensive, so thats mostly reserved for more fancy outfits. when she's working she likes wearing denim and flannel because it helps her blend in a bit more lol.
as for jennifer and lily, i think they are both similar to each other in the sense that they both use their sex as a weapon! how jennifer died was also a bit of an inspiration for how lily died as well. she didn't die in the exact way, but it was definitely traumatic and at the hands of men. plus, they're both succubi 👍
and okay, here are some more lily facts, only cuz you asked nicely!
- her old name was amaryllis/amara before i changed it! i just think lilith/lily suits her more lol plus my friends liked it better too!
- i originally wanted to make a little game for her inspired by the first btd, but never got around to it! then lawrence came around and i thought they'd have an interesting dynamic so i paired them up and adjusted her lore a little so that she'd have ties to some characters in-universe (aka, rire)
- cain as well. they don't get along though. she thinks he's a pretentious prick. i also do not personally like him so their relationship reflects that.
- rire, she has a begrudging relationship with. it's similar to a boss and their employee. she hates the idea of being controlled in any way, and being around rire and in a contract with him definitely makes her upset. the relationship is quite one-sided though, as rire himself doesn't really think too much of her. he is only mildly interested in her at best.
- i think she would enjoy strade's live streams! she envies being in his position, but is content with watching. she's experimented on the people she's ended up killing but doesn't keep them for long simply because keeping a captive is socially exhausting lol.
- and to touch a bit on her control issues in terms of lawrence and ren, when being "kidnapped" by them, she doesn't see it as being at their mercy at all. she very much sees it in an amusing lens and is morbidly curious about the whole situation. but in her head she's still in control since she sort of let these things happen. it's all kind of just foreplay for her.
- lily also switches between having the patience of a saint to having none at all. she is mostly a go with the flow kind of gal but if things spiral out of control or don't go her way she gets pretty upset. but this is very very rare. when this happens though violence is always the answer :)
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nekromanika · 2 years
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i finally found the courage to show lily... lol
she's a lawrence fucker for those of yall who do not know
some misc facts for her under the cut :3
- her full name is actually lilith, but she prefers to go by lily and introduces herself as such.
- works at a comic book store
- codes in her free time, but is genius with it and is a very notorious hacker
- is a smoker, but isn't addicted. lights a cigarette sometimes out of habit but doesn't actually smoke it. also partakes in weed on occasion lmfao. but it takes her FOREVER to get high so she doesn't do it often.
- rarely leaves her house other than for work and sometimes to go out and grab a drink at the jackalope.
- she socializes sometimes out of "necessity" but for the most part she just kind of keeps to herself. she's an introvert by nature but sometimes she's gotta do what's she's gotta do
- can appear nice and friendly when needed as a result. shes a bit of a social chameleon in that way i think.
- inwardly though she would obviously prefer to be at home by herself. but i think she enjoys getting to know people. but not in the normal way. i mean in the way where she talks to you, and she is immediately curious about all the dirty laundry you might have lol.
- she definitely prefers to observe and listen when talking to someone. she finds superficial and surface level conversations like small talk mind-numbingly boring, though
- if she finds a person she likes or thinks is interesting she will absolutely be obsessed with them. im just saying
- is guilty of mostly eating take out. she can't cook to save her life.
- is a weeb on the dl
now time for some actual LORE
- she's a succubus so she's actually immortal lmfao
- so because of that shes quite old! she was probably born during the middle ages or something. unsure of her exact origin but i keep picturing her in the 1700s so maybe around that time period?
- made a contract with a demon rire after she died for the sole purpose of getting revenge on those who wronged her before she died. she lived a very fucked life. her own death was also quite brutal so its no wonder she couldn't just let things go and move on
- so because of that she has indeed seen the river 👍 but she was so full of rage she was determined not to pass on she was desperate to get out of there no matter the cost
- in terms of her actual abilities as a succubus, i still have yet to figure that out? but i remember writing down being able to fuck someone dry jejfiv
- i mean that in the sense that they die because she drains their life force that way lol. its how she keeps herself alive really. hence why she needs to socialize bc she needs to find someone to replenish her energy
- funny enough i feel that her libido is quite average? when she first turned her thirst was basically insatiable. sort of similar to a vampire when they first turn. over time its just dulled down a lot so now she only ever gets the urge when she's "hungry" i guess.
- her libido increases around people she likes, though.
- she can control herself pretty well though and absolutely has sex for funsies when the mood strikes her.
- she rarely kills people actually unless they're like jerks to her / absolute scum of humanity. her definition of that varies though lmfaoooo
- when she goes to the jackalope 80% of the time it's because she needs to stock up on energy it's the most low effort place to hook up with people
- sometimes its kind if dead though so when that happens she just hopes she'll pick up someone on the way home.
- usually her pheromones are "enhanced" during this period to help her lure people in, but it's a double edged sword because the opposite partys pheromones are enhanced as well. since she's a succubus, her scent always changes to fit her prey's preferences. :)
- different people have different scents though! some people smell absolutely foul to her and other people smell really nice. beastkins, demons, and other non-humans have their own unique scents, as well.
- in true succubus fashion, she can probably manipulate a person's dreams. usually she can just influence others to have erotic dreams about her, but it can sometimes extend to daydreams as well. daydreams are more difficult to manipulate since the person is conscious, though. but if they're weak-willed she can do it pretty easily.
- also the best way for her to regain energy is for her to consume cum. cuming inside her is also the key. it is also her favorite. once you're in you can't escape. for the girlies its a bit different but as i said before she just needs to consume it. she will literally have a feast lol
- on that topic yes she loves everyone <3 love is love
now... for her and lawrence :3
- i think she mostly just wanted to know wtf was wrong with him at first
- she saw him for the first time and immediately felt weird vibes from him. but strange people are the people she finds deeply intriguing so she wanted to get to know him
- he complimented her on her name and she took that as a bit of flirting, so she naturally flirted back. i feel like she sensed he was mildly uncomfortable and embarrassed by it so she left him alone
- she did turn up her pheromones though just so he'd keep his attention on her. so in my silly brain lawrence just kept glancing at her the whole time and ren felt like he was third wheeling djjfic.
- their canon ending would definitely be the "you both know the truth" ending. their whole thing is both of them seeing the river and because of that i think they'd understand each other very intimately.
- lily reached for and took lawrence's drink purely as a show of dominance and that is the only reason law was able to get the upper hand on her.
- knockout drugs don't have a strong effect on her though so she honestly lets herself get kidnapped just to see what would happen. she's curious to see what someone like lawrence would do in that sort of situation
- so when she 'wakes up' and sees him kind of panicking she's inwardly amused and reassures him that he's the one in control.
- probably teases him a lot throughout her captivity but knows when to stop before she takes it too far. she tries to be calm when she can too because he's most receptive to that kind of temperament. plus she is the queen of knowing how people feel, and how to get along with others in general, so its mostly smooth sailing.
- lawrence has his moments where he reacts and behaves unpredictably, though. lily is at a loss during those times but she can usually bounce back fairly quickly. and she's more pleasantly surprised than anything.
- I believe that lily finds a sort of comfort in the way he talks about mortality and life. she doesn't think she's met anyone like lawrence in her life, and she's lived a pretty long time. she really loves his introspective side quite a bit, and finds herself empathizing with him as well. :]
BONUS: her and ren?
- ren has always been a big fave so in a world where lily does not pursue lawrence for whatever reason i firmly believe that she would be enamored with ren
- like he's so cute... she saw him at the jackalope for the first time and had heart eyes. it was probably her urges enhancing his pheromones to the max but she wanted him then and there lol
- she flirted with him and he reciprocated and lawrence was just there third wheelin.
- he smelled so unique too... it made her even more curious about him. so when it was time to leave she followed him home♡ or at least that was what she was planning on doing but then law chased her down so she had to get outta there lawl
- things worked out in her favor when ren ended up kidnapping her though, so hooray? she wasn't really a fan of being a captive of his though
- i think her canon ending for her and ren would probably end up being the "you took ren for yourself" ending. or the love one lol. both can exist simultaneously though so perhaps a bit of both.
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nekromanika · 2 years
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Art trade with @kyerrio
Lawrence belongs to @gatobob
I've never drawn him before please have mercy on me!
Full Version!
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nekromanika · 2 years
This man can't be fixed. I can fuck him though. Maybe that will calm him down.
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nekromanika · 2 years
Plant whore Man
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Derek is next on my list....
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nekromanika · 2 years
There's Mickey's drawing hahaha 👀👀
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nekromanika · 2 years
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nekromanika · 2 years
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nekromanika · 2 years
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how romantic of him! <3
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