halftheway · 2 years
Look even if Dream wasn't so, MMM (canon horrors) in your universe, I think Tommy deserves to throw rocks at SOMEone. It's in his blood, he's not all soft, he IS a rock. I'm thrilled he's getting assistance (for the horrors) but if anybody were to actually reap repercussions, it can't be Sam, it has to be our Tomathy
he downgrades to pebbles bc he's like. trying to prove he's a better person than dream and deep down tommy doesn't actually want to Hurt anybody (seriously, anyway), not even dream, but he Does want to get at least a little revenge for The Atrocities bc in open arms dream is still. dream. and did kill tommy in the prison but being locked away and shit for so long actually changed him and he's kinda broken now too which is why tommy feels bad. it's very complicated and messy and they both have a lot of work ahead of them.
not to get Too Meta but one of the big things i think ppl forget is. dream's a person. both c and cc he is just a fuckin guy at the end of the day & smth that i've been tryin to drive home within open arms is that if people Want to grow and change from past behavior we have to let them try. a big part of later chapters in walk towards love is tommy learning that and struggling to make peace with it
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jellitchi · 7 months
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vat7k designs in my head...
i thought their canon designs were a eensy weensy bit Unpolished so i made these mostly for myself. erm if u rly want it i think varian is 19 here, hugo 19, nuru 18, yong 12.
i also made rhem all playlists and had to draw them a cover so thats what the last img is I linked each of em under my notes for all of em... Under the cut is Like a Huge Infodump of notes i have for each chara,,,,,,
i kept varians design basically the same, i dislike the design w the orange neck thing so i just Nuked it😭... Here's Varians playlist
Hugos design i just wanted to put him in something more Loose. hes a thief, a professional escape artist. i dont think wearing clunky metal is ideal for him. i also gave him a prosthetic arm (blond w no arm design trope!) but u cant see it in the ref so i added another drawing of him in his under layering👍 i vaguely referenced russian(?) clothes for him as well... Yeah not too much changed w him i just tried to make him slippery-er. Here's Hugo's playlist
yong came relatively easy to me, if it wasn't obvious i did rip gaming from g*nshin's hoodie. i thought the lion hood was Adorable and freaking perfect for what i had in mind for hos character. since the og notes said the fire kingdom is loosely Chinese inspired i basically just kept that. i mashed tgt a buncha diff dynasties though sorry for how inconsistent i was... i think he looks Okay. anyways i changed yongs role a bit, ill explain why im adjusting some of their roles later but i kept yong as the Jinx Type character. hes the eldest in his family and has a buncha younger siblings, hes a lion dancer and does performances w his family/siblings. he rly like special effects n keeps tryna incorporate his fireworks into their performances (it flops and he has to sew up the dmg) ill explain more of yongs role in another post maybe shrugs... Here's Yong's Playlist
miss nuru was a bit of a struggle for me i might share my full design process with her coz i did a Bunch of mockups for her😭😭😭... i didnt have a specific country of reference for her but i chose to make her vaguely south asian inspired. i also really wanted to keep the sheer fabric w the star / constellation map. i love that idea its so cute so shes still technically the navigator. but she also wields a sword too, fencing or whatever. (her and varian r Huge Cass fangirls which is probably why she started tryna use a sword (snuck out to watch cass compete) Okay ill talk abt this later) in my head, okay ill Probably make a whole nother post talking abt how im interpreting/writing each chara, but in my head i think nuru is the youngest and her kingdom's archivist. shes mostly in charge of like Her kingdoms history / artifacts / etc. ok im getting too side tracked ill save the lore dump for later but thats Nurus role in the party. Here's Nuru's Playlist
uhm below i made their character stats mostly to help me with planning / role developing. the yellow is their base stats the color behind is their end stats i guess. i was gonna explain my reasoning for their stats but ermm this post is kinda Really long so sorry😭... varian max int for obvious reasons, also max charisma just coz i feel like u kinda learn a thing or two being around a couple manipulators and spending time in jail idk shrugs... (also lets not forget the "ud b surprised what ppl would do for a cookie!") Hugo slippery guy, if a brick is thrown at him as hes running hes gonna try n run faster to shatter it, his mindset is Run Run Run! i think hes relatively agile too but yeah mostly a Speedster. i think he n varian got no Physical strength varian maybe just like A little coz Farm boy but I rly doubt quirin is making him do a Lotta heavy lifting. yong has incredible stamina and agility because hed a performer. nuru is the strongest coz this team would literally Flop without a proper Offense😭... i think varian n hugo r able to outwit plenty of their opponents but i think nuru is pretty good in a fight, same w yong. Yeah Okay Sorry for a Long Long Post thanks hope u guys enjoy
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calp0sa · 1 month
what do you like and dislike about airy?
well there’s nothing i truly dislike about airy, because everything about him just makes him who he is. i just wish we got more insight to him as an Actual person rather than his host facade, even though that was sort of the point of one 17-18, i feel like the fact that he’s pretty much a regular ass dude went over most people’s heads (Not mine though because im really smart and could beat albert einstein in a rap battle) i know the mystique is the most prominently interesting aspect of the whole show… but yknowwww it’d be nice to know a little more about him personally considering how we now know he’s far from a one-dimensional character and shouldn’t be taken at face value (i am side eyeing a huge chunk of the one fandom as i say this) now okay if i were to talk about everything i like about airy we’d be here til the next solar eclipse but i’ll try to jot down everything i can. airy, to me, is the most fascinating object show character there is. i swear every time i observe something about him it’s like i’m opening a matryoshka doll as i dissect his character further and further… every rewatch of one i notice something, whether it be minuscule or glaring, there’s always something for me to brutally analyze. see, and here’s where i contradict myself, because while it’s frustrating not having much official trivia on him, i actually quite love how mysterious he is. i love how he seems like he knows a lot more than he lets on. i love how his caginess only sparks more questions. and i love how FESTERED he is. how you can tell there was so much that led up to him being so numb and stagnant… it does nothing but pique my interest. and i love how this festered-ness parallels with the contestants. i can’t help but feel as if the true extent of airy’s suffering was reflected through those on the plane, how the contestants went through so many fluctuant stages of sadness, denial, hopelessness, anger… all in the midst of isolation akin to airy’s forest. it makes me wonder if ONE served as catharsis to airy. not just a purpose or a distraction, but something to spark resonance within a desolate soul. speaking of distraction, it’s really interesting to me how reliant airy is on escapism, and this is most evident in how he literally takes on such a gilded and contrived host persona to the point where it’s difficult for the viewer to discern who he is OUTSIDE of “airy”. big fan of how the show basically tricks us into thinking he’s this ruthless malevolent all powerful entity until it takes us by surprise and reveals that he’s Just Some Guy, and it could’ve been anyone in his place. but this isn’t to defend him… no… airy was definitely a selfish and inconsiderate asshole (sorry yall) he just isn’t as awful as everyone makes him out to be. airy is not evil, nor is he good, he just kind of sucks LOL. and i love him for that honestly! the thing about this is he should’ve stopped and asked himself “what am i going to gain from this” yet he was so absorbed in trying to hoist himself out of that inevitable pit of dread that he did not care if he destroyed everything else in the process (Might i add that this is a huge parallel to liam’s impulsive vengefulness… i swear i could go on and on about how those two are brothers from another mother) another interesting thing about the hosting stage of airy is the chance that he probably did feel some sort of regret. especially after the shock of breaking his face, being confronted by harsh genuine emotions after such a long time… an iota of the pain and fear he assumed was long gone… as well as the crushing reminder that he basically threw himself and all his senses away just for a stupid game. What a loser amirite. even if he had some semblance of a wish to end ONE, he knew he couldn’t. i’d imagine he told himself mockingly “yeaaaa you basically dug yourself into this, you’re not backing out any time soon” (even though he could’ve easily backed out he was just a loser ass COWARD!)
i didn’t know the paragraphs had character limits! interesting. anyway i can’t help but wonder if airy made that effort to take care of liam in an attempt to break the cycle, the cycle of destroying everything else, including your very self, for the purpose of One thing. maybe airy thinks violence and spite is just a huge waste of time yes of course, but i think he understood liam to some extent (remember what i said about resonance 😁😁😁) i just love how everything about airy is so subtle, yet so major, so jarring and confusing yet when you piece it all together it makes such a scary amount of sense. i love making sense of how nonsensical he is. (of course i do. i am possibly the biggest fan of nonsense there is) now i will add a funny little thing i like about him. i like how he’s all impatient and snarky. and i know you’re probably thinking “franklin how in the abraham lincoln’s bootycheek do you think he’s snarky” Listen, it’s really funny once you actually notice it. there were so many instances where he sounded exasperated with the contestants. my personal favorite being
“yes, as long as you are here, you can’t die”
“Yes… that’s… what i just said 😐”
he has this barely noticeable “oh my god can you let me do what i need to do” attitude and it’s SO funny. i like to imagine he rolled his eyes a lot while he was hosting. its really funny to imagine. and its also funny to imagine him smiling like an idiot like he did hosting in one 17. that scene was really cute it makes me want to run into ongoing traffic and get continuously ran over by 12 different semi-trucks. if you ignore how miserable the contestants were (sorry contestants) it’s actually really endearing how excited and eager airy was when he got ideas for challenges. i bet he felt so proud of himself it’s honestly kind of sad. he’s sad. what the hell. he really thought he was the SHIT when he said “riches… immortality… whatever your heart desires 😌” Oh my god he’s so pathetic don’t even get me started MY ONLINE CLASSES ARE STARTING I GOTS TO GO BUT ANYWAY FEEL FREE TO ASK FOR AN ANALYSIS ABOUT LITERALLY ANYTHING AIRY RELATED I HAVE MORE THAN A HUNDRED BIBLES’ WORTH OF SHIT TO SAY ABOUT HIM BYEBYE THANK YOU FOR ASKING THIS
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baalzebufo · 2 months
HIII. can i just say. absolutely ADORE your gravity falls stuff!! i'd love to hear more of your headcanons (especially abt gideon) (that's my SON)
yes yeeees i was part of the Original Wave of Gideon Enjoyers back when like, episode 4 aired and it was about ten blogs who didnt hate his guts. i mean, i still want to throw him out a window, but I also think he has really interesting character stuff going on that some people just didnt wanna look at bc they hated him! which like, fair, he's a villain, but that freaky little dude will always be one of MY faves, haha
this post got. very long im sorry I had to put a readmore here haha but I haven't had an excuse to infodump about this for ages so here's a couple Things I like Thinking About... also a doodle I did the other night to break up the wall of text below
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ok ok to start i LOVE him so much as a foil to dipper (and to an extent ford too) as examples of what the journals/that kind of power and information can do to people. its why im so adamant that he does actually have albinism, even if its not Technically Canon. dipper and ford both have a like, 'physical oddity' about them (birthmark, sixth finger) i think it makes sense for gideons to be his albinism as something that set him apart. all three are 'weirdos', were ostracised to an extent by the world, had that longing for something special or important, and then found it. and its what they DO with that which sets them apart
especially as a foil to dipper like... from time to time in the show, he gets a bit gung-ho about abusing the journals power for his own gain. but he has friends and family to reign him back in. he has more of a moral compass about not wanting to hurt people, generally. dipper never became like gideon did
this is getting into headcanon territory here but, my general summary of gideons childhood is an isolated one. only child, fairly sheltered, had some medical complications early in life which led to a lot of time on his own in hospital, attended school briefly and was subjected to significant bullying. and without a real support network outside of his parents who were very doting to the point of spoiling him because hes their Little Miracle he wasnt exactly well-adjusted even as a kid
but basically, that kid ends up finding this journal and learns about spells and evil artifacts and suddenly he has the power to make people like him. not only that but Fear him. he goes from feeling powerless to an absolute ego-trip. and his only close relatives would never tell their little boy 'no' about something, so they're not disciplining him in any way. its a perfect storm for a disaster to happen
it stems from this childish desire to go 'look at me im important and special and everyone likes me' and hes become so embittered already by people being dicks that he doesnt care if he hurts people on the way
that only really changes when mabel shows up and is the first person in town to approach him from a like... normal level. shes nice to him but not in the overly-saccharine and doting way his fans are, just in the way a girl who wants to be friends is. she treats him normally and is nice and he thinks she's pretty and that ALSO becomes a perfect storm of 'well shes nice to me and i like her so i must be in love with her and she is with me!' and, of course. kid who has never heard the word No before. so the later rejection becomes a HUGE sticking point and grudge to the point of being flat-out murderous
later in life with a little Introspection i think he'd realize it was less love and more just. basically imprinting on the first person to be normal and kind at him in years
UM. I should wrap this up i have so much in my brain. gideon was one of my earliest roleplay muses i'd write and draw with my pals, so I subjected him to a LOT of personal characterization stuff and also making a thousand AUs for fun. (aus always come in two flavours either its 'im going to make you marginally more well-adjusted' or 'im going to make you so, SO much worse')
ive got a soft spot for con-men and fake psychics and generally shitty little weasels and gideon just stormed into the show being a jerk with an aesthetic i adore and i was like ahhh. i want to punt him. hes my favourite.
ok im going to shut up now. last minute headcanon. gideon got into wood carving in prison art therapy because using a knife to stab something in a non-murder way helps soothe his urges. he whittles little people figurines
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moth-p · 2 months
Tpot 12 ramble because if I dont infodump to anyone I will unironically fucking explode
Spoilers obviously.
1. Since in my tpot 11 ramble I discussed Three on point nr.3 i think its only fair that I talk about One first.
Okay so they went in a completly different direction with one that I thought they would. I thought that she was gonna be a co-host, but honestly? I like the direction they took her character in. We didn't really have a true "villan" in bfdi like. Ever? I think? I mean yeah there are characters that are sadistic, antagonistic, live in your walls and make bad decisions but I don't think we ever had a real villan. A threat. Because you CANNOT. CANNOT tell me that One doesn't have sinister intentions. She's unnerving, and if I learned one thing from the Shrek franchise its that you dont fucking make deals with people that are clearly evil (im talking to you Fanny, Ice cube and possibly anyone else who made a deal) also, she knows a lot more that I think she has the right to. I mean, yeah. She's the stalking type, i get it but she came out of the fucking moon at the END END of tpot 9. (I think?) So thee fact that she knows so much about the contestants is kinda scary. I think the obvious motive for her is uh.. Three. I AM STILL STANDING BY MY POINT THAT THE HAND FROM TPOT 11 IS THREE. I KNOW EVERYONE AGREES ON THIS BUT. I SWEAR.
Also one is very silly. So uhh. Yeah
Point 2, the teams. I will be very honest I did not expect a team swap so soon but then again Just not had exactly three people so I don't think it would be very fair (No teardrop what are you doing here no no no you are not a part of this discussion shoo shoo /aff)
I thought I would dissect them one by one.
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Point 2.1 - Death Pact yet Again (DPYA)
Ill be honest? Probably the best team. I like every single character on here.
Gaty is literally top 5 of my favs
Astrobiology is on a team together (yet) again, were winning. I love them both separately too, esp Black Hole after the recent-kinda-still-ongoing-arc. Tree's sass is something I need.
Pin! One of the "Top 4" of the original season. I love her, she was the first character I humanized, and she is actually acting like herself because early Tpot did her dirty as hell.
Marker is silly as always,
And Fanny. Need I say more? Besides, she's the only one we have actually witness make the deal with one. She's getting a lot of screen time lately and I am NOT complaining.
Oh and also Robot Flower I guess. If my tpot 13 predictions are correct, Basketballs deal with one will help her go back to normal. Good. I miss her actual self. (And Flower, I love you. Honest to god I love you. But you did really act like a bitch in the first season huh. Still top 5)
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Point 2.2 - Team 2/Two
ERASER. I am so sorry you got separated from your boyfriend 💔💔💔 Probably my favorite from the team, his "rivalry" with Bottle might be interesting.... if she doesn't get voted out next. (I think she will) I think his dynamic with Snowball might be interesting since they are already friends. I think. Right?
Book and Taggy! To be honest JnJ are feeding my heart wholesome yuri and I am very happy. Books dynamic with Ice Cube will be fun to explore because uh... yeah. Also Taggy is developing which is great. Before tpot 10 I thought of them as more of a Naily 2.0, so I'm very glad that JnJ did something with them. Thank goodness they didnt get eliminated, I was kinda worried.
Snowball. Big guy. My man. I was hugely neutral about him before TPOT but god he kinda stole my heart. His relationship with grassy is so cute, and I'm begging for some interactions between him and Ice cube.
Grass boi. Thank you for not being annoying as f-ck anymore. I think youre cool. (Though he is the one I would care the least about if he god eliminated.)
Icyyyy... glad you got your legs back girl.... uhh...
Same as with Fanny. remember kids! Don't make possibly soul binding contracts with unnerving strangers!
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Point 2.3 - 🎶🎶/BAGGED
Pen. I'm gonna say the same thing but I am so. So sorry that you got separated from your boyfriend 💔💔💔. His rivalry with Need- NEEDLE, I SAID NEEDLE was cool and I like how he got more competitive. (I voted for him Btw. If he gets eliminated I WILL. Cry. Vote 4 pen propaganda
TV, this one is kinda short because uh.. I dont uhh. Really. Care? I think he has a lot of potential but I dont really remeber him doing anything huge sooo
Needy! Oh. Oh no. *gets slapped into outer space* I like her. The thing with Pen was cool and I just generally enjoy her. Shes the gaslight gatekeep girlboss of the group and honestly? I hope she gets a bigger role.
Tennisball. How many times will I have to do this bit. I am so so so so so so sorry you got separated from your girlfriend 💔💔💔💔 you malewife. Its like actually the first time he and GB weren't on a team together and I think it could be interesting to see him try to kinda. Cope with that. (And also with being a leader, my boy was not made for this kinda stuff)
Basketball! .. dont make deals children.
Also, she is being set up to be an important character (obviously). With the robot flower stuff, her thing with one and rivalry with gb that i think the writers forgot about (or did it get resolved. Idk) she has had a shit ton of screen time and will play a major role in the one stuff.
And Bottle! I uhh. Yeah! Your thing with Eraser is interesting I guess! ... (She will get eliminated)
And finally (but not really)
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Point 2.4 - CloudYAY
This is the last time I do this. Gb. I am. So, so so so so sorry that you got separated from your malewife boyfriend 💔💔💔
But seriously I love GB. Your team cant handle your girlboss levels. I seriously hope they will listen to you because if it turns into the 8ball situation again I will do something. (Seriously, why do people hate GB as a leader that much? She is bossy as hell, yeah, but like. Shes a pretty good leader imo)
WINNER! My non-binary pal. My sassy gender neutral gay i mean gay i mean guy. I really hope they do something big with your character again. The clock thing was pretty fun and I hope to get to know them more. Besides, Loser is like. Free. He's probably still being a celebrity like usual. I hope we get to expand even more on their past together. (I voted for them btw)
Barf bag, my dear. Jnj, please do something with her. (Ooh, but Moth, tpot 9 this tpot 9 that she played a big role in tpot 9) DONT CARE. GIVE ME MORE CONTENT OF HER.
Donut. .. so. I really like donut. His friendship with Barf bag is cool, his connection to four back in bfb was cool and i generally like him as a character. That being said.. i dont have high hopes for him. Don't get me wrong, I DONT want him eliminated, but... i dont know. Its a hunch, okay? I dont feel good about this.
Yellow face. You racist motherfucker. You took Icy's legs, donut's arms (possibly creating two traps for one, con fucking gratulations) and you also live inside my fucking walls. Despite what I said i think hes hella entertaining even if his morals are uh.. far from great.
And finally, Pillow. If i had a second guess to who would be getting eliminated, I would say its her. She has had a shit ton of haters recently and uhh.. i can see WHY.. I would love to explore her relationships within the new team. But if she gets eliminated then eh,, whatever.
. Whew, finally we got trough that, huh?
So. In my Tpot 11 ramble i therorised that Three was locked away in Fours for possibly doing something terrible, and while that theory still stands...
Why did they close the door?
I think Three uhh.. lets say.. isnt feeling the best in terms of sanity right now. I mean, the whole vibe of their cage is creepy as hell. Maybe they went insane enough to develop the need to stay there? I dont know
They could have just closed it because they are afraid of four, but the whole vibe off the scene suggests otherwise (but then i am a deltarune fan and we all know about the ending of chapter 1 being a fakeout?? Whatever. sooooo)
4. Four is acting kinda strange. Is it just me? His voice sounds different and they got a very unnerving vibe from them, kinda like one does. Also why do they need the couch? I am kinda concerned.
Okay thats it its almost one am i have enough bye
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proxythe · 2 months
can i get your top glee headcanons??
or any glee stuff you just CANNOT stop thinking about
infodump pls king
i yapped so bad omg i’m serious … anyways here you go!!
i don’t have many specific hcs just kind of general stuff but let me get into this…
- bpd quinn fabray and bpd blaine anderson will always be famous to me
- bisexual finn & sam just real as hell… dare i even add bi4bi hudevans…?
- finntana bffs is literally my favorite thing of all time i fear </3 technically not completely hc since they’re actually friends but in my head they r Best Friends… its a need
- fuinn endgame 🙌 yall gotta stay w me on this ship fr hold on wait-!!!
- also technically canon friends but needed more quinncedes bffism ?? i still picture theyre very close. theyre occasionally lovers in my head as well
- i imagine college finn when i draw him but i love teacher finn bc i would die without the unique & finn dynamic in my head. hes her number 2 fan (kurt and mercedes are number 1). she is his favorite student TO ME!!!
- finn actually being protective and a good brother and friend is technically somewhat of an hc to me. they love acting like he’s an awesome friend but i always feel like it was never properly shown (aside from a few times, to my memory). needed him to whoop some ass protecting kurt at least once i fear!
- artana bffs… artie my beloved lowkey! i know him and santanas convos & texts are Crazy as hell… they love to talk shit it’s true it’s true…
- tina staying emo style wise is huge for me… i loved it so much on her… let her queen out idk.
- same w rachel lowk. her early season looks and outfits were soo cute, i always picture a similar style on her even when she’s older 😭 (honestly a lot of the characters s4-on i thought had kinda basic outfits ?? maybe it’s just me but idk. felt like they had more individual&unique styles in s1-3)
- honestly i mostly have so many friendship thoughts with no further elaboration. blaine/finn, britt/rachel, more mike/finn, more kurt/quinn, artie/mercedes, quinn/blaine ?!?!? def more but my mind is blanking…
- anything furt related i inject directly into my head and heart … siblings hit me in my chest like a bullet every time
- a more unserious one but kurt and quinn are literally sues gay son and thot daughter. her favorites i know this to be true
as for stuff i just can’t stop thinking about… oh you already know the first thing i’ll be bringing up…
- “can i show you something?… it’s my girlfriend. i used to have another photo but i like this one better” “why? she looks terrible” “cuz i think it’s the first one where you can really see her” TURN IT UP!!!😭😭😭
- “you’re the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen in my life” …yall could never make me hate fuinn im sorry like look at the material
- finntana hugs, fuinn s4 hug specifically, furt hugs … its simple… finn hug = cinema
- quinn wanting mercedes there when she delivered her baby. this was serious for me
- “you’re gonna dance it with me dude” + him singing to kurt will forever live in my heart. mhm mhm lemme not forget my furt
- marley jake & unique. just pure bffism. theyre unique defenders 4L & i think thats beautiful as fuck
- “sam just tweeted that i smell good” “i wont stop til its trending” SAMCEDES!!! 😭😭😭
- sam’s “bring it” & finn’s “brung”
- samcedes, fuinn, brittana, klaine … my ultimate beloveds really. + jarley :-)
- and, lastly: “there’s only one person in this world who can tell you what you are” “me” “no, me. sue sylvester.”
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tndn-btg · 5 months
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hi you can call me euclid
im 21, they/it. system. queer. intersex. butch. white.
i love horror movies, athf, smiling friends, madness combat, tf2, fallout and a bunch of other stuff! my favorite bands right now are sleep token & fall out boy, and i have a special interest in horror media in general :]
just general tidbits/a bit of a dni below the cut
i talk about my npd, did, bpd, autism and mental health overall a lot. not as in venting, but just my world experiences and rambles about it. if you believe in concepts like narc or borderline abuse, or you don't believe in did/ramcoa/believe in false memories causing DID you're not gonna be my friend and i won't engage with you so don't bother
i struggle a lot with talking, i have psychosis/possible schizophrenia qne that causes me disorganized speech, if i misuse metaphors or pronounce words wrong please don't make fun of me, and gently let me know, it's not on purpose and i don't like being mocked for it
i smoke weed. Like 80% of the time im high. Keep this in mind when you talk to me
i infodump a lot
i do not sign my posts based off of fronters or disclose information about my alters. do not ask me to publically post information about it
i take self shipping seriously. sorry in advance
i do not care about concepts like rpf or factkinning. i do not know if anyone cares about that anymore but i follow rpf blogs and factkinners. this does not extent to tcc, i do not support tcc
i don't care about any huge discourse topics people argue about. i won't like you if you publically post your bizzaro incest shota porn or are a nazi but it's very hard to get under my skin with stuff like that
love random dms asks and so fourths :) i am not scary and i accept all variety of freaky weirdos in my dms i love making friends
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
LMK/JTTW gender headcanons & how they respond when asked about their identities:
Im he/they myself so some of these may be self-projecting. A lot are joking, but some are legit examinations. I also hc that gender is a lot more accepted as fluid amongst demons than in a lot of celestials. pls respond with your own thoughts:
Sun Wukong: "Oh I was born under the kun trigram, but I'm a guy a lot of the time." Has personally stolen every form of gender expression he's ever found like peaches from the royal orchard. Transmasc + Genderfluid, He/Him.
Macaque: "I was born under the Xùn trigram, so I guess I don't fall into mortal norms. I just take whatever role I can get really." Gender as fluid as the shadows he controls. Doesnt care what label is put on them. Happily takes feminine titles/roles as long as they are seen as equal to their male counterparts. Intersex + Nonbinary, He/She/They
MK: "I was born afab but I indentify as he/they. I first thought I was a really masc girl, but then a customer called me "A Fine Young Man" once and it changed my whole life. I have it all documented right here in my journal and-" *infodumps his whole journey of personal gender identity for the next three hours* Transmasc He/They
Mei: "I'm a ♡Girl♡. But like, mostly for the aesthetic." (✿◠‿◠) Wears her identity and orientation proudly on her sleeves. Transfem She/They/Neopronouns
Red Son: "Who dares limit the heir of the great Demon Bull Family to one gender!? I will personally claim each and every title for my own! Prince and Princess? Both mine! Go get your own gender, peasant!" Secretly has internal crisis on wanting to be seen as his father's heir/son, but also not wanting to just be seen as Male? Give her a minute to process. Any pronouns.
Bai He/LBD's Host: "Ummm... I dunno yet." *gets distracted by a cat* She/Her for now.
Pigsy: "Uh...?" *checks smudged handwriting on palm* "Mam-male? I guess? Stop distracting me while I'm cooking." Chubby transmasc swag (self-projection ahoy), He/Him.
Tang: "Demiboy. I live for the fear in people's eyes as they panic to refer to me by a gendered title. A student panicked once and called me Professor and it's stuck since." Has a catalog/dictionary of every gender identity in the world, mortal and demonic. He/They
Sandy: "What ever you can be! Your gender can be a huge part of your identity and how you interact with the world- Oh wait, you're asking for my pronouns? Sorry I got distracted. He/Him please." Like almost embarassingly supportive of gender expression and exploring one's identity. He/Him
Princess Iron Fan: "I grew up with so many sisters and I feared that I was never feminine enough to match up to the court's standards that I- I'm a woman, you idiot." It's complicated. She/Her
DBK: "I dunno man I just got here." Is aggressively supportive no matter what. Called Red his daughter once and panicked when Red started crying with joy, thinking he'd misgendered his son. Doesn't care for masculine norms. He/Him
Nezha: "What, are you a cop? I just like pink." Developed thoughts about his gender identity after his revival and has started to shift away from being aggressively masculine in behaviour just to appease the Jade court. Genderfluid, He/They
Lady Bone Demon/LBD: "Whatever I identity as will be insignificant once I've completed my goals." She/They
The Mayor: "Mayor." He/It pronouns
Spider gang:
Spider Queen: "What part of Queen did you not hear!?" Wukong was the first person to ever recognise her as a girl back in the day and it makes her thoughts on him really complicated. Transfem, She/Her
Hunstman: "What part of Huntsman did you not hear?" Violently protects the others when they get misgendered. Transmasc, He/Him
Strong Spider/Goliath: "Whatever can protect my friends better!" Is the one to de-escalate when Huntsman violently jumps to protect them. Any pronouns.
Syntax: "Syntax Error: Missing/Unmatched Parentheses." *laughs in math nerd* He/They
Spindrax: "Whatever kind of girl Mei is, I think. But like... a different aesthetics." She/They/neopronouns
Demon Gang:
Jin & Yin: "You blind, mate?" "We're clearly both-" (talking over one another) "Lasses!/Blokes! Wuh?! You're?! Oh bruv/sis I didn't know! Forgive me!" *both hug eachother in support* Both trans She/Her & He/Him.
Lin/Demon Accountant: "In this economy? I'm lucky to afford Me's and I's!" She/They/It/Neopronouns
Scorpion Queen: "GIRL!!! Oh, sorry! I'm a little new to this and I get a little overexcited. Tang calls it Gender Euphoria. I like it!" Transfem, She/Her
Tudi: "*indescernable, but delighted to answer*" He/They
The Brotherhood:
Azure Lion: "I am male, obviously. Why do you think I grow out my beautiful mane?" Transmasc; JttW accidentally outed him and he never forgave the author. Guanyin tried to cover for him by saying he was a "gelded lion" (canon), but he's still mad about it. He/Him.
Peng: "You do not know who I am? I am the great Golden-Winged Peng of Camel Ridge!" Canonically non-binary. They/Them
Yellowtusk: *just nods and returns to cup of tea* Any pronouns.
OG Pilgrims:
Tripitaka: "...It is impolite to inquire such things." Has a really complicated gender identity journey tied to their upbringing as a monk + their aroace orientation. Always thought there was something "broken" about them since they could not see themselves as either binary genders, but experienced euphoria when Wukong introduced them to non-binary identities. Agender, They/Them
Zhu Bajie: "Isn't gender one of those things Wukong stole from Heaven?" Has no idea what anyone's talking about, but trans and demi-women means more women for him no matter their body type. Cis, He/Him
Sha Wujing: "Yeah." *doesnt elaborate further* He/They
Ao Lie: "I'm a horse." :3 Any pronouns.
The Four Stalwarts:
Marshal Ma: "Girl, but only to tormet Wukong as his big sister." She/They
General Ba: "Just call me Granny, dear." She/Her
Marshal Liu: "Vengance." Is whom Macaque inherited their non-binary swag from. They/Them
General Beng: "Ah? What I am? Well... I'd consider myself... one with every model of gender life can provide. What were we talking about again?" Any pronouns
Bonus round! Au characters:
Ao Bing: "I'm like Nezha, but with light blue." Intersex + Genderfluid, He/They.
Chenxiang: "I did not go through a whole journey of finding my internal manhood to be misgendered." He/Him
Yinghuo/Fire Star/SWK's Lawyer: "I only include gendered titles and pronouns in my paperwork at the request of the cilent. My own should not interfere with these proceedings." Dislikes the automatic masculine association with Mars. Any pronouns.
Rumble & Savage: *chirp?" *chirp?" They are babies after all. He/Him & She/Her for now.
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irrealisms · 2 months
jun wu or bwx for character asks? 👁️
starting off: hi yen if you're reading this it's got spoilers so pls skip this post ty <3 u can come back to it when u finish tgcf which at your current rate will be in like. a couple days lol
How I feel about this character
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Im Normal About Him.
the ending is. perfect. the bamboo hat. it's never too late. when he's defeated he looks relieved. quoting myself from discord:
he cannot face being proven wrong, because it means he’s done terrible things and hurt people when he didn’t have to. he wants so badly to be proven wrong, because it means that maybe there’s good in the world and not just endless crushing pain and evil.
i have a lot of thoughts abt him & the tragedy of him & his entire ideology!!! i am sort of failing at condensing them but i have a lot of thoughts about him .
All the people I ship romantically with this character
hehe. xie lian (i am a sicko). i can also justify this to some extent--jun wu/bai wuxiang (i think mostly bai wuxiang, actually?) remarks positively on xie lian's appearance a notable amount, there's the "makes one ache, makes one excited" bit which i cannot read as anything other than Kind Of Weird And Horny, there's the thing where jun wu tests xie lian's virginity by making him bleed on jun wu's sword (i have another whole meta in my heart about swords as blatantly phallic in tgcf but i assume you do not need to be convinced of this lol)--but honestly i don't fully stand by it. this is a ship i have at least 80-90% because i am a sicko. i hope you can all understand
My non-romantic OTP for this character
ALSO xie lian. im complex. i contain multiple guys. the thing is that i have a beautiful google doc that consists of every time jun wu/bwx is analogized to a parent/teacher and xie lian is analogized to a child and it has . like. 30 quotes? somewhere around there? it's a lot! it's a lot. "i have decided that we are the same guy due to The Parallels but also i am going to enforce this and Make us the same guy by Molding You into Becoming Me" is an incredibly good dynamic whether it is slash or gen, and i do think the "weird forced adult-child relationship going on" reading is in fact more supported by the text than a shippy one. also when i'm not being a sicko about it there's also something deeply beautiful to me about their ending, about xie lian defeating jun wu but also showing him this moment of grace. and of course the Parallels which apply equally when it's slash vs gen. also you may have noticed that neither this question nor the last one do i bring up guoshi. this is bc idgaf about him. sorry mei nianqing . he exists i just Do Not Care
My unpopular opinion about this character
im gonna be so real i have no idea what is and is not popular wrt jun wu. what are the popular jun wu opinions.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
once again im kind of at the same place i am wrt mu qing of, like.... nothing, honestly? i am incredibly happy with what we got, i think it's beautifully written and the resolution is perfect, mxtx is a good writer and tgcf is a good book, no complaints
having a bit more of his backstory with mnq might be cool, i guess? we get the huge infodump but it's kind of just an infodump, it is just Pure Exposition, going into that a bit more / more naturally than "guoshi helpfully exposits for us" could be neat even tho i dont think its necessary. as mentioned i'm p much happy with what we got
(ask game, give me a character)
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serve-cunt · 7 months
however this time I am a fair bit LESS confused and befuddled because that was a WONDERFUL explanation of everything I asked, thank you so much zoe you are literally the loml this helped so much
so what I have deduced is that the next grand slam tournament is the French open (muddy one lmao) which sounds SO fun and cool and I will be watching
more questions if you do not mind (i am sorry)
how much does grass/clay/hard court affect play??? Is it like a MASSIVE difference???
you mentioned a thing called Break Point in the fic which I thought was a made up tennis equivalent of drive to survive but APPARENTLY IT IS REAL AND EXISTS, so should I watch that????
how does the scoring work? I know the basic concept is bonkity bonk hit ball back and forth and try to make it touch the ground in your opponent's court, but I think it's like points within sets within games within matches???? am i right or do I have the order fucked up (I probably do) and what are the details of all that????
is there a lot of bias towards men's tennis vs women's? Obviously there are almost no girls in f1 ever and I know a lot of sports like football have HEAVY bias towards men, is tennis like that? I feel like not as much because it seems like I hear just as much about players like the Williams sister and naomi osaka as I hear about people like Roger Federer and Andy Murray? is that true?
who are the top 5-10 players in the world rn? who's number one? and like pls point me to somewhere where I can find a very basic fact file of sorts on each of them, I need to know who's the lewis and max and sebastian of tennis....
what's the next big-ish tournament in the next few weeks ish that you think I'd be able to handle??? like an atp 250 or 500 or smtj??? bc I wanna start Watching but the French open is SO far away
gimme a few basic facts on each of your favourite players because im sure you will appreciate the opportunity to infodump about your faves just as much as I will appreciate the introduction :))))
any good tennis movie recs? I've seen that thing with will Smith about the Williams and that was SO GOOD it was ages ago that I saw it though so I remember nothing lmao
obviously feel free to drop in random facts or anything or WHATEVER, I WANT TO KNOW ALL OF THE THINGIES
i think that is most of my questions???? how are you??? how is life??? i hope you know how much I appreciate you because you are SAVING MY LIFE here, it is now time to go stalk those other blogs you recommended....BYEEEEE ZOE ILYYY <3
HELLO AGAINNNN back for more 😈😈😈 this is how people get HOOKED .. the way I rubbed my little goblin hands together to start typing up an answer to all of this LMAOO ok here we go …
"how does grass/clay/hard court affect play"
a LOT! in simplest terms, different surfaces change how a ball bounces. but that has a huge impact on the play: clay is the slowest surface, because it's kind of grippy so the ball loses momentum. that's good if you like to stay at the baseline, be patient, and wait for somebody to make a mistake (which is why I gave that surface to Oscar lol). Grass is fastest because it's a slick surface (no grip) but it's unpredictable because it will be more uneven & different courts will feel very different. another issue w/ the season being short! but if you're a quick learner and you like to play close to the net, grass is for you. Hard court is like. "neutral" surface. it's the most common so everybody knows how to play it! you'll often hear players talk about different hard-court tournaments being "slower" or "faster", generally what they're talking about is the specific surface material, which is the cushion over the concrete that can vary in terms of bounce & grippiness.
"should I watch Break Point"
hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahha. oh no!! idk ….. I really don't like Break Point, I think it's a failed attempt to bring the success of DtS to tennis .. but idk, maybe watching BP as a newbie is helpful?? you will at least start to recognize some names which might be fun?? but yeah it's not as good of an entry point to how the sport is played (imo) and because tennis doesn't have the contained cast of characters that f1 has it doesn't actually help you THAT much with recognizing players on the courts, lmao. also certain episodes made me hate certain players ... looking at you episode about the american men ... taylor fritz my enemy ...
but!! it might help you to pick a few faves based purely on vibes hehe
"how does the scoring work?"
akdjfhalksdjfhakjh how DOES the scoring work … great q … no jk it's actually not too bad you just have to let it settle into your brain lol!! okay so:
within a GAME:
players start at zero, or "love". Why "love"?? who knows!! but here we are. then scoring proceeds through: 15, 30, 40. why?? WHO KNOWWWSSSS
you HAVE to win a game by two points. if you're ahead 40-30 and you win the next point, you win the game. HOWEVER, if the game is tied at 40-40, you are at "deuce", and you have to win TWO points in order to win the game. if you win one point you have advantage: that will look like "A-40" on most scoreboards. if your opponent wins the next point you lose the advantage and you drop back to deuce. so a score could look like this over the course of 6 points:
40-40 — you win a point -> A-40 — they win a point -> 40-40 — you win a point -> A-40 — they win a point -> 40-40 — you win a point -> A-40 — you win another point! -> game!
did that help or did it make everything MORE confusing?
within a SET:
so you won your first game! the set is now 1 game to zero, or 1-0. Time to play the second game. Oh no!! your opponent is serving for this game and they won it, the set is tied 1-1. No worries -- your turn to serve again. You hold your serve! 2-1. Ah shoot, so do they. 2-2. Okay, great, you hold again. 3-2. oh my god you BREAK THEIR SERVE!!!! 4-2 BAYBEEE!!! and you hold again! 5-2! they hold: 5-3. okay moment of truth ….. YOU HOLD SERVE AND WIN THE SET 6-3 GOOD JOB YOU'RE DOING GREAT SWEETIE !!!! <3
you also have to win a set by two games. remember this rule! win by two is the tennis mantra. if a set is tied at 6 games all, it's time for a tie-breaker, and you have to win the tie-breaker by two points. (mostly you play a tie-breaker to 7 points, but this can vary by tournament)
within a MATCH:
you won your first set!! great job your mom is so proud. however. you aren't done yet!! usually you are playing best of three sets, so you still need to win one more set. in Grand Slams if you are a man you are playing best of five, so you need to win TWO more. um. GOOD LUCK!! Here's what a score line might look like:
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^You can read that as Bertens being up a set, so the match is currently in the second set, which is currently tied at 1 game all. Venus is serving (that's what that dot by the numbers means) but Bertens is up 2 points. (lmao. 30-love = 2 points up. I apologize for tennis)
omg you lost a set. NO WORRIES YOU CAN COME BACK. best of three: I believe in you <3
"Is there a lot of bias towards men's tennis"
do you even need to ask 🥲🥲🥲 yes unforch. men consistently get the best broadcasting time-slots on tv, they often get more prize money, and they generally have more name recognition. however!! I think tennis has benefitted from some amazing personalities in women's tennis -- the Williams sisters of course, now coco gauff -- and the prize money sitch is improving for sure. there's hope!! but yeah -- it's a scheduling feedback loop!! give the women better tv times and more eyes will be on their matches!! ajdhflakh it's so frustrating to watch tbh!!! anyway.
"who are the top players and how do i find that"
Here are the ATP singles rankings and here are the WTA singles rankings! If you click on each name you will see their official stats page :))
"what's the next big-ish tournament"
here's the list of upcoming ATP tournaments and here's the list of upcoming WTA tournaments - there are some upcoming small-ish tournaments that look fun (atp in rio, wta in dubai) and then … THEN!! Indian Wells :D :D
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I'm an Indian Wells DEVOTEE ,, the players really like it, the vibes are so good, celebrities come out from LA, everyone has a nice time, it's SO FUN. all the hype & fun of a slam with slightly lower stakes
"tell me about your favorite players"
jannik sinner: part of the "next gen men" wave that includes carlos alcaraz, loooooong of leg, skinny of limb, floofy of hair!! methodical and hard to shake, emotionally and mentally, beautiful clean and powerful play. also !! just!!! seems like a good guy!! def a "class pet" on tumblr lmao (thank you @advantage-sinner )
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carlos alcaraz: part of the "next gen men" wave that includes jannik sinner, a phenom, natural talent, all-round player, people are predicting great things for him -- he plays gorgeous, interesting, creative tennis and he has FUN DOING IT, really a joy to watch. the 2023 wimbledon final between him and djokovic (our local villain, but an all-time great in men's tennis) was an incredible, amazing, show-stopping match that he WON and I will remember that day forever and ever and ever amen
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coco gauff: crazy athletic, big hitter, hit the scene young, super charismatic on and off court, just very fun to watch
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iga sviatek: gorgeous gorgeous player, aggressive as heck, quick as heck, loves clay, loves to put spin on the ball, SUCH A WEIRDO I LOVE HERRRRR she likes lego and she reads a lot, she's such a funny little introvert who happens to be #1 in the world LOL
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daniil medvedev: stands so far away from the baseline to return serve he's often out of camera frame. he's so tall and his limbs are just … everywhere … andrey rublev (another fave) calls him "the octopus" … he has the BEST INTERVIEWS HE'S SO FUNNYYYY AHHH
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ons jabeur: "minister of happiness" except that lately .. she has not been super happy … she wants to win a slam SO BAD my heart hurts for her … when she's on she's a lovely lovely player, very creative, but when she's off she's hard to watch, just a lot of unforced errors (which is an error that is your own fault, vs an error that you make because your opponent hit a ball that was hard to get to or technically very tricky to return)
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I have the occasional emotional fling with andrey rublev (hehe sad wet dog), karolina muchova ( :( sad wet cat), daria kasatkina (…sit on me), caspar ruud (…SIT ON ME), and alex de minaur (cute!!!)
I literally have no tennis movie recs I can't think of a single one BUTTTTTTTT Challengers comes out this year 😈 mike faist my beloved… zendaya in tennis whites ...
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I can't believe how many words you let me spew at you @ivystennis and then ASKED FOR MOREEEE I LOVE YOU thanks for "coming out" as it were lmaooooo.
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k00ldino · 7 months
i saw ur tags mentioning dwight & osc hiiiiiii
i dont hc them as dating but i hc them being in a qpr!! iusdfiusdgfusdg
i sorta built it up with someone else's hcs in mind but i think it started bc they both are just such HUGE FUCKING GEEKS LIKE??? or at least to me,,, like oscar would totally love star trek & that stuff but keeps it to himself,,, but dwight rlly doesnt care?? in fact hes just so happy that he can bond with someone else from the office like IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY!!!!!! they spend hours after work just watching shows & movies they like while screaming isubvusdgyfgsdoyfsd
also i think they get along well bc they both are just very closeted abt being trans(i hc jim&pam as trans too but i think they're just way more open abt it)
but omg i have SO SO MUCH TO SAY ABT THEM SDUFGOUSDY I NEED TO GO DEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPP usydfdsuy & i neeed to go find some old post diufhsdogyfsdyug
(im jumping & screaming rn I LOVE UR OFFICE POSTS TOO LIEK,,,,,going insane WOWOWOWOOW)
okay. ahem. sorry. i’m calm now
this is so sweet! i love the mental image of dwight and oscar nerding out over shared interests together!!!! GRAHHHH love love love
also. i think you’ll be happy to know that i was infodumping earlier and i told my mom that andy and oscar are boyfriends. i started shipping them because of you. squishes your head in between my fingers
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cconfusedkat · 2 months
Tbh ,, ive only given Allure (my lambs name) a fleece just because i didnt really have time to put them in an outfit i wanted them to wear
Ive sorta used allure as the one i project onto the most compared to my other lambs, so that included like how they look compared to my family for example or rlly just hcs
And ik this is literally JUST a cult game that i shouldnt take too srs-- but i relate to allure in some stances from how i plan out their story and why they act the way they do (really just an anxiety ridden person but is better at masking, so they usually come off as more energetic and ambiverted for example)
But now continuing onto what i wanted for them to wear from a few months ago!! Normally i always draw them wearing like. The red fleece ? But thats entirely it
I always want to draw a better outfit for them, such as . Hm,,, idk how to describe in english
(OMFG. Sorry i wrote so much ill put the infodump below the cut HELP)
Allure's gender has always been complicated for them, hx's identified with many labels-- being intersex can be tough because not only did/do they struggle with how they perceive themself, but how others perceive hxm. It never mattered living in hxs old village as a little lamb. When hx got captured with hxs mother by the followers of the old faith, that's where hx did face more intersexism,,, lambs were considered more and more "rare" as a species as the next 50 years went on, including going into hiding with their mother for fifteen years. They were forced to comply to the old faith's followers standards, even being disrespected at the moment of death when they got executed. So, why does being intersex sorta just tie everything together for them? Well growing up, i never had too many intersex resources myself, but still dehumanized by my peers—i projected that onto Allure to feel,, less lonely ?
I changed their labels to be transneufemmasc, because that's where their transition sorta ties down into, if that makes sense? Im transandrofem/transneufem, i always had a connection to feminity, yet androgny still has some close ties to me. For Allure, they never really had many problems growing up, everyone sorta just called them a bit of both. A boy, a girl, a person-- just a lamb-- they werent seen as much else. They were ,, normal ,,, their village had few lambs just like them, and it was highly respected and viewed as a sign of god on how rare a condition of theirs can be seen something so beautiful (again im unsure how to translate that into english, think of it as a gender affirming thingy)
I use they/hxm for Allure because hx/hxm ties in with their transition more as well. The 'x' in the pronouns are usually for intersex prns ,, Allure was misgendered more while in captured, referred to as a 'thing' or an 'it' (along with the h word :'-3 just cuz ive been called it and that was apart of their 'dehumanization' as a lamb in the 1500s)
After 400 years (so itd be 1900s), i like to believe they settled on a label, even when gender is constantly flowing and changing, they figured out a lot,, despite being at war with the bishops but 😭 lamdoakdjw allure was like "im prolly nonbinary but i have a job so idrc about that rn" (they always were nonbinary BUT YKWIM,,)
Relating to their clothes now. YIPPEE. They had always worn a mixture of clothing pieces, when belonging to different genders, so for example they would typically wear silver jewelry wayyy back then (which was typically for female lambs) and they wore jubba and sirwal (just long sleeve undergarment and baggy trousers) with having tatriz embroidered sometimes... as in the dresses with tatriz embroidery on them, they never really minded the types of clothing they chose and that their mother chose for them
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They often wore trousers though and a long sleeve white shirt out of silk :--) with lavandi. Allures mother would do henna for their hands, along with many other family members—they had a huge family before everything happened,,, another comparable thing to my history where my family used to be big enough until it became a smaller number ,,, i like to believe Allure wrote down old traditions to never forget, hopefully having more lambs to carry on their legacy (as they eventually "retire" because it became difficult to run a cult when your emotions were all over the place for mourning your beloved family members, especially the new found family you create, having all of them die in 100 years) (so rlly that just left Narinder all on his own)
The ideas ive had though for putting together their outfit? As a current cult leader ? It would be something like a black top (with those shoulder things at the side of their arms if that makes sense), a corset OR a lavandi (indescive still), and having specifically dark brown trousers that would go up to their knees ,,, they would have bandages wrapped around their shins, along with their wrists
+ when they reside in their cult for a few days to take care of cult matters, papers, sermons, etc, i like to imagine thats when they wear their "fleece" (much rather like a shall instead) and an embroidery dress of tatriz they took time to make themself :--) they took possibly a few months to make it given their lack of resources, but after beginning their journey to silk cradle they had better access to silk-- making outfits for their followers and themself as well,, which would include the shall and tatriz dress ,,
For their choker/collar thing , thats where they remove the bell when going on crusades, to focus better on their objective. When residing (verbatim) to rest in the cult, thats when they put back on the bell. Sometimes it would also be a red pentacle theyd attach to the black collar :> they definitely continued their tradition of wearing silver jewelry, until they discovered Midas' Cave (....dont tell anyone i said this but they robbed Midas back GREATLY. lamb was charitable, yes, but this fucker kept robbing allure-- how else were they meant to respond to that 🙂🙂🙂)
But yes lol,,, if Allure were human they would be Arab if that wasnt obvious enough 🫶🫶🫶 i love them very much and i love the past few months ive been building their character. Im happy to continue this self indulgency and build them more, self projection has always been such a comfort for me ,, so i have fun doing that for Allure
OO PLUS PLUS !!!!! Allures name was never Allure to begin with. that's the thing fsjjwjfn,,, hxs mother gave hxm a new name to live on a happy life and to never forget her. Hx absolutely hated that and never wanted to change hxs name, but by now for the past 300 years he forgot about his original birth name. Allure did this just for their mother. They still mourn her everyday, even when hx's too mentally or physically tired to. Even as the god of death themself, they pray to their mother the most, always wishing safety for her
Their mothers name was Zainab,,, the A name vs the Z name is rlly important despite it being such a small detail ,,, allure is the last lamb to live in this world--while zainab had been the very few lambs left ,,, holding her child close and kissing allures forehead before she complied to getting beheaded right in front of the bishops ,,, Just like how Allure was
Ok thats all i can think of i just wanted to infodump for my lamb HESNFHSFN theyre based off of my first save (that i did 100% and am on day 403 there :>)
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heatwa-ves · 1 year
sorry i know this is coming from nowhere but please tell me about izumi i deleted the game before i ever learned anything about him 💔
oh my god ok. don't apologise I'm always always ready to infodump about my favs 💖
so. izumi is part of knights ofc and he's actually the person who made the unit along with leo back when their previous unit chess broke down. long story. he's also a model and has been modelling since his childhood which is where he first met naru and makoto.
he is uh. a bitch. in the nicest way possible he's such a bitch. in lionheart he describes himself as someone who's unable to be honest with himself so he comes off really harsh and rude but he does genuinely care about the people he's close to especially knights and also makoto.. sora describes him as having a very kind color and if sora says it you know it's true
his relationship with makoto is uhhhh. obsessive. they were really close as kids when they were modelling but lost contact due to I believe izumi changing agencies? something like that. makoto quit modelling and now they're at yumenosaki together and after the events of checkmate (izuleo relationship got really codependent and they were doing Very Bad mentally and leo ended up not coming to school for months bc he was Really Depressed) izumi got even more attached and obsessive over makoto as both a replacement for leo leaving and, to quote the wiki, was depending on him for happiness. also he kidnapped makoto at one point. anyway makoto was obviously Very Uncomfortable with this. over time now izumi is a bit more stable nd leo is back and they're less unhinged he's giving makoto more space and their relationship is less. yeah. but still not perfect like izumi is still a little obsessive.
I'd talk in detail about his relationship with leo but I wrote another whole thing on that so I'll just talk a bit, basically they met in first year became friends and it developed into leo seeing izumi as his muse and izumi relying on this for validation because he is honestly kinda insecure but would never let anyone know that bla bla bla leo left bla bla leo came back and now they're good! izumi still blames himself for leo breaking during the war and leo feels guilty for hurting izumi and izumi still struggles with loving and being loved but he's learning and they're messy but they're trying 💖 me when characters are healing and growing as people... aughgh... love them to death I reread lionheart earlier and was having a category 5 izumi moment he makes me feel unwell...
rn he and leo are living together in florence where they're working on modelling and composing respectively and they come back to japan semi frequently for knights activities
he's also really good friends with naru they also met as kids when modelling and have remained friends she will counter his bitchiness with her own <3 but they do genuinely have a level of understanding of eachother that no one else gets like there's a few scenes in euthanasia that really show it especially at the end where they talk about a shared desire to be adored.. one of my fav scenes in the entirety of enstars I love you euthanasia
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izumi was really spoiled as a kid and his parents were really protective over him (only child moment) but because of that they were always the ones deciding things for him and he had very little agency of his own, he says in next door how his parents just wanted an ideal doll like child who's do as he was told, they loved him but they didn't love HIM if that makes any sense.
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he's a huge tsundere (they say it about him in canon im allowed to say it too) even to leo who he's closest to like for leos birthday line he says "I just happened to be in the country it's not like i came just for you..." and near the end of main story he says texting leo is annoying because he takes a while to reply and loses his phone and I don't like waiting it's not that I'm worried when he takes long to reply...
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also he is canonically a cat person and the official character introduction essentially describes him as cat coded which brings me great joy and he hates the summer... just like me fr.. and more fun facts he plays tennis and can knit!! a girlie of many talents!
anyway I think I will leave it here for now if you want to know more I am ALWAYS happy to talk about izumi.. he's my favorite character of all time and means the world to me
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fluffenough · 1 year
forfeit all mortal possessions to  the furby- aka my intro post
hey there! this is eidolon. i follow from verdict! this is my furby/toy blog. welcome! read my before you follow pls
furbies are a huge special interest, so feel free to dm me if youd like to infodump or have me infodump at you about them!
im eidolon, 24, they/them pronouns. im genderfluid and disabled.  my partner, who ive been living with for 6 years and dating for 7, is @tiedyefurb​​!
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here is a photo of my recent go-to furbies from my collection
i will post photos of my furbies under the tag #my furbies as well as the name of the furby! i do reblog other peoples furbies and toys, too, but often forget to tag.
my dolls will be under the tag #my dolls and have their name, brand (if applicable). if you are creeped out by ball jointed dolls you can blacklist #bjd and #realistic doll. or if you like those, there are the tags for you!
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my history and interests within the furby community
as of may 2023 im returning to the furby fandom! i joined in january 2018 and ive seen it all! that said, ive been on semi-hiatus for years so i do feel like a grandpa.
my favorite thing to do is take photographs of my furbies! especially outside or on trips!
i post sporatically as i take photoshoots, so i may post 10 + photos at once then nothing for months.... i refuse to queue im sorry in advance
im a big fan of 1998 and 2005 furbies. their designs are so lovely! i like how customizable 98s are and how interactive 05s are. i think 05s have an adorable, unique aesthetic.
i have many customized furbies but they were almost all bought pre-customized! i have done some minor customization and touch ups before, but nothing intense. ive skinned and washed furbies as well.
i have about 6 furbies awaiting customization, lol. i will for sure be sharing my experiences!
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before you follow:
-i am 24 years old. i will not block minors but i am not comfortable talking one-on-one (you can comment, leave tags on my posts, send asks etc but we cant be friends! its just for my own comfort.)
-im a transgender queer disabled fucko and if you are a right-wing person youre not welcome here. and you dont want to be here! click off. block me. whatev
-TERF, truscum, neonazi, radfem, gender critical, anti social justice or anti feminism, anti self-dx (not everyone has the resources), anti-recovery. basically if you are a hateful person (ableist, racist, etc) go AWAY! lol
-dont follow if you find furbies creepy! plain and simple. (comments like “i usually find 05s scary, but this photo is really cute...” are ok! even in-jokes in good faith are ok. i just dont want to hear how much you want to kill my furby.)
-i will tag to the best of my ability, but w/ my disability i do struggle sometimes. i will always tag my own posts but reblogs can be the wild west
-please dont misgender my furbies! if you dont know their pronouns, use they/them or it/its. (feel free to ask their pronouns in dm, message, or on the post. :) this is very important to me. so please respect it!)
-i am taken and if you do not respect that you will be swiftly blocked no matter how close we are lol.
thanks for reading! im very friendly i swear i no bite
have a furbalicious day!
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sergeifyodorov · 3 months
all of your aces facts are correct. a'ja is definitely mcjesus, kelsey plum is DEFINITELY hot (sidebar i had a HUGE baby gay crush on her when she played for the university of washington which was very inconvenient for me because my hometown university was in the same athletic conference (r.i.p. pac-12) and she was VERY good in college and thus very annoying when she played against my school), the classic rookie treatment™ of kate martin is one of my personal favorite storylines so far this season and one of the things that has endeared me to the aces more and more against my will, and they are indeed the reigning champs for the past two years in a row (though idk that they'll be able to threepeat this year considering the amount of players they'll have playing for usa basketball at the olympics. generally in olympic years the contender teams who have the least amount of olympians have a better chance at the championship), also to be completely honest i don't actually watch men's basketball so i can't say that i know much more than you in that regard.
mainly i just thought it was interesting to see your perception of evil vegas sports team (vgk) (which i agree with) vs good vegas sports team (aces) which is slightly more complicated imo. in wnba fan-spheres people either tend to LOVE the aces or HATE the aces. i would say i'm somewhat in the middle. they're definitely not my team, but i like the players and admire the whole super-team/dynasty thing they've been building. the org has a history of some sketchy behavior though (definitely not unusual for a sports team and doubly not unusual for a vegas sports team). my feelings on the alleged bribes and the paying players under the table to take team-friendly deals stuff is i don't particularly care that much and i'd much rather players get paid more in general. but the ownership is consistently shady and there was an incident a couple seasons ago regarding pregnancy discrimination that they barely got a slap on the wrist for from the league so that's mostly where any negative feelings about them stem from for me. the players pretty unanimously sided with the org when the player in question had previously been really close with a lot of them. and the fans tend to be VERY defensive of any criticism having to do with the team and tend to take it as a personal slight against the players/fans, even if it's directed fairly at the ownership, front office, or coaching staff. to be clear, i'm not trying to negatively sway your feelings about the team. it was just interesting because i pretty strongly associate the vgk and the aces with one another and see them as like birds of a feather in a way.
all that aside, your most important wnba opinion is loving angel reese. that is absolutely the correct opinion to have. angel haters go to hell. in all seriousness though, i could talk about how much i love her for hours, but i fear the amount i've already typed is bordering on insanity (genuinely though i'm sooooo sorry for infodumping this crazy-person rant at you. thanks for listening to my ramblings of a madwoman if you made it this far 🙃)
no no i am SO here for it im taking notes im getting invested (cody... your hockey players... CODY YOUR HOCKEY PLAYERS) <- i can hold many athletes in my heart at once, says man still not over jose bautista. -> anyway that seems really interesting esp re olympics... so the wnba playoffs and the olys are at the same time??? for real??? seems like if that's the case then you'd want to go for a lot more of liek a balanced build then, except then i'm remembering my one (1) Theory Of Basketball fact which is that having a mcjesus or, in this case, an a'ja wilson is a lot more helpful to the cause in bball than it is in hockey
also my opinion of angel is mostly bc i am a defender against the just blatantly horrible misogynoir shes faced in her rookie year (esp juxtaposed against cc, who has also been propped up as some sort of saviour of the wnba, as if the wnba hasn't been getting steadily more popular over the years ANYWAY -_- ) and also she seems like a Top Tier Sweetie. and im taken to understand shes very good as well? true? im so out of the basketball loop i don't know what makes you good in that sport (...buckets...?) but angel >>
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twisted-tales-told · 4 months
tell me about neal caffrey babe
This ask game
My favourite thing about Neal Caffery is that he’s a huge fucking dork. Like yeah he’s hot and witty and clever but also he has an obsession with hats and will literally infodump about random shit even if you didn’t ask.
My least favourite thing about him is that he is a greedy lil fucker but again, everyone has flaws and I accept his.
My favourite line of his is when literally out of the blue he tells his father how Peter has been more of a father to him than his dad ever was. Like GO OFFF KINGG!!
Brotp: him and mozzie actually make me so happy. Like look at their clever little schemes<3
OTP: NEAL/SARA OHMYGODD. They are literally the perfect example of why I LOVE wrong people right time. They are not right for each other!! But oh my did they ever need each other so bad while they had each other.
Notp: that red headed girl from season 5. Not it girlie. Not it.
Random headcanon: hums while he focuses & drives everyone crazy with it except Peter who is so goddamn used to it he can just tune it out.
Unpopular opinion: I don’t understand the Batfam fics im so sorry everyone 😭😭😭 they are not for me i don’t understand the Batman lore
Song I associate with them: here is a Neal Caffery playlist I stole from a bunch of other Neal Caffery playlists:
Favourite picture of him: easiest question ever. Season 1 episode 1
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