neldam-g · 2 years
we have the technology to turn salt water into potable water and we don’t use it
we have the technology to have unlimited solar energy and we don’t use it
we have the technology to turn the Sahara desert into farm land and we don’t use it
capitalism get on my damn nerves
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neldam-g · 2 years
That post about death note being "everyone's first anime" (untrue statement) made me curious and now I want to gather data for science
Can you reblog this and tell me where are you from and what was your starter anime?
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neldam-g · 2 years
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neldam-g · 2 years
i saw this video elsewhere and wanted to post it here —
wind turbine that got struck by lightning near Cromwell, TX
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neldam-g · 2 years
the Double-Standards and hypocrisy of some christians baffles me every time. Sometimes i doubt they even have read the bible AND understood it
The right hierarchy of values is important in preventing ourselves from falling into heresies.
The right-to-life is more important than immigration issue.
Traditional marriage is more important than the economy.
Battling against physician-assisted suicide is more important than funding for welfare.
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neldam-g · 2 years
day 2, not quite midnight, still looking.
I absolutely hate mosquitos
It's like 2 am all i want to do is sleep, but what am i doing? siting in my bed with the lights on, bc one goddamn mosquito found it's way through the fly screens on my open window (bc it's hot) and it won't let me sleep.
Everytime i almost did succumb to the sweet depths of unconsciousness it was there, the slowly aproaching *ssSSSsssssSssSSSSSSSSS* sound of the flying devil himself.
And deep within myself I know..... i won't get any sleep tonight once again.
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neldam-g · 2 years
me with zero sense of direction
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neldam-g · 2 years
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neldam-g · 2 years
I absolutely hate mosquitos
It's like 2 am all i want to do is sleep, but what am i doing? siting in my bed with the lights on, bc one goddamn mosquito found it's way through the fly screens on my open window (bc it's hot) and it won't let me sleep.
Everytime i almost did succumb to the sweet depths of unconsciousness it was there, the slowly aproaching *ssSSSsssssSssSSSSSSSSS* sound of the flying devil himself.
And deep within myself I know..... i won't get any sleep tonight once again.
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neldam-g · 2 years
I....I have 3?
My family associates me with wolves, bc my entire childhood i was "WOLVES WOLVES WOLVES"
Most people I'm comfortable with associate me with ravens (and i love it) bc i fucking love these coal birds, who have more braincells then some people i met and can be petty as fuck...also i bother people with raven facts from time to time
And 2 just 2 close friends of mine went full out sloth on me.... and only bc i once or twice told them about a former friend of mine who was all sloth
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Reblog with your animal. It’s toucans for me
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neldam-g · 2 years
It's bullshit that we even get scurvy. Most mammals synthesize their own Vitamin C, except apes and a handful of other mammals. We had evolutionary ancestors with so much access to fruit they didn't even notice when a mutation broke Vitamin C synthesis and now we'll die without it like a bunch of fucking chumps.
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neldam-g · 2 years
humans need a healthy dose of believing in benign bullshit. four leaf clovers. salt over the shoulder. if you don’t let it out in little ways it builds up inside of you where it rots until you join qanon.
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neldam-g · 2 years
Friend of mine was submitting a job application and discovered that they REQUIRED a photo:
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We're trying to decide which of these is a better option:
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neldam-g · 2 years
You know how canaries were historically brought into coal mines, because if the mine was full of carbon monoxide the canary would die first and the miners would be able to escape before they died too?
I just found the greatest thing.
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This is a canary resuscitator.
When the miners notice the canary getting sick with carbon monoxide poisoning, they can close that circular hatch so no more gas gets into the canary cage, and open the valve on that oxygen tank to keep the canary breathing. In other words, they made a spacesuit for birds.
By immediately giving the canary access to clean air, the miners can save it from the poison. The bird lives. To be clear, this is not for economic purposes, this was specifically created because the miners felt bad and wanted to save the bird.
Isn’t that just the perfect demonstration of what humans are like? We started sacrificing small creatures to save ourselves, and then felt bad and spent our valuable resources on saving the critters too. Because yeah the canary was the only way to test for CO, but it’s a living creature too, dammit!
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neldam-g · 2 years
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neldam-g · 2 years
I love you difficulty settings. I love you visible HP bars. I love you full-opacity UI. I love you magnified text. I love you colorblindness settings. I love you quest logs. I love you clear quest instructions. I love you quest and location markers. I love you game maps with roads. I love you dialogue subtitles. I love you sound effect subtitles. I love you music subtitles. I love you video game accessibility.
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neldam-g · 2 years
agreed but it's actually sad that the only "real" source christians have now is the bible, because in the early times of Christianity there were so many different forms of the religion and so many different stories that were lost or destroyed. I remember reading once a news article about archeologist findings old writings from that time that were thought lost.... if i find that source again i will add it.
Claiming that the Christian god is murderous, vengeful, hateful, and supportive of his followers' bigotry is the exact same idea as calling the Hellenic gods rapists, cheaters, and misogynists.
Being a Pagan/non-Christian doesn't give you a free pass to be an asshole toward other people and their religions/deities. You don't get to demand everyone's respect for your faith while you so blatantly disrespect others'.
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