neocultvred-blog · 6 years
christian looked at him, he was hot. he couldn’t believe he was standing here in front of him like this. he watched him all the time, and maybe it was bold to just go up and say it out like this. he wasn’t shy to admit he’s watched him before. he smirked a bit when he blushed, that was so cute. “sorry,” he said “wasn’t my intention, i swear,” he said. “you can ask me anything you like then, if you want, i’d love to spend more time with you.”
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“No, no, I know,” Jamie said, shaking his head with a little smile. But he also couldn’t believe his luck. The man standing in front of him was absolutely gorgeous and if he was interested in him? Hopefully that meant good things for them both. “Let’s start with your name,” he hummed with a little smile, suddenly feeling confident again. “I like to know what people like to be called.” And maybe the latter sentence was more of flirtatious suggestion rather than a question of his name, but that was neither here nor there.
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neocultvred-blog · 6 years
she was going on about the car, nervous. that worked for him. he was glad she didn’t think he was actually breaking into it. he gave her a smile, she was beautiful as well, that was always a plus. he moved closer to her “that’s okay,” he said “you don’t have to, i know all about those cars,” he said. “maybe you can give me a ride in it?” he asked.
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“I don’t even know you,” Marie said cautiously. Her instincts told her to run away from this man, but an almost louder part of her told her that she didn’t want to stop spending time with this handsome stranger.
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neocultvred-blog · 6 years
Keep reading
Calder gave Eli a little smile and pecked his lips. “Gimme a second, I’ll be right back,” he said softly. He pulled out of him slowly with a groan and slipped the condom off, tying it and tossing it into a nearby garbage before returning to bed with Eli. “Can I take you out on like, an actual date soon?”
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neocultvred-blog · 6 years
“They were my cats the second we got them, don’t even argue,” Vinnie grinned, “You should.”
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“I can’t but I want to because I love them,” she pouted gently. “I think I will. Do you wanna come with? For moral support?”
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neocultvred-blog · 6 years
“this? this is your car?” he said smirking a bit. “i was just admiring it,” he said to her. “it’s very nice,” he said. “such a good model, you must be good at picking out cars. you a fan?” he asked. of course he had to lie, though if this was her car she was good at picking them out.
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“My dad helped me pick it,” she admitted sheepishly as she walked closer to him and the vehicle. “I don’t know anything about cars, but he said it was good and it needs to last me...so...” she shrugged. He was handsome, and that made her self-conscious. “I..uh...I couldn’t tell you anything about it.” Great. Now she looked like an idiot in front of him.
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neocultvred-blog · 6 years
alex&&marie @neocultvred
alex was at the car, it was the perfect one too. he did this for a living, stealing cars. he was a pro, and he answered to someone. this was the car they had been looking for and if he got it? he’d get a good amount of cash. he stuck the small metal piece into the window, not realizing anyone was walking up at first. then he heard the small tap of footsteps and he quickly pulled it out. unlocking it in the process. he turned and gave them a small smile, hoping they’d pass. 
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Marie was heading back from pops, having gotten a little bit of writing done while sitting in one of the booths, when she saw a strange man near her car. She stopped in her tracks, suddenly nervous as she looked over to him. “Excuse me,” she called out. “That’s my car.”
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neocultvred-blog · 6 years
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‘ he’s def a steak and beer man. ’ she laughed.
“Then go for it,” she chuckled. “Ugh, look at you, all grown up and living with your significant other.”
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neocultvred-blog · 6 years
that’s alright. everyone’s different.” jaspar shrugged his shoulders. “i just like what i like, you know?” he glanced at her, “Which arm?”
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“My left arm,” she said. “Okay this is gonna be cool, I’m excited now,” she chimed.
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neocultvred-blog · 6 years
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‘ should i buy manly foods? like steak and beer? ’
“Focus more on asking him what he likes to eat and drink, not this weird idea of what men like to eat and drink. If he wants steak and beer, cool. If he wants tofu and green tea, that’s cool too.”
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neocultvred-blog · 6 years
“that’s right. i think a lot of people care too much about the meaning and what other people think.”
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“I’m a little guilty of that,” she admitted. “But I admire the people who don’t.”
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neocultvred-blog · 6 years
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‘ all good to know — maybe i can get him like a wardrobe? ’ she asked.
“That’d be handy,” Ingrid nodded. “Just little things to show that it’s his space as much as it is yours, not that he’s an addition to your space. Does that make any sense?”
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neocultvred-blog · 6 years
“i just don’t think that everyone has to have a meaning behind it. i think if you like it then go for it.” he encouraged.
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“I think that’s awesome,” she smiled. “Art for arts sake, you know? That’s an ancient idea.”
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neocultvred-blog · 6 years
“Because it was my idea to foster them!” Vinnie laughed, “And because I’m the baby.”
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“Ugh, it’s still rude,” she pouted. “I should go to the shelter this weekend...”
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neocultvred-blog · 6 years
jaspar chuckled softly, “does it make it cooler? some people think it’s stupid.”
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“I think it’s brave,” she smiled. “It’s a ‘who gives a fuck’ attitude I can’t even imagine.”
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neocultvred-blog · 6 years
* INGRID & ROSIE — - @neocultvred
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‘ my boy, xavier is moving in with me. ’ she said to her best friend excitedly. ‘ like, i’m nervous. you’re more experienced than me, what should i get in for boys? my bed sheets are pink — should i get new ones? ’ 
“Oh Rosie, that’s wonderful!” Ingrid gushed to her friend. “I’d talk to him. Some boys don’t mind pink, but if it bothers him, a soft gray is a good neutral option and you can always accent with pink. Make sure there’s room on the bathroom counter for his things too.”
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neocultvred-blog · 6 years
travis: see you soon!
harrison: hey im here, you can come out dude
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neocultvred-blog · 6 years
she nodded, “i always worried that my other siblings would hate me for taking dad away, but i’ve been hanging out with emmi since i got back, and at the very least, she doesn’t seem to.”
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“I’m glad you have someone in your corner,” he nodded with a smile. “How is she? I don’t think I’ve seen her in a while.”
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